The Tale of An Chéad Toshi: Uruk IC Thread



Original poster
This is a sci-fi/fantasy RP. The Players are young Mages who have been brought to the Academy in order to develop their magical talent and protect their city. They will fight monsters that roam in the wilderness, investigate nefarious plots against King and Country, and so on. But that is all in their future. For now, after a bit of general plot setup, let us have the characters meet up, get to know one another, etc. We can feed them to monsters later.

The plot so far:
The students meet their teacher, Professor Yuki Okamoto, and have their first few days of instruction.

About a week into their Academy life, they are unexpectedly sent out on a mission to investigate the town of Normaden. They learn that a Witch, a powerful monster that sometimes grows from humans with magical potential, has developed in the region. Their Professor takes on the role of exterminating the Witch itself, leaving the students to handle some of its Familiars. During the students' fight, though, they are unexpectedly brought face to face with an Angel. After a fierce fight, the students are victorious and return to their homes safely.

Back in Uruk, the plots grow thicker. A massive force of Angels has gathered near Babylon, and the head honchos discuss plans of how to deal with the threat. The Academy's Headmaster learns that the Angel that the students encountered was sent by the Chief of the Galileians. What could Chief Herschel be plotting, and why involve these young Mages?

Completely unaware of these plots, the students are assigned another mission: to resolve an incident over who should possess a valuable research subject. They will be escorted and monitored by Essence Parker, one of the academy's Student Council members...

To chat, give feedback, watch us fool around OOC, etc, please join the Discord

For a brief bit of worldbuilding or to create a character, please refer to the OOC thread

This club prides itself on having a very detailed combat and character system. For more information on said system, please refer to the System Info/Extra Lore thread.

To see a list of some detailed NPC sheets, please view this thread.
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  • Richmond Avenue (a top a nearby building/store)

    • Aura: 100
    • Prana: 55/100
    • Stamina: 30/100

    • SPEED: E

  • Mislyte kept up the barrage on the goblin group fleeing the area

  • ...

(Start of Turn: +5 Prana, +10 Stamina)

Reaction Phase:
Mislyte's attacks did not connect nor dispatch the goblin targets as he had hoped. Rushing back to the edge of the roof, the student felt a growing desire not to allow those goblins to progress further. The desire grew stronger the further they went and started to tickle at the calm currently envoloping him in his release state. With goblin #6 having been successfully hit but still moving, Mislyte decided he would be the first to fall, but the shield goblin was proving a nuisance. Mislyte would turn his cold, calculating eyes to Goblin 15 as he released another Void Cut that sliced silently through the air.
(void cut: -10 Prana, -20 Stamina)

Action Phase:
Hoping his first attack would work to rouse the protection of Shield Goblin 7, Mislyte would release another Void Cut energy wave right after the first. This one would sail for Goblin 6. The mage hoped his tactic would result in the group of goblins having their numbers reduced or all of them being on death's doorstep with injuries. He had more to offer and assumed more would be required, so he crouched low while he prepared for the next flurry of slashes he would cast at them if they remained within view.
(void cut: -10 Prana, -20 Stamina)

Ryan Gamaris & Kashmir


Changes - Nimble Module, Mark of Hibiscus
Aura - 16
Prana - 75
Stamina - 0
Romus/Remus - 40/40
Railgun - Ammo ~%25/Energy ~%10

Strength - E/D
Vitality - E/E
Willpower - E/E
Resistance - E/E
Speed - C/C
Dexterity - C/D
Perception - E/E
Recovery - E/E

After finishing off the goblin before him in a rather... colorful way, Ryan's knees buckled. His body forcing him to take a breather as he knelt on one knee...

Start of Turn: +5 Prana, +10 Stamina

Reaction Phase
Having no more nearby threats anymore, Ryan took the chance to look around as he regained some energy. While his teammates in the frontline were busy, something alarmed him on the backline, other than the absurdly off place objects created by the little girl. There was a small group of goblins close to Ozymandius and his units, both of which had not moved for a while. "Hey! Those are trying to sneak past us!" Ryan yelled out, to whoever could help... Which was pretty much nobody other than Mislyte. Ryan walked a little towards them, but resting his muscles was his priority.
Taking into account the goblin's range with the shield it was charging with, Kashmir hopped back, and take some steps back if needed. His objective was to stay away from this pest's range, while being close enough to attack when possible. The size difference did help out a lot, but Kashmir wouldn't just lower his guard at the sight of advantage, he was running thin on aura, after all.

Standby (Ryan), Dodge (Kashmir): Even

Action Phase

Still heavily drained of energy, Ryan inched in towards the escaping goblins. Prioritizing regaining energy once again, rather than actually catching up to them.
Kashmir decided to try to bait the goblin by feinting the same maneuver as before. Kashmir dropped the railgun yet again and jumped over the goblin, but instead of aiming to land behind him, his hands landed on the goblin's shoulders while it attempted to counter his overhead flip as Kashmir imagined it. Thanks ot an Accel Blitz, from there, Kashmir would use his weight to take the goblin off balance, adjusting his position to the movement of the goblin to avoid being shaken off in the instant that took him to swing down his knees onto the back of the goblin in slight delay from each other to enhance the difficulty to keep balance from the strikes. At this point, the ideal situation would have the goblin pinned to the floor, or at least stunned from the strikes. In which case, Kashmir would end the Blitz by releasing a left hook to the head or core of the monster, before releasing a straight punch with his right hand, adding strength to it by having force cross all over his upper body into his arm, and finally, into his fist and the goblin.

Standby (Ryan), Accel Blitz (Kashmir): -5 Stamina, -10 Prana
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Goblins 1, 9-10

Goblins 4

Goblins 6, 14-15

Goblin 7, 11-12, 16-17

Goblin 13, 18

Reaction Phases:
(Goblin #17: -5 Aura)

Another Void Cut from Mislyte streaked through the air, targeting #15. #7 saw it coming and adjusted his positioning to intercept. Knowing its shield would not be able to hold out, it discarded the near-ruined shield on its left arm. It turned the flat of its blade towards the incoming attack and set its left hand on the blade to brace it.
(Goblin #7's Sword: -23 Durability)
(Goblin #7: -22 Aura)

However, a second attack was already on its way. Realizing that it wouldn't be able to move fast enough to block the second one, #7 called out a warning. #6 turned around over its left shoulder, spotting the approach. It leapt to its (new) left, but suddenly found itself colliding with something. One of Ozymandius's summons was still there, standing like a statue. Having its escape unexpectedly halted proved fatal for #6, as it could not move in time to try any further evasion. The void cut slashed into both goblin and summon, ending both in one strike.
(Goblin #6 has perished)

As Lavi began to brutalize poor Goblin #10, it screeched in pain, growing ever more frantic. With Lavi making no effort to protect herself from the goblin's claws, she would find a number of wounds developing. While none were particularly powerful, the sheer quantity was slightly problematic. Not to mention that as it grew more desperate, the claws began to sink deeper and deeper.
(Lavi: -0, -2, -4, -4, -4 Aura)

Bone could be heard being wrenched free of its intended position as Lavi tortured the pitiful creature below her. Though goblins weren't generally considered to be proud, certainly, it was not a view that anyone would be inspired by. Well, a serial killer might take some notes, but for anyone normal, it was already what one might consider to be somewhat excessive.
(Goblin #10: -12 Aura)
(Lavi: -5, -5 Aura)

Given that Lavi had been trying to grind the goblin's face into the pavement earlier and had never attempted to flip the goblin over, she'd have a bit of trouble trying to knee it in the groin. She settled for striking at its posterior, though. Not that adding more pain was going to do much anyway; it was already a sniveling wreck doing its best to just escape with its life. All things considered, the few meters seemed to be covered at a snail's pace, given how Lavi was awkwardly trying to drag the struggling goblin.

(Lavi: -6, -6 Aura)

Finally, Lavi reached the axe. She hoisted it aloft, then slammed it down into the goblin's neck. As the axe cut into the goblin, she felt its claws dig in one final time before they fell lifeless.

(Lavi: -7 Aura)
(Goblin #10 has been murdered)

#11's shield strike didn't go as planned, but that was ok; the foe was clearly near its limit. Still, a cornered foe was one of the most dangerous. That was why, when Kashmir moved in towards #11, instead of staying put, #11 leapt to its left, rolling to recover and spring back to its feet. As Kashmir's plan was wholly reliant on the success of his initial grabbing attempt, he would find himself spending the rest of his AP landing awkwardly from the failed attempt and recovering.

