The Ultimate Marvel Roleplaying Universe (OoC and Sign-Ups)

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Well, either way, he's an okay Spider-Man (despite being 13), but way too out of place for the universe.

But I really do hate how they were like "eh, Peter's dead so let's get rid of a bunch of his core characters from the story". Kind of irritating
MJ = total bitch? Is this before or after Pete hits her while she's pregnant?
Yep. Although they're awesome, negative stuff put aside.

Except for the fact they haven't convinced Fox to make a Deadpool film. C'mon boys! Get on it! Ryan's waiting for you!
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MJ = total bitch? Is this before or after Pete hits her while she's pregnant?

Before and after.

She exists to be a gorgeous woman Peter relies on, but constantly ditches him for various reasons. Then, she comes back as a Model/Actress/Whatever and basically rubs it in Peter's face. Then, they get back together and just as things are getting good for Spidey, she's like "YOURE IGNORING ME PETER!" And leaves again.

Then the cycle begins a new. Poor bastard, Peter Parker.
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Can't say I wouldn't have hit her, myself. Pregnant or not.

I KNOW!!! Wade Wilson is easily my favorite character in the Marvel universe. They needa get their butts in gear on that movie!
With his increase in popularity recently, I really think Marvel should pressure Fox to do it, or buy out the rights to the character and do it themselves.
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Two characters have hit their wives, Hank Pym and Peter Parker. Somehow Peter's is justified? Because, what, MJ wanted him to pay attention to her? Heaven forbid a man should pay attention to his wife. What a wild, unrealistic notion.
Aside from the fact Peter paid her plenty of attention. But you know what? He also had to spend time saving people's lives. Try to tell me that isn't more important than his wife, who he still OBVIOUSLY loved with all his heart, even though she quite clearly didn't love him nearly as much.
Besides.. MJ crushed him countless times. Despite that.. He still loved her, even though he never should've. I don't understand how you possibly think he did anything wrong.

Yeah, because she deserved it.
But hey, just saying my opinions. Take it as you will.
A man should never hit a woman. A husband should never hit his wife, especially if she's pregnant. It doesn't really matter if she "deserved" it. If Pete is the moralistic character that we all thought he was, than he would have walked away. I personally blame the writer, as it wasn't believable, but placing all the blame on MJ is ridiculous.

This topic should probably just be dropped, as it seems to be derailing positive energy to the game.
Oh, great.... If feminism is gonna start now, I think I'm gonna head off.
I agree on switching the topic. I'd further argue my case, but I'd rather not... Mainly because I have very strong beliefs against feminism. I don't wanna start some heated argument.
It isn't feminism. A woman shouldn't hit her husband either. It's just basic human decency.
No offense, the way you said it implied feminism.

"A man should never hit a woman. A husband should never hit his wife, especially if she's pregnant. It doesn't really matter if she "deserved" it."
Pretttttyyy sure that's feminism..

But as previously stated.. I'm not replying directly to that, because I don't want anyone to think I'm trying to start anything.
Okay guys, a little off topic. Lets end this before it gets ugly.

I think what's been said is not the fact Mary-Jane deserved it or that we condone wife-beating, but the fact that her character is just so selfish and occasionally poorly written that she is generally unlikable, except for the fact she's attactive.

Lets all be friendly here, as GM I'm ending this discussion before it gets out of hand.
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Thank you, Sora.

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