The Pheraxis Saga: Lichdom OOC/Interest Check

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Hieronymous Phantom

The Dreamwalker
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. 1-3 posts per week
  4. One post per week
Online Availability
Whenever the fuck. What's a sleep schedule?
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Male
Fantasy, Modern Fantasy, Steampunk, Modern, Sci-Fi/Cyberpunk

Magic. The impossible made possible, flashy pyrotechnics and wondrous feats conjured out of thin air or a magician's hat. Grand tales of wizards using inconceivable power to seal away ancient evil, and epic fables of mages overcoming near-impossible odds through sheer force of will and a bit of arcane assistance. Truly, magic is a wonder of the world, and a modern miracle.

Forget everything you thought you knew about magic. Magic is real, to be sure; in the depths of basements belonging to those branded as insane or heathens. In the hushed whispers of the fearful or superstitious. In the workshops of otherwise normal geniuses who harbor a secret dark side. Magic in this world is dark, gritty, and gruesome. No fairy dust or magic wands here, this world plays host to the shadows and dark underworld. Welcome to Pheraxis.

Pheraxis is a world governed by laws much like our own. The difference is that the occult and dark arts are real and hold real power. However, it is shunned by the society who misunderstands and fears the arts practiced by sorcerors, witches, and others who would practice the black magic of Pheraxis. Enter the Syndicate, a secret society full of practitioners of the so-called "Dark Arts". The misfits of the world, outcasts of civilization, shunned by a superstitious society headed by an overzealous religious organization. The Ivory Inquisition is the leading holy power in Pheraxis, and has led many crusades and witch hunts into villages the world over, smoking out and eradicating all that they deem "unholy". As is to be expected from a misguided religious organization, the "unholy" weren't the only ones that the Inquisition slayed. Several innocent families have been subjected to the iron judgement of the crusaders on the claim that they practiced the Dark Arts, whether these claims held no merit or not. The Syndicate, though shady and mysterious, did not condone the killing of innocents and so found a new purpose other than providing a place for practitioners to gather. Of course, some of the Inquisition's paranoias are justified; there are indeed evil practitioners who use their dark gifts to enslave, torture, sacrifice, or otherwise subjugate those they deem "lesser beings" - which happened to be every non-gifted individual in Pheraxis. These evil practitioners are always on the lookout for more power, and remove any who stand in their way with extreme prejudice. Some of them seek to bring dark gods and unholy masters into the mortal realm to wreak their havoc and believe they will be rewarded for their service to the Old Ones. Any way you spin it, Pheraxis is a dark place, host to dark designs and dark mentalities.

However, none encompass the whole of what makes Pheraxis a decidedly grim place than Garibaldi, a Lich who stared deep into the abyss, and laughed when it stared back. In the modern age, Garibaldi's power is vast and absolute, and he commands a veritable horde of demons, undead, and even other practitioners who joined Garibaldi in hopes of getting a slice of the pie. For the first time in the history of Pheraxis, a single individual had gained so much power that even the Ivory Inquisition feared him. The Syndicate aren't fond of Garibaldi either, and as such the two feuding organizations find themselves unwitting allies against the united threat of the evil practitioners. You're a part of the conflict, whether you want to be or not. A member of the Syndicate, or a crusader of the Ivory Inquisition. A hapless civilian, or a neutral party. Perhaps even another evil practitioner, either solo or as part of Garibaldi's army. Pick your side; the Dark Days of Pheraxis have come, and they will leave a mark on this land.


In Pheraxis, black magic is classified into several different categories, with a unique name for those who practice them. The blanket term for all users of magic is "Practitioner", while the derogatory term for them is "Shade", dubbed as such for their supposed shady practices and habit of not getting enough sunlight. Any practitioner who becomes powerful in all of the Dark Arts is called a "Lich", and is truly a force to be feared. Most Liches tend to be evil, but there are instances of... not-evil Liches in Pheraxian history. The classifications of magic as a whole can be referred to as "the dark arts", "magicka", "black magic", or by their more ancient moniker, "Arcanum".

Classifications of Black Magic
Sorcerer / Sorceress
The closest one can get to traditional magic. Sorcerers call upon the life energy of the world and twist it into their designs, be it for destruction or creation.

Warlock / Witch
Witchcraft relies on natural elements and is the main target of most superstitions. Witchcraft encompasses many strains of magic, including potion brewing, enchantments, and voodoo.

