War Games: Gladiators of the 21st century

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Via smirked a little to herself for a moment. An ambush mission, and a quick fast and hard hitting strategy was needed to be out into action: exactly what she specialised at. All that was needed was the right spot for her to lay in her camouflage and wait for the truck, and some well placed shots to take out the armed forces. Although she needed additional details; a plan wasn't fully forming in Via's head just yet.
"And also, Commander, how well armed are the humvee convoy? Do they high-end military gear, or is that unknown, Commander." Via asks behind her layer of camouflage, breathing steadily as she took in detail by detail.
Samson: "You are correct lieutenant. Only thing worse than not having him is letting the enemy keep him. If it comes down to it, kill him. Be warned the mission will still be rated as a failure. Each vehicle is expected to have at least four armed personnel with armaments from small arms, to hand held rockets.
Via nods, slouching back in her seat a little as that was all she had to ask, and all she had to know. Those with the handheld rockets were to be taken out first in her mind, then laying down a smoke bomb to reposition herself with the camouflage would leave those confused, and they would probably all group around the HVT in panic of protecting him. Then all it would take was a stun or concussion grenade, followed by some selective shooting, then the HVT would be ready for capture.

But that was only if things went Via's way, and, from personal experience, things near to never went her way.
Pike simply shrugged, "A partial victory is better than a full defeat." The gears in his head were already turning as a plan formed. The Captain's rifle would be able to penetrate most armor that could be placed on a humvee, allowing them to disable the lead and back vehicles by killing the drivers or damaging the engines. While scouting ahead, Pike could set explosives along the road to deal with enemy troops. Informing Via and Samuel of the explosives' positions would allow all three of them to safely and quickly slip into the trapped formation. Identification would be made moving down the vehicles while eliminating any unneeded resistance.

Now we simply need an escape route and it'll be perfect. Pulling a notebook down, Pike wrote down the outline for the plan before tearing out the paper and moving over to Jason. Handing him the paper, Nathaniel sat down next to the Captain, "Easy enough if we execute it properly."
Samson: The commander cleared his throat. "If there isn't ant more questions I'll leave you to formulate a plan. You have one hour," he pronounced.

"I think we already got a couple," Jason replied, reading the plan Pike had just handed him.
"Sergeant I noticed you were in thought. Mind sharing?"
Jason looked over the two. Nit picking at the details and all the contingencies each had. "Excellent," he pronounced, standing up still half in the desk as a light bulb turned on in his head. "Bloody brilliant!" he called out as he stumbled over to the projector. "This is why we were put together," he said out loud, pausing for a brief moment like a statue before continuing. "Two plans in under two minutes," he exclaimed, placing both on the screen. First, courtesy of the good lieutenant here involves using my armor piercing rounds to disable the two decoys and blowing up the third. While very elegant and efficient, it does render the HVT dead. But still brilliant. Second from the prettiest girl in the room, our very own Sergeant Tyhaun. This involves using plastic explosives, smoke, and concussion grenades to turn the convoy into a kill box, methodically picking off the enemy personnel one by one till only the target remains. Very well done, simple, easy to remember. But it takes too long and if reinforcements arrive we're all dead. But if we combine them.." he muttered, trailing off as he pushed the two pieces together.
(Sorry. Jumped the gun on that one. Still need her plan, sorry)
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"Sir, you misread my plan. I said set the explosives around the vehicles to keep them trapped, not destroy the vehicle and kill the target," Pike corrected. He wouldn't kill the target unless needed.
You should learn to draw better he thought. You should learn to read better his own brain countered. "My apologies (my apologies) but listen. I'll set up shop a quarter mile away. That'll give me good vantage of both the convoy and the ambush sight. I'll look in through the back windows and identify which one the HVT is in. Shooting the drivers of the other two. The man being the wheel transporting the general will panic and speed off down the route. Pike we'll use your skills to blow the undercarriage of the vehicle tipping it over. From there we fall to Tyhaun's plan. The three of you will surround the vehicle and turn it into a kill box, taking out all enemy units while I keep anyone who survived the humvee crashes busy. You grab the target, retreat to the extraction and pick me up on the way out."
Pike ran over the plan in his head. It was good enough for what they needed though there was one problem he could spot, "Sir, based on your plan, I would need to set the explosives well in advance to ensure the enemy drove over them. However, unless we block certain roads off, the enemy could choose a different path to escape. Even if I set explosives on every possible route, our team would be too spread out to be work together."
Jason nodded searching around the room as if the answer would appear out of thin air. The funny thing was it did. A few pictures of the route were still up on the big screen. "You," he called to the soldier behind the computer. Go back about twelve slides. It was an L shaped turn." The soldier reacted quickly, doing so. "There. It's a valley. Buildings compact close together with no alleyways big enough to drive through. It's perfect. I can hit them right before they make the turn. You can set up your ambush there," he finished pointing to the stretch of road right after the turn.
"All I would have to do is make sure backing up is not an option. A few well-placed charges and one of the building could be damaged enough to send debris into the road. Like rats, they'll scurry for the only exit... Almost cruel of us to leave a fake spot of hope for them. Almost," Pike muttered the last part to himself as he stood up. Making his way for the exit, he turned back to Jason, "I'll begin collecting the supplies I need, Captain."
"Looks like we've got a plan. Now I'm assuming my part in this is just to work with Sergeant Tyhaun in eliminating anyone standing between us and the HVT?"
"You'd be correct in that assumption, private," Jason muttered as he went over the details in his head. "Commander Samson," he called, looking up. "When is the target leaving the base?"

