The War of Kings

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Failen had been about to volunteer to go when Lega told him that it was too cold outside. Aleistar, however, was more than happy to help, and even said, "Probably a good idea. Seron and his soldiers might still be nearby." He stood, taking the package from her and pulling on his boots while Failen toom the medicine, making a face at the taste. Soon, the knight was gone, leaving Failen with the two women. "Is there anything I can do to help our? You have already done so much for us...Both of you."
Elga was about to say that he was fine when she thought about it. "Well... You could help me pack a lunch for Aine. If you could find me a basket to put everything in, I would be extremely grateful." Lega walked into her 'office' so she could work on different potions and the like. Elga smiled as she started to gather ingredients for a nice lunch.

At the forge, Aine was, pretty loudly, working on her latest weapon. "Stupid. Man. Making. Me. Feel. So. Ugh!" She sighed as she finished hitting out the hot metal and put it into the water to cool, brushing away the steam that blew into her face. She felt completely and utterly frustrated and she didn't know why. The lack of sleep was probably getting to her.
"Alright," Failen said, beginning to look around the house for a basket. He searched every room, looking beneath beds and in closets, before finally finding out e hidden beneath a bunch oflinens in the back of a closet.

Pretty soon, Aleistar arrived at the forge, carrying the parcel in the pocket of his jacket. Hearing Aine shouting, he waited until she was finished to approach, taking out the package. "Here," he said simply, handing it to her once he had her attention. "I was asked to bring it."
Elga smiled as she made the food. "So, Failen... Do you 'ave a betrothed?" She asked, trying to figure out just how good for her daughter this man was. Even if he was a prince, he seemed like a man who would be willing to marry a small town girl.

Aine sighed before taking the object. "Thank you. I'm sorry you had to go all this way..." She unwrapped the cloth to find a new stone she could use to sharpen the weapons she made.
"No..." Failen answered. "At least, not anymore. There was a nobleman whose daughter I was to marry, but she died of the Black Fever when we were twelve. My parents didn't think to try to marry me again, since they were focused more on Seron. All of the girls they tried to get him to marry ended up having him before the wedding." Failen smiled a bit. "But as for myself, I don't know how I'd get married now, practically banished..."

"It's fine," Aleistar said. "I enjoy the walk." He shrugged beforeturning to leave, tossing a, "Goodbye, my lady," over his shoulder, his boots throwing up a bit of snow with each step.
"Oh, I'm sure you'll find a good girl who will be the perfect person for you." She smiled as she finished up the lunch and put it in a basket for Aine. "I am sorry about your first betrothed though. Too many die too soon." Elga shook her head as she finished up packing the lunch.

Aine was confused by the 'my lady' bit and just continued forging, sweat running down her back as she forged.
Failen nodded, before wandering over to a bookshelf and glancing over the books. He had always liked reading, and was interested in seeing what sort of books a woman like Lega might read. Pulling one book down, he sat on a chair and opened it, careful to remember where it came from.

Soon, Aleistar returned and was shaking snow off his boots, stating that a fresh snow was falling. He moved to his prince's side, sitting near him and making sure that he didn't need anything.
Aine came back home later that evening, tired and nearly half asleep on her feet. Elga was quick to force her to sit down and relax while she made dinner. Aine looked over at Failen, watching him a bit. "You still 'ave a lot to explain..." She yawned as she leaned back in the comfortable chair. "Like, why your brother is bat shit insane and your normal?" The girl closed her eyes, her body finally succumbing to the stress of the day. She simply kept her eyes closed, but didn't fall asleep. Lega took the chance to check up on the girl, checking her temperature and making sure she wasn't overworking herself.
"Seron was raised always knowing that he would be king someday. Our father took the time to teach him all about being kingly, always told him that he was special, that he would be the greatest king the elves ever had. I didn't get that treatment. I was raised as a king's son as well, but not the future king. My brother learned how to be a king, while I knew that I had three options: become a knight and probably end up protecting my brother, marry a lord's daughter and become a lord myself and reign over my brother's people, or become an advisor to my brother when he became king..." He trailed off for a moment before speaking again. "I became spiteful. Why should I devote my entire life to the future king when I could just as easily been king had I been born a few minutes earlier? So...I started spreading a rumor when I was sixteen that Seron was really me and I was really Seron, and he had been lying about it since we were little. He...didn't take it well. All his life he'd been told that he was going to be king no matter what, and then the country thought that he was a liar and a traitor. Even our parents didn't know what to believe. So, Seron just snapped. And now he needs to kill me in order to assure himself that he is Seron and not Failen."