Necromancy is the ancient art of playing with death. Raising and speaking to the dead, traveling through the underworld, and dealing in plagues and disease.

Demonology is the study of demons and the nether realm from which they come. Diabolists call upon demonic power to serve their purposes, often making deals and contracts with certain demons to serve as minions.

Blood Mage
Hemomancy is the manipulation of blood and using the latent power held within it. Hemomancy is similar in form to Sorcery, using the energy of life to fuel their magic. Blood Mages are often confused for Vampires by the unintelligent due to their affinity for blood.

Alchemy is the fusion of magic and science, combining scientific theories and laws to the practicum of magicka. Alchemists follow the law of Equivalent Exchange: to gain, something of equal value must be given. It is the law that governs all Alchemists, but by following this law, they are capable of extraordinary things.

Character Profile
Appearance: What your character looks like. Can be text description, picture, or both.
Name: Your character's name. Be creative!
Race: Your character's race. Stick with supernatural-inspired races: Human, Vampire, Werewolf, Skinwalker, etc.
Age: Your character's age. Remember to keep it faithful to the race you're playing. Vampires are immortal, Werewolves live much longer than humans, etc.
Calling: Your character's "class", if you will. Crusader, civilian, mercenary, etc. If a practitioner, use the title specific to the classification of magic you practice.
Equipment: Your character's tools of the trade. Includes weapons, focuses, and other implements used in your character's Calling.
Affiliation: Your character's faction or allegiance, if any. Are you a crusader for the Ivory Inquisition or a practitioner with the Syndicate? Perhaps you're a free spirit, relishing your neutrality, or maybe you're even a member of Garibaldi's evil army. Or you might just be plain evil, with no affiliation at all.
Personality: How your character acts. Any quirks, tics, pet peeves, and traits go here.
Biography: Your character's life story. Be as detailed as you want, but remember to keep it a practical length.

A Note on Mythology
Also known as "Our X are different"

Vampires are beautiful, seductive undead who require sustenance in the form of blood. Be it from animals or humans, they require blood in some form to live. However, the blood of a human is much preferable to animal blood; it's like comparing a gourmet meal to table scraps. Daylight sears the flesh of vampires, and prolonged exposure will result in death. The shadows are a vampire's friend during the day, though covering up completely in clothing will allow them to walk freely during the day. Their bite alone will not necessarily turn a human, but the bite is the first step in turning them. Vampires can release a venom in place of saliva, which infects wounds and attempts to hijack the victim's bloodstream. If the victim lives through the pain of having all of their bodily fluids removed from the inside, they are reborn as an immortal vampire. If a pregnant woman is turned before giving birth, her child will be born a Daywalker, a special kind of vampire that has no weakness to sunlight. Popular myth states that crosses, holy water, and silver weapons are lethal to vampires. These myths are false. To kill a vampire, one must expose them to sunlight for long enough or drive a stake through their heart. The material of the stake does not matter, only that it has a sharp enough edge to pierce through a vampire's heart.

Werewolves are poor souls who have been bitten, clawed, gored, or otherwise wounded beyond a scratch by another werewolf. The most effective way that werewolves turn humans is through biting, as it leaves their claws open to pin down their prey, leaves the smallest mark on the victim's body, and the werewolf has the most control over their bite than anything else. Werewolves appear like normal humans, though more than likely a bit more feral looking, with enlarged canines and unkempt, shaggy hair. Natural Werewolves, or werewolves born from the coupling of a human and werewolf, can shift into a wolf-like form at will. Cursed Werewolves, or humans that were turned directly by another werewolf, are forced to turn into a humanoid wolf beast every night, regardless of the moon's phase. Werewolves have a healing factor that allows them to regenerate any wound as long as it isn't a fatal blow, although wounds from silver weapons stay and heal at the rate of human regeneration. Severing the head, piercing the heart, or otherwise removing the brain or heart from the body will kill a werewolf outright. Killing a werewolf also cures all werewolves turned by that werewolf of their curse.