Samson: The commander had been stationed at this base for two years, which was long by War Games standards, and had given countless numbers of briefings in that time. And this new task force had put a plan together, and revised it to everyone's satisfaction faster than most took to pick up their coffee. "Uh.." he droned, breaking out of his trance. "It's set to leave at 1000 hours."

Jason bit his lip. That was cutting it close. The acquisition of that much explosives, even on a high priority mission would take a little time, and he doubted the helicopters would make a beeline for the LZ unless absolutely necessary. "We don't have much time to prep and we have to set up explosives at two sites once we get to the ambush zone. Lieutenant Pike, I want you to rig up the ones in the back to box the target in, Private Samuel and Sergeant Tyhaun will handle the actual ambush itself."
Via took in the information, and as she's described as 'the prettiest girl in the room' as her plan is described, she twitches a little, her slightly red face thankfully hidden behind her camo paint. That would be an embarassment for her otherwise, and that was why she loved the camouflage paint. It almost... blocked out her emotions, and let her be a completely different person.

Willing to get prepared and such, Via stands up and slowly clicks her neck before turning to face the door of the tent.
"Then it's decided. With permission, I'll get together the equipment and make preparations for the ambush. Private, as long as you can shoot straight and can apply a suitable enough camouflage to blend in with the environment, you will not need my direction in the heat of battle." Via says, having taken in enough information to know what she needed to do.
"Permission granted. Everyone get what you need and be at the tent no later than.. "he looked up at the clock. It was 7:13 then. He'd need to give enough time prep time so they wouldn't rush and make mistakes, yet allow enough to deploy, and set up the ambush before 1000 hours. "Ten till 0800. We'll be leaving on the chopper then."
"Understood, Captain. Sergeant, I will handle acquiring the needed explosives for my side of the mission," Pike commented before leaving the tent. His mind began running over the needed amount of explosives, accounting for various variables that would alter the fall of the building. Two M112 demolition charge will certainly be enough to destabilize the one of the buildings if I place them on the main support beams. I'll have to adjust to cause the debris to crash into the street, but that only requires a few simple changes.

Heading to the Quartermaster's tent, Pike obtained the needed explosives for coming battle. Deciding he may need extra firepower, the lieutenant also requested a trio set of M67 fragmentation grenades along with a Walther P99 handgun. Paperwork was filled out and he received the items, hiding away the grenades, explosives the four spare fifteen round magazines for his new weapon inside his oversized jacket. Better to have unneeded protection than to be found wanting.

Checking his watch, Nathan found it to be close to 7:35 P.M. Knowing he had the time, he began to stroll back to the tent at a leisurely pace.
Via wasted no time in her approach, rushing out of her tent as soon as the permission was given as her face was stern and focused behind the layer of camouflage paint. She needed to become completely invisible against the desert area for this; even if there was a brief compromise in her camo she would be spotted. Via hurriedly got back to work in the Quartermaster's tent, slathering every part of her body, every patch of her clothes and every strand of hair in the camouflage until she was satisfied enough she wouldn't be spotted. Taking a good long look in the mirror at herself once she was finished, a dusty-beige figure peeked back, and Via was only able to recognise her own eyes in the reflection. She checked the watch around her wrist. 7:39pm. Still enough time to get everything else she needed.

Via dashed back to where she had lain her F2000, propping it against the side of the wall as she searched around inside her backpack for the attachments she'd need. An infrared scope would certainly be good for distinguishing targets in the dark, so Via fixed it on to the F2000, knowing it was already appropriately adjusted. Reaching into the side pocket of her pack, she pulls out a thick surpressor, screwing it on firmly to the end of the barrel. That would be enough for now, and Via was sure to head back to the Quartermaster's tent to apply the camouflage to the F2000 as well. She was surprised there was still any of the mixture left, but it didn't really matter how much she used so long as it helped to get the job done. 7:43 pm. Via ignored the odd looks she recieved as she finally walked ready, and four magazines worth of ammunition attached in pouches at her shoulder strap.

Via closed her eyes, taking in a breath of the cool an dusty air for a moment, before looking at her dust-coloured arms. She felt comfortable. And ready.
After the briefing, Samuel found his way back to his bed to retrieve his M4 and bag. He then walked to the Quartermaster's tent to pick up some much-needed ammunition and to prepare his camouflage for the mission. He looked at his watch, which read 0746. Realizing that he had no time to spare, he sprinted back to the tent, face painted, rifle ready, and bag packed. First mission of the season, he thought as he ran. Better make this one count.