The War of Kings

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Failen gratefully drank from the glass, the cool water soothing his burning throat. "Thank you," he said softly as he finished the glass.

Once Aleistar and Lega arrived, the knight immediately went to his prince, kneeling at his side. "You are safe, my prince," he murmured, lightly touching his hand as a show of caring.

After a while, Seron on the sleigh came in to town, creating a stir among the guards, who pretty much dropped all they were doing to make sure he was okay. Immediately, he was placed inside, to be watched over day and night, until he woke up.
Lega quickly went about checking up on the prince, making sure his fever was going to go down and he was at least getting better in some way. Aine quickly left the room, feeling awkward with all of the elves in one place and she being the only human. She went to the window, hoping her mother was okay and that her forge was under safe hands. Who knew who would try to rob it while she was gone. The young girl sighed as she watched for her mother, tapping her fingers gently against the glass.
Failen eventually fell asleep, too tired from the day's events. Still, everything seemed fine with him, and he was getting better. Aleistar never left his side, terrified of what may happen to him, and he too fell asleep, though it was on the floor next to Failen's bed. When morning came, Failen was the first one up, as it had usually been when they lived in the castle. He rubbed his eyes and gingerly got out of bed, feeling better than he had in a week. Still, he needed to bathe, more than anything, as he could smell his stench coming off of his skin. How Aine managed to carry me, I'll never know, he thought, pulling on his boots before wandering outside, trying to find some way to get clean.
"'Ey! Where you goin'?" Aine called to Failen, walking out of the house to grab the prince. "If your lookin' for the washroom, then it would be on the first floor down the left." She started to take him back to the house. "What were you thinkin', you idiot! Deciding to go to out without your knight or even anyone! 'Onestly, how have you not been caught yet?" The girl started to lead Failen to the washroom where there was a small tub and a wash basin to clean up in. "I'll get you some 'ot water to clean up with in a little bit." She left the room to go grab a bucket to gather some snow to heat up.
Failen pouted a bit as he was taken back inside, deciding not to mention that he could have been a knight had he the ambition to be. He was a decent swordsman, even when he was sick. I don't need Aleistar for everything, he thought. As she left him in the washroom, he sighed and slowly took off his tunic, wincing as he shrugged off the garment, leaving him in just his trousers. Setting it down on the doorknob, he sighed before waiting for Aine, shivering a bit from the cold.
Aine was back quickly when she finally got heated up water. She knocked on the door, holding the tub carefully. "I'm coming in." She said, walking over to the tub and pouring the steaming water into the tub. "I never did get your real name though... Your knight never told us." She made sure the water wasn't too hot before moving around to grab the soaps and rags for him to clean off with. "If you need any 'elp, give a yell." Aine said before leaving him to his own devices, walking downstairs to make something to eat. Her mother had gotten in late last night so she hadn't gotten much sleep since she was so busy worrying over the poor woman.
"My name is Failen," he told her, arranging the towels how he liked it. "And the knight's name is Aleistar." After a few seconds, before she could leave, he added, "Also, I wasn't being daft when I tried to go out earlier. Elves rather like morning swims in icy lakes. It helps us feel closer to the gods." Letting her leave with that, he shut the door and undressed fully, before stepping into the tub, liking how warm the water was.

Aleistar woke not that much longer afterwards, finding Aine eating. "Morning," he said, his mastery of the language now much better than it had been a few weeks ago, though there were still parts where he was shaky.
"Or you're complete crazy." Aine muttered before sighing and greeting the elf with a sigh. "Good morning. Did you 'ave a good sleep?" She asked, eating her oatmeal tiredly. She hoped that the knight wouldn't notice the bags under her eyes as she smiled at him. Elves were stubborn in her mind. Failen was crazy to go outside in such cold weather. She was sure his icy lakes were far warmer than the frozen lakes the humans had.
"Yes," Aleistar answered, before asking, "Is my prince feeling better? I noticed that he wasn't in bed..." Hearing the sounds of Failen washing just upstairs, he made a soft smirk before asking, "Did he try to go find a lake?" Already knowing the answer, he stated, "Our people believe in a water spirit born in winter who resides in lakes. He picks and chooses who he helps, and expects them to find a lake within his power to thank him. Failen must be feeling a lot better today..." Aleistar smiled, glad that his prince was getting well again.
"Well, 'e isn't going to be able to find any unfrozen lakes 'ere. 'E'll have to wait until at least mid summer to 'ave even a small pond of water be warm enough to 'ave thin ice." She said, stifling a yawn as she ate the rest of her breakfast. "What would you like to eat? I can make a few eggs if you want... The protein would be good for Failen..." She walked over to grab the food from the different storage places. So that explained why he wanted to go find a lake, but he wouldn't find anything he could swim in at this time of year... Not in a lifetime.
"Eggs are fine," Aleistar answered, smiling and thanking Aine. After a few minutes, Failen had gotten out of the tub, feeling cleaner than he had in weeks. Now, his black hair shone in the light, his slightly pale skin given some color. Properly washed, he looked like a prince, through and through.

