The Ultimate Marvel Roleplaying Universe (OoC and Sign-Ups)

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My cuddling made everyone fall silent.. ;-;

No it didn't! I'm just running 4 other RP's and a ton of 1x1's, so I may be a little busy :3
No it didn't! I'm just running 4 other RP's and a ton of 1x1's, so I may be a little busy :3
I was joking, no worries. ^_^
Wow... I understand. I'm GMing three groups, constantly posting new interest checks, involved in a TON of roleplays, and always trying to add more to one of my books or write a new song. I'm a very busy no-life. XD

Bye, BarrenThin!

@Sora1297 , we still special :* don't worry
The ones that aren't listed on the first post. Primarily Tony and Frank. :bsmile:

Question: What tech does Frank have that allows him to track Electro when S.H.I.E.L.D. and Iron Man's sensors failed?
Maybe guy instinct. Or the fact that a lamppost suddenly burst into electrical energy, producing a man, who then proceeded to morph into Electro.
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Spidey be all like "GOD DAMMIT NICK, PAY ATTENTION TO THIS SHIT! No wonder SHIELD gets so much hate: you're not observant!"

Then he'll go deal with it and whine about being negatively viewed by the press and all of New York :3
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.....*Ultimate face-palm.*
Why didn't I have Tony hack into the public camera system..?
That's what Tony woulda doneeeee! *Whines about being terrible at canons.* XD

Aww, poor Spidey! I always feel so bad for him; he just needs some love, man.
XD don't sweat it. Play that frustration as Tony ICly.

And yeah he does. But the only women he's really loved have ended up being:

Dead (Gwen)

A criminal (Felicia)

A total bitch (Mary-Jane)

I have hope for the professor Doc Ock was hitting on though. They seem to be a good match.
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I shall! I'll probably break the fourth wall a bit, with that post. XD Should I wait for everyone else, though? Don't wanna totally cut everyone off.

Yeah, precisely. Poor Pete with his lack of women that can see him for how amazing he really is. XD
As long as she doesn't end up dead, too. There seems to be a tendency for one of the lovers to either die or backstab, if that isn't just my imagination. Lol!
Yeah, and to be fair Marvel's had a fascination with killing off Peter for the past little while.

I cannot WAIT until Peter replaces that horrible Miles Morales character in the Ultimate Universe. I know they have to pass off the torch to somebody, but that kid pisses me off to no end.
I also find the design of his suit slightly racist. I know its not supposed to be, but doesn't it strike you as odd that a black superhero is donned in a BLACK costume?

Its like calling a hero "Black Death"... Oh wait.
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