Un-stereotypical love ~Roman & Archie~

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At Roman's offer, Archie's eyes widened slightly and he sucked in a breath, feeling hope well up in his chest. A place to stay? Where he could possibly work? It seemed so surreal, almost like a dream. The young author slowly turned his shocked expression away from the fireman and let out the air he kept hold in his lungs, eventually bringing a hand up to his face to contemplate if he should take the offer. After a few moments, the young man let out a sigh of relief as he came to a decision, moving his gray eyes back to Roman, rubbing the back of his head.

"Y-You know, I don't have to stay without paying...if there's a computer there, I can start typing again to pay for my stay. As for the offer, I'll accept it. You really don't know how much of a weight's been lifted off of my shoulders now." Archie spoke with a hopeful and relieved tone of voice, his shoulders relaxing as his eyes softened even more. Ever since graduation, the young author hadn't even bothered to thank anybody or even take offers, but for some reason, here he was, about to move into an apartment with somebody he barely knew. "Wow...thanks, Roman. Honestly, I mean it. Maybe...maybe not everybody's a cold-hearted jerk like me." Archie said, the side of his mouth turning up ever so slightly, such a small difference that the author wondered if Roman would see it.

"So, anyway, what do you like to do? I mean, when you're not doing your job. Any hobbies?" the young male asked, sitting up a bit more and showing the fireman a bit more interest than he had before.

Watching Archie's face light up made Roman soften into a big, muscular ball of softness. He himself could probably tear up on knowing he's just made this mans life easier. "Ohh, It's okay! Stay as long as you need and pay whatever you can!" Roman got so pumped on being kind to others. Especially because Archie seemed so flat about everything, Roman felt like he really was saving lives today. "You're welcome." Roman smiled happily, frowning a little as Archie called himself a jerk, he wasn't to him. At least, he didn't look like a jerk.

"Hobbies?" Roman leaned back and puffed out his chest, getting tired. Soon he'd want to sleep, if Archie didn't mind. "I ride motorbikes." Roman grinned, he wasn't sure if it was a hobby, but it took up a lot of his time. "I have a Harley Davidson, Low Rider. It's gorgeous. I like the speed, y'know? Plus, I may be one of those guys who polishes it like it's made outta' gold." Roman smiled again. But it was true, he loved the bike like it was his life and spent a lot of his time on the road polishing it than he did in his apartment. "Ever been on one before?" Roman asked, hoping to have the chance to enthuse about his baby.​
Archie paid attention as Roman talked about his Harley Davidson, noticing that he was getting more tired the more the two of them talked. The young author continued to listen, trying to picture the motorbike in his head. He was then snapped from his thoughts as a question was tossed at him. Furrowing his brow, the young man thought it over before nodding slightly.

"Yeah...I've rode one before. It wasn't for very long, but in middle school I rode with my uncle around abandoned streets. It was great, to be honest...I really liked the rush and the feel of the wind through my hair. It was only one time I've felt that, but it was fun while it lasted. From the way you talk about it, you really like your motorbike, huh?" Archie asked, turning on his side and putting an arm under the pillow, keeping his gray eyes on the fireman.

Roman nodded happily as Archie spoke, before feeling his neck getting tired. He rested his head, turning his body to face Archie. "You think? That baby is more than a lover to me." He chuckled. The word lover was one he used often. Whenever somebody asked about his personal life, he'd always have to use ambiguous terms when describing who he was sleeping with. Sure, he had no problem with people knowing he was gay. He didn't hide it. But he didn't let everybody know. Roman liked to think, 'Don't ask, don't tell.'

"The best is at Three AM when the roads are asleep, you can ride as quickly as you want. Speed is another way for me to get kicks." Roman grinned as he joked. "So uh.." He looked around before slowly closing his eyes. Noticing what he was doing, he snapped them open again, "Do you mind if I try to get some rest? My eyes are stinging so much and I don't have the eyedrops..." Roman forced himself to keep his eyes open, he didn't like to be rude.​
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Archie furrowed his eyebrows as he heard Roman's thoughts about his motorbike. 'More than a lover, huh? Well, fetishes are fetishes...' he thought with a scoff. The young author then turned watched as the fireman began to look a bit more tired, seeing his eyes start to droop shut before he caught himself. At his request, Archie blinked, not responding until a few seconds had passed, his brow furrowing even more as he lifted his head from his pillow.

