Today, I began so much anime watching.

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Trigun and
Akazukin Chacha
Armitage the III
Ayakashi: Japanese Classic Horror
The Big O
Big Windup
Blue Submarine No. 6
Cowboy Bebop
Cromartie High School
Earth Girl Arjuna
Elfen Lied
Excel Saga
Eyeshield 21
Fruits Basket
Full Metal Panic
Ghost in the Shell
Grave of the Fireflies
Gundam Wing
Haibane Renmei
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Kashimashi: Girl Meets Girl
Key: The Metal Idol
Kill La Kill
Kino's Journey
Kyou Kara Maoh
Lupin III
Mononoke (NOT Princess Mononoke, but watch that too)
Natsume Yuujinchou
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Ouran High School Host Club
Outlaw Star
Paranoia Agent
Princess Jellyfish
Samurai Champloo
School Days
Serial Experiments Lain
Speed Grapher
Spice and Wolf
Tenchi Muyo
Wolf's Rain

And obviously, everything from Studio Ghibli/Hayao Miyazaki.

Most of my recs are older because I don't watch a lot of anime these days.
Toradora an Trigun were great. I' e read the first book of Kino no Tabi. Need to read others and I'll start it. All of those shall be considered.
For a movie I suggest Sword of the Stranger.
I have not been watching anime long so other than that..
Wolf's Rain
Fruits Basket
Ginga Densetsu Weed (not dubbed)
and I am currently watching Bleach. It is good but just way too long!
Eheh...I can't watch dubs. I hate em. Shall look into these.
Here's a suggestion that is literally god-tier.

Shin Sekai Yori.

So good that I had to pace myself while watching the episodes.

Other recommendations would be Nagi no Asukara (everything is so beautiful~) and Symphogear (a guilty pleasure of mine, but a GOOD guilty pleasure).

But even if you don't care about the others.

God-tier huh? Guess what I'm gonna go check out.
Certain dubs are actually equal or better than the Japanese voices.
Like Slayers, Spice and Wolf, Code Geass and The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.
It totally isn't because all but Spice and Wolf have Crispin Freeman
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I need to watch more anime, I've been having a craving. Mind suggesting some science fiction and fantasy?
Certain dubs are actually equal or better than the Japanese voices.
Like Slayers, Spice and Wolf, Code Geass and The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.
It totally isn't because all but Spice and Wolf have Crispin Freeman
How can you forget to mention Full Metal Alchemist when talking about awesome English dubs?! :bsmile:

Fuck your mother. >:[


What have you already seen and liked? Also, why aren't you a ferret anymore?
What have you already seen and liked? Also, why aren't you a ferret anymore?
Full Metal Alchemist, Code Geass, Gurren Lagann, Blue Gender, Eureka 7, a handful of others I can't remember the names of in my sleep deprived state... So if you suggest something, I probably haven't seen it.

I'm not a ferret anymore for now. Decided to give a different theme/motif a spin. The ferret is bound to return at some point.

You should absolutely watch these if you haven't:

Blue Submarine No. 6 (one of my favorite sci-fi anime ever)
The Big O (if Batman were a mech anime)
Gundam Wing (mech anime with war and political intrigue)
Neon Genesis Evangelion (redefines mech anime and is fucking crazy as all hell)
Kill La Kill (made by the same people as Gurren Lagann)
Cowboy Bebop (another one of the best sci-fi anime ever)
Wolf's Rain (sci-fi/fantasy about wolves who look like humans)
Outlaw Star (cheesy sci-fi fun)
Trigun (it's a classic)
Spice and Wolf (a bit slice-of-life, but it's fantasy and there's an overarching plot)
Elfen Lied (a bit more on the horror side but you like FMA and that goes some dark places too)

You might also check out Armitage the III, Key: The Metal Idol, Ghost in the Shell (the movie or SAC series), Earth Girl Arjuna, Haibane Renmei, Serial Experiments Lain, and Mushishi.
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Geez...I have no shortage of anime to watch thanks to you guys! Sweet!
I need to watch more anime, I've been having a craving. Mind suggesting some science fiction and fantasy?
Adding a bit more to the list @Ozzie Chanter put out there:

[Science Fiction]
Gundam in general (Pretty big franchise though...)
Cyborg 009
Psycho-Pass (More recent)
Ergo Proxy
Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo
Astro Boy (Just do it)
Ghost in the Shell (Again)
Space Dandy (More of a comedy. It's made by the creators of Cowboy Bebop and even holds some references)

Angel Beats
Kirby: Right Back at Ya!
Saint Seiya
Hell Girl (Highly recommend)

Although Darker than Black doesn't fit into the genre you're looking for, it's still pretty good. It's a Supernatural mystery...Action anime....Yep (Though in a way Supernatural can be science fiction).

