The weirdest shit you do in class

I also like picking arguments with Christian Fundamentalists that like hovering around campus. Mostly because they never know what to do when a Jew shows up. They can't insult me because they'd end up undermining the validity of their POVs.
@Khang: West Aurora High School in illinois

i always had this thing for making vegetarians (who also happened to be grade-A scats) feel horrible about eating their salads during lunch because "think of those cute furry bunnies, they have it hard enough living out in that cruel world. and here you are eating food that has been ripped from their mouths to make animal-loving people like you feel good inside."
my favorite story dealing with arrogant animal huggers was during the video we watched in history about the testing of the A-bomb on animals. we called her in from the hallway right when the shockwave from the blast hit the pens.

i is slightly evil to those who are condescending to the rest of us just because we eat meat and don't think animals lives are worth more than our own. not that thinking that is wrong, i just don't like people who rub it in my face and are pricks about it.
oh god...vegans....synonymous for victims. They're so easy to screw with.
Originally posted by Great Demon Hunter Daiki
So far, this thread is more about fapping than anything else. Kinky.
What's wrong with that? Personally, I'd like to see a thread open up dedicated for it.

On a side note, the worst thing I've ever done in class is just not pay attention. Usually doodle and write; sometimes draw on the desks.
Does the bathroom count? 'Cause I've sometimes masterbated in there, too. Never ejaculated, just touched myself.

I think I said too much, there.
Nah, you're ok, QO.
nail gun wars in wood shop and seeing who could send a board the farthest when they shoot it off the table saw
you sir, belong on my wood shop's wall of shame.
If I ever take math again I will say during a test. "Holy asymptote look at the variable on the mother function!!"

Other then that I just don't pay attention in classes and ace them anyways. narg.
Getting up on the desks and dancing to Lady Gaga right after surgery class..

Being forced to say 'penis' while listening to our teacher make sexist jokes to the only guy in our class. -.-'

Clipping cat nails while in a diseases lecture.

Getting buzzed during lunch break and heading back to class only to spend the entire time staring at the ceiling giggling.

Cleaning parrot poo out of my notebook during lecture. ._.;

Chasing chickens.

Determined a snake's sex.

Sperm collection from a dog. Not my favorite lab day..

Passed a metal rod down a cow's esophagus. After.. palpation.. *shudder* Though the fact that cows have no upper teeth is pretty cool. ^^ Makes sticking your hand in there not as scary..

Not too terribly exciting or anything.. but not really anything I did in high school, or imagined myself doing in college. xD
@GMK: we were all usually stoned and our woods teacher was half drunk by the time we got there, thats what made it really fun. and you can't tell me you wouldn't have joined in the fun!