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The Quest for Olympus (A Demi-God RP)

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Kyle was sitting there nervous while selene read. He didn't really understand it, if they were demi-gods then he shouldn't be worried. His nervous started to loosen as Autumn started talking. "Really? Man, I would have sworn you were a daughter of Aphrodite if you hadn't said you were visiting your father." Everyone seemed to be opening up so he decided to just let it out. "Yeah my mother is Nemesis, Goddess of Revenge and Lucky." He started to feel a little special. His mother was almost in control of 2 completely different things. Who else could say that?

Kyle turned to Selene, almost at a smile now. "Yeah she is a Goddess. Nemesis the one and only." He was getting tired of holding back so he just let it out. "And your mother is who? Right now I'm thinking its Athena or Aphrodite." He started to smile as he saw how many teens were here in first class. Could they all really be Demi-Gods too?
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Helia's attention was now completely on the group. With the PSP left aside, she grinned ear to ear.

"Holy shit! Y'all are Demi-gods?" Of course, Helia didn't know the meaning of the word discreet, so her voice came out a little too loud. "Damn, I knew it! I'm Helia, daughter of Dionysus. God of wine, pleasure, madness and chaos. Though he usually sticks to the title of God of Wine." She grinned proudly. This was really exciting, to actually meet other people like her. Now, Helia usually wasn't the one to get all cheered up when meeting other people, but this was different. She turned to Selene and smirked.

"To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if your mother is Aphrodite." Helia wiggled a brow suggestively, internally laughing at her pick up line. Damn, she was a genius.
Autumn giggled at Kyle. "Well Eros is Aphrodite's son. She's my grandmother, though I've never met her.." Autumn said awkwardly. Clearing her mind with a quick shake she looked over to the very outgoing girl "So daughter of Dionysus huh? You must be quite the partier huh?" She asked jokingly as her attention turned to Kyle "So you must be pretty lucky then huh?" Se asked the boy before looking out the window. Her eyes turned over to the other two males and smiled to them.
Logan smiled slightly "I'm the son of phosiandian, god of the sea and stuff" he said. He was esctatic to have found people like him, though he wondered by all their parents had called them all together, he himself had never actually met his father so he wondered if the others had. "So, uh, have any of you guys actually met your god parents?" He said glancing around at everyone.
Titos nearly screwed his head off as he jerked it round. He hadn't expected the loud announcement from the girl behind him. By now he had guessed at the reason for the commotion behind him, but having it put so forward. To have it made certain was definitely a shock. Of course he wasn't naive enough to believe he could be the only one, but he never dreamt that fate could intertwine his thread with the others.

He returned a smile, without thought to the brunette that looked his way and heard the boy next to him state his birth parent.

"No," he finally spoke in answer to the boy's question. "Though it seems they only wish to meet us when they need us, considering everyone is being summoned together."

He twisted so as to better see the other occupants. Males and females from various places it seemed.

"All received a letter, right?"
Kyle smirked "Oh well that's close enough" Her question kind of upset him. "Yeah i don't know about this whole luck thing yet." Kyle had been thinking about the whole "Luck" thing for a while and as far as he could tell he had never been that lucky. "So we got a son of Poseidon, and daughters of Dionysus, Aphrodite, and Eros?"

"I've only seen my mother once, anyone else?" His mind started to twist 'If most of the teens on this plane were demi-gods why were we all called to olympus?' He was hoping it was just one big extended family reunion but that was probably not the case. "Yea i got a letter, what did yours say?"
Selene smiled. This was perfect. Thank gods for her powers. They really were quite useful. She turned to Helia and Kyle. "Aphrodite is correct! What gave it away?" She smirked and gave them both a wink. The others seemed to be quite chatty now and Selene was happy about it. Maybe she would finally gain some friends. This was perfect.

However, the others didn't seem to have seen their parents that much. The god ones that was. Selene frowned slightly. "I've seen my mother probably about once a month. Sometimes less. She's not the best a being a mother I guess but we've been alright." She looked at the boy sitting a bit away. "I got a letter too. It just said to meet her in Olympus. Don't really know why." She tilted her head at him. "Was yours the same?" She smiled a bit to show him she wasn't mean. She tended to have what her mother would say was "chronic bitch face" where if she wasn't constantly trying to look pleasant, she seemed to want to smite the entire world. If looks could kill..
"Tons of times," he answered in response to the Kyle's mother question. "But I'm guessing you mean the immortal parent. Haven't met him, but there are tons of pictures and statues if you Google." He turned away from the boy to look at the brunette girl, Aphrodite's daughter. He couldn't help remember what he read about the Goddess. A beauty who supposedly married his father, but betrayed him by falling in love with another God. Not that he could really judge those beings, and his father had obviously been with his mother at one point.

"I suppose it was," a quick turn around and rummage in his bag yielded a piece of paper. Slightly yellowed and with black inked writing it, his ended with an anvil shaped crest at the end. "Look something like this?" He leaned somewhat over the one next to him to hand her the letter.
Autumn nodded and dug though her carry on until at last she found the crumbled up letter. On it was her name in large cursive print and she held it up to the group. "A letter like this pre harps?" She asked the group. Looking over at Selene she tipped her ear to the side. "So.. You're my.. aunt..?" She asked curiously. It was weird to think a girl her age could be her aunt, but the girl was unmistakably beautiful. She glanced up at Titus and flashed a smile as she introduced herself. "Hi I'm Autumn"
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