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Apperaance: Artemis is a slim, almost gaunt man of about 5'9". He wears a simple black cape over simple, yet elegant black leather armor. Affixed to his belt are two pouches: one for gold, and one for reagents. Also affixed to his belt is a sacrificial kris that comes in handy as a melee weapon as well. He has long white hair tied into a braid and studious brown eyes, and his skin is as pale as a ghost. He carries around wooden wand that allows him to call upon more power without being burned. He has two scars on his forehead and on his chest, where the bullets from his executioners pierced him, and a sigil on his back that looks as if it were carved there by a knife and healed over several times.
Name: Artemis Lowen Rathgart
Race: Human
Age: 31
Calling: Necromancer
Equipment: A pouch of various necromantic reagents and a kris on his belt, and a wooden wand used as a focus.
Affiliation: Leader of the Syndicate
Personality: Artemis is a very contemplative, calm, and collected man. As a Necromancer, he has something of a fascination with death and what lies after it. He always has a cool head, but Artemis also has a venomous sarcastic side. In the rare moments where he's angry, it's not an outward rage but a tranquil fury. Being the leader of the Syndicate and thus a powerful practitioner in his own right, it takes a lot to earn Artemis' respect. He may not seem it, but he can be protective of those he cares for, especially those of the Syndicate. Artemis holds a smoldering hatred for the Ivory Inquisition and their close-minded followers, as well as those who would perpetuate the stereotype that the Dark Arts are practiced by evil wizards and mad scientists.
Biography: The defining moment of Artemis' life was the day his father attempted to sacrifice him to the Old Ones as a young child. Artemis was the child of a powerful Sorcerer and Blood Mage, and as such held an enormous latent power within him. Sorcery and Hemomancy have been widely regarded as the most natural of the Dark Arts, so the pairing of two who practice those arts will inevitably produce a child of immense natural power. Of course, as is the case with many practitioners whose morals are skewed, the couple desired more power, and came up with the plan to sacrifice their child to the Old Ones so that they may merge Artemis' power with theirs. However, something went horribly wrong with the ritual, and instead of sacrificing Artemis so that his power merged with his parents', they sacrificed themselves. The expected conclusion would have been that Artemis instead absorbed his parents' knowledge and skill and became possibly the strongest practitioner in the world, but life can hardly be predicted that easily. Artemis absorbed power alright, though it wasn't his parents'. In return for giving them his parents, the Old Ones granted Artemis great skill as a Necromancer, extensive knowledge of the world, and the age to make use of it. Now twenty-one years old, Artemis clashed with the Ivory Inquisition after having been discovered in his parents' ritual room. Immediately drawing the conclusion that Artemis had been performing unholy rites, the Inquisition took him in for a mass execution with the others who had been "convicted" of practicing the dark arts.

Unlike the other prisoners, Artemis kept a cool head the entire time, constantly plotting, thinking, and working on his escape. Finally, on the fated day, Artemis completed what would bring him back to life after execution: a Phylactery. All that it needed was a tribute of his own blood, which he took using the sacrificial kris he salvaged from his parents' failed ritual and hid under his clothing before being incarcerated. Keeping the improvised Phylactery under his coat, Artemis willingly walked out to his death by firing squad. He declined the blindfold, preferring to watch his death face-first, and stood against the wall. His death came swiftly, with his skull and heart both pierced by silver bullets. He was no vampire, but Artemis had a final smirk at the Inquisition's paranoia as he fell over to his death. The Phylactery worked quickly, and due to its unstable and inefficient structure, it shattered after bringing Artemis back to life. However, he played dead for a while longer, until he was tossed where the other dead bodies were piled to burn. Now, Artemis could finally test the extent of the powers he had gained. Using his kris to swiftly silence the two militiamen who were standing watch, he now had the time to start carving out a necromantic rune circle into the ground with the knife. The next execution wouldn't be for about an hour, which was plenty of time for Artemis to complete his ritual.

