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A wave of relief washed over Sean. "Meet me down there around 7 tonight?" he asked. It was still only a little after three, judging from the position of the sun. Plenty of time to get to town and back before he needed to get to cooking, provided Jack and the new guy got back before dark. "Have Ellen alert me when Jack and the new boy get back, yeah? Been meaning to get back into town, but I'm not going if we've already a group out there." he asked as he walked away, heading back to the command center.

Evie wasn't in the top part when he got there, nor was she in the bottom. It disturbed him a little, but she was probably alright. He dismissed it and went back to taking inventory of their food stores, noting also what he could make that evening.
Jack Rollinson


Entering the store, the duo were assaulted by the foul stench of death and rot. It wasn't an uncommon smell but it never failed to shock one's senses. Pushing further inside, Jack's eyes scanned over the display cases, his entire attention seemingly diverted away from the major threats for a time. "Come on..." he muttered to himself as he searched, "There's got to be something that seems right for her." While there was no shortage of choices, surprisingly enough, there didn't seem to be anything that was right for the girl he aimed to impress. A shambling shadow cast across the window all of a sudden, its feet dragging along the ground wearily. "Shit," he cursed before looking to Emil. "Infected." What he inevitably saw was something entirely different, however. As the owner of the shadow shuffled into view, Jack's brow raised in shock and words escaped him for time. "Evie?" he finally spoke, looking to Emil with a worried and perplexed frown. "Cover me." Rushing out of the store, he ran over to the seemingly despondent girl. "Evie... what are you doing out here... come on you need..." He snatched her arm to pull her inside the store but was swiftly cut-off and knocked back as the young redhead delivered a cross straight to his face, busting his nose. Her eyes were glazed over, eyelids sore and sodden with tears.

Evie Appleby


"Ouch..." Jack groaned. She expected him to be angry and retaliate but instead he just gave her a confused yet desperately worried look. "Evie, what's going on?" he asked, stepping closer to her. Tensing up, she stepped in the opposite direction.

"Stay away from me!" she shrieked, still distraught and wrought with fear. "I need to find her! She's out there somewhere!"

"Who is?" Jack asked, edging closer to her once more. Evie looked at him severely from underneath her disheveled fringe. Her illness was plain to see as she sniffled and wheezed. However, that wasn't the thing that seemed the worst about her. It was the utter delusion. She knew what she was after but it was something that many knew she would never find.

"My mother," she responded severely. "Mother, where are you!?" she screamed out again, her voice breaking and giving way to the strain. Jumping towards her, his finger over his mouth as he hushed, Jack tried to pull her inside once more, a grapple Evie managed to worm her way out of before she maneuvered away from him once more.

"Evie, you need to be quiet. Come on, come inside," he tried to reason. She shook her head as tears began to flow from her eyes again.

"I'm not going with you," she sobbed. "She's out here somewhere... she's all I've got left." Movement could be heard from the alleyways and the surrounding streets, the sound of rattling cans and banging metal. Before long, the signature chorus of wheezing groans of an infected pack could be heard. Jack eyed Evie severely, completely at a loss before looking back to Emil, hoping the man would have an out.

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Emil covered his nose and mouth with his right arm as the rotten stench engulfed him.
"Ugh... It's impossible to get used to that smell." Emil kept his revolver gripped tight, staying alert as Jack examined the jewellery. He smiled, remembering all the trouble he went to for his girlfriend all that time ago. His smile faded as he stared at the wall, daydreaming, remembering her.
"Shit." The sound of Jack's voice snapped Emil back to reality. He spun around to face him. "Infected." Emil readied his revolver, taking in and releasing a deep breath. Emil was confused when Jack asked for cover.
"Jack, wait! You can't go out there!" Emil dashed to grab Jack before he noticed that it wasn't an infected, but instead the red-haired girl from earlier. The one that had been talking to Claire. Emil raised his revolver, with the fear that she might be infected. He watched Evie hit Jack and he tightened his grip on the trigger. He couldn't bring himself to fire. He was relieved when Jack and Evie started talking. He assumed she was infected, but thankfully for both him and Jack, she was not.