This goes for you too @Zilo ;)
Adding a bit more to the list @Ozzie Chanter put out there:

[Science Fiction]
Gundam in general (Pretty big franchise though...)
Cyborg 009
Psycho-Pass (More recent)
Ergo Proxy
Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo
Astro Boy (Just do it)
Ghost in the Shell (Again)
Space Dandy (More of a comedy. It's made by the creators of Cowboy Bebop and even holds some references)

Angel Beats
Kirby: Right Back at Ya!
Saint Seiya
Hell Girl (Highly recommend)

Although Darker than Black doesn't fit into the genre you're looking for, it's still pretty good. It's a Supernatural mystery...Action anime....Yep (Though in a way Supernatural can be science fiction).

This goes for you too @Zilo ;)
Oh boy...So much anime...Kirby 10/10
School Rumble. <-- Comedy/romance
Anohana. <-- SO SAD, SO SAD!
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Ao no Exorcist was eufhgkdjfgbkdfjgbfksogood

My favourites are Angel Beats! and Magi: Magic of the Labyrinth.
you should watch > w >
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One of the very best anime out there, in my opinion, is Steins;Gate. It's an amazing time travel story... if you don't mind the first half being sort of slice of life. I personally enjoyed it. The dialogue in especially the DUB (for once) is genius. XD

I adore Suisei no Gargantia. Suppose that's my guilty pleasure.

Magi the Labyrinth of Magic, which was suggested above, is really good. Same goes for Shinsekai Yori (which is absolutely amazing) and Nagi no Asukara. Ao no Exorcist, which was also mentioned above... is amazing as well. o.o I'll plop in Black Butler here too. While season 2 irked the hell out of me, season 1 and 3 are just fine. Great, to be honest. I can also recommend Spice and Wolf, Fullmetal Alchemist and Shakugan no Shana. Haha, and Fate/Zero and the new Fate/Stay Night. o.o

Tari Tari and Hanasuka Iroha are two amazing slice of life by P.A Works (the studio which did Nagi no Asukara and Angel Beats). They are absolutely heart warming and amazing.

If you're more into the Shoujo/Romance genre, I can strongly recommend Ao Haru Ride, Kaichou wa Maid-sama and Ouran High School Host Club (it is sort of a parody of shoujo genre). Another romance that belongs to the shounen genre, is Toradora. It is an absolute must watch if you're into that sort of thing. If you're into the romance and shoujo, but also want some action... I can recommend Hakuoki Shinsengumi. It's an amazing (but heart wrenching) historical drama, with tons of long haired bishies. 8) Bakuman is a bit more on the slice of life side of things, but it is a beautiful story that's well worth watching.

Robotics;Notes, while not living up to Steins;Gate (a sort of spiritual predecessor, is indeed a very good watch).

If you can stomach some psychological, thriller, horror, mystery... I can recommend Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni. It is very good. And, while on the page of horror, I might want to give Another an honorable mentioned, which I enjoyed quite a lot- although I wouldn't exactly call it scary. Perhaps just a bit eerie... P.A Works manage to set the mood once again. XD

If you want to be trolled by an anime, I recommend Level E. It's actually quite hilarious, and constantly pulls pranks on you. XD

The Devil is a Part-Timer is a hilarious and witty shounen, comedy show, which will have you laugh all the way through. I recommend it highly.

Gosick, Kamisama no Memochou and Dantalian no Shoka are also three anime, that in a way are similar, but all wonderful in their own right... they are great.

Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica, although very simply drawn, has amazing visuals and a breath taking story- not to mention an unforgettable soundtrack. It's well worth the watch!

Baccano was made by the same creator as the one who did Durarara!!... but it is in my opinion so many times better. It's quite amazing, to be honest. X3

O-okay... I'll stop talking now. >.< H-have fun!
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