#11 wanted to finish this as soon as possible, so it charged right back in. It knew Kashmir would almost certainly try to escape again, so while it had its shield in position to slam into Kashmir, it set its sword above its right shoulder, ready to slash upwards if Kashmir tried to leap over or to slash out to the side if he dodged to the side.

Londo brought his right hand down to intercept the blade of #17 going for his stomach. The sword skidded against the gauntlet, diverting most of the impact away from Londo's own body. Then, as Londo began to punch with his left, he felt the goblin's shield slam into his right arm again. He heard the metal of his right gauntlet begin to creak; it was nearing its limits rapidly.
(Londo's Right Gauntlet: -8 Durability)
(Londo: -2 Aura)
(Londo's Right Gauntlet: -5 Durability)
(Londo: -5 Aura)
(Goblin #17: -9 Aura)
(Goblin #17: -9 Aura)

Londo kicked forward with his left foot, landing a clean blow to the goblin's chest. It allowed the impact to drive it back a bit, gaining a bit of time so that it could slide its shield into position to block the following punches.
(Goblin #17: -4, -5, -5 Aura)
(Goblin #17's Shield: -4, -5 Durability)

As soon as the thudding gauntlets stopped, the goblin used all its might to slam its shield straight forward against Londo's body, hoping to catch him before he could retreat.

Goblin #9 had recovered its axe and was ready to roll once more. Seeing that Londo was busy once more with #17, Goblin #9 felt like it was a good time to duck around him and proceed behind the ramen cart.

#16 suddenly found its right arm being seized as it tried to stab Almeida. Valerius was dropped to the side, having been deemed impractical. In turn, Almeida's right hand shot forth to seize #16's neck and began choking it.

(Goblin #16: -9 Aura)

As less and less oxygen entered its body, the goblin's breathing became labored. It wouldn't go down without a fight though. The goblin quickly dropped the shield it held in its left hand, and then used its now free left hand to seize the sword it had been holding in its right. Sword once again free to be moved around, #16 took two (somewhat awkward) stabs at Almeida's upper right arm (given that it couldn't effectively reach her torso while being held at arm's length). Meanwhile, Almeida continued to choke out the goblin as she looked around for any further attackers.

Hibiscus's healing spells shot forth, connecting with both Almeida and Ryan without incident.
(Ryan: -34 Aura)
(Almeida: -34 Aura)

The dark energy around #18's rod expanded into a small dome, engulfing itself and #12 for a moment. When the energy faded, the two goblins had disappeared from everyone's view.

Action Phases:
(Goblin #17: -5 Aura)
(Goblin #16: -9 Aura)

#6 may have fallen, but #7, and 15 were getting ever closer to their goal. It wouldn't be much longer now.

#11 backed away for a moment, taking some time to reassess the situation. This was a tough opponent for a defensive goblin to take on alone. They were trained to focus on protecting allies, not single combat.

With only one free arm and its air supply rapidly depleting, #16 had little else to do besides continue trying to stab at Almeida's right arm. Hopefully having her arm impaled a couple times would persuade her to release it.

#9 continued to advance down the road, sneaking behind the ramen cart as it did so.

#17 advanced on Londo with shield raised, ready to block his attacks. As it closed in, it swung its sword horizontally in from its right to left, only moving its shield as much as needed to avoid interfering with the slash before it was put right back into position.

There was no further sign of #18 or #12…

"Oh? I see you like to play with your enemies. Very well, little child. Let's see if you are worth my time."

The mysterious woman began to step gracefully towards Lavi, walking with the swift-but-unhurried gait of one who had absolute confidence in their supremacy. As she did, the woman stretched out her right hand towards Lavi, and Lavi felt the dark night close in around her. Certainly, it was not bright around, what with some of the streetlights having been put out, the lunar eclipse, and so on, but there was no way it ought to have been this dark. She couldn't even see things ten meters away from her!


Ramen Guy

Alright, now Yune was annoyed. "Fine then, sack!" A large burlap sack appeared around Londo, engulfing him from head to toe, sharply limiting his movements. The cord of the bag drew itself, clamping down just above his ankles.

Gates and Area Updates

There was a beeping noise for a moment before all of the Mages' AMBs began to call out a message. A woman's voice, unfamiliar to all of them, issued forth. "Class 1B. The source of the Gates has been located. It is in the basement of a store about two blocks north of you and one block east. You are the closest force we have. You are hereby ordered to proceed directly to the source and shut it down by any means necessary. Preventing additional Gates from opening takes precedence over defending existing ones."

Lavi Fluér


Interactions: ??? @alatartheblue42

  • Centennial Square

    • Aura: 65 / 100
    • Prana: 66 / 100
    • Stamina: 100 / 100

    • SPEED: E

    • Ursa's Hide - 30/30 Durability
    • Penila Aula - Active

  • Gauntlets: 40/40 --- 40/40

    Axe: ?/?

    Phoebe: Spirit core



(Previous Turn)

-12 Prana + -20 Stamina

(Start of Turn)

8 Aura + 5 prana + 11 Stamina
Reaction Phase:

Lavi threw the head of the fallen goblin, which had been dripping the remnants of blood from its skull onto the floor below, that she had teared out from its spine onto the ground. Holding the handaxe that she had used to execute the goblin with in her right hand whilst keeping it on her shoulder as she readied herself to join the battle with the remnants. Her aura that had been heavily wounded almost because of the goblin had begun to quickly recover, but it would take a bit more time before it would be in top shape once more.

Yet she stopped as she began to take her first few steps forwards, she glanced towards the figure making confident strides through the battlefield towards her. Readying herself, she began to take in deep breaths as she focused. Activating [Ursa's Hide] (-15 prana)

Whilst the woman's posture and demeanor showed off her absolute confidence and supremacy, Lavi's posture and demeanor were like a beast gazing upwards towards its prey. The handaxe tightly held within her right hand and lowered to the ground. ''Play with my enemies?'' click, could be heard softly as she moved her tongue.

Action Phase:

''I guess so, though how about you? Aren't you doing the same right now. If so, would you be up to make this fight more enjoyable? A bet of your choosing, and if I succeed I win.'' (Standby)
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Previous round:
Counter + Attack -30 stamina (100 > 70)
Attack -5 stamina (70 > 65)
Hibiscus Healing Hurt +34 aura: (44 > 78)

Start of the turn:
+5 prana (100 > 100)
+13 stamina (65 > 75)

Mark of Hibiscus

Aura: 78
Prana: 100
Stamina: 75


Equipment: Valerius
Durability: 100
Spirit Cores: N/A
Additional Properties: It can draw upon Almeida's prana to replenish its durability (this is a lengthy process and thus can only be done outside of combat). As it was created in a mine, where tools must be harder than that which they collide with, it will take reduced damage when one of Almeida's attacks clashes with another attack or a "reflective" barrier.

Aptitude (Passive)
Stamina Cost for Dodge & Evade & Evasion Dodge is reduced by 5.
Stamina Cost for Evasion Guard & Counter & Parry Counter is reduced by 10.​

Although Almeida was mostly preoccupied with the goblin she was chocking out, she did get a good look at what Lavi was doing and the challenge from their main opponent that followed from it as a result. Although she was no longer holding onto Valerius, the spirit still affected her, as she felt way too inspired to give the goblin she was holding the same treatment as Lavi had given hers.

Reaction Phase:
On the topic of 'her' goblin, it was somehow trying to switch the sword around to its other hand. Either as it did so (or as it was trying to do so, depending on how soon this is allowed to happen), Almeida would instinctively slam the goblin down onto the ground (whilst keeping a firm choke-hold on it), afterwards placing her knee on the sword-arm if it hadn't yet let go of the sword. In order to stop it from switching the blade around again, she'd grab a hold of its right arm wit her left hand. If it had let go of the sword... she'd pick up the sword with her left hand and use its own weapon against it by stabbing through its torso. She resisted making as much as a show of it like Lavi had, but something felt unnaturally good about this, which she didn't quite like. [Attack x2 -10 stamina]

Action Phase:
Were she still successfully suffocating the Goblin, she'd stab it once again (or if she didn't have the sword, she'd commit fully to choking it by adding her left and to the mix). [Attack -5 stamina]
Londo Sperry THE GREAT!

