The Winterlands

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"Why thank you." Geneva said. "Just place it over on the corner of my desk. I shall open it at a later time. Mail comes regularly for me. A chance to speak with another person not very often." The Librarian then caught a glimpse of the book that MD had randomly picked out.

"Ooooo. You'll love this story. I see that it called to you." Geneva then pointed to a table nearest to a large window. "If you aren't too busy, I'd love to talk with you about this, that, and the other thing."

MD could tell that this lady probably didn't get a lot of contact with others. Maybe, all the people in this world were just like Rory? Atlantis seemed to be the only semi-normal person so far. "I'll make up some tea. What do you like the best?"
MD wasn't expecting to be involved in a conversation. She really was interested in the book, though. Hopefully Atlantis would not mind... They weren't in any hurry, right? She expected him to come inside if they needed to get moving.

"Earl gray?" she asked in response to the tea. The only times she'd really drink it was when she was ill, or when the weather was unbearably cold. While not unbearable, the temperature was still chilly out. A warm beverage sounded delightful.

"Thank you very much," MD added with a friendly smile, then found herself a chair to sit in. Quickly, she pulled herself to a table so she could set the book down, and she waited for Geneva to return with the tea.

What in the world were they going to talk about, though? Aside from the book. This, that and the other thing was what the woman said. An odd choice of words, but she assumed it was all important.
Geneva quickly returned with the teas. There was a motherly smile on her face. She then placed the tray on the table. Geneva seemed to be very graceful and humble. This interested MD. So far, all the people she had met were very colorful. Maybe some normality in this strange world of snow and angels was a gift sent from the heavens.

"Early Gray. You are probably the only youngling I know that likes to drink it around here."

Geneva then blew a little into the still warm tea before taking a sip. "You are very welcomed, my friend."

She then placed the cup down, "I do apologize if I seem informal. My policy is always treating a stranger as if they were your friend. It is rather naive, I know but it is something I firmly believe in following."

"After you take a few sips of your tea, why don't you bring that book over here? I can tell you a little more about it. You have chosen a very special one."
MD smiled sweetly at the woman before she sipped her tea. A pleasant warmth spread through her limbs, melting any and all frigidness she got from being outside. The clothes she wore were warm, yes, but they couldn't protect her from the cold one-hundred percent. With this tea and the atmosphere of literature, MD just wanted to stay here and read.

After setting down the cup of tea, she slid it across the table while moving closer to Geneva, the book tucked at her underarm. In a matter of seconds, she had a chair set up beside the woman so they could sit side by side. The book was opened to the first page after it too was set on the table, with their beverages. She decided to put her hands in her lap then, after pushing her glasses farther up her nose.

"What makes this book so special, ma'am?" MD inquired with an adoring look of curiosity.
The red hair woman then smiled. "That book is the Book of Knowledge." She then placed her tea cup down. "I'll explain its importance in the form of a story....But first open it."

MD slowly opened the book, holding Geneva's gaze for a moment before she dropped her eyes to the page below. There where no page numbers from what she could tell. The handwriting was admirable, MD found it pleasent to look at. She was falling back intoa habit of looking at the initial layout of the page before entering the realm of the contents of writing.

MD blinked, then concentrated on the meaning behind the neatly written words.

Oct 23rd

Hello Dairy.

This Laurannia once again. I know that my brother and the rest of my family believes that I'm too sickly to leave the home. That's completely false! I've sneaked out of the house many times before. Anyways, today I found some important things out! I mean it is really grand and it is about the lands that surround this little town on the edge of the world. As I mentioned many times before, I befriended one of the Winged Ones that wanders around the town, his name is Rory. He is around twenty four years old and is a great person to be around.

We found a novel that tells the story of a mysterious village that is surrounded by protective magical walls. The walls are viewed by the villagers as a blessing rather than a curse. According to their covenant with God, no one may ever leave, or the enchantment will be broken and the site and all its inhabitants will disappear forever. However, there are ways to get over the walls, if one is ready. They need the help of the Mahoreopmec.

Rory told me this, "You shouldna be too surprised, lass. I told ye when ye respect someone deeply, anythin' is possible. Even miracles." I wonder, if this means that if we work with the Winged Ones, we can cross over the walls? This morning, we hid the book and later tonight, we plan to leave together. Once I find out the secrets of these walls, I can find a cure for my sickness and then my dear brother will no longer have to worry about me… "

"Ah ha!" Geneva then said. "That page called out to you. Interesting, very interesting. I guess my story will have to wait. I had no idea that you were involved with the affairs of that young man mentioned in those passages."

It seemed that Geneva knew these stories rather well....
MD reread the entry twice, letting the words sink in. She was trying to understand what it all meant. Was this important to her in some way? Was it connected to her? There were so many questions on her mind now. Not to mention, this mentioned a 'Winged One' named Rory. This had her wondering if this was the very same Rory she was hired to clean for.

Briefly, she made a smirk when she referred to Rory as a 'young man'. Indeed, he appeared youthful. She'd been assuming he was much older than he appeared, though. Then again, perhaps everyone in this realm was that way. Maybe even Atlantis, the youngest looking she'd seen so far, was ancient as well. There was so much about this world she did not yet understand.

Now, she was anxious as ever to learn more. There was more to it than 'why am I here?' and 'how did I get here in the first place?'. There were so many more reason attached to her simply existing in these Winterlands.

"So, this is the same Rory that read my dreams?" she inquired, though it was rhetorical. Obviously it was. "Who was Laurannia? Did she ever find her cure?"

MD decided then to flip a page to see if the book could answer her. As she searched for these answers, her eyes rolled upward so she could glance above her glasses at Geneva, silently asking if there was more she could tell her.
Geneva then giggled, "Yes. That is the same old Rory. I'm more than sure that you know by now that he's a Dreamkeeper."
She got up for a moment, taking MD's cup with her, and poured more tea for the both of them. As she walked, MD noticed that Geneva had device strapped under her long coat. It was mostly obscured by the coat, but there was an outline that was fairly apparently. The upper half appeared to go up to her shoulders. This fiery redhead had a back brace on.
Geneva came back a few moments later, with two fresh cups of her tea. She noticed MD's eye movements. It appeared that this librarian understood MD's non-spoken question.
"Interested in Rory, eh?" The woman had a mischievous smile on her face. "That man is such a romantic to say the least… As for Laurannia, I, sadly, do not know much about her."
Geneva then took a sip of her tea. "I do know that she was his love. But the details of his post-war life are a little fuzzy to most. I doubt even your friend Atlantis knows a whole lot about Rory."
She then sighed happily, as if she were remembering the old times.
"Many years ago, there was a queen of the Winged Ones, with the same name that I have, that wished to remain neutral in a conflict between two opposing tribes. Rory was involved with the queen in order to help keep her free from conflict…."
Atlantis then entered the library. However, he didn't head towards the chatting women. He threw his jacket off and shook his cold hands to try to warm them up.
"Anyways," Geneva said, "From what I've been told, he's rather secretive due to events."