The prison at which all practitioners were held stood no chance against Artemis and his newly formed undead army. The zombies swarmed the guards, who could only look on in horror as the Inquisitors were called to do the real damage. However, it was too late to reclaim their prisoners, as Artemis had personally slashed through all of their bonds with the eternally-sharp kris. Once all of the practitioners had been freed, Artemis began to feel a burning, stinging pain in his back, and staggered into the nearest service closet. The pain grew to an unbearable brand, and soon Artemis was screaming out in pain, writhing on the hard floor as the mark took its toll. He didn't know it at the time, but the reversal of his parents' ritual brought a curse along with his newfound gifts. It was a sigil that carved itself into his back every time he used the power he had gained from the Old Ones, the pain proportionate to the power. After the pain had subsided, Artemis exited the building to find that the Inquisition crusaders who were there had been slain, in various brutal ways. It was then that Artemis decided to found the Syndicate, a safe haven for all practitioners as well as a militia to fight back against the Ivory Inquisition. However, the Inquisition wasn't the only ones the Syndicate would have to worry about in the coming years. When Artemis broke the prisoners free, he also saved Garibaldi, who was at that point not a Lich, but was steadily growing in power. Ten years after that day, in the present, Garibaldi had finally broken out of his mortal shell and ascended to full power. Artemis knew for a fact that he and the Inquisition couldn't face down Garibaldi alone, but both organizations were loath to work with each other. Artemis was disgusted at the Inquisition's persecution of practitioners like him, and Jarick, the leader of the Inquisition, wished to purge the unholy practitioners as a blight upon the land. However, Garibaldi's threat looms high over Artemis' head, and he's decided that he loathes the evil Lich far more than he does the Inquisition. How long the "alliance" will last, however, is yet to be seen.
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Silvaria is a small, athletic woman who stands at a height of 5'6". Although her figure is almost constantly concealed by a double-layered, black cloak handwoven with aconite, there is a thin, earth-toned dress beneath it. A sheath for an athame is strapped to her upper right thigh, it's used for rituals and directing energy. Her eyes are a color close to dark honey, and her hair is a shade of hazel that falls past her shoulders. Her skin pigmentation is slightly different from those like her who dwell in the nighttime, it has a sun-kissed glow to it. She has a silk pouch hidden within the folds of her skirt that holds a vial of Carnation oil and a crystal for each of the five elements. They are primarily used in emergencies and allow her to tap into Mother Nature's raw energy. She also wears a silver pendant in the shape of a waxing moon around her throat, declaring that her power as a Witch will only grow with time.
Silvaria Azurite Sabine
A silk pouch containing five different elemental crystals (Earth-Hematite, Air-Sphene, Fire-Garnet, Water-Moonstone, and Spirit-Apophyllite.) and a vial of carnation oil, as well as an athame strapped to her thigh
Neutral Party likely to sway in any direction given the right circumstances
Silvaria is a very level-headed, and mostly humble individual who lives a quiet life. She would rather observe than take action in the violent world around herself while tending to her garden, though she often finds herself with an unhealthy urge to slaughter those she comes in contact with. The Ivory Inquisition, The Syndicate, and Garibaldi hold little interest to her, but she knows it's better to be informed than to be ignorant of such conflict. She isn't one to hold a grudge or easily become angered, and spends most of her time outside when the moon is affectionately glowing. Silvaria doesn't show her fear if it can be helped, but deep water (exceeding several feet) is her biggest phobia.

Silvaria's early life was led hidden under the night's protection. Both her parents were Skinwalkers, creatures rarely talked about or seen shifting from one form to another, thus able to live life as deceitful humans with darker tendencies than most. They wore the skins of animals beneath their clothing, giving them the option to shift should they need to. Because they were both of this race, it was assumed that as a child Silvaria would shift without ever realizing it and needed to be hidden from the world. She was taught about the world and its wonders from her home, learning everything one would need to know. They told her that she was blessed to be born into this race and centered her life around the wilderness because of it. However, their assumptions were wrong. The child never once shifted, not even when she reached the age to control such power. Disappointed and reluctant to call the abnormal offspring their own, her parents were astray from her during her adolescent years.

During this time, she continued to learn about plants, specifically the flowers that bloomed so exquisitely beneath the moonlight. That curiosity grew into a burning need to discover all she could about the moon and eventually Witchcraft. It came naturally to her; the information, the ability to accurately execute potions and create enchantments to work in her favor. She was even able to curse items by the time she had turned nineteen. Silvaria had always been most comfortable with using elements, the things that were as old as time itself. She had kept her expanding knowledge of Witchcraft a secret from her parents. They would have no doubt disowned their already 'deformed' child without hesitation. She hadn't given up on the dormant power to shift though. When she wasn't practicing the craft, she was trying to shift into another creature with different pelts draped over her bare shoulders. Each attempt would leave her muscles sore and her energy depleted. More often than not, the physical and spiritual strain would make her black out, only to wake up hours later in her own sweat.