Emil waited for the couple to finish talking before holstering his gun when Jack turned to look at him. He dashed out onto the street to meet with the other two. "Come on, it's not safe out here for much longer. We can all have a nice conversation later, but for now, let's go." Emil took a few steps back towards the store, expecting the duo to follow him.
Jack Rollinson and Evie Appleby
Evie's eyes shot to Emil as he spoke. Her eyelids were puffy from the tears and her iris's glistened from the moisture. "You don't get it, do you?" she spat, clearly set on her rhetoric. "I'm not going with you." Jack looked at Emil once more with a worried frown before turning back to Evie.

"Evie, you have no choice. You have no supplies, no weapons and there's a fucking pack of infected wandering here right now," he began to explain severely. He was unsure on how much concept of reality she actually had. Judging by the things she was saying, it was clear she was in the throes of some sort of illness/PTSD hysteria, after all, he'd seen it plenty of times in his years in the military. Unfortunately, the circumstances didn't allow for prolonged therapy. "By god, woman, if you make me stand here and fight every single last one of them in your defence, I will, but you're coming home with me or we both die here." She seemed to mull the concept and proposal over, her eyes darting from side to side. She was breaking out into a cold sweat again, the signs of the anti-biotics wearing off clear as day. They needed to get her back to camp. They needed to do it now. Taking his chance, Jack made one more go for her. Snatching her arm while she was distracted, he managed to pull her towards the building, a suppressed scream escaping her lips. "Shut the door behind us, Emil!" Jack commanded, almost throwing Evie into the store.

"No... no, no, no, no, no, NO!" she shrieked, darting forward to try and wrestle past the two men. Jack stopped her, subduing her and compressing his hand tightly over her mouth to stop her making noise. The infected were right outside, he could hear them. They could only hope that they couldn't hear or smell them. Suddenly, Jack felt Evie's body stop resisting, it was like she was unconscious but her eyes were still open. His hand was now damp with the tears that rolled from her eyes and she struggled no more. She was awake, she was alive, but it was like she was existing in her own mind. Softly, she spoke, "I remember."

Birkenhead, Liverpool, April 2017
"It's clear, get up here," Cpl.Doyle ordered, signalling Evie to move forward with his hand. Shuffling through the building, she rested her back against the plasterboard wall to the right of him and took a moment to breathe. The two had moved into a building for cover; the street's were worryingly open and quiet so taking a moment to analyse the situation seemed logical. "Here, take this." From the pocket of his plate-carrier, he pulled out a chocolate bar, gesturing for her to take it. Dairy milk whole nut - her favourite.

"Sorry, I'm really not feeling like eating right now," she responded, waving her hand dismissively. It was the only reason she could give and it wasn't a lie. She knew she could do with eating, however her mind and body were unsteady with fear. Chocolate was the last thing on her mind. He shrugged slightly, returning the chocolate to its original resting place before diverting his attention back out onto the street beyond the window.

"Lancer 2-4 this is Cpl.Jack Doyle, 1YORKS, broadcasting on frequency 31.1, does anybody copy, over?" he spoke into his radio. The only response was the continued droning of static white noise. He sent the message multiple times to no avail, an ample opportunity for Evie to think things over. Where would her mother have hid? The park was just across the other side of the main road. The last Evie knew, her mother had gone there to visit a friend living in the refugee camp. In the chaos, she would have sought cover, surely. The visitor centre...

"Hey, Jack," Evie mumbled, tapping him on the arm to draw his attention away from the radio. "I have an idea where to look..."

The two moved through the park, witnessing the utter devastation. Tents were broken and collapsed, people's personal belongings strewn about everywhere, littering the blood-soaked floor. The worrying thing was the lack of bodies, however. The visitor's centre sat ominous in the encroaching dark, the glass exterior almost daring them to get closer to investigate. Both Doyle and Evie gave each other a look of dread, knowing that they would have to venture inside. It seemed too obvious a refuge - ample space to hide from the infected. Consequently, Doyle's squad might also have headed there to look for survivors. The duo approached the entrance, Jack activating his flashlight so that they could see inside. Similar to the rest of the camp, the place was a mess. Blood, gore... no bodies. Pressing open the glass door, the foul stench of death escaped and assaulted their senses. It was too much. Turning, Evie hunched over before vomiting, her whole body convulsing with every hurl.