  • Centennial Square

    • Aura: 46 / 100
    • Prana: 100 / 100
    • Stamina: 45 / 100
    • Gauntlets: 20 / 40 --- 2 / 40

    • SPEED: E

    • Lion's Heart: Ready for Activation

    • Mark of Hibiscus


(Actions (parry+ 5 attacks): -0 Prana, -40 Stamina)

(Aura: -7 Aura)

(Start of Turn: +3 Aura, +6 Prana, +13 Stamina)

Reaction Phase:

Seeing the goblin come forwards to shield bash, Londo raised his left hand to block the shield, and kept his hand up to block the sword.

And just as he realized that he forgot to respond to Yune, he heard her yell her word and a sack wrapped around him, just as HQ told them about the source of the portal, worst possible time, huh.

Action Phase:

"A-Alright!" Londo yelled out, putting his gauntlets in front of him inside the sack to block any attack he couldn't see, "You win! We can continue this another time! We gotta go to that portal source so you gotta let me go!"

Hibiscus Oswald

  • Centennial Square

    • Aura: 41 / 75
    • Prana: 135 / 150
    • Stamina: 75 / 75

    • SPEED: E

    • N/A

    • No current Buffs or Debuffs

  • Knife/Book: 40 / 40 --- 40 / 40

    Lyka: In spirit core form.



(Spells: -20 Prana, -0 Stamina)

(Aura: -10 Aura)

(Start of Turn: +5 Prana, +10 Stamina)

Reaction Phase:

One goblin was trying to be sneaky, and go around the noodle cart. Hibiscus didn't know what his game plan was, but he was going up against some sort of God who could bend reality, so she didn't worry too much about the God.

Instead, Hibiscus focused on healing some more, sending a Healing Hurt towards Ryan once again.

Action Phase:

Hibiscus noticed the call from HQ, but they weren't in a very good spot to do so. Instead she responded to the call, using her Meditation while she did so, "Can you confirm if there are any enemy forces at that location?"

Hibiscus looked at everyone else, but they seemed to be preoccupied, not caring about the call that was wanting them to head to the portal over everything else. She sure as hell couldn't go herself, in the case there were people she couldn't handle, and she didn't want to leave her team behind. She also did not want to call it out and bring attention to it, else the leader of the enemy would take notice, and Hibiscus was sure she wouldn't take too kindly to them going after the source.

Almeida seemed to be in the best spot, so Hibiscus ran over to her, avoiding Londo and his tustle, and tried to discreetly tell her, "We have to go to the portal, ASAP."

Setting: Gymnasium, The Academy, August 2nd, 199 NWC. ~ 16:45
Hibiscus's blood magic caught the attention of someone.


As Hibiscus was training away, a fairly short girl entered the gymnasium. She silently watched the people inside from a distance, until her gaze fell upon Hibiscus and stayed there. She'd patiently wait until Hibiscus would stop, either to question the staring or to simply finish the training. In either case, she'd eventually approach Hibiscus. "Say, would you happen to have a moment of your time to spare?"


Another day, another training pretty much wasted. There was a small amount of blood on the floor from Hibiscus trying out new things. But all she had to show for her effort was a waste of Prana and a slight headache. She hadn't gotten stronger, tougher, or faster. The only thing she knew was that her healing spells were slightly more potent, but that's about it.

Right around the end of her personal training, someone came up to Hibiscus to ask her a question. Hibiscus figured it might as well be the end of her unproductive training and sighed, "Yea, what do you want?" She asked, putting away her knife and book.


"I'd like to ask you some questions concerning your magic, although it might be better suited to find a slightly more private place. Would you care to join me for a cup of tea?" If Hibiscus were to agree, she'd soon be lead through-out the Academy building into an old part of the building that was mostly used for storage. The one room they entered seemed to be an exception, as it contained some sparse decorations in the sense of a crimson rug and similarly colored curtains, as well as a round table with a few chairs surrounding it. It seemed like an ideal place for students to retreat to and play card games, or in their case, drink tea. The latter seemed to be accounted for in the form of a water-cooker standing atop a cupboard in the corner of the room. Not the most elegant, but pretty efficient.


This girl wanted to learn about Hibiscus's magic?... Hibiscus would have liked to know herself, but she might as well follow her to talk. Not like she had anything else to do…

Hibiscus dismissed her transformation, nodding to the girl, "A-Alright! Lead the way!" She said, following the girl to wherever she wanted.

The path they took made Lyka poke her head out of Hibiscus's pocket, "Wow, this place sure looks cruddily old." She said, before ducking her head back into the pocket.

Hibiscus followed the girl into the room, which sorta looked less-elegant that a tea room should look like, but it was fine either way. Hibiscus would sit down if the other girl did, and asked her, "So… What did you want to talk to me about?..."


After successfully luring in her victim escorting Hibiscus to the room, Enid turned on the water boiler. She'd eventually put two cups of hot water and a variety of tea on the table, before sitting down and going with a classical black tea and a hint of milk herself. With that done, it was time to get to business. "Well, users of blood magic are fairly rare, as you might know. When I heard about a new one arriving, I went to see if it was true, and there you were..." She paused a short moment. "Ah, my bad, I don't think I've even introduced myself yet. I'm Enid." She'd reach over the table to shake Hibiscus' hand.

With the formalities out of the way, she could return to their topic. "Can you tell me, in as exact terms as possible, which parts of the magic require your blood? Oh, and does it need to be your own?"


Hibiscus took the hand and shook it with her own, "I-I see!" She said, "My name is Hibiscus. My spirit's name is Lyka." She replied, with Lyka popping out of Hibiscus's pocket to wave a quick, "Yo." Before settling back in.

At Enid's statement, Hibiscus wondered if that was really true. And if it was, wasn't the same true of every power? Hibiscus doesn't remember seeing many of the same powers, but she decided to humor the girl anyways, "Well. It's hard to explain, because we don't even know much about it. Yes, it requires only my blood. The part that requires it is, uh…" Hibiscus paused for a moment, "When I apply a mark to someone using my blood. And, uh, when I do the spell itself. I have to cut my arm with my knife, and the blood pools onto my book. The book then turns it into magical energy. I-I'm sorry, I don't really know much about it, and Lyka doesn't either."


"Hmmm... that sounds almost ritualistic in nature, not quite what I expected..." Enid mumbled to herself. "How do you not know much about it? It sounds like a pretty specific pattern to follow for something you'd just stumble into. Like, how did you learn to do those things if you don't know why they are needed?" She sounded more confused than accusing, as she asked Hibiscus about it.


Hibiscus tried her best to explain, but couldn't think of the words needed, "W-Well.. To put it bluntly, I don't. I just try a lot of things to see if it works. What I was doing in the gym was exactly that, and why the magic wasn't working. I was trying to see if I had learned any new spells so I kept stabbing myself trying to work the magic. I-Isn't that how all magic is learned? Through accidental learning?"


Enid shook her head. "Most of us know our magic, at least to some degree, before bonding with someone. The bonded version of that magic is often just a strengthened version of our old magic, with some exceptions, of course. In any case, must of us know what do, or at least have a strong sense of what direction we should work if we wish to further develop our magic. Your spirit seems to be an exception." After a short sigh, she figured she'd let it go.

"In either case, would you be willing to leave behind some blood for further study?" Enid realized that now might not be a very good time to ask. "It doesn't have to be given now, in case you're still feeling anemic from your training earlier."


Apparently Hibiscus was the exception to people knowing their spells. They could easily know about it, while she had to work for it. Kinda felt unfair, but Hibiscus just sighed annoyingly. It irked her that she had to spend so much time training just to be on par with everyone else.

She sat up and thought for a moment, "N-No, it's fine! You can take my blood. I have a way of replenishing my blood levels, so I'll be fine. But..." Hibiscus said, kind of trailing off, "What exactly do you need it for?"


Enid raised an eyebrow at the sudden follow-up question, after having happily taken two vials from a cupboard in the far back of the room. The sudden scepticism wasn't ideal. "Just for some tests, for now, at least, stuff like levels of iron in the blood, general blood-type, if there's traces of prana in it, the usual stuff and then some." She returned with the vials, handing one of them over to Hibiscus. "Having a way to replenish your blood levels sounds quite useful, do you think you could fill both vials with it?"


