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having two surfaces or in this case, two sides.
some ugly man Dante Madrid
[spoili][spoili]For anime type face claims:
[spoili]in his gang
realistic faceclaim
《 Who are you ? 》

❝Dante Madrid. You got that? ❞

《 Where did you come from ? 》

❝ I don't have a place to call home. Even my apartment is uninviting.❞

《 How old are you ? 》

❝ Currently I'm around nineteen.❞

《 Where do you live ? 》

❝ I live in a run-down apartment. It's not all that great, so don't visit!❞

《 What do you look like ? 》

❝ Glad you asked. Just look.❞

《 Do you have any relatives ? 》

❝ I'm not sure. ❞

《 What are you ? 》

❝ A monster. ❞

《 Peace or War ? 》

❝ I'd be wishing for peace if it weren't for me being caught up in these fights. ❞

《 Any hobbies ? 》

❝ Journalism; it's fun but private so don't snoop. ❞

《 Are you gifted ? 》

❝ Does it look like I'm gifted? ❞

《 Life ? 》

❝ I've got to live in the moment, I guess. ❞

• • • ❖ • • •

- Բષℓℓ ทαʍ૯ -
Dante Madrid
- τ¡τℓ૯ -
- αg૯ -
- ઽ૯× -
- ૨α૮૯/ઽρ૯૮¡૯ઽ -
- ѳ૨¡૯ทτατ¡ѳท -
❝ Sometimes, you've got to learn to carry yourself. ❞
- ђ૯¡gђτ -
- ખ૯¡gђτ -
- αρρ૯α૨αท૮૯-
Dante's stature is very common for a young adult, with an impeccable posture unnoticeable with his frequently worn loose clothing. He possesses a toned, strong body; owning his tanned, golden complexion.
The man's almond eyes usually say everything about what he's feeling - they're his most prized possession. They show of a rich, golden-brown tint that can capture anything it seeks. Dante's thin lips often have a toothy, sweet smile plastered on his face. He is also a brunet with full, wavy hair; flipped over to one side.
× αℓ¡gทʍ૯ทτ×
Chaos Neutral
- -

× ѳ૮૮ષρατ¡ѳท ×
- -
❀ ° ❀ ° ❀


⌧ journalism
⌧ fighting
⌧ serving people[/spoili]
Naomi Miyuki



-Who are You-
"Naomi Miyuki at your service. Call me Nao."

-How old are you-
"Approaching 21."

-Any relatives-
"I have a lot of relatives actually. Father,
Mother, Two Brothers."

-What are you-
"A med student about to start internship."

-Peace or War-
"Peace, definitely. Though war would give me more surgeries."

"Medicine, and a little bit of art on the side. It's hard to do
anything besides medicine."

-Are you gifted-
"I suppose so. I always think I'm TOO gifted."

"Live while you can. Don't have regrets."

-Full name-
Naomi Miyuki






"Live life while you can. Our time is short.
I'm here to make it longer"


132 Pounds

Most doctors aren't as gothic as Nao is, but she likes that
about herself. Besides being a good doctor the woman
stands at a fairly slim stature. She doesn't have much to speak
for her femininity up top but she has enough metal embedded
in her body to melt them into a bar. She has five
piercings in each ear, two above one eye and one below
the other, one in her tongue, a ring on one side and two studs
on the other along with collarbone piercings, and nipple rings.


[fieldbox="Enter:, seagreen, dashed, 10, Verdana"]

[spacer]The ghetto streets of town were a foreign, inexplicable country; unable to be accessed by the mere townsfolk easily. Unlike the outward appearance of the town that every ordinary person lived in, the real nature of the town was crime. To some, it was simply a lifestyle; the constant cries, were as ordinary as the frequent visits from police. Dante Madrid just happened to be one of those hapless people.

