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Friendly Neighborhood Succubus [She/Her]
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
My work schedule is scattered. I work weekends along with weekdays - 5 AM to usually 1PM EST. Even when I'm not working, don't expect me to be online or to reply right away. I value my off time and do other things with it!
Writing Levels
  1. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
Fantasy of all kinds. modern stuff, too. slice-of-life stuff is really comforting and fun for me.
Feeling brave! 🙌

I just want to thank anyone who gazes upon my little drabbles from the bottom of my heart. Writing sparks such joy in me, even if the results aren't the best of the best. I'm happy I can share this joy with other writers. 💗

Every Monday-ish! I've decided!

This will be a little collection of various, short, stories, mostly fanfics! A lot of it will be silly, wish-fulfillment, bullcrap starring my character Sunsetter in her many iterations across universes and all of the fun, stupid, kinky, adventures she gets into with the canon characters in them. I love writing. I love taking fictional charries and creating AUs for them to live in and making them kiss other fictional charries and such and such! And, then having other people read it all in it's glory! 8D

Feel free to post comments in here, or send me PMs about thoughts and feelings you wanna share. I will read and respond as I am able to! You don't have to critique, at all. I'm super self-aware of the quality of my many writings and I'm just sharing for fun's sake and also to share kink content for people who are also into the same, weird, crap I'm into! Kink solidarity!

I'll put up a big, danged, warning, now: Most of these writings will be NSFW. Some of them will contain grosser kinks! I will tag everything appropriately so you can pick and choose what you feel like you can handle reading/what you feel like reading, at all. I will also put those writings under the spoiler fuzz so no one will catch anything squicky on accident!

Okay. I'll probably come back and update this intro post every now and then when I remember stuff, so keep an eye out for new info, if that's what you feel like doing!
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  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Lyrikai
First story to break the thread in! My friends and I do writing prompts of differing kinds, sometimes, and a lot of the stories I'm going to post are a result of those shenanigans! This is one of them!

Tighnari from Genshin Impact is missing his lovers and is taking care of the situation in a rather unconventional manner!

-Moss Surrounds-


NSFW Content warnings!: Dendrophilia! Knotting! Mention of blood!

