Original poster
Drug Market
Sometimes, I wonder why I ever got in.
Blood Market
Love Market
Sometimes, I wonder why they need me at all.
Sometimes, I wonder why I ever got in.
Blood Market
Love Market
Sometimes, I wonder why they need me at all.
In the far future, body modification is king. People clamor for the newest eyes, ears, internal organs, skins, faces, even animal parts. People are more or less androids these days, all thanks to GeneCo- the one company offering these surgeries on affordable payment plans.
These plans come with a fine stipulation, however. If you miss three payments, the Repo Men come to get you. They're ruthless "surgeons" trained only to chase after you and pull out your GeneCo part, whether it be eyes, liver, functional cat tail- and repossess it. They don't care if you live or die. They only care if you can deliver the money or the part.
And that mighty fine print puts Mag in a might fine predicament.
If Mag up and splits, her eyes are forfeit
and if GeneCo and Rotti so will it,
then a Repo Man will come
and she'll pay for that surgery!
In this story, you play as Repo Men or transhumans. This roleplay is based on, should you not have already guessed, Repo! The Genetic Opera and to a certain degree, the newer movie Repo Men. This roleplay takes place in that "universe" but has very little relation the the actual storylines of those movies. No canon characters should be played. You do not have to have knowlege of these movies to play this RP, but ti does make for good fluff. Generally speaking, the movie trailer is good enough. This one, too (to a lesser degree).
Trnashumans are people who have had, or will have in the future some type of modification provided by Geneco. They can also be those who simply want a bodymod but refuse to get one for whatever reason (these types of people will usually work or Geneco, but that is not required).
Repo Men work for GeneCo on a contract basis. They are similar to bounty hunters. They are given lists of people with overdue payments and are sent to collect. The equipment(organs, etc.) is returned to GeneCo headquarters.
But how do the Repo Men deal with these moral and ethical problems? How do the transhumans make payments? Run from the repo men?
All characters in this roleplay are human. However, they may have endless body modifications (functioning similar to androids, or possibly even furries/anthros). You will always be a modified human, not a robot with human parts.
All Repo Men work for GeneCo. There are no "rogue" Repo Men. Ex-Repo men are fine, but remember if you continued to murder people, the police would be after you.
While there are no limits to what your character does (for a living) it is preferred you play as someone who either works for GeneCo or someone who is currently running from the company for whatever reason. Take this particular rule lightly, however. You can ultimately do whatever you want.
Only kill NPCs. Otherwise, you must ask permission OOC if you can kill someone else's characters (PM or something; we have no OOC thread)
Repo Men are not unkillable. The rules of Geneco are legally to make every effort to NOT kill the person the Repo man is chasing. While this is often ignored, it means you have to pay lip service to the rule-- Which means, in turn, that you can't go in with guns a'blazing or anything. Traditional weapons would be tazer guns and medical equipment. Also possibly drugs.
They do not need approval. Post your character's bio in a spoiler tag and just post. You're auto-accepted.
[b]Character Name:[/b]
[b]Player Name:[/b]
Character Name: Your character's name
Player Name: Your screenname
Status: What you're currently doing. In example, "Repo Man" or "On the run". It can be more in-depth than that, but it's not necessary.
Summary: A SHORT description of your character. For example, "Bob is a 25 year old average joe. After a heart failure he was coerced into getting a replacement by Geneco and unable to make payments is now hiding out in a shack under the bridge".
The key here is I want your character to show out gradually THROUGH YOUR POSTS. The bio is just a quick guide to who's where.
[b]Player Name:[/b]
Character Name: Your character's name
Player Name: Your screenname
Status: What you're currently doing. In example, "Repo Man" or "On the run". It can be more in-depth than that, but it's not necessary.
Summary: A SHORT description of your character. For example, "Bob is a 25 year old average joe. After a heart failure he was coerced into getting a replacement by Geneco and unable to make payments is now hiding out in a shack under the bridge".
The key here is I want your character to show out gradually THROUGH YOUR POSTS. The bio is just a quick guide to who's where.
You're in a city named Zurich. It is a congested, smoggy place full of night life and crime. The outskirts are extremely rundown and full of black market drug and organ trades. Further outside the city are ruins of an even older city that fell victim to a flood. It now functions as a rather convenient moat secluding Zurich from other cities.
While trespassing the water is possible, it is extremely polluted and advised against. Putting the smell aside, there's no telling what the latent chemicals in there could do to your skin.
Geneco is run by a bunch of people who originally had good intentions but now have become spoiled with money, pride, and sin. Now corrupt, the company's higher-ups now do all they can to squeeze pennies out of the people. They continually try to gain political control over the city and to an extent already have, if their ability to hire repo men and basically kill people is any indication.
