To Love a Fluttershy

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Personality: Dylan is very polite to everyone he meets, male or female. Most girls find it hard to tell if he's flirting or just being nice. He doesn't like to do things by himself and would rather have someone give him orders to follow. Dylan can be odd at times, but that's just because he tries to see the world from every outlook. Even though he smiles, he sometimes feels that nobody really gets him except for a select few. However, he's a fun and outgoing guy who would stop at nothing to turn anybody's frown upside down. He is also very adventurous and loves the thrill of a good book. His love for nature really provides him with a green thumb, as he's always trying to protect the natural land wherever he can by doing the smallest of things. Dylan is very knowledgeable about a great many things, but he doesn't flaunt it around for fear of being labeled as a weirdo. He often thinks before he acts, but he learns quickly from his mistakes. He's also a bit of a nerd and loves all kinds of video games, movies and television shows.

So are you starting or am I?
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