"You don't have to ask, you could of just fell asleep you know? It wouldn't have bothered me, I'm feeling kinda tired myself." the brunette stated, running a hand through his hair before sighing and leaning his head back down, his arm under the pillow like he always did. Archie looked over the male in the other bed, taking his allover appearance in for the first time. Then, after a few seconds, he blinked and turned to lay on his other side, his back to Roman. "Um...have a good rest." he said, slight awkwardness in his voice as he looked at the blank wall on the other side of the room. A small smile graced his lips as he closed his grey eyes, willing himself to fall asleep. After all, he would have a home when he woke up...

"Right well, G'night." Roman smiled before turning around. Sleeping facing somebody felt really odd, and it had been a long while since he did. Roman shuffled around before getting comfortable, slowly falling asleep. He began to dream about the fire. It used to be a sort of nightmare, but now Roman was used to dreaming about falling buildings and flaming infernos.

A doctor woke him up in the morning. "Good morning Gentlemen." The doctor walked into the room. Roman let out a low groan and slowly opened an eye, remembering where he was. The doctor began to ramble about each one of their medications and such. The words just rolled around Roman as he turned to face Archie again. he grumbled and kept his eyes shut. Roman was never a morning person.

As the doctor left, Roman took his time to open his eyes, "Did he say when we could go?" Roman asked, his voice about three tones lower than it was last night. He kept his head on the pillow and pulled the thin covers over his body.​
Archie groaned at the sound of the doctor's voice, lifting the pillow and placing it over his head, feeling drowsier than ever. Once the doctor was finished, the young author breathed deeply before turning toward the other male and lifting the pillow, his eyes still closed. In the mornings, he often found it hard to wake up from his usual schedule of late night work. Hearing Roman ask if the doctor said anything about leaving, Archie mumbled a 'no' sleepily. He then laid there for a few more moments before forcing his grey irises to reveal themselves, still clouded with sleep. Then, the young author slowly pushed himself up, brown hair sticking in all directions. He sniffed and rubbed his eye before yawning, stretching an arm above his head.

"No...he didn't really say anything." he said quietly, staring at a wall, dazed, before snapping from his drowsiness. Archie turned and reached to the little counter by his bed and grabbed his glasses, slipping them on to their natural place along the bridge of his nose. The doctor then returned and held a few papers with recommended medication to take after they left. The brunette sighed and grabbed the paper before opening his mouth to ask the same question Roman had asked him. Before he could ask, the doctor answered their question. "You can leave any time, in case you were wondering. Stay safe, boys. I recommend taking it easier for a bit. Don't stress yourselves." he said with an old smile before departing. Archie stretched once more, groaning, before running a hand through his disheveled hair. "Well, there's the answer to your question. But..." he stopped, feeling hunger pains and remembering that he hadn't eaten since the morning before. Archie furrowed his brow and looked at Roman. "You feel up for stopping to eat something before we leave? I actually haven't eaten for a while..." he admitted, shrugging a shoulder in a nonchalant manner.

Roman sighed as he kept his face in the pillow, not ready to move until he said he was allowed. It was only until the doctor unknowingly answered his question. Roman grumbled an inaudible response before rising from his bed, like a vampire from his coffin. "Food...Sure.." Roman said in the deep morning voice. "Yeah." He really didn't know what he was saying, he was still sort of half asleep still. Roman took a couple of seconds before rebooting and slowly stepping out of bed. As he stood, the pain in his chest came back and made him cringe a little. He noticed he was still wearing boots, the fireman's pants and a white tank top. Looking around the room, Roman managed to spot the rest of his kit. "You'd think they'd give me something else to dress in." Roman chuckled as he slowly walked over to the yellow and navy blue jacket. He looked for his helmet before remembering it was blown off his head.

Once he had shrugged on the jacket, Roman collected the pills and drops from the table, remembering he had to take these, "Where'd wanna eat? I'll eat anything, really." Roman offered a grin as he stood, waiting for his new roommate.​
Archie watched as Roman stood from the bed, still wearing his uniform. Deciding to follow suit, the young author stood and stretched out his back, feeling the throbbing pain from his sore ribs as his lungs struggled with taking in a breath. Even thought it was a little hard, Archie simply brushed it off and shook his head before addressing the other male's question.