They also, of course, keep track of their own parts and dispense the repo men to the people they deem most worth to regain their equipment and put them in someone else.
Come up and try my new parts!
Bow down and break 'em in!
Before I change my heart
Shut up and try my new parts!
Bow down and break 'em in!
Before I change my heart
Shut up and try my new parts!
Character Name: Layla Jones
Player Name: Kitty Kat
Status: On the run
Summary: Layla is a 17 girl who was born blind and deaf so she bought green cats eyes and black cat ears with enhanced hearing also while she was there she also got a long functional black cat tail. unable to make payments shes on the run hiding wherever she can.
Character Name: Lori Lentil
Player Name: [Q]
Status: Homeless
Summary: Lori started out as a rich kid. His parents died and left him a huge inheritance. He spent it all on body mods. While all his parts are paid off, he has no money at all to his name and due to his looks, probably no chance of getting a job. Image.
Character Name: Garrett "Asphalt" Lawson
Player Name: Charbovari
Status: Entry-level Repo Man.
Summary: Asphalt graduated from the school of hard knocks: he lost his mother to a heart condition when he was eight, and his father to terminal cancer of the brainstem when he was thirteen, in the typical way that the ranks of the poor were thinned by the 21st Century Organ Plague. GeneCo HR recruited him from a youth facility at age 18. When his forearm began showing signs of bone cancer, they generously replaced it with a Repossession Toolkit, with the full range of medical devices and offensive features... in exchange for 12 years of service to the corporation.
Image: Here. *guilty look*
Character Name: Antioch Mildrorn ((goes by Aldion to hide from Repo Men))
Player Name: Gilliad
Status: Transhuman on the run
Summary: He always wanted to have sharper canines so he got wolf's canines. Then decided after the elven ears he wouldn't pay for the canines so he went into hiding and lives under a different name. He has been hiding for five years now.
Character Name: Agent Jansen
Player Name: Charbovari
Status: Repossession Agent
Summary: She never gives her first name; everyone knows her simply as Agent Jansen. Hometown and family background unknown. A company girl through and through, she hopes to be a GeneCo executive someday, and is already pretty well connected with the upper echelons of corporate management. Her only mechanical enhancements are her eyes.
Image: Here.
Character Name: Agent Mason Stone
Player Name: Kitty Kat
Status: Senior Repo agent
Summary: Mason had a heart attack in a car accident so he had to get a new one from Gene Co, He was unable to make payments so he now works off his debt. But he always lets the runaways go if he can.
Player Name: Kitty Kat
Status: On the run
Summary: Layla is a 17 girl who was born blind and deaf so she bought green cats eyes and black cat ears with enhanced hearing also while she was there she also got a long functional black cat tail. unable to make payments shes on the run hiding wherever she can.
Character Name: Lori Lentil
Player Name: [Q]
Status: Homeless
Summary: Lori started out as a rich kid. His parents died and left him a huge inheritance. He spent it all on body mods. While all his parts are paid off, he has no money at all to his name and due to his looks, probably no chance of getting a job. Image.
Character Name: Garrett "Asphalt" Lawson
Player Name: Charbovari
Status: Entry-level Repo Man.
Summary: Asphalt graduated from the school of hard knocks: he lost his mother to a heart condition when he was eight, and his father to terminal cancer of the brainstem when he was thirteen, in the typical way that the ranks of the poor were thinned by the 21st Century Organ Plague. GeneCo HR recruited him from a youth facility at age 18. When his forearm began showing signs of bone cancer, they generously replaced it with a Repossession Toolkit, with the full range of medical devices and offensive features... in exchange for 12 years of service to the corporation.
Image: Here. *guilty look*
Character Name: Antioch Mildrorn ((goes by Aldion to hide from Repo Men))
Player Name: Gilliad
Status: Transhuman on the run
Summary: He always wanted to have sharper canines so he got wolf's canines. Then decided after the elven ears he wouldn't pay for the canines so he went into hiding and lives under a different name. He has been hiding for five years now.
Character Name: Agent Jansen
Player Name: Charbovari
Status: Repossession Agent
Summary: She never gives her first name; everyone knows her simply as Agent Jansen. Hometown and family background unknown. A company girl through and through, she hopes to be a GeneCo executive someday, and is already pretty well connected with the upper echelons of corporate management. Her only mechanical enhancements are her eyes.
Image: Here.
Character Name: Agent Mason Stone
Player Name: Kitty Kat
Status: Senior Repo agent
Summary: Mason had a heart attack in a car accident so he had to get a new one from Gene Co, He was unable to make payments so he now works off his debt. But he always lets the runaways go if he can.