"You okay?" Doyle asked, concernedly. Raising her index finger, she took a moment to recompose herself. She knew she needed to be strong. "I can go in alone if..."

"No, it's fine. Lead the way," she interrupted, a determined look on her face. Nodding in compliance, he pressed inside, Evie close behind.

The building wasn't large, but the darkness made the search quite difficult. Every noise sent shivers of fear down Evie's spine as she knew full well what could be lurking in the darkness. The duo's footsteps echoed throughout the now-barren halls as they pushed through. Barren probably wasn't the word. Fruitless, perhaps. Fruitless, that is, until they stumbled across a blood trail and scattered ammo casings leading to a side room, an office of some kind. Raising a clenched fist, Doyle held fast, Evie following suit. "There," he pointed. His tone was steady but his shaking body was evidence to his fear. "Those ammo casings are 5.56, NATO standard." Evie knew what that meant immediately. Soldiers were here. "On my three, we breach that room. I'll clear the left, you clear the right," he ordered in a hushed tone. "1...2...3..." Storming into the room, Evie raised the handgun and cleared her sector. The maneuver was textbook, for a civilian. It was almost a shame that the gruesome discovery overshadowed it. Three bodies, British soldiers, lay half eaten in the room. The fourth body however, was behind the desk, only the boots visible. The sounds of tearing flesh, low growling, gargling and devouring could be heard as what the two could see of the body convulsed and jolted. "No!" Jack shouted aloud, distraught. They were clearly the men he was looking for. "Get off of him! Show yourself!" The sounds ceased, only being proceeded by shuffling and banging as the infected assailant rose to their feet. The culprit was revealed to be a woman, the veins in her throat bulging and skin mottled. Blood stained her clothes and her lower face was covered in gore. By all accounts, it seemed she had been infected by the water supply like so many in the city had. Evie's words choked in her throat as tears swelled in her eyes, the fear and terror bottling up inside her. While she recognised the horror of the 'creature', what she recognised more were the faded blue eyes, the prominent cheekbones, the tied back auburn hair and thin eyebrows.

"Mother..." she gasped. The creature lunged at the two and a single gunshot rang aloud.​

"I killed her," she sobbed, burying her face into Jack's chest as she tried to suppress her crying for fear of the infected hearing her. "I killed my mother..."

A small awkward smile covered her face from ear to ear. She was happy but felt a deep pain in her stomach. Something felt 'off'. She was probably the happiest person in the camp but she couldn't put together why she felt the need to vomit. It took a few minutes of walking before she came to a conclusion. Oh.. The thought of him crossed her mind briefly. I need to... Lay down.. She slowly walked across the camp to her cot.

Madeleine laid down, staring only at the ceiling of the tent, and tried to take a nap. Under normal circumstances she would just sit there unable to close her eyes but, for the first time in a few days she fell right to sleep.

"Mom, Dad, come on. We have to hurry up if we want to get a spot." The eighteen year old ordered as she tugged her family along.
"Yes yes we know. The government will protect us don't worry." A taller woman around the age of forty reassured them.
"Besides your brother is only six years old. How do you expect him to keep up?" A muscular man also around the age of forty spoke while holding the child's hand.
"Carry him." The eighteen year old deadpanned. "And I'm not worried."
"I can walk myself." The small child spoke up while holding his father's hand.
The sound of gunshots and screaming rang through their ears as the soldiers kept them marching along. As they crossed over a small hill the base was in sight but what they saw was not safety. People scattered about as the dead came to feast. The soldiers were barking orders but the noise was blurred out by the gunfire and screams. People who believed they were safe were now dead but those who survived formed a crowd that ran right for them.
"Maddie." The crowd came closer and closer. "Maddie." The dead came from all angles to close in the rest. "Madeleine!" She snapped out of her daze and turned to her father.
"We have to go." But it was too late as the crowd of people and infected swarmed them, pushing her through the people. "No! Mom! Dad!" She tried to push her way through but there was just too much commotion. "Luca!!"

She forced herself to wake up, not wanting to relive the past. Why can't I ever have one moment of peace? Maddie sunk her face into her pillow trying to stop herself from thinking about it. Happy thoughts right? She picked up the photo of her family that she kept with her from since this whole thing started. She never shows it to anyone but always keeps it close to her. One day I'll find you guys.. Just not today..
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