Finding no new clothes for him, he dressed in the same clothes he had been wearing, though he struggled with the buttons on his shirt, still unused to dressing himself. At the castle, someone had always dressed him, as most of the timethe job was deemed too unprincely for him. Walking into the kitchen, he gave a smile as he saw Aleistar, though the knight saw many changes in the prince. For one, he was thinner, the sickness having taken most of his body away from him, but he also seemed a little happier than usual. Either way, it was a good change.
Aine was finishing with the eggs when she noticed Failen. "Well you're looking better." She took note of his shirt and stifled a giggle, putting the food on two plates, the plate with more food set in front of Failen. She started to mess with his shirt, fixing the buttons. "There. Now you look proper." She patted his shoulder before forcing him into a seat. "Now eat. You need more meat on those bones... God, I'm starting to sound like my mother." She shook her head as she took her dirty plate to clean.
Failen blinked as Aine fiddled with the buttons of his shirt, suddenly making everything fit into place, as if by magic. Looking down at his shirt, he said, "Thank you...I'm not used to needing to dress myself..." Facing the food, he quickly began eating, having much more of an appetite than when he was sick. Failen ate all of his food, and was still a bit hungry, but he didn't want to seem like he'd been starved for two weeks, so he ate no more. Thanking Aine again, he asked, "Is there anything I can do to help?"
"You'll learn quick enough. It's not that 'ard." Aine said as she took his and Aleistar's plates to the sink. "Mmm... Well, you could 'elp me wash these dishes. I need to 'ead over to my forge." She moved to grab her coat and throw it on, getting ready to go outside and get to her forge. She had work to do, after all. Weapons weren't going to make themselves. "Also, if you're still 'ungry then Lega said you can 'ave at the bread rolls in the cabinet." She nodded as she pulled on her gloves and put a hand over her mouth to stifle a yawn.
"Alright," Failen said as he moved to the sink. He wasn't quite sure how one went about washing dishes, but he didn't want to let Aine down. After she had left, he turned towards the dishes, feeling strangely daunted by them. "Alright," he repeated to himself. Behind him, Aleistar made a move to assist him, but Failen stated, "Don't help me. If I am to be a commoner, then I should need to know how to do this, right?" As the knight sat back down, he frowned at the dishes, thinking his way through the task.

Picking up a bar of what smelled like soap and a rag, Failen wet the rag and lathered soap on it, hoping he didn't end up with water all over him.
Lega and Elga came down, talking when the two noticed the prince doing dishwork. "Prince Failen?" Lega asked. "How are you feeling?" She walked over to him, feeling his forehead and trying to check his eyes while he cleaned.

Elga walked over to Aleistar while Lega was doing this. "I assume you both 'ad a good sleep, did you? 'As Aine already left? I was 'oping to make 'er a lunch before she left..." The mother sighed as she thought about her rebellious young daughter.
"Better," Failen answered, giving a rare smile. "I think I've gotten rid of the sickness." Holding still as he was checked over, he was soon returning to the dishes, confusion written across his features as he attempted to clean a plate.

As Elga spoke, Aleistar listened silently before answering. "Aine left not long ago. I need to thank her when she returns, since Failen might have been wandering in the snow for a while had it not been for her... And she made us breakfast." He smiled softly, brushing his hair back as Failen cursed under his breath, quote unsure of his skills with the dishes.
Lega nodded before moving to go grab the medicine for Failen. Elga chuckled. "That girl. She needs to get sleep and instead goes to check on the forge... Just like her father. Well, I'm sure she'll be very happy to hear your thanks when she comes back." The older woman stood up to go help Failen, showing him how to properly clean the plates. The young man was starting to look better and better for her daughter in her mind. The older woman wondered if Aleistar would be willing to help her set the two up... The older woman was starting to get lost in her fantasies.
Failen listened attentively as Elga showed him how to properly wash the dishes, nodding occasionally. After a couple seconds of instruction, he got it down, and was soon able to do it by himself. "Thank you," he told her, bobbing his head appreciatively.

After a few minutes, he had finished the dishes, and was leaving them to dry. Sitting at the table, he waited for Lega to return with the medicine, not looking forward to the awful taste.
Elga smiled. "Your welcome, sweetling. Oh! Can either of you boys go and take this over to Aine. She always forgets to bring it to her forge." She grabbed a small wrapped object out of her pocket and held it out. "I'm sure that she would be extremely grateful when she gets it."
Lega walked back in with the medicine. "Well, Aleistar will have to take it because there is no way that Failen is going out right now. It's too cold for him." She said, holding the medicine to Failen's mouth, waiting for him to take it and swallow.
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