"Well...I need to eat something to help give my brain a good boost for the day, considering I need to get back to work. So, I don't mind going to a waffle house or something. I'm not really a picky eater." the male shrugged, searching around the room before grabbing his light cotton sweater and pulling it onto his arms. "I mean, if that's what what you're alright with." Archie added, nudging his glasses up even more onto the bridge of his nose, feeling slightly strange as Roman offered him a grin. It wasn't in the brunette's nature to grin back at somebody, so he just averted his grey eyes and nodded lightly.

Roman continued to grin, "Waffles it is, lets get outta here." The fact the man didn't smile back didn't phase the firefighter one bit. Roman's smile was one that was almost impossible to rid. He thought it was infectious, but obviously Archie was immune. He put the prescription into his pocket and began to walk. When they got down the corridor, Roman grumbled as he remembered that he didn't get here on his bike. "Do you have like, cash for a cab?" Roman reached into all of his pockets as they walked. It wouldn't be much into the city, but he managed to find some, "Oh! Nevermind, I was saving this for yesterday's dinner." He gave Archie a grin before striding off to the reception.

"Can we call cabs from here?" Roman asked the receptionist. The way he stood around others made him stick out like a sore thumb. He was like, a giant. All his fire-friends made fun that they didn't need ladders to get cats from trees, that was Roman's job. He looked around, slightly self-consciously before back to the receptionist, who was offering him the phone.​
Archie began to start searching his pockets for cash when Roman changed his mind, flashing him a grin before leaving to the receptionist. The young author arched an eyebrow before slowly following suit before the taller man. There, the brunette stood and watched as the fireman looked around with an almost...nervous look? At least, that was from what Archie could see. He arched an eyebrow and moved a bit closer to Roman with a questioning look. The, he started to realize. The young author looked around, slowly, and noticed how small they were compared to the giant fireman.

With a small sigh, Archie looked up at Roman for a few moments before lifting his arm and elbowing his side. "Hey, what's that look for? You're totally fine, nobody's gonna really care if you're a giant or not." the brunette said before crossing his arms across his chest and looking around the lobby, avoiding eye contact. For some reason, he couldn't really think about the fireman being self-conscious. It just didn't seem in his nature. Archie shook the thought from his head and looked back up at the other man. "Just...don't worry, okay? Everybody's got their differences and it'd be pretty irrational for others to make fun of those differences." he added with a small nod, usual cold irises now a bit more warmed toward Roman, but still reserved.

When Archie noticed his discomfort, Roman was taken off guard. The writer seemed unbelievably cold, so to hear that was odd. Back in high school, Roman was in the basket-ball team and hung around with other jocks, who had been at least 6ft plus. He still was one of the tallest, but when he was around average people it reminded him that he was way above average.

Roman smiled town, a small tint in his cheeks, "Thanks, I-" He went to speak, before the phone was prodding his shoulder, "Oh." Roman smiled and took the phone. He ordered a cab and gave it back quickly, "Thank you ma'am." He nodded before motioning for them to walk to wait for the cab on the road. "It's not like I'm self-conscious about being tall. The pros outweigh the cons. It's just a bit strange when you stand above everyone else..." Roman pointed out as they walked out, his hands in his pockets as they reached the doors, "But hey, everyone does have their differences." Roman paraphrased Archie as they got outside. When they did, Roman could turn on his mobile. But he decided to do that in the cab, it felt rude and anti-social.​
Archie raised an eyebrow at Roman's comment about not being self-conscious. He didn't really believe him. After all, the look on his face in the building was enough for even the young author to notice. Well, that was unless he was just looking at the tall fireman at the time he had the look. Archie shook the thought from his head and blinked away from the sunlight as it bore down on them. The brunette scoffed and nodded at Roman's next comment about everyone having their differences. "Yeah, you definitely got that right." he muttered under his breath before pulling his cell phone from his pocket. He looked over at the fireman and held the phone up to show him that he was holding it. "Hey, I don't want to seem rude, but I've gotta call my editor to let him know I'm okay." he said, no trace of caring at all in his voice at what the fireman thought.

