Un Intuneric Dragoste: A Dark Love

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Nuri chuckled a bit and stepped closer to him.

"Indeed you are right...and I thank you. She has been some trouble for quite sometime..."

He smiled as she observed him with her icy blue eyes. The woman smirked, eyeing him in s bit of disbelief.

"Vampire...? Vampires were wiped out all over the world before my great-great grandmother was even thought of. Over 300 years."

Nuri raised her eyebrow and took a step back, standing gracefully but strait on her feet.

"I don't believe that....prove it."

There was a look in her eyes that challanged him.
As if to make his point he takes a small bow, this would be unremarkable but for the bulging in his back, you hear a mighty rip and see two wings. Angel wings with black feathers sprout out. they extend almots 14 feet wide and look very powerfull. He stands straight and smiles, showing a fair bit of fang at you."Is this proof enough Lady Nuri? Or shall i bite you and taste the blood that runs in your veigns." He finishes and for a moment sounds almost feral. However soon enough he calms down and retracts his wings keeping his demeanour a pleasent one.