The Wolf Pack OOC

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
Like, non of my characters are near your wolves, so I'll have to make that happen somehow, XD
Plus I have a long Ullr Fenrir post to do, but I'll have to wait until tomorow to post it up because I'm not supposed to be on right now. >.< ( I've got tons of homework to do.)
Soooo... Night guys!
( I guess. :P )
Hey guys, I'm currently working on moving your IC posts into its own thread as we don't allow IC posts and OOC posts in the same thread. Please use this thread only as an OOC thread from now on and post your in character posts in this thread.

The rest of your posts will be moved during the day, but because of the amount it will have to be done in groups. Please post all your new IC posts in there even before everything has been moved. Everything will get into the order of the date they were posted, so nothing will be out of order. The OOC thread will shortly be moved to OOC & sign ups.

All the posts has now been moved, make sure to keep your OOC and IC separated from now on. ^^
(Dude, that's AWESOME. It hints that he knows about her past, which makes me super-interested in what's going on! xD)
@She Wolf
As I already told you and the rest of the group, we do not allow OOC posts in IC threads. Make sure to keep your OOC posts in this OOC thread or PM your partners from now on. Your out of character posts has been moved.
Eeeh, I'm so bored.
She wolf, shall we skip to next day?
Also, :3

@redblood, We're super sorry about putting you through all this trouble of moving our posts!
I'm a bit of a new person here and I literally had no idea you were supposed to keep different comments seperate.
I'll try to keep chatty posts on here.
Oh wow, that's nice. Thank you so much! We'll do our best to stick to this.
Uh...I just got into a fight with my boyfriend...I was wondering if I could join you guys? Maybe even just for today..? I need something to keep my mind off of it..
* whispers *
Do I know you?
You look really familiar...

If not, sorry, but...
Yeah, because,
It's deff you.

Reason number one:
You recently got banned, so you made another account. It's pretty obvious, because your first comment was on here.

You are pretending to be a different member, however.

Number 2:
Saying you got in a fight with your boyfriend was your last profile update before you were banned.

I'm pretty sure its you Karuko.