[spacer]"Stop him!" an old man's raspy voice cried from the top of his lungs, reaching a hand out in attempt to catch the coward. His voice had been drowned out by curdling screams and groans of other gang members around. Meanwhile, a young man had slipped through the chaos, fleeing from the war. Unlike these other people, he had something productive to do, and he couldn't afford to be this late and looking battered. The young man clicked his tongue, his eyebrows furrowing.
[spacer]"Why the hell'd I agree to this..." he muttered under his breath, pulling out a cigarette from the box in his pocket. Leaning against the facade of a run down building, he lit the cigarette with his lucky blue and silver lighter and puffed out a bit of smoke. Dante's anger died with the cigarette's fire, throwing the used cigarette on the ground and smashed it in.
[spacer]"That was the best smoke yet." A light grin crossed the man's thin lips, trying to ignore the painful cuts on his forearms from the last fight. With one last sigh, he started on his way home to change for his job.

[spacer]Those weren't the last of his groans, sadly, especially here in the cafe. They didn't seem to combat its easy, light, and happy mood the place offered. Dante folded his hands in front of him, his stately appearance sharply contrasting that of only a few minutes ago. From a bloodied gang member, Dante had managed to transform into a prestigious and handsome man; hair slicked back, his much needed glass, dressed in most formal attire. Making and serving coffee would be a job nobody would have guess he would have done. Deep down, the iron-blooded man was truly terrified of being found out here by his friends.

[spacer]Dante pulled down his light, creamy cuffs, hoping to hide his injuries from the fight before. While the pain struck sharply with every movement, living in the ghetto area had turned him tough physically. He wanted to keep up his gentlemanly figure because, he enjoyed the lie he lived in.

[spacer]Just as he was resting his eyes, the jingle of the door echoed through the room. The man's head shot up, golden eyes shimmering, and a small grin appeared on his face as he approached the newcomer. "Welcome to our cafe!" Dante's feigned excitement could fool anyone. He needed to do his job properly, correct?

((told ya i sucked at these yeaaaaaa boiiiiiiiiiii))[/spacer][/spacer][/spacer][/spacer][/spacer][/spacer][/spacer]

Nao Miyuki

"And that is how you do a piggy back surgery. You will be quizzed on this tomorrow. If you get less than a 100 percent your patient has died. Study hard and I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yet another day of studying."

"This surgery is almost impossible. I'm so going to flunk out of med school."

Nao looked around the large lecture hall hopelessly. None of the other med students really liked her so she was going to be practicing alone, yet again. She was going to have to go to the coffee shop yet again. It was her favorite, and only, quiet place to study.

The first day of med school her teacher almost ripped out one of her piercings because doctors weren't allowed to have them. Too easy to cause infection and get caught up in imagining machines. There was no way she could keep them and be a doctor at the same time. She made a compromise.

Grabbing the bag of piercings out of her bag she popped her tongue one in first, followed by her ears and then her lips. The eyebrow and collarbones would end up taking longer because she had to use some clamps to help. Picking up her things she took a short walk to the nearest coffee shop, her favorite coffee shop.

The greeting was familiar. She knew that voice anywhere. It was the man from the coffee shop. The man who was somehow always smiling even though he was obviously hiding something. She had seen a nick on him once and she wanted to treat him. Of course he refused.

"Afternoon." Nao called happily to her favorite barista, walking up. "I have a long night so I'm gonna need the strongest coffee you got."

