Trials of Inner Trust

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The wizard frowned. He did not like being ordered around by a mere knight, but he would not jeopardize his position by refusing the man. No, if he had orders from the prince he was likely throwing his weight around because it was the few chances he could, and likely secure in the belief that the wizard would not turn him into a toad. Not that Tactius would waste a young man by being a toad when there where better applications, like taking away his free will!

Straightening his robes, Wizard Aronius followed Sir Septor, lifting an eyebrow only when told to go ahead. The servants passage? Something was up and it didn't seem to have anything to do with Celerius' wife's condition doubtfully. Ashame that! He had been hoping for a chance to get alone with the woman if he could, but that was not the primary objective of his mission here.

"There seems to be a grave matter. What has happened?" The voice of Aronius sounded concerned.
He placed a hand on the man's shoulder to get him moving then once in the seclusion of the stairway he spoke. "A magical mishap, perhaps. Something you might be very interested in if you can figure it out. "He kept the magician moving until they were at the boor that lead out into the gardens and he pushed it open. "This way, the prince is close by." he purposefully kept his hands away from his weapons. Any sensible man who was brought out by a secret door by a knight who wasn't saying anything would think ambush and assassination as a possibility.

"Prince Dominic!" he called out as they neared the a stand of trees. "I've brought the wizard."
The wizard end mused upon the idea of a magical mishap. Had some youth come across something they shouldn't have? That was the most probable case, but even if he should have been more concerned with other matters, a riddle did intrigue him. The secrecy alarmed him though and he had to wonder if he had been found out, but there was not indications yet of anyone suspecting him. Still he hesitated just a moment when they went out the opening.

When he called our for Dominic, Tacitus was more then startled. Did the fool prince think to tell the court wizard? He'd have to counter for that and quickly! For a moment the wizard forgot that Prince Doinic should be in his beast form until night and was preparing to interrupt the prince when he showed. He couldn't have him speak the curse to him!
Dominic had been drowsing happily in the shade tree. It was nice and warm and with as many legs and new bulk there was much less chance of him falling. Unlike when he'd been human and falling asleep in a tree usually ended up with him on his arse in the dirt. Dom was dreaming of Anterius. The man was always on his mind and being a bird-lion mosnter really didn't make it any better.

Speaking of Sir Anterius Septor. Dom could hear the man calling him and with a rustle of the tree branches, he dropped. All four feet hit the dirt at the same time. Dom had always played clumsy but now he couldn't hide his grace because the animal that he'd become was too proud for that, even if it was nothing more than a shell for his soul.

Dominic blinked sleepily and raised his tufted ears forward in interest until he saw that Anterius was leading the wizard along. Aronius was an alright man. Loyal and competent. Still. Dom had had enough of Wizards. He backed up and flattened his ears against his skull while giving Anterius a look that could melt lead.
He caught the look on the prince's face even if the face in question wasn't human. "My prince, if anyone can come up with a cure and we can trust it's this man. He has sworn fealty to your father, the same oaths I have."

It occurred to him that the wizard might be confused and rightfully so... so with a quick movement he grabbed the man's arm to prevent any escape. "Something has happened to prince Dominic." he explained. "He awoke like this, I'm sure it's magical in nature. If you have any loyalty to the kingdom you will seek to cure him without alerting any unnecessary people about his malady."

The last part was hissed into his ear like a threat. "And if you in anyway harm the price, albeit accidentally I will count it as treason." he still had no idea why he was brimming with hostility towards the wizard, but he was speaking the truth. "The prince is to be cured before..." he swallowed "His wedding. Understood?"
The knight's grasp was both surprising and tight, which alarmed the wizard greatly and it took him a moment to put together everything he said. So the young man had deduced the problem with Dominic. That was interesting. He wondered if the prince would tell his tale. With one loyal retanure he was already actively looking for the cure though he might not. That would make him a burden. He needed to be rid of the prince as well as move any suspicion away from its real source.

Thankfully the knight gave him just that opening. "I understand." He bowed low to the prince, something he would never have done for his true king, but then again he was playing a part tpright now. He then circled the prince. "This is, I'm sad to say, impressive. I can't imagine why anyone would do this, but to turn out prince into a griffon...." He then looked from the prince back to the knight. "The wedding you say? To the Duke of Gryffon's daughter?" He gave the prince a worried look. "One problem at a time I suppose. I know what I will need, but I do not have all the components to make a cure. They are rare and hard to gather some of them."
Dom was still not impressed. He really had had enough of wizards and anything else that did magic. Magic got him into the mess! He stared at the two men and blinked impassively as his mind whirled and raged and ranted against Wizards. He knew this one though, he did and for the most part the man was alright but...

The Gryphon part of him wanted to fly away as fast as he could. It wasn't really like he wanted to be human again. Being a Gryphon would be very nice. He could sleep and eat and maybe the pain of not getting what he wanted out of love wouldn't be so bad since he wouldn't be able to have it anyway?