Hibiscus looked at the vials, but didn't take them. She was starting to get suspicious of this. It was one thing for a nurse to ask for blood, but from a random student who only was interested in her blood powers? Hibiscus had already screwed up by letting her dopple possibly free the mistress, so she didn't want to be so hasty with this, "What's this 'and then some' you're talking about? I don't want to be giving away my blood without knowing exactly what's going to happen to it."


Ah. She'd been careless. That wasn't ideal. That said, this girl's blood seemed really promising, so letting go of it might be a waste. She wondered if simply throwing money at it would help, but paying off suspicion didn't seem possible in this scenario. To be honest or to lie, it was a tough choice. "Eh..." After going through three or four possible scenarios, she gave up. "Can you promise to keep it a secret? It's nothing dangerous, but it's a little embarrassing and all that."


"Eh? Embarrassing?..." Hibiscus didn't like the sound of that. She didn't want to hear how this girl wanted to bath in her blood or something like that one count she had read about.

"S-Sure…" Hibiscus replied, somewhat frightened to hear the answer.


Enid wasn't sure what Hibiscus was imagining, but she was sure it was "Not like that!" judging from how questioning Hibiscus sounded. Anything she'd be imaging was likely far worse than the actual thing.

"Okay, so, remember how I told you that bonded magic is most often a stronger version of a spirit's normal magic? Well, as a result of that, we've kind-off made it so the mage we bonded now needs to use her blood for her magic, similar to you, but she can't restore it all that easily, so instead she's learned how to recover by using other's blood. It's not really a pleasant thing, and she was already set-back a lot by bonding us, so I figured I'd try to see if I could at least get her good enough blood to make it easier. Another blood-user seemed like the obvious choice." Well, with that, the cookies had crumbled and the milk was spilled.


Hibiscus tilted her head questioningly, it didn't seem made up, hopefully, as making up a story like that would have been harder on the spot, and it would have been way easier to say something like "we want to see how your blood is specifically", so Hibiscus figured she could at least partly trust this explanation. She nodded, but also asked, "Alright, I'll do it, but what do you mean by that? The mage you bonded, and how she was set back by bonding…. 'Us'. Do you mean the royal 'we' and 'us'?"


"Royal whatnot?" Enid shook her head. "No, I'm sorry, I didn't mention. I bonded her at the same time as Serkan, who was my mentor at the time, sort-off. We've got similar magic as well. Anyhow... You're really keeping this a secret, right?" She seemed more than a little uncomfortable spilling all the beans, asking for reconfirmation before she'd continue.


Ah, so she WAS a spirit. Although Hibiscus was curious to learn about her power as well, she probably had done enough question asking… Although she was the one being asked for the favor…

Hibiscus nodded, "Of course! I'll keep it a secret, although Lyka-"

"Shut yer trap, I'll do the same…" A muffled voice said from the confines of Hibiscus's pocket.

Hibiscus then nodded to Enid, "Alright, we'll both keep it a secret."


"Well, we kind-off met her because Serkan tried to scam her. She managed to turn the tables on him, and put him in debt instead. However, rather than just plucking him for all he was worth, she was merciful enough to let us work it off bit by bit. That went so well that she eventually made us business partners. When that turned out for the better, we figured we'd seal the deal by forming a bond. Turns out that was a bad idea, as we heavily underestimate the Spectres and ended up here. We've pretty much brought her career to an end by being careless, on top of having her end up with inconvenient magic."


Hibiscus tilted her head at the name, Serkan. She hadn't ever heard of that name before, but apparently she got to where she was today because of him. Hibiscus nodded, that was pretty much all she needed to know, "Alright. I'll give you my blood then, do you have any equipment for it here, or do you just want me to cut myself with my knife?"


"Eh, I used to have syringes somewhere, I think, but if you're okay with it, it seems like it'll be just as easy and a lot faster if you use the knife again."


Hibiscus nodded, grabbing one of the bottles, saying "Transform." And sticking her knife into her arm, dragging it down and putting the bottle under it, letting it pool into the bottle.

After that bottle was filled, she tried wiping off the excess blood on her shirt, "Do you need both bottles?" She asked, and if the answer was yes, Hibiscus would fill up the second bottle, "What else do you need?"


"If possible, that would be great." Two was better than one, after all. "Nothing else is needed, you've been a great help!" After a bit of deliberation, she added; "If this turns out to test well, would you be willing to provide blood more often? Of course, we'll look for a way to remunerate your efforts."


Hibiscus nodded and waved her hand, "Sure, whatever." Hibiscus said, leaning back in her chair, taking a sip of the tea for once.

Once she had finished off the tea, she set the cup back down on the table, and stood up, "Thanks for the tea. Here's my number if you ever want to get in contact with me." Hibiscus said, showing her AMB ID and number for her phone.


Oddly enough, it seemed like losing two vials of blood had caused the girl to be a bit more sassy, or something along those lines. Enid wasn't quite sure what to blame the change on. That said... "Great, thank you! Here's mine in return." After noting down the information, Enid gave Hibiscus a business card titling Enid as 'investment advisor' for a 'von Rothschild' company.


Hibiscus took the card, then pocketed it in the pocket that Lyka wasn't hiding out in, "See ya." She said, before leaving the room and leaving Enid to herself, going about the rest of her day.

von Rothschild sounded familiar to Hibiscus, but she couldn't place where she heard it from, so she just ignored it and went about her day.

  • Richmond Avenue (a top a nearby building/store)

    • Aura: 100
    • Prana: 60/100
    • Stamina: 60/100

    • SPEED: E

  • Mislyte stopped his barrage of attacks to catch his breath and heed the new orders.
    But he would not leave his classmates behind and considered how best to help.

  • ready for scene change

(Start of Turn: +5 Prana, +10 Stamina)

Reaction Phase:
Mislyte halted his next attack at the sudden messaging over everyone's devices. Wasting anymore resources here would potentially hinder the next stage of the mission. The mage would step back for some cover and would try to collect himself. Split hummed excitedly in his hand while the glass shards that made up the blade shifted at irregular intervals.
(standby 10 Stamina)

Action Phase:
Noting his classmates, whom he honestly cared more for than he let on, he looked to see who he might help. He took special note of the girl(?) confronting Lavi. In released state, Mislyte was already accustomed to the shenanigans being conducted between Londo and Yune, but the sudden appearence of a sack and the goblin bearing down on Londo gave Mislyte pause.
(standby 10 Stamina)

Ryan Gamaris & Kashmir


Changes - Nimble Module, Mark of Hibiscus
Aura - 50
Prana - 70
Stamina - 5
Romus/Remus - 40/40
Railgun - Ammo ~%25/Energy ~%10

Strength - E/D
Vitality - E/E
Willpower - E/E
Resistance - E/E
Speed - C/C
Dexterity - C/D
Perception - E/E
Recovery - E/E

Due to the sudden turn of events. Being called by the higher ups, with a location to the source of these portals, Ryan shifted his focus from the rear, to the street ahead. Priorities have certainly changed.

Start of Turn: +10 Stamina, +5 Prana

Reaction Phase
The goblin thought a bit ahead of time and moved sideways, Kashmir clumsily rolled back to his feet after a somewhat awkward landing, accelerated by Ryan's magic. The goblin charged straight ahead once again, however, it did so in a more strategic stance. Vaulting over would be a risk now. So he hopped backwards one more time, taking some steps back if needed to keep himself away from a follow-up charge, while avoiding being slashed at.
Ryan started to sprint towards the end of the street, past all the goblins and the portal. On his way near Kashmir, he called out to him "Gun!".

Dodge (Kashmir), Move (Ryan): -5 Stamina

Action Phase

Kashmir got the order of his summoner right away. And to further remain unharmed, he dived towards the gun, only to then jump to his feet. Then tossing the weapon towards Ryan's trajectory, ready for him to score a touchdown with it catch on his way forward.
Ryan would make a brief pause to catch the heavy weapon, before readjusting his position and resume his sprint. He would've communicated this to his classmates, but alarming the evil lady or the goblins of his position didn't seem like a sound idea. So, without any words, Ryan ran towards the indicated building.