[spacer]Of course, it's her again.
[spacer]"Haha, alright. Perhaps our 'Peet's Brewed Coffee' is enough for you."
[spacer]The barista's smile faded as he turned, resting a hand upon his forearm. The sense of touch always seemed to calm him down; he especially loved his mother's touch. However, he hadn't seen his family in a while due to the gang violence. Had they forsaken him, perhaps for money's sake? Just thinking about it made the young barista dejected.
[spacer]The woman was a medical student, correct? She'd probably notice that hindrance of a wound in a split second, so he crossed his arms instead so it didn't seem so obvious. Making his way to the counter, he brewed up some of 'Peet's Brewed Coffee', a coffee that had been placed in the ranks for the worlds strongest coffee. Of course, they didn't serve the strongest due to health reasons. As the coffee warmed up, the man leaned against the counter, facing away from that medical student. Usually when the coffee is in the process of heating, he often relives his entire life and remembers every single reason why he envied this woman.
[spacer]She was a med student, he was a gangster. She probably went to college while he couldn't afford to. That woman had gotten better education than him. However, most of all, she was learning how to save lives while he was only good for taking lives. That woman, he thought, biting his lip, compared to me, is some sort of angel. I'm simply a monster in disguise...
[spacer]The coffee brewer uttered a small ding! when it had finished heating the coffee. He placed the milky mug onto the small saucer, securely balancing it onto his hand. With the other, injured arm folded behind his back, he approached the woman. Dante slid the combo of saucer-coffee-mug onto to the table in front of her. Dante's deceiving smile had come back into place once more.
[spacer]"Hope you like this."
[spacer]He remembered the woman talking about how she would have a long night ahead of her. What kind of hospital barista would he be if he didn't ask what was wrong? "You mentioned you were going to have a long night... what's wrong?" His usual fake smile had turned worried, narrowed eyes only focusing on her for now. [/spacer][/spacer][/spacer][/spacer][/spacer][/spacer][/spacer][/spacer]

Nao Miyuki

Nao nodded, her gaze narrowing at the barista. He was hurt again, and he was trying to hide it. She wanted to smack him upside the head half the time she came in here. He was always hurt, always smelled like smoke. She could give him a thousand lectures but it wouldn't do much good coming from a gifted girl who got a good job.

Sitting down at her usual booth, Nao proceeded to take out all the books she would need to study for the piggy back surgery. She would have to be preforming it on practice dummy but it didn't make it any easier. It was one of the last test before her internship started. That just meant more learning, catheters and intubation if she was lucky.

Hearing the soothing voice of the barista Nao smiled, taking the warm cup of coffee in her hands. "Ahh, the sweet smell of coffee. Thanks." Nao mumbled, looking up at the barista. She had never seen one so interested in her studies. "I have a piggyback test tomorrow morning. I have to get a 100 on it or my internship is as good as gone." Nao mumbled. "But I'm the one who should be worried about you, with you trying to hide the cuts on your forearm. I could fix them up in a jiffy you know." Nao mumbled.

[spacer]Piggyback test? Dante would have to look that up later. He wasn't a medical student, so he wouldn't know. However, after eyeing the books she had placed on the table previously, he could at least assume it was some sort of procedure. Well, of course, he knew this privileged woman could afford to do such a thing. Man, it took a great effort to hide his disdain in his eyes. Luckily, they managed not to waver from his "excitement".
[spacer]Dante nodded, as if he understood. "Yes, yes. Well, I wish you luck on that test-"
[spacer]The poor man had been cut off by his own shock when he'd heard this woman knew about his injury all along? He was trying not to be noticed. Maybe his swift movements weren't enough to hide from her keen cat eyes. His eyes narrowed, an evidently slight glare reflecting in his eyes, yet his warm smile seemed to contradict whatever he was feeling inside. Dante reached for the cuffs of his sleeves, rubbing them so he didn't go 'gangsta' on her.
[spacer]"Don't...Don't worry about me!" Dante recovered fast. He held up his injured arm, and presented it with the other, his unwavering grin gleaming. "It's perfectly fine. I'm not hurt, so why are you concerned?"
[spacer]Under no circumstances would he let her see what was going on with him, see into his past, or know anything beyond his work.
[spacer]Returning his hands back down to his side, face easing up, he let out a sigh as if he were letting go of his anger. The urge to smoke was welling up inside that he could barely take it. Why was it so hard to talk to this woman? "Good luck on that test, I say. That internship is gold, so I'll be rooting for you in the background."
[spacer]I won't even try rooting if you keep trying to pry.
[spacer]Dante, stop being emo.

Nao Miyuki

Nao almost laughed at the man's reaction to her knowing that he was injured. She rolled her eyes and started fiddling with her ear piercings.

"I'm a doctor. It's my job to know when people are trying to hide their pain. I've known this whole time. I just figured emo boy over here didn't want me to pry." Nao mumbled, taking another sip from her coffee as she looked down.