Dialing his editor's number, Archie held the phone to his ear and looked ahead as they walked. When the phone was answered, the young author listened as a rather tired voice came from the other end. "Hey, Erin, it's Archie." he said with a precise business-like voice. Erin cleared his throat and sighed. "Really, Archie! Try to be careful next time, alright? Just because you're some big author, that doesn't mean you need to go getting yourself burned to a crisp! Time's money, man!" he said rather roughly and harshly. Archie gave a humorless grin and scoffed.

"Good to know that I'm loved. Sorry to disappoint, but it takes more than that to end a stubborn bastard like me." the young author said in his usual cold tone, rolling his eyes a bit as sarcasm dripped from his words. The brunette sighed and pulled the phone from his ear before ending the call, slipping the mobile phone back into his pocket. "Sorry, the guy's a real jerk. I figured if I didn't call him, he'd leave a two hour voice mail about how retarded I am, blah blah blah." Archie said simply, a light shrug symbolizing his aloofness from the whole ordeal.

Even though he was asking, Archie didn't sound like he would of even cared if Roman said no. He just nodded and smiled. At least it gave him the excuse to go onto his phone. It almost exploded when Roman turned it on. Messages, missed calls, texts, all from his fire-crew. They were explaining why they didn't visit and hoping he was okay. Roman chuckled, they were all so funny. However, Roman couldn't help but over hear the conversation. The voice didn't sound all that sympathetic.

"Ah, it's okay. I've got three missed calls off my boss, I don't even want to check my voicemails.." Roman laughed awkwardly. "Well, he sounds like a cheerful guy." Roman chuckled as the cab arrived. "Ah." Roman flagged it over and opened the door for Archie, "After you." Manners were just in his nature. Roman wanted to make others smile before himself. Once Archie was in, Roman clambered in too, "West Brooke street please, Oxford apartments." Roman smiled at the driver as he pulled out his wallet again to count out how much it may cost. "Now, about you moving in.. I can supply you with a bed, I'll take the couch. But soon, we can get you all the things you need." Roman gave him a warm smile. The cab driver looked at Roman through the mirror with an awkward look. Did he think this was gay? Well, he'd be right about one of them. Roman was homosexual, but didn't hide it. But people being rude like that sort of annoyed him, "I mean, I'm up for sharing all of my things until you have your own." He chuckled, trying to ignore the dirty look of the cab driver.​
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Archie scoffed at Roman's comment about Erin. Yeah, he was real swell. Once the cab pulled up, the brunette was about to wait for the fireman to get in first, but blinked in hesitation when the other opened the door for him. Slowly, he nodded before swiftly making his way inside and scooting over for the male. "Thanks." he muttered quietly and a bit awkwardly, scooting a bit closer to the other door to look out the window. Once Roman began talking again, Archie turned his grey irises to him and listened, believing that it was important to listen and make eye contact when others were speaking to you. With the fireman's offer, the young author shook his head and closed his eyes, sighing slightly. "Hey, you don't have to take the couch. After all, I'm the one who's staying at your place. It wouldn't be fair for me to just all of a sudden use your things like I own the place." he said nonchalantly before taking notice of the other male's warm smile. It took him by surprise a bit and he swallowed, eyes wide, before turning his eyes away. As he averted his eyes, Archie took notice of the cab driver looking at Roman with a strange look...almost like he was awkward. He barely caught what Roman had said next before he turned his attention back to him. "Wha--? Oh, no that's fine. I really don't wanna be a leech, it's rude. And, besides, there's nothing I dislike more than people who can't fend for themselves." he said, slightly distracted as he caught another one of the driver's dirty looks.

The young author growled slightly and he closed his eyes, pushing the bridge of his glasses up ever so slightly. "Sir, I don't want to tell you how to do your job, but if you don't keep your eyes on the road and insist on giving those dirty looks, there won't be anything stopping me from going up there and teaching you how to do your job properly." Archie threatened in a calm, icy tone. His grey eyes hardened as he locked gazes with the driver, narrowing them into a deadly glare before turning away. The brunette sighed and put his chin in his hand, glancing out the window before looking at Roman once more. Had he noticed the looks that were sent his way? Was he just ignoring them? Archie tapped his finger on his chin silently as he pondered it, unaware that he was staring at the other male before he snapped back to his senses. Realizing what he had been doing for the past few moments, Archie felt his cheeks warm up before he narrowed his eyes and looked away. Why was he acting like this? He had sworn long ago that he wouldn't fall for anybody. Nobody. After what his sexuality had done to him in the past, the young author tried to push away all of his strange feelings to try and pass off as straight. He hadn't reacted to anything for a long while, but now was when it started to react? Archie turned his eyes back to the window, thinking silently to himself...trying to figure out why.