Move (Ryan), Dodge? (Kashmir): -5 Stamina

Goblins 1, 9

Goblins 4

Goblin 15

Goblin 7, 11-12, 16-17

Goblin 13, 18

Reaction Phases:
(Goblin #17: -5 Aura)
(Goblin #16: -9 Aura)

With no further attacks incoming, #s 7 and 15 ran along with newfound speed, though of course they weren't careless enough to completely ignore the possibility of further attacks. Similarly, Goblin #9 hurried along, having snuck behind the ramen cart to stay away from enemies as it advanced on the square in the distance.

Though Kashmir began to retreat backwards, Goblin #11 was just rushing straight at him. An extra meter or two of travel didn't really make much difference when one was trying to collide with something. Despite the summon's efforts, the goblin's shield still collided with him, right about in the groin area thanks to their height difference and the shield's positioning.

(Kashmir: -12 Aura)

After that, though, Kashmir leapt to the side to get past the goblin and reach the railgun. An odd choice (in the goblin's eyes), but so be it. Its previous charge had gone fairly well, so it would try to repeat its maneuver: setting shield before it, setting sword over its right shoulder, and charging in with as much force as possible.

Londo took the goblin's two attacks with his left gauntlet, leaving it little better off than its counterpart.
(Londo's Left Gauntlet: -5 Durability)
(Londo: -5 Aura)
(Londo's Right Gauntlet: -5 Durability)
(Londo: -5 Aura)

#17 was perhaps even more surprised than Londo himself as to why a sack had suddenly appeared around the boy. But hey, if the boy's movements and vision were restricted, the goblin wasn't going to complain. The goblin went for a quick slash across the front of Londo's thighs, hoping that even if he was protecting himself, it was only his upper body.

Though Goblin #16 was attempting to be clever and switch its sword to its free hand, it was unable to do so as it found itself being slammed back-first into the pavement. It couldn't help but cough up some blood from the impact, painting Almeida's right hand crimson. Having been dazed from lack of air and the impact, it could do naught but screech in agony as Almeida hoisted its own sword and stabbed it through the stomach. It was already clearly a fatal wound, but Almeida decided to stab the goblin (at least) once more, for good measure. Or sadism. It was hard to tell which.
(Goblin #16 has been murdered)

Hibiscus encountered no particular difficulties in her attempts to heal first Ryan and then herself.
(Ryan: +34 Aura)

"You are mistaken, child. You have not yet earned the honor of being called my enemy. At this time, you are a mere maggot, barely worthy of the air you breathe. Your life up until this night has solely been so that I can hear your screams echoing for as long as I like."

Jet black shadows began to seep out from the woman, flowing across the ground like an endless flood of ink. (On the map, its in gray so as not to be confused with anything else, but it is in fact pure black shadow IC). There was no change in the terrain's texture, just the visual appearance of clearly unnatural shadows. At least as far as Lavi could see, the entire world save for herself and the woman before her had been engulfed by darkness.

Action Phases:
(Goblin #17: -5 Aura)

Though #9 was still a ways out, #s 7 and 15 had reached the end of the street at last! As if to honor their achievement, swirling dark energy appeared next to #7. When the energy faded, #s 12 and 18 also stood there. Evidently, the magic being used by #18 earlier was some sort of teleportation spell, and it had used said spell to quickly catch up with its allies.

If its shield rush had worked out once again, #11 would swing its sword in a vertical slash down Kashmir's torso. If it hadn't gone so well, #11 would retreat / hang back again waiting for an opportunity.

Ideally, Londo would've shifted his fists down to defend against further leg attacks, so Goblin #17 made its next attack a thrust towards Londo's chest area.

Sounds began to emanate from beyond the limits of Lavi's view. An owl hooting off to her left, insects chattering behind her, a strange whooshing sound that could almost certainly only be from something magical to her right. Though she couldn't see anything besides the woman herself and a little bit of the noodle cart, Lavi could feel the sensation of countless eyes staring at her, their piercing gazes watching her every move.


Yune won? YUNE WON! "Yay! I finally won a game of shiritori!" Yune was hopping up and down with excitement, sending small amounts of the milk tea still in her hands flying out of the straw from the vigorous movements. After cheering for herself for a little bit, she remembered the rest of what Londo had said. "Oh right, the sack." The sack around Londo's body disappeared as swiftly as it had first appeared, just in time to see the goblin's AP thrust coming.

Ramen Guy

"Ah well, I should probably go find another place to sell my goods. I'll leave some free samples of my grilled lamprey eel here, in case anyone would like to try some." As the man packed up his cart supplies, he set five small plastic containers on the ground, each with a serving of his latest special.

Gates and Area Updates

"There are no hostiles en route, but we cannot confirm the building's interior."

As things were variously happening, the Gate began to ripple once more, though nothing had emerged quite yet.

Lavi Fluér


Interactions: Tiny Monstah @alatartheblue42

  • Centennial Square

    • Aura: 73 / 100
    • Prana: 71 / 100
    • Stamina: 100 / 100

    • SPEED: E

    • Ursa's Hide - 30/30 Durability
    • Penila Aula - Active

  • Gauntlets: 40/40 --- 40/40

    Axe: ?/?

    Phoebe: Spirit core



(Previous Turn)

-0 Prana + 13 Stamina

(Start of Turn)

8 Aura + 5 Prana + 0 Stamina

Reaction Phase:

Lavi's eyes darted around, quickly observing the front of her and her sides as the jet black shadows began pouring out from underneath her. She didn't move an inch with the coming shadows as escape was likely but a false hope, as she kept her eyes always trained on the young girl standing before her. Though as she kept on thinking what this gal had yelled out with that annoying arrogance, she couldn't bear but laugh. Yet it wasn't a laugh of sadistic glee, it was the laugh of hilarity. ''Hahaha. A little chibi, whom won't grow past adolescence, thinks she can give me my reason to have lived?''

Action Phase:
As the sounds began to originate she quiet down, she could be sure she had begun to hear nocturne animals which had only recently become familiarized with. She stopped to keep up the smile on her face of when she had laughed, simply opting to give a deadpan stare in her fit of caution. She had no idea as to what this little girl would do to her, yet though she wouldn't say it, as it would likely only make her attempt harder, she doubted that she would cry or scream from whatever sensation might follow. The sensation of being stared at, observed fervently by many individuals was a strange one to feel though.
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  • Richmond Avenue (a top a nearby building/store)

    • Aura: 100
    • Prana: 65/100
    • Stamina: 90/100

    • SPEED: E

  • Mislyte rests some more as he watches the scene below play out

  • over this scene

(Start of Turn: +5 Prana, +10 Stamina)

Reaction Phase:
similar things as last post....standby again
(standby 10 Stamina)

Action Phase:
similar things....standby again
(standby 10 Stamina)


Previous round:
Attack 2x -10 stamina (75 > 65)
Attack -5 stamina (65 > 60)

Start of the turn:
+5 prana (100 > 100)
+13 stamina (60 > 73)

Mark of Hibiscus

Aura: 78
Prana: 100
Stamina: 73


Equipment: Valerius
Durability: 100
Spirit Cores: N/A
Additional Properties: It can draw upon Almeida's prana to replenish its durability (this is a lengthy process and thus can only be done outside of combat). As it was created in a mine, where tools must be harder than that which they collide with, it will take reduced damage when one of Almeida's attacks clashes with another attack or a "reflective" barrier.

Aptitude (Passive)
Stamina Cost for Dodge & Evade & Evasion Dodge is reduced by 5.
Stamina Cost for Evasion Guard & Counter & Parry Counter is reduced by 10.​

Almeida had been happily butchering the goblin when she noticed Hibiscus talk to her.

Reaction Phase:
"Portal?" She was pretty sure they were right at the portal. It wasn't until she noticed she had missed a message and that a new location was shown that she realized what this was about. "Ah, I got it." Either a new portal had shown up that was more important, or they'd found something related to what was causing them. In either case, they had a new destination. As she picked up Valerius, he almost felt hot to the touch. For a moment, she wondered why, but then she realized he might just be mad at her that he didn't get to finish off the goblin. Either way, he'd have to deal with it, as Almeida checked where they were told to head towards. They'd have to leave the others (Lavi and Ozy, maybe Elisa?) behind, which she didn't feel quite comfortable with, but the remnants of her army drilling told her missions always came first. [Standby +13 stamina]

Action Phase:
"Let's go then!" As a result of the former, she soon set out to head towards the indicated location, resiting the urge to help the others or the equally strong urge to slay some more goblins. [Move]
Hibiscus Oswald

  • Centennial Square

    • Aura: 75 / 75
    • Prana: 100 / 150
    • Stamina: 55 / 75

    • SPEED: E

    • N/A

    • No current Buffs or Debuffs

  • Knife/Book: 40 / 40 --- 40 / 40

    Lyka: In spirit core form.