"Thanks for the rooting but I doubt it will help. I need to beat the other Ned students for a shot a internship and then residency here. Essentially I'm fighting to keep getting my coffee from the hot barista ever day." Nao said confidently, holding her coffee close. "Feel free to stop by if you somehow get a bullet stuck in your chest."
((I WILL))

[spacer]"I'm not e-" Dante let out a sigh, taking off his white glove to scratch the back of his head. "Seriously, I'll stop serving you if you keep this up." Although, he kinda needed the money so that probably wasn't an option.
[spacer]The man pushed up his glasses, averting his gaze from her. He had to keep strong. He would try to believe that her words wouldn't phase him, although when she called him hot, it was hard not to get embarrassed.
[spacer]Dante moved to the other side of the table. Placing his hands on the surface, he flashed his smile once more. "Thanks but no thanks. Don't worry your pretty little head over me." Despite his flame of envy for her, he couldn't help but to like her since she seemed to care for him. Although, that's what doctors do everyday so he couldn't expect her to be any less different.
[spacer]"I'm just a barista." Dante let out a small chuckle, lifting his head to the constant ringing of bells from the door. He then dropped his head to look at the woman, shrugging his shoulders. "I've got to attend to them. Call me over if you need anything."
[spacer]He moved away from the table, towards the door. It was evident his earlobes were hot with embarrassment, maybe not so much from the back. That woman really cared for him, but she didn't realize what was going on with him. That was fine.
[spacer]Please, stop worrying over me. [/spacer][/spacer][/spacer][/spacer][/spacer][/spacer]

Nao Miyuki

Nao grinned as the man stared to stumble over his words. He couldn't decide wether to be mad or embarrassed. It seemed to be a mixture of both. Nao really did like the barista. He kept her going, he was a decent guy, and he wasn't an outright asshole.

"Oh please you love my company." Nao joked as he threatened to sop serving her. She knew he would have to or he could loose his job. Not to mention after her statement his ears flamed red at the base. Her grin stretched wider.

"You know its rude to turn down an offer like that when you're clearly embarrassed." Nao added, looking down at her books as she started to flip through the pages and jot down notes. She looked up when he mentioned he was just a barista. Nao laughed. "Sure, whatever you say gorgeous." Nao said back as he left for the other customers. It was hard to say Nao would stop caring for the stupid barista who got himself in trouble. She was a sucker for bad boys.

[spacer]Dante seriously hoped that woman was pitying him, flaunting her compliments anywhere she could in her speech. If it really was out of love, he didn't know what he'd say or do... maybe flee the town? He couldn't quiet let anyone see his vulnerable state. It's part of growing up in his area of town, a place she probably hadn't experienced. He hoped nobody would experience what he had been going through.
[spacer]With one last glance at the woman, he flashed to her a grin before attending the customer.[/spacer][/spacer]
♦ • ♦ • ♦ • ♦ • ♦
(timeskip over perhaps a few months)

[spacer]"What do you think he's like, Dante?" a younger boy asked.
[spacer]"I think... he's a big burly guy, just like me!" Dante grinned, flexing his muscles for the child. He couldn't help but to feel pity for dragging the teenager into the fight. Apparently the gang they belonged to was too few for these missions, and now they were dragging kids into it. He was going to protect him with all of his life. "Aren't I strong, Felix? Look at my guns since they're better than yours right now."
[spacer]The young boy, Felix, looked down at his own flimsy arms then up at Dante. Simply shaking his head, he fell quiet. They all fell quiet for doom was near.

