The pride...(Lion King Style RP) Sign ups/ OOC....Feel free to share Ideas!

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I had to re-edit the king because I didn't think to look at his Queen or their daughter before changing him up xD I really like how he looked before but it's okay now. Will anyone else be related to the royal family??
Do you mind if Korula and Lavallia are sisters? :D
I apologize for my 2 days of absence everyone >.< Things look fine, but I did want to apologize anyhow.
I know it may be a bit of modding...(EEK!!!! O.O) But if your disappearance were to last too long I would have found a way to write you out of the I would expect someone to do with me if it would help the rp move along....
Still taking characters for the pride lands rp if anyone else is interested!

Name: Vivi
Age: Teen Hyena
Status: Outlander hyena from a different area, stumbles upon the pridelands
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Name: Zaraki
Age group: Young adult
Gender: Male
Status: King of The Outlanders.
Name: Baako
Name meaning: African name means first born
Age Group: Adult Cheetah
Gender: Male
Status: Brother to Enu, lives in the Wastelands but has taken to hunting in the Pridelands


Name: Enu
Name Meaning: African for second born
Age Group: Cub
Species: Cheetah
Gender: Male
Status: Little brother to Baako, apprentice
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