To Older Roleplayers - Is Smut like a car thing for roleplaying?

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All that being said, I really don't think smut is a special case, at least in terms of turning down partners. Just like anything else you could want in an RP, you're going to want to seek out partners who can deliver. Really the only thing that makes smut different is the legal barrier between adults and teens.
Eh... Yes that is the primary reason that red stars turn down blue stars, but even assuming that rule wasn't a thing there would still be other reasons.

Sometime's young people just lack sexual experience, so writing with them could feel very dull and... vanilla. Hell, back on the Guild as a teen when I engaged in smut I had partners referring to me as especially "skilled" and "dirty"... Everyone here on Iwaku however knows damn well how clueless and innocent I actually am on the sex front, so... low standards. :P

Other time's it's just feels creepy. Smut/sexual roleplays delve into a level of intimacy that most RP's don't, even if you remember to keep characters and players seperate. So the idea of engaging in such acts with an effective child, legal concerns aside also just has a massive creepy factor attached to it.

And then there's all the other reasons that extend to any type of RP's, concern about level of literacy, ability to stay dedicated etc.
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I myself do not join smut RPs. Redstar RPs are just not my appeal, imo and I am not trying to insult anyone here. Of what little experience I have had on different websites with smutty RPs or erotic RPs, are they are often focus too much on the sexual part. As softcore porn, rather than some kind of nicely tied story with sexual eroticism in it.

I am a heavy story RPr, I like a good story that isn't completely based off of I want to get off on this. Actually the more erotic and smutty it is without a good story or natural development into relationships, the more I am turned off and not interested in the idea.

I think in general erotica RPs, and erotica novels need to focus more on a good story that allows relationships to form organically, then just, IDK the best example I can give is I'm not opposed to Yaoi or Yuri. But it has to make me believe the relationship and like the characters and be interested in their lives.

A while back, I found a yaoi manga, with some beautiful artwork. I mean the front covers were gorgeous. That reminded me of some Eastern version of the Victorian era. So I decided I want to read it. Well the very first page is some hot sexy smutty sex sex and I closed the manga and never read it again.

This is where I am going to get to the point, with long winded context. I think when it comes to Blue Stars, beside the rules on Iwaku, is what Gwazi said. Experience. Young people simply don't have the experience. And you get that manga scenario with the RP. Where it's just genitalia everywhere and a very boring story.

Young people don't really understand the Art of Sex or what makes sex beautiful to write. And they certainly don't know how to write believable sex either.

That and it's creepy to even consider a smut RP with a young person. Just super creepy and gross and feels like violation. Doesn't make me comfortable.

Anyway, Good Smut is more like Art. It's beautiful. Nuanced. And organic. Authentic and real.

Bad Smut is Bad Smut.
I'll be upfront: sometimes I just want a smutty story. I don't think there's anything wrong with that, but that completely eliminates partners under 18.

Even for stories that aren't sex-focused, the possibility for sex is still there. Rather, I like it to be there, because I don't like to block out completely natural aspects of the human experience. This is the same reason I dislike fading to black, because there is a lot to explore, character wise, with sex. Therefore I still keep my searches 18+ only.

Finally, I guess I just feel really creepy role-playing with people under 18. I'm 25 (so even 18 is really young to me). It's just strange. I like to make friends with my partners when possible, and I guess I just feel like I wouldn't have as much in common with teenagers. It would feel more like a mentorship than a friendship. Idk. Hard to explain. Also an issue of maturity.

It definitely has nothing to do with skill, though. I've met some seriously talented young writers, just like I've met quite a few very casual adult writers.
Let me just say that there are many mind-blowing amazing RPers out there that are under the age of 18. It's not a question of skill. There are also people over the age of 30 that don't know how to spell and prefer to stick to one-liners. (My mom is a PRIME example of an older RPer that I could never RP with again, lol. If I can't read the post without getting kicked out of the story, then I don't want to read any of the posts)

My thing is the same as several of the other people here. I prefer to have romance, some immature humor, and the possibility of smut in my stories. I rarely want a story centered around it, but being limited makes it a little harder for character development. And where is the line between fluffy romance and smut? That is a very blurry area, at least for me. Since sometimes a kiss could be considered fluff, and other times it's considered smut just based on the description that's used for it.

