


Original poster


Persons of Interest

RedFern -William Buchanan Holtz- Messer International (Unaffiliated)


Bloodhound -Brigitte Holtz - MI6 (UK)


Alias: Goldfinch
Name: Anna Surrey
Affiliation: MI6 (UK)

Frau Raüchen

Alias: Frau Raüchen
Name: Margaret Ülmer
Affiliation: MI6 (UK)

Hermann Giersbach

Alias: n/a
Name: Hermann Giersbach
Affiliation: German (Industrialist)


Alias: Merlin
Name: Dr. Rolf Wolfsing
Affiliation: German
Bog Oak

Alias: Bog Oak
Name: General Henry George Reeves-Bentley
Affiliation: MI6 (UK)


Alias: Barracuda
Name: Shirin Reeves-Bentley (nee Keramati)


Alias: Osprey
Name: Eric Cole
Affiliation: Messer International

Commander Jonathan Bremsford

Alias: n/a
Name: Commander Jonathan Bremsford
Affiliation: SAS Squad Leader

Emilé Savant

Alias: n/a
Name: Emilé Savant
Affiliation: n/a (civilian; gallery owner)

Agent X03

Alias: Agent X3
Name: Hans Böser
Affiliation: German (Security Chief)

Agent T40

Alias: Agent E40
Name: Pietr Manns
Affiliation: German (security)

Agent 503

Alias: Agent 503
Name: Karl Krieger
Affiliation: German (security)

Azrak 99

Alias: 'Azrak 99 (99 أزرق) (within the Alltawazun)
Name: Abdul Jawara
Affiliation: Blue Freedom/Alltawazun

Azrak 801

Alias: 'Azrak 801 (80أزرق 1)
Name: Nima Durrik
Affiliation: Blue Freedom/Alltawazun

Places of Interest
Kurnhaus Binz, Rugen

Avalon, Berlin

Things of Interest
Sonnenschein - (Sunshine) - happy little space project; electromagnetic weapon capable of light-based attacks, controled via quantum entanglement
Excalibur: data chip
> Satellite gets (Quantum Entangled) signal.
> Satellite fired special laser in space toward target area on earth.
> As laser encounters atmosphere (charged with Earth's EM Field), and "tearing into" its molecular make-up.
> The tearing of the atmosphere's quanta amplifies the effect of the Earth's magnetic field (at that location).
> Amplifed effect "rides" laser down to Earth, lightning in upper atmosphere is a major after-effect of the "tearing."
> Let's say short-wavelength microwaves are a unique minor after-effect. These could be picked-up by YC's signal dishes and retroactively located as originating in th atmosphere.
Zauberflote - (Magic Flute) Name of collective space program, umbrella moniker for funding stream from German Chancellory.
Blue Freedom - International anarchist organization, focused on weakening state powers and environmental terrorism.
Alltawazun - Middle-Eastern environmental activist group, a non issue but general nuisance, considered an offshoot/brother organization of Blue Freedom. Typically plunder scarce resources and divert them to the most drought-stricken areas in the ME; also help refugees cross borders into literally greener pastures.

Brief History
> The world is wracked by environmental disasters, drought plagues much of the more arid areas while floods threaten the coasts. Desertification threatens scarce food and water resources.
>UK taken over by very nationalist, military-driven government, and has been under their control for 1 generation. Set up an alliance with several countries, including Iran after their democratic revolution, which the UK covertly orchestrated. Great cooperation and exchange between nations.
> Iran launches a weapon of mass destruction upon Jerusalem, utterly destroying the holy land. Simultaneously, in a coordinated strike, their nuclear arsenal is wiped out. UK abandons Iran and changes alliance to Israel and allies. Naturally, this leads to full-scale war in the middle east. Not everyone thinks Iran is fully culpable, however...
> Nuclear fallout affects immediate surrounding area, making it inhospitable, and trade winds sweep nuclear cloud to the rest of the world rendering much of it unlivable
> This leads to even more climate refugees and migrations as people seek to move to hospitable zones. The areas unaffected (so far) by the chaos struggle to deal with this and make passage very difficult. Sprawling migrant camps occupy border zones.


Tentative Timeline
VIP function -> Rügen -> Wedding -> returning for first wedding anniversary
> Arrive at Berlin Airport, journey then waiting for each other. Introductory scene xoxo
>Rugen, via train; BH blocks external transmissions so they can have a frank convo
> Check into hotel, get set up
> Meet Frau Rauchen, a vacationing widow, who lives in Berlin.Get mission information including BH's role as a Honey Pot for the Scientist. Mission consist of:
  • Establish Base of Operations in Hotel
  • Locate Sonnescheine Control Room and acquire control data
  • Locate Merlin, Terminate (Merlin scheduled to attend Art Exhib., then Banquet)
  • Exfiltrate
> Go on "hike," retrieve equipment courtesy of MI6, Go on "hike," retrieve equipment courtesy of MI6 at beach during night >> RedFern pieces together weapons components from frogmen >> Hotel room becomes arsenal, RedFern litters the floor with weapon components making the best weapons >> RedFern suggest that they make love to begin acting more familiar in public … esp. given BH's role as Honey Pot.
> Acquire car, drive to field for target practice >> RedFern holds BH from behind while instructing
> Drive to Berlin. Check into hotel, car parked in garage; consequential sex scene. RedFern begins to show signs of intimacy, rather than physical lust.
> Explore Berlin, urban play of light/dark > Followed by GSF and they duck into a Church?
> Lingerie Shopping … vital for BH's Honey Pot performance over the next several nights.
> On the way back from Lingerie Shop, trailed by ME Faction; leads to chase/fight scene
> Incident with German Security forces upon return to hotel, industrialist introduces himself, believing RF's story
> Next evening: art exhibit with Industrialist, to meet Dr. Wolfsing and begin process of seduction
> ME faction incident at gallery (minor fire and waterworks? art ruined?)
> Attend gala honoring the golden boy of German industrialism, Dr. Wolfsing
> RedFern takes BH aside and "loosens her up" with impromptu shagging, prepping her for seduction
> Head of GSF speaks with RedFern as BH talks with Scientist, Redfern tells take of meeting in Rügen.
> BH meets Dr. Wolfsing, tempts him with a private dinner, she plants a tracking device.
> Monitoring Sonneschein, locate Zauberflote hub, write gamebreaking code
> They track him to the base hidden in plain sight from their room
> BH receives note about dinner that night with Dr. Wolfsing > Sex before dangerous mission.
> BH Private dinner with inventor, feels kinship and understanding.
> RedFern infiltrates the lab
> BH talks him thorough in Bathroom
> Acquires Excalibur
> BH cannot bring herself to kill Dr. Wolfsing
> RedFern arrives, just as GSF arrive
> Shoot-out, Inventor throws himself in front of bullets to save BH (sacrifice, literary "unhealing wound")

> Exodus

> Hiding out and waiting for future instructions
> Sudden return to Berlin - Potsdamer Platz
> Plaza explosion RF framed
> B returns to England
> RF covertly follows, with info on B's past
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