Video Gamers!

1. What's the most recent video game you've played?

Tribes: Ascend

2. Let's say you find yourself in said video game's universe. How screwed are you?

Gotta Go Fast!
What video game did I play last?


How screwed am I?

Unless I was on Dr. Ned's undead island, I'm probably not too screwed. Though if I were one of the Vault Hunters I would be living the good life. Shooting up Psychos, close encounters with alpha skags, the Crimson Lance breathing down my neck. Yep. The good life.
Skyrim, and I'd be just fine. Seriously, give me some old armor, and a horned helm, and I'd look like Dovahkin, and I can bellow with the best of them. The only thing I'd be screwed on is the fact that apparently there's a mod for dragons to become the Macho Man - Randy Savage... if that applies than I'm F*CKED cause "THE SKY IS THE LIMIT!"

Last game I played? BlazBlue.

How well would I survive? Well enough. I'd like to think I'd know what was going on, and know how to beat the bad guys. Otherwise, I'd be an Observer, sit on the sidelines, and be all uber-powerful.

Otherwise, most likely dead. Go to hell, Terumi, go to hell.