That's the same issue I have with fading to black. Because I'm fine with playing through a sex scene at various description levels, I don't know when a good point to fade to black would be. I have to take things slow if I'm with a partner that fades out, so that they can jump it to the shadows before it gets too uncomfortable for them.

With some teens, it's not a level of comfort, as they are fine with playing through the whole thing. That only makes it even harder to work with.

So, to avoid the hassle, I prefer to stick with redstar members if I feel there's a chance for things to progress that far. If it's a RP that I seriously doubt will progress that far, then I really do not mind having a bluestar partner. As long as they meet my other requirements, though, lmao. (Things such as no one-liners, talking OOC, and whatever)
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It hasn't been too long since I was a blue star myself (actually, I'm only 19), but now I rarely do roleplay one on one with people under 18. The only one I roleplay with that's a blue star is @Sen and it's because we were already partners when I was still blue star, and we continued our roleplay since we fit so compatibly together as partners, and we've grown to be very close even past that. Though I think that if faced with a choice now, I would still roleplay with a teen provided they're at least sixteen years old, if it's a roleplay that includes romantic subtext between characters, and more mature plots and suggestive themes, though obviously absolutely no smut is allowed.

Age isn't really the only deciding factor to a person's maturity so I don't underestimate younger people, being a youngin myself still despite being legal age, so I would probably give teen roleplayers a chance if I can see maturity in their writing. Hypothetically, that is. I'm willing to RP with younger people since they can prove to be very gifted and innovative, as well as imaginitive in their writing. Obviously the possible downsides are how maturely they can portray characters, how they can write certain themes I prefer in my roleplays, and yes, their writing style.

But otherwise, why not?

I already have enough roleplays as it is, so I really am not accepting new partners or roleplays now. xD Sen is enough for me, lol.

And I haven't even written any smut since, like, 2015? xD It's something I can go without, but I do want to explore more of it eventually. The Redstar Bedroom currently has the most one x one roleplays, even overshadowing normal one x ones, and I've heard of people only doing 18+ because they feel uncomfortable including sexual, mature, or dark themes when roleplaying with someone younger. That concern is still real because adults will always feel a sense of responsibility for how they influence or affect younger people, so don't discount that.
And then there's all the other reasons that extend to any type of RP's, concern about level of literacy, ability to stay dedicated etc.
I feel I should clarify here that this isn't my own view on teen members, but rather I was trying to give a basic understanding as to why some people don't RP with blue stars.
And I haven't even written any smut since, like, 2015? xD
2012 for me, save for one or two specific instances.
Though, I personally don't feel any desire to dive back into it.

I'll take being a Pathfinder character instead any day. XD
That concern is still real because adults will always feel a sense of responsibility for how they influence or affect younger people, so don't discount that.
At the risk of people misunderstanding me here, I don't really feel that responsibility.

Like if we're talking significantly young? Like say 13 or younger I might feel some level of responsibility, but outside of that I'm a big believer in that what causes people to grow and mature is exposure, not censorship/being sheltered. So I really wouldn't have any issue having a dark/serious themed world and bringing young people in it, if I could trust they as an individual could keep up with the others RP wise. Though stuff like sex scenes obviously get faded to black. Both from a legal perspective and because I just personally don't care for that part anyways.

It'd be like Game of Thrones VS Porn. Game of Thrones would be fine for younger people, you are in a serious world, you can address sex is there and a thing that happens, but you're not going to see any dicks coming out all of the sudden. But in Porn, dicks do tend to pop out.