Loneliness wasn't usually something Tighnari let get a hold of him. He had no issues filling his alone time with various activities, and treasured those moments when he had few interruptions to his work and studies. For reasons that were of little wonder, this had proven to ring less and less true, recently.
Those reasons had names.
And, those names had faces that he was dearly missing.
Fingers loosely intertwining in the tender, tendril-like, branches of the large willow tree he had set up camp under, he forcibly brought his original purpose for this trip into the forefront of his mind.
There was a dark, rosey, blush to the soft, plump, leaves of the tree that he had never before seen in that, particular, species. It grew in scarlet intensity as it lit up in the dying sunlight, and from where he was sitting, the canopy of delicately draped foliage reminded him of locks of hair.
Long, red, hair.
"Oh, I suppose I could say the golden aura of the setting sun looks like her eyes, too. Gods, I have things to do." He muttered, immediately annoyed with himself and his sickeningly poetic longings. The hardcover notebook propped open upon his lap was shuffled through with a distracted restlessness. Not one word, not one illustration, left any sort of impression.
Eyebrows narrowing almost comically, he stared at the freshly written passages of the day to a point where the questions he posed all blurred together in a confusing, unimportant, scramble of ink.
...What would Albedo think of this? What sort of unique, eye-opening, questions would he casually throw into the hypothetical conversations about his current research, here?
Tighnari could hear him talk, inside his head, then. His softly mumbling voice answering. Commenting. Chuckling.
Smiling that signature, mysterious, Albedo smile with those impossibly supple lips, of his.
Lips he could almost feel smoothing over his own.
Smacking his forehead, he let himself fall onto his back, the impact giving his exasperated sigh a bit of oomph.
The front of his pants were becoming awfully tight.
He was quickly becoming a nuisance to himself.
"Let's deal with this, then, I suppose. I'll be able to actually focus, after, anyway." Hands moving with a careful, purposeful, hurry, they hovered over the tented crotch of his pants for a split second [just enough time to question himself and then immediately say 'drat it'], hooked the waist of his pants and unders with his thumbs, and tugged them down his hips.
Both hands secured his manhood in their warm confines, one gently squeezing his testicles, the other grasping his cock at the base.
A few, slow, half-hearted, pumps left him taking uncertain pause.
There was a piece of this lascivious puzzle that was missing and Tighnari's lame attempt at using his own, manual, means, just wasn't cutting it. Frustration translated into whole-body shivers, nails clawing into bark and moss, and shallow, fitful, whines.
He needed to bury himself into something. His hips needed to be in frenzied motion. Pumping.
Feeling almost feverish, Tighnari's eyes took in everything they could see from where he was, his mind weighing pros of cons and potential satisfaction value in anything that even seemed remotely useable.
And, that's when the fox noticed a small, elongated, hollow in the thick base of a branch of the willow tree.
Moss, curly and brilliantly vermillion, bushed around it, creating an almost uncannily familiar picture. He wasn't sure whether to be annoyed or aroused, but his pure, yearning, instinct swiftly made that decision for him.
Up on wobbly legs, Tighnari drifted closer to the arboreal object of his desire.
A hand boldly reached out as soon as he was within distance, fingers running through and ruffling the mane of curly, red, foliage with a distinct fondness.
He felt unhinged.
What was he doing?!
A groan skipped and shuddered from a deep place in his throat as his waist pressed into the tree, near where the inviting hole was. It was done slowly and sensually, as if this was a perfectly normal ritual. The plethora of sensations that followed left him near breathless. Barely hanging onto any sanity or sense, Tighnari acted.
Giving his cock a few, good, pumps with his hand - a small bit of encouragement, in case it was just as confused by his peculiar urges as his poor brain was, he lined himself up with the hollow. The length of him rested upon the moss. It was cool, full of dew, and gave him a refreshing sort of tingle. Inside, it slid.
His pulsing, aching, erection was met with the most wonderful reception. The muscles in his thighs and buttocks twitched and jolted in little shocks of pleasure as he was completely sheathed in the hollow's warm, velvety, depths.
Laying his cheek against the moss, he panted, eyes bleary and unfocused. His mouth hung open to inaudibly garble Sunsetter's name [he could swear he heard her moan his in response] before pulling his hips back and slamming them in, once again.
It was as if his very soul shook.
The noises that came from his mouth were distinctly inhuman.
Hands grasped to hold steady when legs threatened to fail him.
There was no resistance from the depths of the tree to his reckless penetration.
That sealed it.
Tighnari took only a brief moment to gather himself, organize and shelf thoughts and feelings, before simply letting go.
With tightly gritted teeth, an arched tail, and nothing but the drive to breed, he braced against the tree and began roughly, greedily, riding the almost violent, instinctual, fit, out.
Thrust after thrust, the desperation compounded. Each, hard, sharp, meeting of flesh and bark solicited grunts, moans, and cries that bordered on animalistic and rode the fine line between pleasured and pained.
Jaw opening wide, his fangs sunk into moss and gripped. A spray of citrus-esque essence flooded his olfactory senses, causing him to wrench away, grimacing and drooling.
He attempted to pull away from the tree, completely, but it very suddenly dawned on him that that wasn't happening any time soon.
The base of his cock had been swelling without his notice and he had knotted the stupid, miserable, hollow.
In a bit of a defeat, Tighnari leaned his weight against the branch, eyes drooping. Catching his breath. Down below, he felt the rhythm of his ejaculating in strong pulses, dutifully filling his arboreal mate with his seed in a bid to impregnate that was grievously in vein.
It wasn't long before the fox's mind returned to him and his situation came into clearer focus. He smelled blood. Not much, but he was bleeding somewhere. The tiny sounds of scurrying insects inside the tree gave him a momentary hit of horror until he realized that he had just given them more reason to be uncomfortable than they were giving him. That strange, citrus, taste and scent the moss had assaulted him with had an even worse after taste. Very pitchy. Not recommended. He hoped it wasn't poisonous, but compared to the embarrassment he'd have to bare if someone somehow found out about this whole 'experience', another bite would gladly be taken.
Tighnari was left cold, hungry, scratched and nicked up and feeling so, so, empty by the time the knot eased enough to free him.
He opted to lose his pants, completely, and his shirt followed. A dip in the river was in order. The shame would never wash away, but he could at least rid himself of the sweat, blood, and semen he was painted in.
There was Al's voice, again.
And, Sunni's endearingly explosive laughter in response.
Barefoot and naked, the fox picked his shaky way down the tree and hit the ground in a crouch.
The rain forest was his home. He had grown up, there. Made his life, there. Suddenly, even being surrounded by such familiar flora and fauna, knowing his ways between the trees and being comfortable within even the deepest of the forest's depths weren't enough to fill the hollow inside of himself.
Sometimes, 'home' could be names.
And, those names had faces he was dearly missing.



