The Wolf Pack OOC

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Sorryyy! There's been some drama in my house, because my sister left her hamster's cage door open and it escaped! xD It's fine now, but that's why I was gone without warning.
{Meeeeh. Gotta go. :3}
She woolfffff this kidnapper princess thing was going so well!
Come online she wolf!
(( Ok this info is for you, dragon. xD Me and She wolf discussed the kidnapper princess plot, and I kinda wanted to tell you that according to what we discussed, we planned that Aasgard eventually falls in love with the princess after a long trek back to Difference's tribe, and maybe this forbidden love starts to blossom? Just so you know, you know. xD ))
((Wait, they actually go to Difference's pack? I thought they stayed xD))
(( Wait, like, I think they start to trek towards Difference's pack, but then Aasgard regrets the decision and they stay. I was thinking maybe the guards of Saphira's tribe actually catch up with Aasgard and arrest him though. Maybe? xD It's all up to you. ))
(( Oooh, ermegerd. That's good, but like- how does that work? Does he re enter the pack to kidnap the princess again, or...? ))
Yo. xD

Anyone going to reply to everyone's comments or what? xD
Aww man, I have to go! >.<
Could this be Aasgard's colour possibly?
Yooo! Anyone here?