I am ok with introducing youngsters to Game of Thrones. I am not ok with introducing youngsters to Porn (if they really care they got Google, they can find it themselves).
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I find myself preferring RedStar partners because I like to keep my plot's open. If smut becomes apart of the story than it just does. Sexual Tension is something that drives my characters at times, and if I am engaged in rp with someone younger than 18 than it can hinder what I am trying to portray. Now I am open to roleplaying with underage people, but it takes a little more preparation and thought than if I were doing one with someone 18+. Age isn't a legitimate reason to not even attempt to create a story with someone, but everyone has different preferences.
For me it's a level of comfortability. And usually because there's such a huge age gap between this ole gal and a blue star. I try not to hold preference though until I've seen a blue star's ability. The whole smut thing isn't a necessity to me. I love plots. So. Much. I love detail down to how the breeze smells in whatever season the RP is taking place in. And I love slow burn romances because I want my characters to earn that affection and I want it to be hard for them (I'm kind of a sadist to my characters...).

That being said, the past experiences I've had with smut, I would compare to real life (mine, not anyone else's) because yeah, I have a few smutty plots I'd love to get off the ground when I find the right partner (which I did) but they aren't needed. Sometimes I like to take a walk, or skateboard instead of driving my car. Again, I'm not someone who does smut on the regular so my answer might not be as helpful.
For myself, it's more about freedom in writing than 'smut just so good'. I actually am not a massive fan of smut, as I tend to quickly lose interest because it very rarely is used as a tool to advance the story or character development.

I'll take a random person I once encountered as an example. This person, whom I ended up turning away from, had the very reasonable stipulation: Fade to black only. Now that is totally fine, and I would never try to talk anyone out of that position, but for me it tells me that, essentially, can't write that. I don't like limiting myself, and sexual encounters can be important to characters or even an integral part of their story. In addition, for me, it draws an arbitrary line that I don't want to tip-toe around. Is touching okay? How undressed can a character be before you declare them naked? What is and isn't okay? If it's just genitalia that's the issue, well, that's a thin layer to work with.

When I was a teenager, smut for smut's sake was a bigger part of my RPs, but that's just how I was back then. I avoid blue-stars now like mad, not because I think anyone is an idiot for being younger than me or anything, but because I remember being younger myself. Every two years or so, I look back and smack my head over how oblivious and dumb I was just two years ago, so when it goes back as far as being a teen... Yeah, cringe. Terrible. Good writing even then, but with themes and gimmicks that just seem so antiquated to me today. Even the smut, just... Ugh.

tl;dr: I like to have an 'Anything goes' approach as far as writing, so smut would fall under that umbrella along with any other adult themes I think I want to introduce.

There, I wrote smut.
Red star player here, and unofficial "Queen of Kink".

Personally, I usually feel best when I play with partners who are over twenty-one—usually not so much for legal reasons, but because the human brain's maturation really sets in closer to twenty-four than to eighteen, and twenty-one is a decent middle ground between the two.

I'm absolutely willing to play with people who are between eighteen and twenty-one, but I need to feel comfortable with their maturity level: they need to be able to keep RP and reality separate, they need to understand that organic flow tends to make a better interaction, and that sometimes plans don't always happen the same way imagined.

The reason I am wary to play with anyone below eighteen is fairly simple: I'm twenty seven years old. I'm three years away from thirty. I feel strange having a decade between a partner and I. First, there's the legal issue of smut. Second, there's the issue that we grew up in different times. By seeking partners of a similar age to mine, I can hope to have some level of common ground with them in terms of the time in which we grew up. Looking at some of the younger people on the site, I feel... lost. I don't feel like I 'get it'. What does turnt mean? Swifty sounds like a Pokemon. Did I even spell that right?