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So, first off I love your writing style. It's direct and focused, without being clinical. With that being said, there is only one word that feel out if place. So, let me be clear the style, the feel, and the scope of what you are writing ar 100 out of 100. You word choice is 99 out of 100.

Your use of the word ejaculating, is a little clinical. You have this visceral style, and that word sounds scientific or cold, where as everything you've written set the senses ablaze. If you made that one change IMHO this would be perfect.
  • Thank You
Reactions: ThatDamnedSuccubus
Tighnari's a pretty clinical dude, sometimes. :3
Looking at sexual functions in a clinical manner turns me on, sometimes. [medical fetish intensifies]~
It stays, dammit! x'D

Thank you for the feedback, though, my guy! I'm honestly super pumped about it! Defs continuing posting my crap, here. 💗
  • Love
Reactions: Wordsmith
You are pretty banging as well
  • Love
Reactions: ThatDamnedSuccubus
I think one story every Monday should do it for now? I'm cleaning them up a little bit, because they ARE just rough, quick, prompt stories, mostly. :'3

Ai from Utapri is a robot in his canon universe, and in the world this story was written for, he is, as well. Except, in this universe, he and Sunsetter had to flee from his place of origin, making him unable to access his maintenance team.
And, unable to for a long, long, while.

-Falling [Apart] For You-


This is SFW!

"Are you alright?"
Her voice registered as her own. The emotional mapping of her face reported concern. Sadness. Tone processing came back with much the same.
All seemingly correct, so far.
When her inquiry was input, however, the results were questionable. Nonsense. Slow to form.
Keeping quiet, he dropped his gaze, focusing with determination. Frustration.
It had been becoming harder and harder.
"Yes." He lied, quietly, appraising her once again. His hand made a short adjustment, resting on her lower back. Pulling her into him, "Now. May I have this dance?"
Eyebrow arched, she was obviously dubious.
"Of course. If you're still up for it?"
Leaning in, he gave her forehead a reassuring kiss before the two began their gentle, rocking, dance. The cozy quiet of their tiny, well-kempt, kitchen serving as a prompt backdrop to their private waltz, the couple did small, simple, circles across the worn linoleum.
Inside, he felt metal grind upon metal.
Silicone joints shifted and crackled.
There was a distinct stiffness in his movements he tried to play off as proper, dancing, posture.
All of his worry over the compounding system errors, missing files, and increasing forgetfulness were masked behind his loving gaze. He caressed her with fingers that had lost their ability to feel years ago.
He heard the telltale, muted, pop of her failing hip and he instinctively braced himself to bear her weight. They came to a natural rest as she pitched into him, clinging. Sighing in defeat. Laying her head against his shoulder.
"Sorry." She muttered, the chuckle she let out sounding hollow and tired.
"There is no reason to be." He responded, "Do you need to sit?"
She let a pause go on for a curious amount of time and he wondered if he should ask, again. When she peered up, at him, it was with an air of sheepishness.
"I know you're falling apart as much as I am, angel, but do you think you could get me up on the counter?" A shaky smile pulled on her lips as she continued in a whisper, "Like old times?"
There wasn't even a moment's hesitation.
No time to give even the shortest of verbal confirmations.
None to afford towards minding the groans of his metallic bones and the heavy strain alarm his brain practically blared.
Not a second for her to express much more surprise other than the sharp squeak she gave as she was swiftly and carefully hoisted and placed atop the kitchen counter, him taking his place between her legs.
She gave a laugh that awoke in him such a rush of love and realization.
Sunlight piercing through the window highlighted the locks of dark grey weaved through her once brilliantly red hair. Cast subtle shadows in the deepening wrinkles of her face. Made her golden eyes sparkle as they once did when they first met.
She was as radiant as ever.
The love of his life.
"You are worth falling apart for."
Another, shorter, prompt, today. Yet more shameless Suns-shipping, heh. I promise this isn't the only thing I do...- The title is the exact prompt that was given!

Sunsetter and Wanderer, from Genshin Impact. From a modern AU.

-'take a load off and stay a while'-


Potential NSFW content warnings: No actual, sexual, content, but mentions of certain kink dynamics!