"Hey, you're not leeching." Roman shook his head. It always irritated him when he offered to be kind and it got rejected, he just wanted to make Archie comfortable in his home for a while. At least he could help, since he was pretty useless in saving him in the fire. Roman went to say something again but Archie began to talk. As he scolded, Roman shrunk back in his seat a little, worried that the words were directed towards him. Then he realized that Archie had picked up on the looks directed at them from the driver. Honestly, Roman didn't expect all that from Archie. But then again, he had quickly learnt that Archie isn't exactly a big bundle of joy.

Roman directed his eyes out of the window, blushing slightly. It was embarrassing that the driver even acted like that. Roman disliked any sort of confrontation. Archie didn't seem to mind. When it went silent again, Roman let out a soft breath, he turned to Archie, who looked a little lost. Roman stared back before Archie looked away. Roman did so too quickly. The rest of the journey went silent. Roman wondered about whether Archie was against homosexuality or not. Because, if Roman didn't bring it up, would Archie find out and be disgusted? Or maybe he should just be silent about it and hope that Archie wasn't against it.

The car stopped abruptly in front of a block of apartments. "Thanks." Roman said swiftly as he pressed the money into the beckoning hand. He even kept the tip he was planning on giving on his pocket. He opened the door and got out quickly. As he did, he began looking through his pockets for his keys. "C'mon then." Roman smiled, putting the cab-even straight behind him. He expected Archie to follow as he walked swiftly into the apartment block, jogging up two flights of stairs with ease. As he got to the door, Roman opened it up and stretched out. The room was in a fair state, he had stuff everywhere, but non of it was trash. Roman always said, he was untidy, never unclean.​
Archie snapped out of his senses when he felt the cab stop, hearing Roman exit. He quickly opened the door, stopping to give the driver a cold glare before following suit behind the fireman, slamming the door cab door shut. The young author gave a large sigh and dug his hands deep into his pockets, bowing his head as he watched Roman head inside. With a hesitated look, he ran a hand through his brown hair and followed at a slower pace than the other was going. Once he reached the top of the two flights, Archie was slightly out of breath, not used to climbing stairs since he had left his family's house. By the time he got to Roman's room, the brunette noticed that the other male was already inside. Deciding not to stretch out the time any longer, Archie pushed the bridge of his glasses further up on his nose before entering. There, his grey eyes scanned the room, seeing things everywhere. Even though it was slightly cluttered, the young author couldn't help but feel relieved that it was a relatively clean room.

"Well, this is a nice place you got here." he decided to finally say, continuing to look over the room, almost like he was looking for something. When he couldn't seem to find what he was looking for, he shrugged before feeling a sharp pain coming from his stomach. Archie cringed slightly before heading into what looked like the kitchen. "Hey, do you cook? I can, but I don't wanna take over your stuff." he said, opening the cabinets and looking at what was available to cook with. Then, he moved to the fridge and opened it, looking inside.

"Thanks, I guess. Sorry for the mess, I wasn't exactly expecting any guests anytime soon..." Roman chuckled before sighing, he felt warm in his uniform and felt still dirty from the soot. "Hm?" Did he cook? Hardly. Roman lived alone and was happy to survive on toast and protein shakes. His fridge did consist of mainly ready-meals and a load of fresh fruit and vegetables, for smoothie making. The cupboards had all the basics; coffee, tea, protein shakes, vitamin tablets, biscuits, etc. His diet wasn't the best, but it kept him alive.

"Well, you're more than welcome. It's your kitchen just as it is mine for now." Roman tugged off his jacket and hung it up on the coat rack before kicking off his boots. "Do you mind if I go shower? Feel free to get comfy!" Roman smiled as he walked into the bathroom. He looked at his reflection in the mirror, he was covered in soot and dirt. Roman stripped and looked at the lacerations on his chest. They weren't a big deal, but soap on them surely would sting.