It wasn't until her early twenties that she decided the gene wasn't passed down to her, that it somehow skipped a generation. With that in mind, she performed a ritual to summon a familiar. In the confinement of the forest, she drew a circled pentagram in the dirt with the point of the star facing North. It took her three days to prepare for the ritual in secret. She gathered White Oak for luck, Mugwort for strength, Myrrh for spirituality, Thyme for healing, and Hibiscus for divination. The herbs were used dried, crushed together to be burned at each corner of the pentagram. It was said that creating your own spell for such a ritual was recommended for a better bond between spirits, so that's exactly what she did. After drawing her blood and letting it color the soil, she flipped through her personal Book Of Shadows and began to recite what she had spent countless weeks on. The last thing she remembered was an overwhelming sense of peace wash over her. She awoke in the early hours of the morning to find herself on all fours, her senses sharper than before the night had begun. Bones ached and muscles felt torn, each uncertain step bringing on a new wave of pain until her reflection was caught on the blade of the athame. She was frozen at the sight. There was spotted black fur and large eyes beneath a pair of rounded ears. It was later on that she realized the ritual had awoken the power that flowed in her veins, but it was also restricted it to a single animal; a black jaguar. She had become her own familiar.
The years after that were spent continuing to grow as both a Skinwalker and a Witch.​
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@Red Rabbit Accepted, though we'll need to wait for a few more before starting up.
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This looks fun, though I have two questions. First, what setting does this game have? I assumed medieval-ish because it's called fantasy and you didn't actually specify, but you mentioned bullets. Second, how do clothes affect a vampire's weakness to sunlight? Say, if they were covered in cloth top to toe, would it protect them against the sun, or would it someone burn away as well?
@Andalais Ah, Dark Fantasy was the only category that really fit it, but I see it in a sort of fantasy-modern world. Modern world with electricity and such, but with fantasy weapons including flintlock and clockwork guns (like the ones in Fable 2).

As for your second question, clothing reduces the effect the sun has on vampires, but they will always die if they're out in broad daylight for too long. Cloud cover works the same way, though shadows cast by solid objects are completely safe for vampires.
@Andalais Ah, Dark Fantasy was the only category that really fit it, but I see it in a sort of fantasy-modern world. Modern world with electricity and such, but with fantasy weapons including flintlock and clockwork guns (like the ones in Fable 2).

As for your second question, clothing reduces the effect the sun has on vampires, but they will always die if they're out in broad daylight for too long. Cloud cover works the same way, though shadows cast by solid objects are completely safe for vampires.
I've never played any Fable, but I understand what you're going for.

As for this vampire thing, why are shadows safe but clothes just reduce the effect? If they are only affected by direct sunlight, as is implied by shadows being perfectly safe, then shouldn't clothes also protect just as much as long as no skin is exposed? The reason I'm asking is partly because I would never be able to stop thinking about it, partly because I never find being a vampire worth it because this weakness to sunlight is such an enormous disadvantage.
I've never played any Fable, but I understand what you're going for.

As for this vampire thing, why are shadows safe but clothes just reduce the effect? If they are only affected by direct sunlight, as is implied by shadows being perfectly safe, then shouldn't clothes also protect just as much as long as no skin is exposed? The reason I'm asking is partly because I would never be able to stop thinking about it, partly because I never find being a vampire worth it because this weakness to sunlight is such an enormous disadvantage.

Well, it is a pretty glaring weakness. I didn't see that you said "covered in cloth top to toe", so I answered as though they were wearing casual clothing. My bad. Full coverage would keep them from dying in the sunlight, yeah.
Well, it is a pretty glaring weakness. I didn't see that you said "covered in cloth top to toe", so I answered as though they were wearing casual clothing. My bad. Full coverage would keep them from dying in the sunlight, yeah.
Yuss. I'm definitely interested in this game, and although I haven't figured out my character yet, I am pleased to have the option of vampire open to me.
Yuss. I'm definitely interested in this game, and although I haven't figured out my character yet, I am pleased to have the option of vampire open to me.

Glad to have cleared up your questions :)
I should probably add that info to the Note on Mythology section, too.
I am interested in this.