He already knew he'd end up staying the night. Even as he clothed himself once again. Even as he hiked his backpack up and headed towards the door. Even as he mumbled 'welp, same time next week. Night.'.
It was the look on her face.
The tone of her voice as she responded.
The tired, shaky, smile.
Wavering on his feet, his gaze fell to the tops of his shoes. The moment dragged on, bordering on awkward, as his gears turned.
He entered this place for one purpose.
He was her kitten.
Her good boy.
Mommy's pretty, little, dolly.
And, when the illusion lifted and the scene was over, he left.
That was that.
On to the rest of his life.
One of his feet turned involuntarily back, towards the couch she was practically melting into. After a long sigh, he fished his phone out of the pocket of his hooded jacket.
His bag hit the floor as he let himself fall back into the couch's awaiting cushions.
"Chinese or pizza?" He muttered, giving her a brief, sidelong, glance.
What was he doing?
What was he feeling?
"You don't have to-." She started, hushed. Taken aback.
"Not what I asked. I'm starving. It's late. You don't mind me taking a load off and staying, do you?" Eyebrow raised, smirk on his lips, he appeared far more bratty than he was feeling, at the moment.
It was met with her breaking into a smile that lifted his heart on gentle breezes, though he would die before he let on.
Before he knew it, she was tucked into him, arms surrounding. He reciprocated with a one-armed hold and some stiff pats on her shoulder.
What was he doing?
Letting himself love someone back.
What was he feeling?
Fuzzy. Warm. Love? Still hungry.
"Alright, alright. So, what are we eating, lady?"

  • Love
Reactions: Lyrikai
I have issues writing fluff, on it's own. I'm more of an angst bucket. So, my friends prompted me to do some short, cute, stories that were more positive, little, jaunts! This is one of those attempts, with the characters having being picked by myself!

This is from my big, all-consuming, fantasy AU, where I have a huge, overarching, plot, and original charries, but also just take canon characters from differing universes that I fucking love and give them roles and story lines and such. This is Succubus Suns's origin universe. :'3
Otoya, Reiji, and the rest of the characters that are mentioned are from Uta no Prince-Sama. Except for Ira. Ira belongs to a friend.

The writing is a bit rough, and not my best, but I hope you enjoy it, anyway!

~Fluff Prompt: Reiji/Otoya ~

This one is SFW!

