That guy named Ed
Original poster
In the deepest part of the desert a man in a suit drives to the military base's first stop. A few gards in trucks drive up to the car with the man in a black suit. They ask him to leave until he shows a bage that he has permisson to be in the base. The gards in the truck depart with the man in the suit. They reach the base and walk in the buildings that are deep under the ground. The man reaches into his frount pocket and pulls out a card that contains a series of bar codes and numbers. He slides it against the small slot that controls the door. As the door opens he walks into the large hallway that has contains the rooms of W, Hunter, and Zero. First he opens the door to W and tells his to report to the training room for an advance version of his current martial art and to bring his sword to get the breif meeting ready. Next was Hunter, He walked into the room to explain there is a breif meeting soon and to report when he is updated on the animals in the area. Last was Zero, the man was more relaxed with this unnatural becuase she obeys most ordders that are given to her. He explaains the same to her but insted of leaveing to a diffrent room he asks to follow him. The man and zero enter a room that has four chairs and folders on the desk. He tells Zero not to open the folder untill the others have enterd the room.
In the deepest part of the desert a man in a suit drives to the military base's first stop. A few gards in trucks drive up to the car with the man in a black suit. They ask him to leave until he shows a bage that he has permisson to be in the base. The gards in the truck depart with the man in the suit. They reach the base and walk in the buildings that are deep under the ground. The man reaches into his frount pocket and pulls out a card that contains a series of bar codes and numbers. He slides it against the small slot that controls the door. As the door opens he walks into the large hallway that has contains the rooms of W, Hunter, and Zero. First he opens the door to W and tells his to report to the training room for an advance version of his current martial art and to bring his sword to get the breif meeting ready. Next was Hunter, He walked into the room to explain there is a breif meeting soon and to report when he is updated on the animals in the area. Last was Zero, the man was more relaxed with this unnatural becuase she obeys most ordders that are given to her. He explaains the same to her but insted of leaveing to a diffrent room he asks to follow him. The man and zero enter a room that has four chairs and folders on the desk. He tells Zero not to open the folder untill the others have enterd the room.