[spacer]Usually, the days were all the same in the ghetto area. A couple of fights broke out here and there, mostly physical and occasionally with a small weapon. Dante had experienced both after a rival gang had decided to play dirty in the ghettos. However...
[spacer]"Shit, he has a gun!" Someone yelled, eyes wide with horror as they tried to flee from the impending doom."Hide!"
[spacer]The rest of the men had about the same reaction, including Dante. Their shaggy, care-free, casual appearances seemed to contrast the horror they were in. They had been waiting to ambush a certain group in an alleyway, but the group hadn't expected this. Dante had never experienced any fights with a gun, nor had his allies it seemed. The men exchanged a few looks. Whatever happens, happens.
[spacer]The men stuck to the shadows, glued to the walls, eyes alert on the opening beside them. It felt like hours of silence fell upon them, when in reality it was only a few seconds. Suddenly, the men could make out faded orange boots, and the men charged for their enemy.
[spacer]"Get him!" one yelled, hopping onto him as the rest followed.
[spacer]The enemy struggled, using his rifle as a bayonet and beating them with the butt of the gun. His constant groans were evident with, it seemed, his growing knowledge of certain failure. The enemy cursed, kicking away some of his opponents. Raising the rifle, he aimed straight for... Felix!

[spacer]The constant ringing was unbearable. Not to mention, the blinding white lights that faded in and out. The entire place was a blur of colors. The man let out a small, hoarse laugh. It felt like he was high, but did getting high include a shooting pain in his neck? Dante tried to lift his arm, but his body refused. Despite feeling light as a feather, his body was steel and would not respond to him. He tried his best to examine his surroundings, but even his eyes wouldn't respond. He couldn't deduct much, but he knew he was being carried some place...
[space]"Hey..." he called out, a smug look on his pale face. "I need to go to work... take me to the cafe, will you? I... have a friend... Her name's Naomi, I think that's what I saw somewhere on those books..."[/spacer]

((ma'am he didn't get shot in the chest but near his NECK oooooOOOO SUSPENSE ))[/spacer]​
Last edited by a moderator:

Nao Miyuki

It had been a few smooth months since the piggyback surgery. She had passed that test as the best in her class, and graduated up to her internship. So far it was a lot of long nights in the hospital with a lot of irritatingly easy procedures. Sometimes it felt like she was back at the beginning of med school, learning how to stitch and cut yet again.

It had been another irritatingly long night when she took her break to go for coffee. She had found that sitting there during Dante's shifts made her feel better. It was a back and forth of teasing. Nao didn't know where she got the bust of confidence to start teasing him but she did. Her pager was set down on the desk with a cup of coffee in hand when it started.

Dante's shift hadn't started yet. Nao came in early to study up for a procedure she would be watching. It was then that some grungy and terrified looking man ran into the coffee shop. "Naomi! We need Naomi!" The man called out frantically to the café. Startled doctors and visitors looked at the man. Nao raised herself from her seat.

"You called? I'm Naomi." She said, leaving her things behind as she bustled towards him.

[spacer]The gangster had been out of breath as soon as he stumbled into the cafe. Breathing hard, the man's eyes were red with tears, calling, "Naomi! We need Naomi!" in the most scared, shaken voice he could possibly utter. Suddenly, a lady had walked up to him. She seemed in a hurry, and she needed to be in a hurry for this emergency.
[spacer]"Q...Quick! We need help! Don't want 'em to die!" The gangster grabbed her wrist, his hands rough and callused from fighting, but gentle to the touch. "He... H-He said to come to you! Figured you could help-"
[spacer]The gangster pulled her along out of the cafe, circling around the building. As they approached the back, whimpering could be heard. A small batch of blood had trailed a little ways before the group that hid behind the building. Finally, the gangster pulled her around so she could see the entire mess.
[spacer]Dante was slouched against the building, a bloodied patch of cloth tied to his neck, staining the wall and his own clothes. His usual smile had protruded through the pain, slowly raising his head with tired eyes. "Hey... Isn't it time for my shift...?"[/spacer][/spacer][/spacer][/spacer]

(( enjoy my slow and small posts) [/spacer][/spacer][/spacer][/spacer]

Nao Miyuki

Nao felt her gut sink as she was tugged along out of the hospital café and around back. She had been expecting something like him pissed out drunk, but as soon as she got within twenty feet she knew he was hurt. The spurts of blood on the ground that were fresh only quickened her reasoning. The goon no longer had to pull her to try and get her going.

