The Mutant Factor

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Chris growled, "no I'm a dog." She screamed in his face.
"haha, dogs dont fly." He said looking at Chris. "Fly us to the Pawn Shop, we need to cash this stuff in before it's reported stolen."
He looked at the bag. "You're gonna like the money that comes out of this, I guaruntee it."
Chris flew the m there.
"Okay, they should be open." he dropped to the concrete with the bag still in his tailand walked up to the door, it was unlocked, he waved Chris in. He walked up to a skinny man behind a counter. "I would like to pawn this stuff, my mother died and it was all hers." He had changed into his 18 year old boy form. "okay." the man replied behind the counter. he took out the jewelry first and the mans eyes grew wide. "Hold on a sec, be right back." The man went to the back of the shop. "Do you think he recognized us from the news or something?"
Chris gave a shrug, "How should I know? Gosh I hate being human." She sighed, missing her wings and beak when she was in this form. She hated being grounded.
"Me too in a way." A cop car pulled up out front and two police officers with tazers drawn, Daniel looked at Chris. "Stay calm." The cops entered the shop, they holstered their tazers. "Where's the shop owner? He said the tailed-man was in here."
"He went into the back." replied Daniel.
"The boy is the tailed-man, he has the stolen goods in the bag he brought to me!" yelled the shop owner from the back.
Daniel looked at his butt, "I dont have a tail, thay's offensive!"
"Where did you get the bag?" the cops asked.
"I found it on the street." Daniel said. Then he ran out the shop with the bag in his hands, "Fly us up and take us somewhere now!"
Chris nodded and shape-shifted into her bird form. She gripped his arms and launched him onto a roof, then she dove back down. She clacked her beak deafeningly and then attacked them. Once they were scrambled, she flew back up and hovered out of range, "Too risk to fly us both, get to the park!:
"On it!" He knew the park, everybody knew the park, he knew the city like his house. He hopped on top of houses, went through houses and arrived at the park. He looked at his watch "record time!" He looked around for Chris in the sky.
Chris dropped from the sky at at least 70mph. She then threw her wings out, catching the current. It hurt just a tab bit, but she slowed down and landed on the ground in front of him, "You call where to!"
Daniel scrambled around in his head to figure out where to head to. "uuuh um. uh, the mall! There's a lot of people there on the weekend, we can blend in while in our mutated forms."
Chris nodded, "Ten minutes!" She called, then she bent on her knees and spun rapidly. The intake of air shot her back up into the sky, where air currents held her aloft. She spread them out and glided across the city, just high enough not to choke, but also not be spotted. She flew south and then landed in front of the mall.
"quick, run inside before anybody sees us." They walked inside, "I gotta get new clothes, they saw mine." They walked to a clothes store and got all new stuff.
Chris smiled, waiting for him to re-emerge. She busied herself by acting like one of the many dressed-up fools that wandered around selling stuff.
"Ok back." He looked around. "Food Court?" he pointed to a sign that said 'Food Court --->'
Chris nodded, "For a bite to eat or are we still laying low?" She pulled out her wallet.
"Bite to eat, Im starving, and there's still lote of people there too." They went to the food court and looked around at places to eat, "Chic-Fil-A here I come."Hestarted walking to Chic-Fil-A.
Chris licked her lips, "chicken, you read my mind."
After they ate they decided to walk around and lay low for a few more hours. "Man, this is boring, how do people do this?"
Chris shook her head, "I'd rather be flying through the air."
"I'd rather be swinging around. But I cant because they would know." I guess we could leave now. They walked up to the front door. "Do you know of any more pawn shops around?"
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