I should have a CS up tomorrow.
Standing at the average height (for his family) of 5' 11", Callawyn is a light-footed man of lean but muscular build. Medium length, oak brown hair, and yellowish-hazel eyes. He wears a black cloak with a blood-red inner lining, underneath of which he wears a black, hardened leather chest plate, darkened steel gauntlets, and darkened steel greaves with padded shoes that allow for almost silent footfalls. When conducting "business", he often wears a wood mask to hide his face (and also intimidate his marks). Also on his person are sheathes for both his knife and hand axe, as well as multiple pouches for storing small valuables such as coin, jewel, or jewelry.
Name: Callawyn Harrowfelled
A sub-race of shapeshifters, they are able to transform back and forth between a normal, human body and a wispy, semi-corporeal wraith-like creature. They eat "normal food" such as meat simply for show- they drink blood. However, it must be fresh, and for this reason many shadeshifters find themselves as assassins, bandits, or rogues. With the shift comes an increase in their ability to move about; they are faster, and can dissipate for a few seconds and seem to be able to teleport a few feet. However, the more time is spent in wraith form, the more blood is needed to fuel them. Anyone can be a shadeshifter, but the tell-tale sign is usually canine teeth slightly larger than average, and their eyes often glow orange or red at dusk.
Age: 37
Calling: General Rogue (assassin, thief, occasionally bandit)
Railspike Hand Axe 1.jpg
Recurve Bow 1.jpg
Affiliation: Neutral, favoring the Syndicate
Personality: A rather shady figure, Callawyn likes his secrets, particularly his being a Shadeshifter. He trusts very few people at all, and none fully. Preferring working alone to with a partner, he is often found off by himself, in a dark corner with a good view of everyone. However, that doesn't mean he doesn't like company, which he occasionally does- especially if he can manage to get something from them, be it material or a service. Despite this, he is fiercely loyal and will defend his companions to the last.
Biography: Callawyn never had a life before he realized he was a Shadeshifter. Well, at least not worth going into detail about. He was a simple farmer, with no known relatives, no wife, and no children. He lived and worked alone most of his time, rarely going into town for supplies he could make or find himself. A band of raiders under the banner of an Ivory Crusade came through, seeking to take his crops "For the good of the Inquisition," and Callawyn defied them. They attacked him, prepared to "execute" him for "inhibiting the progress of the Ivory Inquisition against the forces of evil." He unsheathed his knife and hand axe and found that he was able to move faster than normal. After he had managed to kill the small band, it finally registered that, during the fray, they had called him an "unholy fiend" and shouted to "kill the monstrosity." Rushing inside to view his reflection, he found his fears true- he saw a domonic looking creature of smoke and red light. At this point, the pangs of hunger began to set in, and he somehow knew he needed blood. The offending inquisitors' should do...

For the next ten years, Callawyn put his new found talents to use became a rogue, making a living however he could. Assassination contracts, theft, raids with bandits, all the while being hunted by the Ivory Crusade, like the Practitioners.
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I've got some questions for you, oh solReaper, before I even think about writing a CS:

  • Are the Alchemists here essentially FMA/FMA:B alchemists, or are their powers different? Are homunculi involved, and if so what are the limits to them and the creation of one in the first place? Can they simply transmutate something just with a thought, or are preparations necessary?
  • Diabolists: What power do they hold? You mention that they can deal with demons and have some as servants, but does their power extend beyond that?
  • Hemomancers: Quite simply I have no clue what these guys can do. If you could just elaborate on those powers, that would be amazing.
  • And what are the limits to races? I'm sure I could dig up dozens from various mythologies, but could I make one of my own? Are there any set specifications for a usable race (location for one. Could I use an Arabic Jinn-type creature, or is it too far outside the area of the RP?)?And could something that has a particular affinity or strong relationship for a magic use it, i.e. A demon being a diabolist or a vampire being a hemomancer.
Name: Orrib Rhovanion
Race: Vampire (formerly Human)
Age: Actual - 269
Biological - 30
Calling: Blood mage
Equipment: His family armour, inherited from his father, made in steel and leather, including a chestplate, pauldrons, gauntlets and plates for his shins, knees and thighs, with pieces of leather filling the gaps. He knows the armour is worthless against modern weapons, and wears it mainly as a tribute to his old noble house, and also to intimidate his foes. Along with this, he wears a steel mask and a torn, black cloak. He carries with him a large, magical book, which he uses to focus and strengthen his usual spells, and also allows him to make more powerful, more complicated spells and runes with the knowledge written within. Finally, he carries a steel dagger by his belt, adorned with silver markings, including the sigil of House Rhovanion.
Affiliation: Independent; currently in a shaky alliance with the Syndicate
Personality: Refined and normally polite, though pompous and with an underlying arrogance, Orrib is a typical nobleman of the past. Although not outright evil, he is power-hungry, untrustworthy and ruthless. He is not cruel, however, as he does not take pleasure in the suffering of others; he simply does not care. He does not have much love of the Syndicate, but they are valuable allies against the commonly hated Ivory Inquisition as well as Garibaldi's dark forces.
Biography: Honour, wealth, prestige - an easy and happy life. That was all long gone now. Orrib was born into the illustrious noble house Rhovanion, as the oldest son of Lord Verdan - duke of Toris, count of Santhor Castle - and the only son to survive to adult age, as his brothers were all claimed by disease. At the age of 20, Orrib was himself crowned duke as his father shared the same fate. And Orrib ruled as would be expected from any other nobleman - taxes were collected, peasants oppressed, sometimes mustered for the occasional war. For a while, Orrib's life was easy and sweet, but would later take a turn to the more...complicated.