As for whether or not smut is something you experience and never want to go back from: for me, that's not the case at all. I've gone through periods where smut is all I want. I've gone through periods where it's something I actively avoid. Right now, I'm on a middle ground: if it happens organically within an RP, I have the most fun, but if it doesn't happen, that's good as well. I also find that sometimes it can be fun to do RP based entirely on smut with only enough story to make the pairing make sense, but I really need to be in a specific mood for it.

Smut isn't a big deal. Hell, sometimes I get more excited about fluff or political intrigue than I do about my characters getting all lubed up on each other. Hell, sometimes just seeing reminders that my partners give depth and real flaws to their characters is enough to turn me into a squealing fangirl! As an example, one of my RP partners plays a being who exists beyond universes as a power stronger than gods.

This character uses magic and technology from multiple universes, and despite his stoic facade, he's deeply enamored with existence and learning. This same character is an idiot when it comes to trying to understand people. He makes assumptions and operates off them, rather than asking for the truth, and often he makes the incorrect assumption, or he assumes others are lost when they don't reach the same conclusion as him due to the lack of information they possess compared to him. He also, for all the creature of logic he thinks he is, is a sucker for love and emotion.

That sort of characterization isn't listed in any bio, but has been shown to me through actual play, and I've totally fallen for that character to the point that I make avatars of him on Gaia or Recolor, just to see if I can.

BUT UH YES. Back on topic.

I enjoy smut. I'm fairly known for being into the crazy shit. However, I only rarely actively seek smut. Those smut-driven RPs don't last, and I feel no long-term attachment to them.

What I look for in a partner is someone open to smut, rather than looking for it. I cannot legally or within the rules of Iwaku write smut with teenaged partners. Thus, I play within my age bracket.

I up my age requirement because I'm looking for RP partners who will be friends with me as well, and usually I get along best with people near my age or older. Obviously since I have a nineteen year old or two in my list of partners, I do make some exceptions.
I'm a horny bastard and I like porn. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
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It's why I used the car analogy. Once you can do it, does it feel weird to not be able to?

I've never thought of my car as "smutty". I also own a bike. When it comes to my characters, some are "cars", some are "bikes"... some are adults, with kids, some are single adults, some are teenagers, and some are younger (some much younger). I'm rather flexible when it comes to RP.
I've never thought of my car as "smutty". I also own a bike. When it comes to my characters, some are "cars", some are "bikes"... some are adults, with kids, some are single adults, some are teenagers, and some are younger (some much younger). I'm rather flexible when it comes to RP.
I believe the question was asking how you feel about the real-life age of the people you roleplay with, not about your characters. o3o As in, "do adult roleplayers only RP with other adults because once you've done smut RP is it weird to not be able to do smut?"
I believe the question was asking how you feel about the real-life age of the people you roleplay with, not about your characters. o3o As in, "do adult roleplayers only RP with other adults because once you've done smut RP is it weird to not be able to do smut?"

Well, we have people mentioning characters... now that I've finished breakfast and am settled with my coffee:

I have no problem RPing with younger people, and, as I mentioned, I have a host of characters fit for various situations, so, if I find myself RPing with a Bluestar, I simply pick the appropriate character, or take one of my existing characters and move them to a point in their life's timeline where Redstar issues won't be a concern... no, not into "smut", myself. I'm with others here that erotica needs to involve story and characters. Sex in context, not just sex. Think of sex as a form of dialog. I like the phrase "Actions speak louder than words." For me, whatever a character does, that defines the character. I guess I could say, whatever a person's real-life age, I go solely by the rules. Don't want to cross the legal line. But that doesn't prevent me from roleplaying with younger members, whatever the color of their star. It's all in the quality of the writing, in whether or not what they write paints a picture, be it with words, and more powerfully, with character actions.

So no, it's not weird.
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I've never thought of my car as "smutty". I also own a bike. When it comes to my characters, some are "cars", some are "bikes"... some are adults, with kids, some are single adults, some are teenagers, and some are younger (some much younger). I'm rather flexible when it comes to RP.
Anything can be Smut if you try hard enough.

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