^ < v

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
^ NO!....Make that 2 dozen cupcakes.
< Now wants cupcakes
v Has a bird for a brain
^ Makes really rude assumptions . . . . my only bird is my avatar
< Has a pet cat and that's it
v Wishes I would say something more interesting than this.
^ Is highly entertained with the response.
< Is watching AMV's
v Is gonna be in a sugar coma soon.
^ I wish.
> Really should have worn one of her warm sweaters today in -11F.
v Is currently reading an amazing book.
^ Yup Sherrilyn Kenyon rocks!
< Hates crazy drivers.
V Wants a Liger
^Oh that would be neat
< Doesnt want to go into work today
v Will go for me.
^ Has an awesome avatar :)
< Has her own job to go to
v enjoys mint chocolate chip icecream
^ Not so much and I can't have ice cream. :/
< Wants more hot coco.
v Will make me some just because :)
^ I would if I could. I'm an awesome hot cocoa artist.
< Really wants to eat a steak right now.
v Call me maybe?
^ I would if I had your number, why not?
< So broke its a not even funny.
v Will spot me $5 for gas money.
^ Totally, if I had it
< Ate way to much sweet and sour chicken
V Saw Skyfall
^ No I haven't
< Wants more M&M Birthday Edition M&M's
v Will go with me to get more?
^ Nope, M&M's are too sweet.

< Has not earned much in tips.

V Works a table waiting job?
^ Is wrong

< For some reason is on a tea kick

V Would like to sit with me on a sunny day and drink a tea of their choice?
^ Sure, as long a sit has lots of sugar.

< Is currently drinking tea and finds this ironic.

v Will buy me a chinchilla
^ No, sugar gliders are better
< Really wants Thai food but it's 6 am
V Can speed up time so I can have Thai food?
^ If only I could... Or if I could just drop some off for you...

< may be slowly losing his mind

v will show me that I am, in fact, not losing my mind
  • Thank You
Reactions: IceChateau777
^ isn't slowly losing his mind, he has already lost it. YOU CAN'T HIDE FROM THE TRUTH.
< has also lost her mind, but that happened long ago...
v has eyes that are so brilliant that you can't stop staring at them.
^ Seems slightly delusional.
< Is slightly disturbed now.
v A fellow writer!
^ Is correct!

< Has a crazy profile pic!

V Is crazy!