The Name of Your Horror Novel

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the eye of the beholder
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Adventure. Angels and demons. Apocalyptic. Arthurian. Comedy. Dystopian. Fantasy. Historical. Horror. Post-apocalyptic. Romance. Science fiction. Supernatural.

I am about to drop the Strange Dead which does almost sound like something I'd write.
What's the title of your new horror novel?​
Hollow Nightmare for me. Could definitely work with that.
The Ominous Heart, lol. Doesn't sound horrory at all, but does seem like something I could write.
The Bloody Heart. That's a little on the nose but okay. That works. Guess it's a slasher or a horror romance thing.
Wicked Woods - Nice, an alliteration, sounds like my style.
"The Friday Dead"


I don't care if Monday's black
Tuesday, Wednesday, heart attack
Thursday, never looking back
It's Friday, I am DEAD
  • Haha
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"The Friday Mist"

Most boring horror novel ever
  • Haha
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The First Tunnel. Gives me psychological horror vibes, I kinda dig.

creepyass motherfuckers
Damned Grave sounds more like a band name to me.
The First Hill which, honestly, does not sound like a horror to me at all.
The Vicious Woods 🌲

could be interesting, like a cliche people's car breaks down out in the woods situation. Or group who are camping being stalked by a creepy guy living in the woods 🤷‍♀️ there's options
Cruel Dead

Could probably add a few things to it to jazz it up:

-The Cruel and the Dead
-Cruel and Deadly
-The Cruel Dead

Sounds kinda like a colonial story where a town is plagued by terrible luck. Some civilians get the feeling that they need to leave and pack up, head north to get away from the 'curse' or whatever. But something that causes the death and hardship in the town follows the small band of travelers and the same bad luck continues for them.
Last Woods.
Sounds like a story where the fae defend the last remaining woods against humanity.
The First Hill which, honestly, does not sound like a horror to me at all.
Saaaame. Unless it was a hill I made burying all my victims' bodies.... but otherwise I would have called my novel, "An Autobiography."
The 13th Nightmare

Friday Mist. A full day of a small being plagued by mist could have deadly consequences if you're engulfed by it.