(Spells: -40 Prana, -30 Stamina)

(Aura: +35 Aura)

(Start of Turn: +5 Prana, +10 Stamina)

Reaction Phase:

Ryan seemed to be in a better off spot now, with Londo getting more hurt, so Hibiscus quickly sent a Healing hurt to his feet that were sticking out the bottom of the sack after he would start to curl them up to his chest.

Action Phase:

Then Hibiscus nodded to Almeida, "Right." and followed her towards the indicated location.

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Londo Sperry THE GREAT!

  • Centennial Square

    • Aura: 39 / 100
    • Prana: 100 / 100
    • Stamina: 71 / 100
    • Gauntlets: 10 / 40 --- 2 / 40

    • SPEED: E

    • Lion's Heart: Ready for Activation

    • Mark of Hibiscus


(Actions (guard+standby): -0 Prana, +13 Stamina)

(Aura: -10 Aura)

(Start of Turn: +3 Aura, +6 Prana, +13 Stamina)

Reaction Phase:

Londo raised his legs up to his stomach to help protect the delicates, while holding his left gauntlet up to guard, keeping his right one safe.

He took the attacks to his legs, which were guarding his thighs. And just when he thought he'd be under this sack forever, the sack was removed, and he saw the goblin going in for a thrust.

Londo kicked his right leg upwards, which was still up towards his stomach, to deflect the attack, while kicking his left leg forwards to hit the goblin in the nads.

Afterwards, Londo quickly got up off the ground.

Action Phase:

The Londo rushed in, using a Fist of Fury on the goblin's face, hoping to smash it into the pavement and stun it for a bit, while he turned and ran with Almeida and Hibiscus, going with them to the destination in case they needed help there. Hopefully Ryan and Lavi could distract them for a while.

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Ryan Gamaris & Kashmir


Changes - Nimble Module, Mark of Hibiscus
Aura - 77
Prana - 75
Stamina - 5
Romus/Remus - 40/40
Railgun - Ammo ~%25/Energy ~%10

Strength - E/D
Vitality - E/E
Willpower - E/E
Resistance - E/E
Speed - C/C
Dexterity - C/D
Perception - E/E
Recovery - E/E

His crotch... Why his crotch... Thankfully, a shield bash from a goblin was way less painful than an axe smash from a girl with super strength. However, it was still plenty painful. How will Ryan react? Well...

Start of Turn: +10 Stamina, +5 Prana

Reaction Phase

Seeing the evil creature charge towards him again, urged Kashmir to vault over the bench next to him, then run from the charge of the goblin, and its subsequent attacks, if the creature persisted.
Ryan took a quick glance over his shoulder to curse to hell the goblin who hit him, albeit indirectly, in the groin, as he tried to run off the pain. Other thing that he realized is that Kashmir was busy distracting a goblin, but there were higher priorities right now, so he took a moment to dispel Kashmir.

Evade (Kashmir), Dispel (Ryan): -10 Stamina

Action Phase

Not wasting a single extra second, Ryan went full speed ahead. Heading towards the location he was instructed.


Goblins 1, 9

Goblins 4

Goblin 15

Goblin 7, 11-12, 17

Goblin 13, 18

Reaction and Action Phases:
(Goblin #17: -5 Aura)

Throughout both his RP and AP, Mislyte seemed to have had enough of killin', so he was just chillin' like a villain. He didn't really move anywhere, do anything of note, or even have any particular thoughts. Really, the only thing on his mind was a sudden craving for a couple slices of pizza.

#11 had thought its plan to be pretty good, but it encountered a spot of trouble when Kashmir flipped over the nearby bench. Since the bench was designed for human-sized creatures, it was a bit too large for #11 to give pursuit. By the time it had gotten around the bench, Kashmir had already vanished without a trace.

Well, with Kashmir gone and no other enemies nearby, #11 decided to just return its attention to its destination at the far end of the street. It began bounding along the road, heading towards its comrades.

Though #17 had been surprised when the sack appeared around Londo, it was even more confused a moment later. How the hell did Londo end up on his back on the ground? #17 hadn't pushed him. Did some invisible force pull him down while #17 wasn't paying attention? Did Londo trip, despite not moving? All #17 knew was that before it blinked, Londo had been standing in his fighting stance, and after the blink had finished, Londo was already on the ground somehow. #17 had seen some strange things in its time, but this was definitely one of the weirder ones.

As #17's horizontal swing would've cut across Londo's thighs if Londo had been standing, with Londo curled up on the ground the slash just went across the base of his feet.

(Londo: -10 Aura)

Given Londo's unexpected position on the ground rather than standing, the goblin would have needed to circle around to Londo's side in order to stab at his upper body, so it chose to go on Londo's left side (as it was already somewhat on the left side) in order to stab the boy. Londo kicked out with his right foot to try and deflect the blade, but kicking out with his right foot didn't do much in this case.
(Londo: -9 Aura)

Londo tried to twist around to kick the goblin in the crotch with his left leg, but between that being unsportsmanlike conduct and the Goblin's shield, he was unable to connect. Actually, it was all the shield's doing; the sportsmanship had nothing to do with it. Still was kinda rude though.

(Goblin #17's Shield: -3 Durability)
(Goblin #17: -2 Aura)

Londo then began to get up… somehow. Well, at least the goblin saw it happening this time. In fact, as Londo was swinging his top half up off the ground again, #17 had an idea. It set its blade right in the path of Londo's torso, allowing Londo to impale himself on the sword with his own momentum.

(Londo: -9 Aura)

Of course, that did also mean that Londo was nice and close to #17 for his Fist of Fury. Knuckles connected with skull, and the goblin crumpled to the ground, unmoving.

Hibiscus encountered no particular difficulties in her attempts to heal Londo.
(Londo: +34 Aura)

"My my, the ladies of this time are certainly uncouth. It's a wonder that humans have survived. I can't imagine men liking ladies such as you."

Bolts of shadowy energy began to fly towards Lavi from all over, launched from unseen foes all around. Assuming Lavi was facing the woman, the six shots came in from her 2, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11 o'clocks. And as they did, a new ripple of shadows poured out from the woman.


Hmm, what to do? The ramen man was closing up his shop, and she had won her game with Londo. Maybe she should follow him around for a bit? That might be fun!

Yune suddenly turned towards the north, as if she had heard something off in the distance. "Hmm, ok. See you around sometime, Londo!" Yune vanished before Londo could even reply.

Gates and Area Updates

Heralded by the previously mentioned rippling of the Gate, more goblins began to pour forth. Led by goblin #13, the shaman who had retreated into the Gate earlier, there were twelve new goblins that had come forth. To make matters worse, the Gate showed no sign of stopping its surge of goblins.

Ramen Guy

Having no further business in the area, the man finished packing up his ramen cart, moved to the bar at the front, and began to head off towards the square to the west. Sure, there were a few goblins that way, but it was probably safer than going past the strange little woman and the army of goblins coming out of the Gate. And besides, the square was more likely to have people looking for a late-night snack.

Goblins lingered at the far end of the street, waiting for #s 1, 9, and 11 to catch up to them before they moved forward into the square. That had been their plan, at least. Things changed a bit when they were blown backwards as the pavement around and underneath them suddenly shattered. As the object that had plummeted out of the sky stood back up, a familiar woman's voice could be heard throughout the area.

"Good grief. I leave you all alone for a few minutes, and what do I come back to?"

Professor Okamoto

Okamoto had certainly seen better days. Her hair looked like a few chunks had been ripped out. Her outfit had developed some tears and scorch marks on the arms and midriff. The gemstone in the AMB on her wrist had been completely shattered, with only a few shards left in its slot on the somewhat mangled silver band. And over everything else, a combined layer of at least soot, sweat, blood, and dirt caked her from head to foot. Yet despite all of the trouble that she had obviously endured, her demeanor seemed no different from normal, besides perhaps being a bit more exasperated than usual.