Jogging around the corner, Nao reached into her pocket for gauze and a pair of tweezers. She had been told to keep them on her at all times. Jogging up to Dante Nao couldn't hold back a sigh. "Well at the least he listened to be this time. I'm a doctor in training and apparently the only one he trusts." Nao mumbled, quickly unwrapping the cloth around his neck.

Blood oozed from the wound. It didn't look too good. He was lucky it missed his artery or he would have been dead by now. "I said gunshot to the chest not neck. Jeeze, would it kill you to get it right once?" Nao asked rhetorically, trying to keep the mood light as she looked around.

Glaring up at the goons she started giving orders. "You," she said, pointing towards the one who had grabbed her, "go back to my spot in the coffee shop. My bag should have more gauze, some water, and a pager on the table. Grab all of those. The guy who was watching, go into the hospital and get the first nurse or doctor you find. Tell them to get a gurney." Nao said before turning back to Dante. "Seriously though, just a barista?" She asked lightly, pressing her hand with the towel and gauze to the wound.

[spacer]"You remembered? Ah...How'd your test go?" His eyes fell onto her working arms.
[spacer]The gang members grunted as a way to say "okay". A few started bouncing on their feet so they could be ready for her orders. They didn't want someone to die, so they were willing to be ordered around by some girl that they didn't know. The first gangster pulled along a few others since he knew he couldn't carry all those supplies without spilling something. The others dashed off to find a hospital, fearful and drenched in nervous sweat.
[spacer]After the gangsters left, Dante let out a small chuckle, despite the pain. "Yes, just... just a barista." When she had pressed down, it had hit a certain spot and he had flinched a bit. The pain was the only thing keeping his conscious right about now. "I don't want you involved, you see, but this happened," It was hard to explain himself in this condition. Dante didn't want an angel to be tainted by a poor idiotic monster like him. She deserved better. "and I managed to fail."
[spacer]It was like the poor man was losing his mind. Luckily, the thugs from inside the cafe came out with what Naomi had instructed them to get. The others sent on a mission to find a nurse still hadn't made it there yet. "Here, Miss Naomi!" the thugs handed her the stuff she wanted. "Do your magic!"
[spacer]Where these thugs lived, doctors were practically gods.[/spacer][/spacer][/spacer][/spacer][/spacer]

Nao Miyuki

Nao kept her focus on the patient rather than the men who were bouncing on their feet not far away. She had to keep Dante from bleeding out onto the street. That was certainly no way to go, even for a barista doubling as a gangster. "Your guys sure do take orders well though. It's nice. Sometimes even doctors aren't that responsive." Nao mumbled.

Nao practically had to shut Dante up as he kept talking. "You know I love to banter with you but if you don't save your energy you may never be serving coffee again. Worse you may get a bullet down your esophagus. So just, stay still. I need to see where the bullet is. If it's shallow enough I can remove it. If your lucky it's not there at all. From the entry wound I would suspect it is." Nao mumbled.

The minute the men were back with the supplies Nao picked up her pager. She dialed 911 to her resident who would likely get here right after the nurse before grabbing the water. Removing the bloodyed towel, Nao continued to talk. "Oh please it's hardly magic. Though considering how much schooling I went through to get the ability it kind of feels like it." Nao mumbled, uncapping the water.

"This is going to sting." Nao mumbled before dumping a bit over the open wound. It was still red and clearly bleeding but Nao had a better view of the wound. "I can't see the bullet. I may have more luck inside but my guess is that you're going to need to go to surgery." Nao mumbled, pressing the gauze to the wound. It wasn't much but it was certainly better than an already soaked towel. She was just spreading more blood around.

"I know this is probably gross but can you wring out the towel so I can soak up more?" She asked the goons.