After 15 minutes, Roman emerged from the bathroom in a towel wrapped around his waist. His usually combed hair was now a fluffy mess on the top of his head. "If you wanna, it's all yours." Roman smiled before collapsing onto the couch. He reached for the controls and began to look through the channels once it was turned on. Roman usually stayed in his towel for a long time before getting changed. In fact, he forgot he had company. "Oh man..." Roman processed the fact he was prancing around half-naked with a guest in the house. With a pink tint on his face, Roman scurried into his own bedroom to find himself something decent to cover himself with.​
Archie nodded at Roman's words, only to realize that the other male couldn't actually hear him shake his head. "Okay..." he muttered, grabbing what looked like a carton of eggs. Along with it, he grabbed some bell peppers and looked over them, nodding at the fact that they were still good. Kicking the fridge door shut gently, he walked to the stove and started to heat up a pan, buttering it just enough to give the food flavor. Just as he started breaking apart the eggs in a measuring cup, he heard Roman say something about taking a shower. "Mhmm." Archie replied, distracted with cooking. Once the eggs were beginning to cook, the young author chopped up the bell peppers finely before adding them to the eggs. At the smell, Archie could tell it was almost finished, his stomach growling hungrily before he cut the giant egg in half and folded each half over, making two omelettes. Knowing he was alone, the brunette gave a true smile at his work before adding a bit of salt and putting each omelette on a plate. He walked from the kitchen and placed the plates on the table when he saw Roman, sitting on the couch, in nothing but a towel.

Archie's grey eyes widened and he felt his cheeks tint a light red at the sight of him. Wearing nothing but a towel around his middle and his usual combed down hair now disheveled. He wasn't used to seeing people under-dressed, that must have been the reason for his uneasiness. The young author turned his eyes away and gulped, hearing Roman say something before standing and leaving the room. The brunette pushed the bridge of his glasses further up on his nose before grabbing two forks and putting them by the plates. Not really caring if he ate his food cold, Archie felt the intense urge to shower. Badly. The author made his way down the hall and followed the sense of heat from the other male's previous shower in order to find the bathroom. Before he entered, he called out to Roman that he would be in the shower. "I'll be in the shower, so don't wait for me to eat. The food's on the table." he called out, not really sure where Roman's room was. Then, taking a step inside, he shed his clothes and felt the dirt all over him as well as the soot that stuck to his skin. Archie shuddered and stepped into the shower, beginning to wash himself. Once he was finished, he stepped out and dried himself before wrapping the towel around his middle and slipped on his glasses. Then, with dreadful realization, he remembered that he had no clothes to change into whatsoever. Slowly, the young author inched the door open and stepped a bit into the hall, not really caring about his appearance. "Hey, Roman! What am I gonna do about clothes? I totally forgot that all of mine were, you know, burned." he called to the fireman.

Jeez, Roman thought, blushing at that? He looked at his appearance in the mirror as he stood in his clean boxers. His frame was lean and his muscles were almost solid. He worked out so often, it was a hobby. Plus, the job required their men to be made of steel. It was ironic Roman was a giant baby in a muscle mans body. He ruffled his hair around a little before dragging on a white t-shirt, that hung off his frame a little. Roman pulled away from the mirror for a second to collect some grey sweatpants to tug on. For some reason, Roman looked at himself in the mirror a lot. Not because he was vain, it was more self-reflecting.

Archie's voice snapped Roman out of his daze. "Uh, yeah! I'll grab you something." Roman shouted back, walking over to his drawer to find something. His outfits were mainly made up of t-shirts and sweatpants, since he was working out constantly. Hopefully Archie wouldn't mind. He tried to find the tighter t-shirts, since Archie wasn't exactly built like Roman. In the end, he found a black tank top and white sweatpants, which would hopefully fit. He made his way into the hall to see Archie standing in a towel, like himself before. A loud red crept onto Roman's cheeks. It had been a while since he had seen an attractive, shirtless male. It was odd to see the neat writer look so, different. He forced his eyes to keep on Archie's as he handed over the folded clothes with a smile, "I hope these will do for now!" Roman smelt food. He quickly scampered away to the kitchen, hoping to have not seemed perverted. Or gay. Because Roman knew a lot of straight guy's who would feel very uncomfortable living with a gay man. Especially if he looked at you like that.​
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