"Goblins are about to break through the line, two students are in Aurashock, a Spirit is trying to molest Lavi, Rainer is nowhere to be seen, you're all on the far end of the street, and the entire place looks like something out of an apocalypse movie. Just what the hell were you all up to?"

As she spoke, the four goblins she had landed next to pulled themselves back off the ground and immediately leapt into action. #s 7 and 12 swung their swords in, while #15 launched an arrow towards Okamoto's head and #18 sent a small flame towards her chest. She didn't even flinch as the attacks connected. "Pathetic." Okamoto flicked her katana through the air, and the space around her blurred. It lasted but a split second, but by the time it faded, four goblin heads had already been separated from their bodies.

"Now, Spirit. I would appreciate it if you left my students alone."

"So a proper Mage has finally appeared… Fine then, I'll let the brat go. Just don't bore me." The strange presences around Lavi began to fade, though her vision showed no signs of recovery. The mysterious woman began to advance towards Okamoto, and Okamoto moved closer as well.

Those who moved on to their new destination would find themselves traveling a couple blocks away. A boarded-up store, formerly known as "Hal's Electronics", stood at the indicated point. There didn't seem to be any obvious ways in or out, save through the boards on the entrance. But even while outside, the Mages could hear a faint humming noise emanating from somewhere within the store.

Setting: The Academy, Gardens, August 2nd, 199 NWC. ~15:00

Collab with @Giftvi. Phoebe (Lavi's spirit) gets her portrait painted after a coincidental meeting with the Student Council President.

Sona Báthory

Sona walked out into the gardens with her paintbrushes and her easel. She didn't have a lot of free time, being the student council president, a part-time arts teacher at a nearby school, and overall a pretty powerful mage were all pretty time consuming things. That's why she liked to spent her little free time on her favorite thing; painting. Most of the students luckily respected her privacy during that little bit of free time, so she was really eager to see if there were any good flowers to provide inspiration. She found something better instead. 'That spirit is absolutely gorgeous...' The large antlers, the odd neck-height manes, the long tail... It was exactly the type of creature she'd really want to paint. A lot better than flowers, at least.

As a result, she was quick to approach Phoebe. "Hello~ I'm Sona Báthory. Say, it's a bit of an odd question, but could you please let me paint you?"



With the sun blazing hard onto the land below, Phoebe had chosen to find refuge under the shade of a small tree within the gardens. Her fore and back legs tucked under her whilst she rested her chin upon the grass beneath, finding comfort in the small gusts of wind passing through her fur.

Though the ultraviolet rays being radiated from the large ball of gas, or the sun, could have been a little less intensive. Yet what could be done about it. This small comfort could be seen as a way to clear her mind and destress herself from her troublesome situation.

In the span of what may have been less than a month she had found quite a talented partner, even if they may have been carrying a small amount of baggage. Yet now that very partner found themselves in a state of unconsciousness.

As her mind was kept busy only by herself she could her the crumpling of grass grace her ears, one of her eyes opened up to look at whomever was approaching, to a bit of sudden surprise. A student of the academy whom she had familiarized herself quite quickly upon understanding the concept of the student council implemented by this school. Their particular and eccentric attire, mixed with their tanned skin either from birth or extracurricular activities and white hair which could belong more often to a albino.

''Well hello~, good afternoon there. It's a bit of an odd question, but I guess I should feel flattered. Hmm sure, if you think you may have found some inspiration I would find it lovely to be your muse. Though I would hope to continue relaxing, if you would not mind.''


Sona Báthory

"Great, and that's no problem at all!" Sona said with a thumbs up. She figured this particular spirit would be a better painting target in their natural state anyhow, as with most things. She wasn't exactly one of the 'pose for me' types of painters. There was one thing she was curious about, however. "I don't think I've seen you around before. Are you the spirit of one of the first years?" As she asked the question, she was setting up her easel whilst getting the right colors ready.



A smile seemed to appear on Phoebe's face, giving of a comfortable mood around her. ''What makes you say that, may it be that you are quite prideful about your memory? However I must say you are quite correct. I have only recently been enrolled here at the academy. I don't know how well you know the staff or rumors, but I partake in classroom 107 under instructor Miss Okamoto. Oh and for introduction sake, you can call me by Phoebe, it is how I introduce myself to most. Should I call you Sona, Bathory or Student President, I hope to not be rude after all.''

As Phoebe spoke, her tone was inquisitive and a tad cheerful, yet most importantly quite confident sounding and soft spoken. ''If I may ask, do you make it your past time to paint here, I find it odd that I have not seen you before. Since I have come here quite often with my partner or alone in my time here.''


Sona Báthory

Sona shook her head upon hearing the comment about her memory. "Not at all, I'm just saying that I'd have recalled a spirit as beautiful as you." As for the staff and rumors, Sona was pretty up to date. It was part of the job, after all. "Ah, the legendary angel slayers~" Sona's tone seemed to strike an exact balance between jokingly and serious. "Just Sona will do. I'm here as a painter, not as the president, after all~"

"Yes, I love painting here, but you don't get a lot of time being the student council president. Oh, and I teach art at a nearby school, which also takes up a fair bit of time. All in all, I think this is the first time I've had enough free time to start painting in over a month." Now that she was thinking about it, it might have even be longer... "Anyhow, I guess that shows just how lucky I am to run into such a great muse the first moment I gained some free time again~"

As she was drawing up the first sketch-lines, she started to wonder. "So what do you like about this place?" She was secretly hoping for a somewhat poetic or inspiring answer, one that'd fit the appearance of the spirit.



Phoebe's seemed to blush at the mention of her being beautiful, though it was hard to tell with the color of her fur. ''Well thank you very much.'' If it be as a form of gratitude, or simply feeling content from her words, whatever the reason may be as it wasn't too important, Phoebe began to shift her position slightly as Sona continued for a more fluid and aesthetic composition

A bit of a gasp of exhaustion came out at the words of 'angel slayers', a phrase that she had heard of enough already in the small amount of time that she had walked around the academy. ''Yes that uhm, phrase has been mentioned quite often. I should be proud of it, but a few students are a bit to obstinate at it for my taste.''

''Being the student council president and teaching art, that sounds quite taxing, yet quite admirable. Especially with the age range you may be dealing with, after all you deal with junior as well as high school students in each separate class most often I would guess. Still I would love to learn art if I could, sadly though that poses a bit of a problem with my anatomy.'' She said as her eyes wandered over towards her hooved legs. ''As for what comfort I find here in these gardens? It feels closest to home, the earth and insects make me think of fond memories of mine. Besides such, I still do remain a nature spirit who governs life as a concept, so it is much more comforting than concrete buildings. And you?''


Sona Báthory

Whilst charming her painting subject, Sona drew a few more lines and started to add a bit more detail to the sketch. Particular towards the antlers and mane, which stood out the most, and therefore would be the visual focus of the painting. As for the angel slayers. "How so? Do you mean too many people talk about it, or that students in your class take too much pride in it?" It wasn't entirely clear which party was accused of being obstinate here, after all.

Sona giggled a bit at Phoebe's comment regarding art. "There are always ways to create art, as I'm sure you can bite down on a brush well enough to hold it stable, but some of the more detailed types might indeed prove challenging." It wouldn't be the first time Sona tried teaching a fingerless spirit, but the results were always pretty mixed.

After revealing a bit of her backstory, Phoebe returned the question to Sona. "It's a combination of this place providing nice painting opportunities and there being a silent understanding between me and the other students that they won't bother me here."



There was a bit of a silent pause on Phoebe's part after Sona's return to the conversation. As she weighed what had honestly troubled her the most regarding the 'angel slayers' title their class had received from fellow students. ''How do I mean it? Well honestly speaking, my troubles come from both sides. You see the class has a particular student, whose childish hubris seems to know no boundaries. So receiving awe in any sort doesn't bode well towards a calm school life. And partially some younger female students, whom pay quite a bit of attention to us, whilst not attempting to make conversation.''

''I guess that may be an option, but honestly I would rather aim towards becoming capable of materializing a humanoid shape out of my core, if such were to be possible. I am glad to hear though that most students respect your free time and allow your leisure. Might I ask, I actually have interest in the subject, what could I do to help my partner possibly join as a first year representative of the student council?''