Failen looked away, guilt crossing his features. It was the first time he had told anyone that, and he suddenly realized all the problems he had caused because of his own jealousy.
"Well huh." Aine said, moving out of Lega's attempt to try and take her temperature. "That is definitely a way to go about things. A way one would expect from a young one, but a way none the less." She looked over him and the knight. "So that's why you ran? Because he wanted to kill you to assure he stayed king? How do the people feel about this? Is he a good king?" She asked, trying to confirm a few things before she continued to let them stay near her mother. Sure, they were nice enough when they were staying with her, but things could change in a heartbeat. She knew that first hand.
"When Aleistar and I first started running, we tried to stay away from as many people as possible. But for the most part, I think they believe that the Failen I made them believe he was ran away, and Seron wishes to kill me to keep me from coming back and creating uncertainty again. And as he is now, Seron isn't a good king. He's paranoid, and will do anything to remain in power. But I think our parents believed that he was going to be a good king. He's charismatic, intelligent, and can hold himself in a battle, all the makings of a good king..." He trailed off, glancing at Aleistar and wondering if they might have to leave soon now that his awful part in the story had been told.
"Well. Now I know you're a bit of a liar." Aine said. She stood up and walked over to him. "You just described yourself there when describing your brother. If you can make a damn near irritable person like me like you, then you can make the whole world like you. Your pretty intelligent, though a bit too caring, and I 'aven't seen your battle skills, but I assume a prince like you 'as some sort of skill." She sighed as she shook her head. "I can't believe I am saying this, but I want to 'elp you." She looked over at the two, waiting for their response.
"You don't know him like I did. He may seem unstable right now, but he was always like that. But...I would be honored for your help. I think Aleistar and I have been working as partners for too long...He needs a break..." He smiled a bit, shifting slightly. " there any tea I could have?" he asked, suddenly craving for it.
"I'm sure mum will 'ave a pot around 'ere somewhere..." Aine said, starting to think that some coffee would be great. She was about to stand up and look for some when Elga stepped in carrying two pots and some cups.

"Alright, tea and coffee for whoever wants some!" Elga said, pouring cups and handing them to the occupants. Aine smiled as she took a cup of coffee, helping her mother pour cups of tea and coffee.

"Alright, you just need to tell me what to do." Aine said, sipping her coffee as she leaned against the wall.
Failed sipped from his cup before answering Aine. "We have two options. We return to my kingdom and attempt to take power, or we try to make him believe I'm dead." He smiled, though it was more like a grimace. "I would prefer to go home, since being exiled in a foreign country doesn't sound too appealing." He gave a dry chuckle, letting his dark hair fall into his eyes.
"Alright, then if we want to face Failen we need an army." Aine said, taking a sip of her coffee. "We could try to gather the townspeople, but that wouldn't work too well..." She thought about it for a bit before an idea came to her. "What if we got the knights involved? I mean the 'uman knights. This would create an alliance and the king wouldn't put down an alliance with a smart prince who 'e could possibly marry 'is daughters to." She smiled over at Failen. "That would mean that I get twice the business since I'll be makin' weapons for 'umans and elves." The young girl waited patiently for Failen to respond. She thought it would be at least a start to their little adventure.
"That sounds like a good start," Failen said, nodding. "Perhaps we should go to a larger city, somewhere that we can recruit knights for the cause." He thought about it, deep in thought for a few moments. It would be difficult to find knights willing to put their life on the line for another king. He would need something to convince them. As it was now, he had nothing, no reason for human knights, or any human for that matter, to want to help him.
"True... but not until you're fully healed and ready to go. Also we need to come up with some reason for the knights to come to the cause..." Aine bit her lip before turning to the man. "Would Seron attack the humans if he felt threatened by them?" She asked, pretty sure what they could say to convince the knights. Maybe if they could convince the king... That might work. The king had ultimate say over the knights so if they could get the king on their side then the knights would be practically shoved at them.
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