[spacer]The men gave her a small smile. Of course they were responsive. Dante was a respected role model in the community with his fighting skills and the sort. They didn't want to lose him. "Thanks!" one responded witha slight giggle. "We'd do anythin' for a friend of Dante's, especially if, y'know, yer savin' his life. I mean, nobody 'n our area knows what yous know."
[spacer]Dante scowled at Naomi, letting out a small sigh and giving a slight nod. His eyes hadn't enough energy to even look up at her, so he might as well shut up. The images his eyes caught were all blurring together as if he were in slow motion and he couldn't keep up with it even. Naomi had said that something was going to sting and it did. He had to calm every nerve in his body just to keep from flinching and moving! Letting out a groan, his stare turned into a glare.
[spacer]Naomi had asked if one of them could wring out the towel, and of course they all volunteered. The guy that got to do nothing this entire time grabbed it first before the rest could, gloating with a small snicker. He figured running it in some cool water would help get the blood off and out, so he quickly ran into the cafe's restrooms to do just that.

[spacer]"Help! Help!" the two men called, flailing their arms in the hospital and causing a ruckus, averting all eyes to them. "It's an emergency!"
[spacer]A nurse stopped them in their tracks, pale and out of breath. "You scared me there," she grinned. "What's wrong?"
[spacer]"O-Our friend's dyin'. There was a nurse there, they said to get a.. a what?" The man looked over to his friend, both of them shrugging. "I think it was a gurney? Gurney, some weird word ther-"
[spacer]The nurse's eyes widened, a vigorous nod making her look like she was in need. "You, what was the street your friend's on?"
[spacer]After telling her the street they faintly recall seeing, the woman ran off in a rush. Suddenly, sirens that could probably be heard a mile away sounded from the far side of the building and slowly diminished as it traveled far away. The thugs ran out to see what it was, obviously they sounded quite like police sirens. Seeing as the emergency truck had passed them by, they couldn't help but to smile - they did something right for once.[/spacer][/spacer][/spacer][/spacer][/spacer][/spacer][/spacer][/spacer]


Nao Miyuki

Nao kept a smile on her face as her worry grew for the man laying on the ground beneath her. He was fading. Even with her hand pressed up against his wound his pulse was starting to weaken. His eyes seemed glossy, Nao got herself in front of his vision.

"You blockhead. Keep your eyes on me ok. Just listen to the sound of my voice and stay with me." Nao said clearly, looking behind her. The ambulance had pulled up, parking as best they could before both doors flew open. Nao grinned and motioned them over from where she was sitting.

"Dante, mid twenties with a GSW to the neck. It's embedded deeper than I can reach so we're going to need an OR." Nao said to the paramedics. She kept her hands on his neck as they got out of the truck. Considering the way he was they didn't want to move his spine much. Hoisting him up in their arms both men kept his position and set Dante down on his side.

"Alright man, let's take a little trip to the hospital Dante." Nao said confidently, looking back at the thugs. "Thank you. Your friend will probably be inside the hospital for a few days. He'll be in the Trauma Bay of the ER. Make sure to ask for his full name if you want to see him or ask for me. He's gonna need you guys when he comes out of surgery.

[spacer]It was a struggle to pull his eyes up from the ground, but he managed to look into her dark eyes. His smile was gone, replaced with a slightly open mouth; perhaps due to this woman's captivating eyes. Why was the angel helping him, of all times? Wasn't their goal to eliminate monsters like him like doctors do with medicine to viruses? So why? Dante didn't have anything to offer her, of course, since he was a poor man. Offering his life for her didn't seem to make any sense, since, well, she's saving his.
[spacer] The growing sounds of sirens slowly filled the air. Was it the police? No, it sounded different. Dante looked past the woman to see the blurred red and white lines of a little truck. This was the first time he'd ever seen one up close. Usually hearing those sirens meant the police were coming, so they'd scatter. Maybe he should stay behind often whenever there's someone injured. Dante wanted to help instead of cause and fuel the problem from now on so this didn't happen to anyone else.
[spacer]Suddenly, he was hoisted up in some unfamiliar people's arms and set on some really comfy table with wheels, then pushed into the small truck. It really seemed large from the inside, but it had some cool gadgets that he couldn't make out inside.
[spacer]Ah, well, if he couldn't make it out, what was the use? He was sleepy anyways. His eyelids would slowly close as he fell unconscious.
[spacer]The doors slammed shut and the ambulance sped away back to the hospital.
[spacer]The thugs let out a hard sigh, then turned their sights on the medical student. At first their faces were grim as the few that were around surrounded her. However, after only a few seconds, their faces seemed to ease, letting their emotions show through their cracked iron shell. "Thank you!" they cried, faint tears dripping from their eyes.
[spacer]"I'm not sure how we'd repay you..."
[spacer]"We didn't think of that... I only have pocket change from the last fight."
[spacer]The men looked at each other, shrugging. Then, finally another spoke up.
[spacer]"Hey, Naomi, right? Are you gonna visit him soon? He said you knew him."[/spacer][/spacer][/spacer][/spacer][/spacer][/spacer][/spacer][/spacer][/spacer][/spacer]