Sona Báthory

"Oh?" Sona pondered a bit over it. Ten years of academy life, most of which spent as part of the student council, had made her pretty familiar with these types of things. "Most students tend to fall in line after failing the first few times, which will undoubtedly happen at some point in this type of life. Then again, they are still children, no matter how you look at it, so a bit of childish hubris can be forgiven, right?"

As for the latter part... "That sounds oddly familiar, although I've personally gotten used to having a small army of secret admirers, it's still noticeable for your class to start off with them. What helped for me was to just approach them instead, although I guess I accidentally made myself a fan-club as a result."

Sona had to wreck her brain a bit with the parts regarding shape shifting. "From what I've learned, shape-shifting is possible, but not very common. I could try to get into contact with a few spirits I know can do it, if you want me too, as a payback for modeling for me."

The latter question was the easiest one. "Create a platform for it." That'd probably need some more explaining. "Considering the new first year classes are formed throughout the year, it's the only year in the academy where there isn't a set date for student council elections. As a result, they only happen once enough students have shown interest." She was silent for a bit, trying to recall the number of first years. "I'd say that getting around thirty or so students to support having elections would suffice. From there, it'll be a normal race between all candidates on whom can get the most votes."

As she was finally starting the first layer of color on her painting, she recalled another detail. "I think a student from class 1A tried to run already, but he couldn't find enough people to join in. I forgot his name, but his spirit is a rabbit. You'll later have to run against him, but if it's just about starting off the elections, you can work together to get enough students interested in it."



''I would hope that his years in the academy may be a preface to a change of ways to him even still. Indeed childish hubris as it may be is a simple thing to forgive, if they might not carry serious consequences. As is I would not correct the bad parentage to have led to such a child, he seems a simple child besides such after all. But I am still perturbed and stressed by his attitude, I hope that I could be excused about feeling such.'' Indeed as Sona may say, to judge a child who is a construct of his nurture for his behaviour would be foolish, but if one does not correct a child now it may end up far worse. Though at least it is simply hubris, not something more extreme as narcissism which leads to a more dubious nature, she of all would know that quite well.

She had guessed as much in regards to Sona having a fanclub, as though it is obvious that a student as famous as her would be often spoken about, the frequency she heard Sona's name intrigued her a bit. ''But still, funny to hear you have experienced the same. Should I learn from your consequences, or are you more satisfied with a fanclub?'' As for the knowledge of shapeshifting being an infrequent thing, it was something she was quite afraid of indeed. Chances of her learning from their experiences though would prove useful maybe. ''And I am not about to look a gift horse in the mouth, so if we could keep contact for such that would be wonderful. I do quite appreciate the favor and advice you have given me then, let me see if I would wish to get people interested it might not be bad to simply speak to the students of the first year on a even level then and ask what struggles they have had so far in the small amount of time they have participated.''


Sona Báthory

Sona figured that discussing the (lack of) pedagogical qualities of the academy wasn't ideal. It'd probably make the focus of her next painting a lot less inspiring. She had just covered the biggest background surfaces with color, after all. "No, I'm glad there are others around whom genuinely worry about such matters." That was probably the most tactical way to respond to it.

The next question took her by surprise. Enough so for her to put the brush down for a bit. "It has its ups and downs. I guess. It's sort-off a confirmation that I'm doing well, and it's nice to inspire others, but the amount of attention is a bit jarring at times. It's also rather embarrassing when people make you out to be much more than your are."

"I'll see if I can get in contact with any of them. Do you have a means for me to contact you?" Sona said, in reply to shape-shifting. As for the second part; "That's indeed the best way to build-up a platform, if you're willing to put in a lot of work."



The response that was given by Sona had seemed to gander Phoebe's attention. Although the emotion which carried behind such attention wasn't obvious, the intent itself was, as her eyes which remained closed for the most part had opened and were glancing at Sona as she was painting the canvas. Yet the conversation wasn't carried through any further, as it seemed futile or unimportant to continue for Phoebe.

Phoebe pondered for a smidgen of time before she spoke up again. ''I see, well I cannot say I know what compliments are said, but you are quite an interesting person. Take some pride in that I would say. However I shall think upon it a little further, it was nice to hear what seemed to be the earnest thoughts of yours Sona.'' The words were said deliberate and confident, with the small curls of a smile at each end of her face.

''As for how you might contact me again, well I do not carry our AMB on me. I could tell under which student name it would be registered or which dorm room we are staying at. What do you think?''


Sona Báthory

Sona wasn't one to easily take pride in anything, so she quietly painted on. The second part of what Phoebe said to her did require an answer. "Yes, both options would work. Whatever you pre... Wait, no, I'd rather have the number. I'd rather not risk having to fight off an entourage of people wondering what I was doing there just in an attempt to try to get to a dorm-room." She'd note down the number, before continuing her painting. After quite a few more strokes, it was done; a pretty realistic painting of Phoebe, but the background was one of a mix-up of the various flowerbeds to a more fantasy-like world filled with flowers.



With a slight nod in agreement, Phoebe would try her best to remember the number designated to Lavi's AMB. A fact that she likely had remembered better than the actual wearer of said device. If it were to of course not be an immensely long form of numerics which could rival the Mersenne Prime numbers. ''That is of no problem. I wouldn't want to trouble you with… whatever may happen if you were to come to the dorms.'' Afterwards she simply kept herself quiet, along herself to be a silent muse for the remaining portion of time. ''Well it is quite a fascinating painting to be certain, lovely imagery reminding me quite of a painter called Bob ross. I hope that you are satisfied to some extent with the piece.''


Sona Báthory

Sona was quite happy with her painting. After all, she'd been able to find a fascinating spirit to paint. She smiled at the mention of Bob Ross. "I'm surprised you notice the similarities, he's my grandfather on my mother's side. He used to draw more from his imagination though, whereas I like to draw what I'm actually seeing, just with some added flair."



Phoebe's eyes widened in response, as in a unladylike manner her mouth stood agape for a small bit. She knew not what to say in her surprise and befuddlement as she looked towards Sona, in the manner you would look towards an idol of yours. ''You are the grandchild of young Bob Ross? Oh my enough time would have passed for such, but he must have had your mother and similarly your mother must have had you at quite a young age. Well that something I didn't expect to hear today. The world can always surprise me in a variety of ways, that is what makes it so fun I guess.'' It would be a bit rude to ask for an autograph of her father's at this moment, but still… Finding it a bit awkward to still be laying on the dirt and grass, she stood upon her hooved legs. In a silence of not knowing what to say.


Sona Báthory

Sona was pretty confused. "Young? I'm afraid my grandfather passed away at a respectable age a few years ago." She wasn't sure if they were even talking about the same person at this rate.



Phoebe glanced forwards, giving a small squint, before attempting to brush off the conversation topic. She was not in the mood, as always, to talk about her age after all. And letting it slip up like this was not the wisest decision she could have made. Her love for art was indeed quite the folly. ''Oh apologies, it appears I have been forgetful of the time.'' There was no watch for her to give a glance toward, but grace was not of high importance when her age was on the line. She would give a slight nod and bow towards Sona. ''Have a wonderful day. Let's speak again soon, maybe over the COMB or maybe with a cup of coffee or tea, whichever you prefer.'' As she walked away with a slightly brisk pace to her hooves.

  • In Transit (and potentially on a rooftop)

    • Aura: 100
    • Prana: 70/100
    • Stamina: 100/100

    • SPEED: E

  • Mislyte avoids some rash decisions and moves to location the team was informed of.

  • finally moving on

(Start of Turn: +5 Prana, +10 Stamina)

Reaction Phase:
Mislyte witnessed the growing dire situation unfold below and contemplated a number of reckless actions. His composed, transformed state would not allow him to hastily act on any of them however. His face and posture became increasingly tense has he witnessed more goblins flooding out of the portal. Realizing the longer he waited, the worse it would become, Mislyte was about ready to step off the roof to reach street level and attempt anything that may give his captured classmate, Lavi, a chance. The return of the class teacher stopped a relieved Mislyte in his tracks.
(standby 10 Stamina)

Action Phase:
No longer feeling a need to charge into a certain bad time, Mislyte would stay on the rooftops as much as he could to pursue the rest of the class towards the location indicated by their ambs. When Mislyte reached a point where he could not continue he would look around for a 'safe' way of decent and continue running at street level.
Split would hum along as they ran, whatever tune it produced having no discernible rhythm or beat to follow.
(standby 10 Stamina)