Around his tenth year as duke, Orrib felt as if he was being followed and watched. One night, he woke up in his bed within his manor to find himself, to his horror, staring into the bright yellow eyes of a person he had never before seen in his life. Terrified, Orrib dared not open his mouth to call his guards, whom he could hear just outside his bedroom. The unknown man kept staring into Orrib's eyes for almost another minute, before giving him a cruel smile, showing long, sharp fangs, before they were sunk into Orrib's neck. The following morning, Orrib woke up drenched in sweat, as if from a horrible dream. But he remembered no dream, and the puncture wounds on his neck showed that what had happened last night was all too real.

The mysterious man was never seen again, despite Orrib ordering a duchy-wide search for him. But he could notice that he was changing. Food and drink were losing their taste, the lusts of the flesh waned, love turned to dust. He felt his hunger and thirst for bread and water, replaced with one for blood. The young man became all the more reclusive in his attempts to hide what he had become. It worked well at first, but inevitably, after decades, it was noticed how the duke simply did not age. After he passed the age of 70 and still looking not a day older than 30, the truth would not let itself be hidden anymore. He was declared a vampire, an abomination, and was forced to flee his manor and his duchy, and go into exile. Covering every inch of skin on his body to protect against the now scorching sun, Orrib fled into the wilderness, where he found the ruins of an old citadel. For the first time in decades, Orrib now felt tired, and he simply lied down within a passage beneath the citadel, where he slept for a long, long time.

Upon waking, Orrib found the citadel above him gone, as if someone had come and took the stone to use for something else. He wandered the wilderness until he encountered civilization, where he was met with an alien world. Light without candles, wagon moving by their own accord, strange things he had never in his life imagined him. Orrib soon learned that over 120 years had passed in that small moment had closed his eyes. His duchy was gone, his castle abandoned, House Rhovanion was extinct. And something called the Ivory Inquisition ruled the land. It seemed, however, that Orrib's asking around and his knowledge and appearance of old times made the Inquisition find him before he found them. And he was found in the form of a hail of silvery bullets passing through his body as he stepped out of the local tavern one late evening. Probing himself up by his arm, he raised his arm at the soldiers as they prepared to fire another volley. What happened next changed Orrib's idea of existence forever.

The soldier directly in front of his arm dropped his rifle, clutching his head and chest in pain. With a gurgling scream, the soldier's blood was sucked out straight from his mouth, his eyes and his nose, splattering the ground red as the man collapsed, white as bone in the face. Equally shocked as the soldiers were, Orrib pointed his hand at another of the soldiers in a similar fashion, more blood coloured the ground as the man was emptied of his liquid vitae. Barely holding back their horror, the remaining soldiers continued shooting silver into Orrib's body, until seven men lay dead in the dirt, their blood forming pools by their feet. The ones whom were left ran, screaming of demons and terrors.

Satisfied, Orrib set out to find his dear castle, Santhorn, as his mansion was no doubt either gone or occupied by some fat, rich man in the middle of hostile territory. Orrib found the castle, where has since lived in seclusion and secrecy, practicing his newfound powers daily while at the same time renovating the castle. Now, nearly eighty years later, Orrib has grown into a greatly powerful mage, made even stronger by his magical book - the Blood Seal - which he created during his lonesome decades within his castle. At the forming of the Syndicate, Orrib recognized their potential, and offered a deal: his powers on the side of the Syndicate in their fight against the Ivory Inquisition in exchange for the Syndicate helping him carve out his own kingdom out of enemy lands.
There. How is this?
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@Thomas McTavish

I've got some questions for you, oh solReaper, before I even think about writing a CS:

  • Are the Alchemists here essentially FMA/FMA:B alchemists, or are their powers different? Are homunculi involved, and if so what are the limits to them and the creation of one in the first place? Can they simply transmutate something just with a thought, or are preparations necessary?
  • Diabolists: What power do they hold? You mention that they can deal with demons and have some as servants, but does their power extend beyond that?
  • Hemomancers: Quite simply I have no clue what these guys can do. If you could just elaborate on those powers, that would be amazing.
  • And what are the limits to races? I'm sure I could dig up dozens from various mythologies, but could I make one of my own? Are there any set specifications for a usable race (location for one. Could I use an Arabic Jinn-type creature, or is it too far outside the area of the RP?)?And could something that has a particular affinity or strong relationship for a magic use it, i.e. A demon being a diabolist or a vampire being a hemomancer.

