Warhammer 40k: The Sisk Incident IC

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The lips of flesh moved far too much for the tech priests liking. Even when their words were directed at them as if they were a soldier eager to dive headlong into death or glory.

All they really wished for was to be back aboard a ship, surrounded by the silent void, and to be fixing something or just listening to the voices of the machine spirits sing like a chorus as they worked in mathematical harmony.

One declares smoke. Another fire. The armored sororitas offers herself to the goal.

Red mechanical eyes of their mask appraised the questions of the group. Tension was thick like old oil in the air. It made the adept uneasy in their still biological parts. They were neither a tactician or soldier.

"I have minimal knowledge on many of these subjects. Apologies that the Omnissiah has not gifted me with such things." Being humbled didn't translate through a speaker well.
"The smoke grenade serves a dual purpose. If their bunker is full of smoke, they can't see us approaching, so they can't shoot us; suicide charges are very low on my list of priorities. Second, the smoke may drive a few out of the bunker; with luck, all five of them, if our friend can be trusted." He gave a gentle tug on the leash.

"So," he handed the smoke to Sister Praetia, "you will jump across the field to behind the bunker, drop the smoke in the vent shaft then cover the entrance from on top, and fast, since they'll definitely hear your jump-pack. The rest of us will follow up double time and storm the bunker. I doubt the Severans are equipped with gas equipment, so we should have the advantage once inside, numerically if any come outside to mess with Praetia." ...He hoped.

There was a lot Ray hoped for, but there usually wasn't much chance of it happening. So far things had turned out rather well, except for the crash landing, of course. Rayvius could only hope his ragtag group could hold together long enough to get him off of this damned island. "Vagar goes first," As a meatshield, "followed by Adrian and Zero, their respective chainsword and augmentics will be useful in CQB. Lucian and I will follow close behind. Sound good? Okay." He decided to give a few extra words. "I know this won't be easy, but if we get through this, we all get to get off this hellhole island and back to friendly forces. We know the game, we know what we're up against, and we've stacked the deck all we can. Let's get this done."
"The smoke grenade serves a dual purpose. If their bunker is full of smoke, they can't see us approaching, so they can't shoot us; suicide charges are very low on my list of priorities. Second, the smoke may drive a few out of the bunker; with luck, all five of them, if our friend can be trusted." He gave a gentle tug on the leash.

"So," he handed the smoke to Sister Praetia, "you will jump across the field to behind the bunker, drop the smoke in the vent shaft then cover the entrance from on top, and fast, since they'll definitely hear your jump-pack. The rest of us will follow up double time and storm the bunker. I doubt the Severans are equipped with gas equipment, so we should have the advantage once inside, numerically if any come outside to mess with Praetia." ...He hoped.

There was a lot Ray hoped for, but there usually wasn't much chance of it happening. So far things had turned out rather well, except for the crash landing, of course. Rayvius could only hope his ragtag group could hold together long enough to get him off of this damned island. "Vagar goes first," As a meatshield, "followed by Adrian and Zero, their respective chainsword and augmentics will be useful in CQB. Lucian and I will follow close behind. Sound good? Okay." He decided to give a few extra words. "I know this won't be easy, but if we get through this, we all get to get off this hellhole island and back to friendly forces. We know the game, we know what we're up against, and we've stacked the deck all we can. Let's get this done."
While Adrian still was suspicious of Ray's motivations he had yet to lead them astray in either combat or dealing with the situation as a whole. He holstered his bolt pistol but not before changing the magazine and grabbed his chainsword and one of his knifes making sure they were both ready to rip and sever the flesh of their enemies. "Ready when ever you are." He said to Ray. He looked up for a moment and threw his knife to Lucius who caught it, he had not seen the pilot produce any CQC weapons so he thought it better to loan the man one.
Lucius turned the blade over a few times in his hand, getting a feel for it before he drew his pistol, checking the triple stacked magazine before he sighed. "I hate gas..." He groaned before he rolled his shoulders, almost seeming to stretch in preparation. His eyes darted to the priest before he looked to his dendrites. Not fit for combat, not in the least. They'd no doubt only serve to get clogged and slow him down. Shaking his head he moved to the captured man, tearing off his shirt and dumping his canteen over it before wrapping it around his mouth and nose. "I'll take point with the commissar, a sentinel always paves the way."
The tech priest was silently frustrated with the plans they had no real part in. If anything they were silently grateful for the sentinel pilot for his volunteering and ingenuity to take point. Possibly saving the adept's life.


Their mechadendrites slid about idly, looking around as if each were the head of an individual snake, connected to the adepts spine and back. Each one was capable of inflicting deadly wounds, either through lacerations or simply brute forcing a strike to an open skull. But they were fragile, if damaged the Omnissiah wouldn't likely grant them the tech to repair them upon this planet.

So still the tech priest with their red robes and mechanical eyes waited in silence. The soft hiss of escaping vapor billowed from their hood. An ominous sound.
Ray noted the change the group had made to his plan, swapping Zero for Lucian as front-liners. He was okay with that; he usually let his team make whatever modifications to the plan they wanted, since they knew their own strengths and weaknesses better than he. He nodded to Sister Praetia. "Whenever you're ready." She returned the nod and strode out of the woods before triggering her jump pack, covering the field between the woods and the bunker in seconds. Ray and the others began running across the field. Two men burst out of the bunker's door, and participated in a brief exchange of fire with the Seraphim before dying messily. They all regrouped at the bunker entrance. "Anyone who needs it, take a lasgun. There should be three, but there may be more. Let's do this! For the Emperor!"
Adrian grabbed a lasgun and pulled the weapon onto his back as it was better to save his bolt pistol rounds if he could, his chainsword revved to life in the confines of the bunker, a dull roar emanating as it revved. As the sound emanated form the weapon time seemed to slow for the occupants of the bunker, xeno and heretic alike knew this sound, knew this weapon as one that promised death and pain and while the imperium of man had more powerful close combat weapons such as the power ax, power sword and thunder hammer their really wasn't anything more terrifying than the sound of a chainsword's loving embrace of flesh.

He took his position at the front just as any commissar worth his rank should and met the first target, the man was obviously undisciplined as he ran at Adrian full tilt but this just made Adrian's job easier as he let the man run his torso into the waiting chainsword, the man looked shocked for a moment but only just as Adrian cycled the chainsword ripping into the man's torso tearing muscle and intestine alike spraying blood and bile across both Adrian and the floor.

As this man tumbled to the floor Adrian was already on his way to the next target, a man raised a lasgun to fire at him but in such confined quarters it was simple for Adrian to smack the barrel of the rifle away and down so the shot missed, the man attempted to punch at the commissar but over extended himself resulting in his arm and chainsword meeting ending with the chainsword as the victor. Adrian plunged the sword into the man at the mid torso ans pulled down cutting him in twain from solar plexus to crotch.

Adrian looked for new targets while also checking on his fellows. They were all handling themselves well but Adrian had little time to think on the situation as another man tackled him to the ground flinging his chainsword away while also pinning him while trying to drive a knife through the eye lens of his gas mask, the man was strong plus his leverage over Adrian at the moment made this a rather difficult moment but as the knife descended Adrian was able to push it down and to the left causing it to stab his shoulder and wound him rather than his eye killing him. Several shots came in and impacted the man on top of Adrian allowing him to reverse the positions and take the knife out of his shoulder and stab the now grounded man in the neck several times killing him. Adrian swiftly stood with chainsword at the ready in case of another attack.
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