Dom let his attention wander back to the talking men and he stared at the Wizard uncomprehendingly for a moment. To be honest, Dom didn't know why anyone would want to do this either... He really wasn't in line for the throne, he was certain his sister in law would have his brother some children. He adored his sister in law, she was an amazing woman and perfectly fit for his big brother. To think she could be barren was horrible. They deserved children and the happiness they brought.

The wizard was telling them about a list of ingredients to cure him? Dom squawked a few times and scribbled in the dirt, his talons not the best makeshift writing implements.

"Want to go get them"
"like travel"

He cocked his head at the two of them and gave an innocent squawk. He was supposed to be a brat after all...
The wizard started pacing. He needed to get the prince and his knight far away for a time, long enough for him to finish his mission at the palace. They trusted the court wizard, which meant anything he said they would believe. An idea started to form, a most ingenious one indeed.

"My prince, I fear that if we want to be successful, truly so, there is but one thing that needs to be retrieved." He knelt with one knee, glancing quickly at the knight before looking at the great beast that was Prince Dominic. "The legend of the Savior's Cup. They say it was forged by the gods themselves. It sounds far fetched I know, but I have seen evidence that it truly exists and still lays in the old citadel of Fraziah in the Comket Mountains."

Would it be enough? They were two young men, desperate for an answer and Dominic seemed desperate not to let anyone knew what befallen him. He would do it, and he would either die trying or after long fruitless success break down and speak his curse. It was a win win situation, and a missing prince was going to cause all sorts of lovely problems.
Prince Dominic had had a very long day. The breeze was picking up and the sun was fading fast. It was going to be chilly soon, summer was almost over. The Gryphon was getting impatient, in fact he already found impatience and progressed past it as the Wizard spun words into fables and fables into lies. He wanted to leave and at this moment, it didn't matter if Anterius came along or not.

It had, after all, been a very long day. Beef jerky was not a good substitute for food, in Dom's mind and all he really wanted was a spiced stewed apples and pork loin, perhaps some buttered green beans with a bit of salt. Food, physical food was at the point more important than food for his mind or soul. It wasn't like Anterius was ever going to love and all he could do for the poor man was to get as far away from his as possible, which seemed a good idea really. At this second though, everything seemed a good idea.

Somewhere in the castle, the dinner bell was rang and the various courtiers and royalty all made their way to the great dining hall where just the night before the horrible news had arrived. To Dominic it felt like it had been months and months since the morning when he had been left to sit in the garden while Anterius and Racquel ran around and collected 'clues'.

The Wizard was droning on still and Anterius was eating it up.

The sun finally passed below the horizon, leaving the kingdom in a rather nice twilight. Stars became clearer in the sky, at least until the wind blew clouds to obstruct the view. Even the atmosphere was a critic, it seemed.

There was a faint glow, there always was with these sorts of things. The Prince was surrounded a soft effervescent golden nimbus and the next thing he knew he was standing in the garden in his night gown.

"Well." He muttered to himself softly, his lips finding human words soft and strange after the harshness of squawking. "Night is here. I doubt I am cured so I think this must be part of it then. Human at night. How novel, I'm sure there are many marriages that could be better served this way but not mine." Dominic straightened his night shirt and ran a hand through his still bed mussed wheat blond curls and took a few steps towards the castle before promptly turning around to stare at Anterius.

Here goes nothing. "I'm going to call off the wedding so I can leave, because I am. I'm leaving here one way or another, there's no point in staying. I can't give my family what they want out of me and today has been most educating. I've spent the last ten years being a twit so no one would suspect I had a heart and it worked, didn't it? So, here's one more twit worthy thing; I loved you, Anterius. Before you were my guard and then during it and now? I don't know. I love you but I don't think it's the same as being in love with you." Dominic gave a smile. "So. I give you my blessings in whatever course you seek and I'm off to hopefully not start a war or cause trouble."

Bare toes dug into the still warm dirt. "I hope you can forgive me but I don't care anymore. Being a Gryphon... It's amazing. Even more amazing than loving you is the freedom that it promises me and right now, my freedom wins because you won't return my feelings." Dom put his hands up.

"So shut up and don't start. I'm going to go do something brash and foolish... but most importantly, it's brave and for me, it's so very important." Dom's eyes left Anterius and looked at the Castle. "There's a great hunting Lodge in the North. If you ever need me... Just come and see me." Dom smiled lopsidedly. "Just don't bring the woman you marry, I doubt my jealous heart could take it." With all the things said that Dom's mind could think of and a few of them having been said twice or more, he ran. He wasn't fleeing, he wasn't running from Anterius and Racquel and the imposter Wizard. He was running towards a future where he wasn't a coward and he didn't have to hide who he was to make people think he was stupid.

The future smiled and waved and beckoned Dominic in. This time, he'd be ready and he'd do whatever it took. No more half efforts, it was all or nothing. He was finally ready.
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