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The Ball Python Queen
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
  4. One post per day
  5. Multiple posts per week
  6. 1-3 posts per week
  7. One post per week
  8. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Depending on my schedule I am on at various times during the week. Usually most reliable after 5, though sometimes I nap. Weekends are a free for all schedule wise.
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Female
Fantasy, Romance, Modern, Modern Fantasy, Possibly Sci Fi
Vishen Hall

place nestled in the small town of Farfeild, Vishen Hall is home to
magical creatures and humans alike. It's a place known for it's excellence in keeping those
inside protected, along with integrating them into society.

The house isn't really run by anyone, though a mistress stops in every once and a while.
The older members are the ones that keep it afloat. The place is advertised to the local high school and
university as a housing spot for very special applicants.

So far, only a few people live inside the massive house, but the place is always ready for new people
of all ages

1. All types of people are allowed! Just no Mary Sues
2. I am the Gm all my rules apply, but I'm generally really nice so theirs no need to worry.
3. So far this story has an open plot line. It will be mostly based around the relationships
that form because of the house. There will be future events once things
get rolling
4.Posting expectations are flexible. It doesn't have to be a marathon, but it can be. It also doesn't
have to be a full fleshed out paragraph if you can't think of anything. Just no one liners.
5.Post at the least twice a week in any ooc or ic. Preferably more in Ic. Please warn me if
you have plans, I will as well.
6. Totally open for a Co Gm if anyone is up to taking up things while I am away.
7.Try and Keep the Gender Ratios Even
8.Have Fun!

Vishen Hall Rules
1. All rules are to be followed with a three strike policy
2.No smoking inside the building
3. Sale of drugs or possession of drugs on property is prohibited
4. All intoxication over legal limit or intoxication plans should be supervised by a
sober housemate. You are never allowed to drink alone
5. The head of house will provide evacuations plans in case of emergency
6. Please avoid using powers inside the house, all damages will be paid for by the person
who inflicted said damages
7. Anti Race or Orientation speech or acts shall end in severe punishment from the head of house.
It's worth two strikes.
8.All Humans must share a room with someone of another race
9.All meals will be prepared by the tenants only. They are responsible for their own
10. The downstairs tv is communal and time shall be split up as necessary.
11. Going to classes is required and doing such shall be ensured by the head of house.

Hall Rooms
Living Room




Cave Pool






Dining Room


Room List

Name-Name|Room Number|Picture Link​

Housemate List
Name|Age|Race|Room Number
Levi Coen Sheen | 16 | Werewolf | 2
Madeleine Yule Esmeralda | 21 | Witch | 6
Millie Reed | 17 | Nymph | TBD
Winston Carter | 16 | Familiar | TBD
Lucen Rían Odhrán | 20 | Moor Sidhe | 4
Ren Alaric Pentlocke | 27 | Human- medium/psychic | 7
Bigby "Biggs" Robberson | 21 | Druid | 9
Cassius|24|Demon|Room 8
Jianyi Yang | 50 (equivalent early 20's)| Luong (Chinese Dragon)| TBD

CHARACTER INDEX - Vishen Hall- A Home for Misfits-CS Dump
Check Page 6 but I'll add it to the sticky post now
@MisterGrumpyLoli @IceQueen I hate to be that person but I really have an issue with Lilith's personality. Having two opposing personalities does not make someone bipolar. As someone who lives with bipolar, I do find it offensive and misleading, and I ask that you please rephrase this. If you would like to portray her duality as a mental disorder, something like DID/MPD is much more appropriate. Psychopathy is another disorder that could cover this, as those who do not have training to overcome the social/personality issues that it creates can be very prone to sadism as a means of coping.
Thank you very much. I am not very upset or anything, but it can be a touchy subject due to such portrayals of bipolar people. I have experienced it first hand and it is not easy to deal with.
Thank you very much. I am not very upset or anything, but it can be a touchy subject due to such portrayals of bipolar people. I have experienced it first hand and it is not easy to deal with.
I'm glad that this could be peacefully solved and thank you for bringing up that issue. I kind of glossed over that part due to me being slightly feverish so I apologize for any complications it caused. That being said thank you for bringing it up. Don't hesitate to ask me anything else you need in the future.
  • Thank You
Reactions: KageKaioh
Yeah I am not one to start a fight over such things. No reason to do so right? Rather have it solved peacefully and all can be good than create pointless drama.
  • Love
Reactions: IceQueen
I am very happy it was resolved peaceably as well. I am not going to lie, I was very nervous about bringing it up. Some people can get nasty over such things (the whole war on "political correctness" and what not) and treat others poorly when asked to change something. Thank you again, MisterGrumpyLoli.

Also, Thank you IceQueen, for being understanding of my request as well. I will be sure to bring up any other issues if they arise.
Why would I treat someone poorly over that? It's something you have and I am a very understanding person when it comes to such things. I have Aspergers myself and these days the word autism is thrown around as a joke a lot
I actually live with two people that have Aspergers, so I understand the stigma against those in the autism spectrum to a degree. It really is not that different from what I go through with the "jokes" and myths people spread about bipolar, I have noticed. As for the mention of treating other people poorly, I have had people get angry when asked to change something about their character, even when I have been the GM.
I think it is because people spent the time to make that chara ter and get fond of it and then find it hard to have to change something.
That does make sense. I would have a hard time playing Ren without his psychic abilities. He is a character I have had for years now.
This looks very neat! Do you have room for one more?
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Mollisol
@IceQueen do you think you could update the room list? With new people coming in we might accidentally start to double-up.

I went through and found everyone's room listing for you, just to make it easier:

1- LIlith
2- Levi and Soren (Zhong just picked, he will update it on his profile in a short while.)
3- Iris
4- Lucen and Namu
5- None
6- Madie and Akari
7- Ren and Jianyi
8- Cassius and Ferra
9- Samuel and Takehiko
Last edited:
I added my third character to my CS Dump post. I still have to finish his images and find a room I like, but he is otherwise finished.
I have Soren done save for images, I think. However, I will allow the traffic jam at the front door dissipate before introducing him.
Yeah seems like the entrance alone is stuffed with people right now.

Btw was there anothrr version of this rp before? Seeing some students returned or stayed etc.
No, Kage is just playing a return student. The rp is new, but in the world Vishen Hall is not.
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