The Warring Kingdoms

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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I'll get an IC post up sometime tomorrow, though it'll just be an introduction until there comes an opportunity to join the party.
I had totally forgot about this but I won't be joining as I'm already involved in a few rps, so I'll be pulling back.
"A few" consists of how many? Im on 14 now and still going strong :D
The rps in my signature and apparently I might've signed up for other rps while I was under the influence xD
Hmm, 5 can be a lot if you dont have a lot of free time.
Yea, school is hectic, especially when the school keeps throwing work on me when I still have some more to do</3
I had totally forgot about this but I won't be joining as I'm already involved in a few rps, so I'll be pulling back.
Can I assume you're dropping from my other role play (Star Child) as well?
Eh, my school is throwing boat loads of work at me too, but coming up with amusing excuses as to why I haven't done it takes priority. My next one for Geology is "My dinosaur ate it" cos we're studying dinosaurs atm. When we go onto mass extinctions, I'm saying it got struck by a meteor.
As Byakko is now open, we're looking for one more RPer. If you have any friends who might be interested, send them this way. :)
Well, I asked around. Lets see if anything turns up.
I would like the last character slot if it is still open. I will create someone in the next couple of days.
I'm camping today and getting back in 3-4 days, so for the sake of keeping the roleplay going, I'll allow hijack on my character until I return. See you then
I'm camping today and getting back in 3-4 days, so for the sake of keeping the roleplay going, I'll allow hijack on my character until I return. See you then
We are still waiting on Batty to post, any way.
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