The succubus's cabin was exceptionally quiet. Tokiya was out and about on one of his 'patrols' with that Ira guy, and, everyone else had piled into Sunni's room, for the night.
Otoya honestly couldn't tell why he didn't feel compelled to join them, in her nest. All the love and attention he received, here, could be addicting. After all the years in the barracks, at the palace, with very little positive physical contact, it was all incredibly overwhelming, sometimes.
Something about being alone, right now, felt good. Like taking a break.
He was leaned fully back in the makeshift couch, hands behind his head, his eyes slowly roving over everything and anything of interest. All of Sunni's knickknacks, the flowers, the fire crackling in the fireplace.
They finally settled on the bag sitting on the table, in front of him. The material a verdant green, with golden embroidery all worked throughout it in archs and sprays.
It was king Aijima's. It held his flute.
He shouldn't touch it.
Tilting his head to gaze over at the bedroom door, the boy sat up, and over, elbows on his knees. His ruby reds took in the bag once more, a look of uncertain curiosity in them.
This wasn't a good idea.
"He won't know. I just wanna take a quick look. What's the harm in that?"
Deep down, he was pretty certain that if he just asked to see the flute, Cecil would give it over. Alas, the man was snoozing away in the next room, unable to be questioned.
With a few fingers, he reached for it. Snagging it, he pulled it closer.
The gilded threads it bore sparkled in the light cast by the flames within the nearby hearth. Carefully, he pulled at the braided drawstring, and lifted the bag from the other end, shaking it until it finally gave up it's contents.
"Wooow." Otoya whispered. This is the closest he'd been to even just the box that held the royal flute.
He just couldn't take it, anymore.
One after the other, he undid the tiny, golden, latches, making sure to put at least a little care, into it...-
And, then, the bedroom door opened with a small squeak that sent the boy jumping backward, mouth open, hands up, in front of him. Ready to give excuses. Ready to apologize.
"Whaaatchya doin' there, Red?"
Ah, at least it was only Reiji. He didn't know what he'd do if it was Cecil, himself, or, even the great mage. Probably shrivel up and die.
Still, there was definitely some explaining to do.
"Aaah. Haha. So. Well, I-. I just wanted to see it, up close?" Otoya stuttered, wincing some, as the bard approached, Reiji had his hands planted on his hips, his eyes trained on the box. A small grin on his lips. There was something in those grey eyes Otoya didn't quite like.
"Just thought you'd grab it, yourself, and, have a look-see, eh? I can't say I really blame yah. It is a thing of wonder." Nodding vehemently, the young man hoped that he had dodged any punishment. Reiji made it to the couch and flopped grandly into it, letting out a groan, stretching his arms out, "There I was, sleeping all peaceful-like, and I take one, drowsy, miscalculated, roll over, and, end up with Ai-Ai angrily elbowing me in the ribs." Chuckling softly, his hands came down, fingers rubbing into his chest, "He's got some sharp elbows. So! Here I am!"
"It did seem like it was packed, in there." Otoya commented, feeling a flood of relief at the topic being changed. Maybe if he kept this talk going, Reiji would completely forget about the whole flute thing.
"Aaah. It is, it is." Reiji replied, ever-so-fondly, "So, didya stay out here just to get your dirty paws all over his majesty's special flute, ooor...?"
No. No. Deflect. Deflect. Quickly.
"Aaah! No! I, ah. I thought that was your job, anyway, Reiji. Ah, heh."
Dirty jokes. Always a win.
For a brief moment, the bard appeared confused, before his face suddenly lit up. Letting out a hearty chortle, he immediately grabbed at his ribs, again, groaning in pain.
"SO IT IS." He laughed, "You're alright, kiddo. You, uh-. You know how to play?" Within the blink of an eye, Reiji had the case open, and, the flute held reverently in his fingers, "I hear from Hayato that you sing!" Swept up in the sudden confusion of the moment, Otoya nodded dumbly, letting out a nervous giggle followed by a deep gulp, "Sing something for me, and, I'll let yah off with a warnin', mm? Sound good, sport?" Although the bard's expression was mischievous, there was a warmth to it that gave the boy the distinct feeling that he could calm down, now, "Do you happen to know 'The River Rock'?"
With that prompt, he played a few, jaunty, notes, eyeing Otoya, one brow raised. And, the boy immediately joined with the words.
Of course he knew this one.
It was one he grew up with.
After the short tune was finished, and, the music calmed, both of them fell into quiet chuckles.
He finally felt the heavy weight of exhaustion upon him.
Reiji slid the flute back into the case, back into the bag, and, gave it a pat, before sweeping onto his feet.
"We should do this again, sometime, champ." He ruffled Otoya's hair, eliciting more giggles from the young man. Then, he nodded towards the bedroom, "I gotta go wrestle my way back in there. I ain't giving up! You get some sleep. Nightniight."
"G'night." He responded, in a hush, watching the bard valiantly re-enter Sunni's bedroom. As soon as he was out of sight, Otoya began wrapping himself up in any and every blanket within reach. Snuggling into the couch, he quickly gave in to sleep.

  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Lyrikai
This is a piece from my pirate AU! Sunsetter and her boys on the high seas, as spoken from third parties. :3

~Promptober Prompt: Patch~

This one is sfw, but there is slight gore, near the very end!