Nao Miyuki

Nao got Dante into the ambulance before she was completely surrounded by men. Looking back at the ambulance, she noticed that Dante had passed out. She had to get to the hospital because her patient was already there so she couldn't hang around for long. Looking at the thugs Nao smiled.

"You don't have to pay me. He's a friend, plus my coffee is always on the house when he's working. I'm actually going to visit him now. Legally I need too. Wait in the waiting room and I'll come out and get you guys when I have news ok?" She said, before picking up her stuff and starting to sprint.

As a doctor she was never required to be extremely athletic. Wheezing slightly Nao packed all her things inside the shop in a hurry before heading to the hospital. By the time she was there they had already wheeled Dante into a trauma bay. There were a dozen doctors huddling around him, mostly removing the cloth around him and putting him in a gown so he was ready for surgery.

Nao hesitantly joined them, observing her friend being treated.

[spacer]The thugs gave the woman a slight nod, their faces turning somber and serious. Some of the men had broke into a full sprint for the hospital, believing their very presence might help their friend to recover. They were like family. Family needed to stick together and pull each other through. These soft-headed thugs were there with him in spirit.

[spacer]The sun had lit the pastel blue waiting room, somehow giving hope to the thugs whose heads were bowing in prayer. It was the first time they prayed — someone at the hospital had said it might work to save their friend.
[spacer] Just sitting in the waiting room was a battle. The sitting and waiting was just too similar to their everyday fights and raids. Nobody knew the outcome; the winner wasn't clear yet — who would win: the beautiful lie of life, or the ugly truth of death?
[spacer]The men's dark faces were no match for the optimism it brought. They knew Dante was a fighter— and he wouldn't take a loss.

- - -

[spacer]The injured man was only awake for a few mere minutes. Before he knew it, he was already dressed in a gown and the light above him practically burned his eyes. This was surgery?
[spacer]Perhaps he was numb to the pain right now, probably why he felt high. Maybe it was his own strength, or the few souls here with him and supporting him that told him: I'm going to win.
[spacer]The unconscious, painful look he had on his face to begin with steadily eased into a small grin before he fell back into a deep slumber again.[/spacer][/spacer][/spacer][/spacer][/spacer][/spacer][/spacer]

Nao Miyuki

Nao had to sit helplessly in the back of the few doctors tending Dante. Her face was barely visible through the doctors who were putting a cap on him, putting in a catheter (The part Nao chose not to observe. As much as she liked Dante she didn't need to know what his junk looked like). Soon enough they were going off to surgery. The head trauma doctor was filling out paperwork when he spotted Nao standing there quietly. Amused by the interns unusual behavior he approached Nao.

"Did you know that guy, Doctor Miyuki?" The trauma surgeon asked as he headed towards the OR. Nao followed.

"Yes sir. He's the barista at the local coffee shop a minute away from here. I take my breaks there. He told his friends to come get me if something happened. I was the first on the scene." Nao said softly.

"Good, because you're going into surgery with him then. Scrub up intern, you finally get to be in the OR." He said gruffly before heading off towards the OR level. Nao grinned a dashed quickly after her superior.


Surgery took less than an hour. The bullet was removed and Nao helped stitch up the final wound. No major bleeding or complications and Nao began to wheel Dante towards recovery. His room was under her jurisdiction for the moment as she bustled around the recovery level waiting for her patients to wake up.