  • They are essentially FMA/B alchemists, although in a world where magic and "supernatural powers" are shunned and declared heresy. Homunculi can be created, following the Brotherhood method, but it's exceedingly rare that an alchemist is able to sacrifice enough people to create a Philosopher's Stone without the Inquisition getting in the way first. Transmutation requires circles and formulas just like in FMA, and a botched transmutation can turn nasty.
  • Diabolists, in addition to summoning demonic minions, can call upon hellfire and demonic gifts. The key factor in Diabolist magic is self-sacrifice. All black magic incorporates self-sacrifice in some form, but Diabolists take it to something of an art form. Demonic fire sears their flesh and leaves them in agony, but it is a powerful weapon against the Diabolist's enemies and leaves them more durable for the experience.
  • Blood Mages, quite simply, control blood, either their own or that of others. Some examples of what Blood Mages can do include hardening their own blood to deflect attacks, speeding up regeneration and closing wounds, and firing bolts of hardened blood. They can be powerful, but are entirely dependent on blood for their magic. They cannot control other people, just their blood.
  • As far as races go, I'm open to whatever you can come up with just as long as it fits the tone of the RP and isn't too fantastical. I'd like to keep it to humans or creatures that look like humans or can take the appearance of humans. Other than that, anything is fair game. Regarding races and magic, anything can practice any kind of magic, although races with a natural affinity for a certain type of magic can use it easier than someone else.
Yay!~ (\(^v^)/)
  • They are essentially FMA/B alchemists, although in a world where magic and "supernatural powers" are shunned and declared heresy. Homunculi can be created, following the Brotherhood method, but it's exceedingly rare that an alchemist is able to sacrifice enough people to create a Philosopher's Stone without the Inquisition getting in the way first. Transmutation requires circles and formulas just like in FMA, and a botched transmutation can turn nasty.
I thought you were talking about real, proper alchemy at first. I know nothing of Full Metal Alchemist, and I really have no idea what that Alchemy actually can do. It's been in another rp that I'm part of on another forum, but I don't really know for sure how it works. Just so you know that if someone had it in this, not all of us would really know what was going on.
  • Blood Mages, quite simply, control blood, either their own or that of others. Some examples of what Blood Mages can do include hardening their own blood to deflect attacks, speeding up regeneration and closing wounds, and firing bolts of hardened blood. They can be powerful, but are entirely dependent on blood for their magic. They cannot control other people, just their blood.
I had planned for Orrib to be able to magically collect people's blood within his aptly named book - the Blood Seal - which he can later use in very, very powerful spells and runes that he has written down in the book which requires huge amounts of blood. Is that okay? I had thought that the balancing element would be the amount of blood actually needed to use them, as well as the fact that he cannot use them without the book, as well as taking a lot longer than regular spells.
By the way, in case you hadn't planned to already, it would be a good idea to collect all the CSs that drop in and gather them all in the first page, preferably down the bottom of the first post, then mark them in spoilers with character names and the names of the players controlling them. That way, we can return to the sheets for character reference without having to dig through the potential heaps of pages that the sheets might get buried in.
By the way, in case you hadn't planned to already, it would be a good idea to collect all the CSs that drop in and gather them all in the first page, preferably down the bottom of the first post, then mark them in spoilers with character names and the names of the players controlling them. That way, we can return to the sheets for character reference without having to dig through the potential heaps of pages that the sheets might get buried in.
That would be a good idea, if not for all the spoilers we've used. Too many spoilers inside spoilers or in a single post, and there'll be problems. I speak from experience.
That would be a good idea, if not for all the spoilers we've used. Too many spoilers inside spoilers or in a single post, and there'll be problems. I speak from experience.
I've never had any problems with it. I introduced the idea on another rp, and it worked just fine there. I've also been part of another rp on another forum for four years where we packed spoiler upon spoiler (though I don't know if that site worked in the same way as this one). Besides, we could always find ways to decrease the number of spoiler tabs, as a few within eachother are no trouble.

I say we try, at the very least. It would be well worth it.
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