The air was filled with a myriad of things. The scents of the sea. The stench of the ones who traveled upon it for months on end. Years.
Ale, stale smoke, and questionable foods.
There was also chatter, and pitchy shanties that erupted in between the thunderous, synchronized, clanks of mugs being slammed down, on tables.
Not to forget the tales that were being woven.
With the return of a few, handily successful, ships, the tavern was full to capacity. Bustling with intermingling crews swapping stories, new and old. Blurring the lines between myth and reality with merry, drunken, abandon.
One, fervently whispered, conversation was catching a certain someone's attention. Among all of the rest of the reckless din, the veteran sailor was picking out tense, gasped, words, with a narration he was dearly familiar with. With a vast but restrained interest, he casually began eavesdropping.
"-wearin' nuthin', but, bits a' gold, and, moonlight, she was. I swear it, on our very souls, boys. I saw 'er, with my own, be-damned, eyes."
The others surrounding the speaker blew up in responses ranging from wolf whistles to disbelieving scoffing.
"Yeeeah, it was prolly an old sea cow, with bits a' seaweed stuck on it, yah sloshy, stupid, fuck." One jeered, aggressively throwing his arms on the table, and leaning over it, a glint in his eye.
It did what it was supposed to do.
It made the story teller quail, and fall back. Questioning himself. What he knew he saw.
It was too familiar.
Clearing his throat, the old sailor let out a ragged sigh, and geared himself up for the fight.
"Didya get a whiff of her scent, boy?" Turning on the stool he was perched upon, his one, good, eye, fell upon the lad, earnest and encouraging, "Didya see her Taken, as well?"
For a moment, the young man seemed confused by the confrontation but, his eyes widened with the sudden notion that the old sailor was backing him up. It was followed by him nodding fiercely, and then, by his audience loudly, clumsily, throwing their differing opinions about.
"Y-yes, sir. Like sp-spices, and fruits, or-." He trailed off then, lost in the bodily memory of what that bewitching scent did, to him. Still, to this day, the veteran found himself doing the very same, every once, in a while, "I didn't see thuh witch's husbands, only herself, sir."
"Not a witch, boy. Succubus. The She-Devil of the Seas. The sex eater."
A forceful, mocking, hooting, came from the one who had been so vicious in his bullying, from the start.
"Now we got old man Patchy tryin' tuh sell the crowd on his bullshit, again. Thanks." The man told the story teller with an eye roll. Eyes fixing on the old sailor's own with a malevolent gleam, he continued, "How many times do I have tuh remind yah that yur missin' a damned eye and can't see fur shit, anymore? Here all ya'll goin' on 'bout some faerie tale, devil, cunt, rollin' o'er the ocean like it's somethin' true. It's sad, mates. How 'bout yah peddle somethin' different, aye?"
Once again, in a panic, the story teller looked over at him for another generous portion of support. This was always for them. The ones who needed others who had experienced what they had. Who had lived what they had.
It was never about changing minds.
Meeting the lad's eyes, he let a small, reassuring, smile flicker, on his lips.
"I didn' lose my eye, 'til that fateful night. We scrambled, o'er the walks, with full intentions of takin' her ship, before we knew who we were dancin' with. Was lost, in the fray, 'tween our two crews, and, sudd'nly, she was all I could smell." The young lad was transfixed in his narrative, mouth hanging open. Looking like he was maybe hearing his own tale told to him, by a complete stranger, "Spotted 'er, then. As you said: 'in bits a' gold, and, moonlight'. She was feedin' off someone. Takin' her time. I would say that I crept up, on 'er to be sneaky, but, truth be told, I was smitten."
"D-did she…?"
"Naw. She barely noticed me, heh. This-." Tapping the patch over his vacant eye socket with his fingertips, "Happened when one of 'er Taken came bearing, down, on me, for gettin' too close. Still not sure how it was, that he was able to do it, but, that blasted man summoned the wind, itself, to sweep me clear, back, to my own ship. Caught the butt end of a canon with my face. Knocked me clear out."
There was a blissful moment in the story's wake, where there was a stunned quiet at the table. The boy's expression was all awe.
"What he means, is that he got blindingly tanked, one night, and, hallucinated himself straight into kissin' a canon. I can't believe any of you are actually believin' this."
With a self-assured calm that had taken years of the same treatment to temper, the veteran peered over to the yappy man and nodded, once.
"Yah needn't be believin' me. Nor him." He commented, gesturing to the story teller, "Nor anyone that comes in with the same story. However. Yur gonna be caught with yur sorry ass bare, if it happens, tuh you, one night and yah haven't taken our word, as proper warnin'. You'll deserve the slow, agonizing, death that she demon deals you. Or, maybe-. If yur lucky-. You'll just-. END UP LIKE ME!"
Gripping the bottom of the patch, he quickly flipped it up, revealing the dried, sunken, grotesque, pit, in his skull, underneath.
There were shouts and gagging noises and startled cursing. The most satisfying, though, was the dramatic retching, that the main antagonist had fallen, into.
"A-am I crazy for wantin' to see her, again, yah think?" The boy asked, suddenly, sheepishly, taking his companions' reactions in, with a bit of amusement.
He wanted to say yes.
He also wanted to say no.
He hadn't been sea-worthy, in years.
The pull to paddle out there, just for a chance to come across that ship was a deep itch he would never be able to scratch.
Not a day went by where he didn't wish he could gaze upon her ethereal beauty just once more.
"If yur crazy for it, so am I, lad."
