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The Long Dark

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Fandom Follower and Narutard
How Things Work

  • Each person has 5 basic stats that they need to manage, Cold, Hunger, Thirst, Fatigue, and Calories. Each character also has their own condition, all of them starting at 100%.

    Cold, Hunger, Thirst, and Fatigue all start at 0% and max out at 100%.

    If Cold reaches 90%+ that character becomes freezing, which makes it harder for them to move and lowers that characters condition by 1-5% per post.

    If Hunger reaches 90%+ the character becomes Starving, which lower causes calories to lower faster, makes it harder for the character to move and see, and lowers a characters condition by 1-7% per post.

    If Thirst reaches 95%+ that character becomes dehydrated, which makes it harder for the character to move and see, and lowers a characters condition by 1-6% per post.

    If Fatigue reaches 90%+ that character becomes Sleep Deprived, which makes it harder for the character to do anything, harder to see and move, and lowers the characters condition by 1-3% per post.

    Calories start at 2500, which is the basic calorie amount in a normal person. Food increases Calories by 100-500 depending on it's condition and type of food. When the Characters calorie amount reaches below 100 they start losing 1-9% condition each post.

    Hunger, Cold, Thirst, and Fatigue increase by 1-10% per post depending on what that characters doing.

    Calories decrease by 50-300 per post Depending on what that characters doing.

    All of this increases during High Winds, and increases even more during Blizzards.

    You will decide the amount of percentage increase/decrease/calorie gain/loss, i trust you to manage it well.

Your small group had just woken up and looking around it appears that it's around 12-1 PM, ample enough time to start gathering things to survive. The weather looks sunny and around you birds and trees can be seen.




Alex awoke with a massive headache. It took a second for his vision to clear. As soon as it did he realized he was hanging upside down, hense the headache. He was still strapped into his seat which was suspended by fraying and tangled wires from a tree. He was a good 8 feet off the ground. Luckily it wasn't very windy. He reached up and clicked the belt buckle and fell into the snow. The blood in his head began to redistribute through out his body. He looked around at his surroundings from a sitting position, he didn't feel well enough to go walking about. He was between the two halves of the airplane that split in the crash. He mustered the strength to shout. "ANYONE STILL ALIVE?"
The first thing Trisha noticed was the fact that her head felt like someone had taken a tire iron and smashed against her skull and that they also happened to throw sand in her eyes. She took a few moments to regain her bearings, her eyes and head feeling better as she did, before she heard someone shout out loud and that jolted her awake. They had just survived a plain crash with a few of the last humans on earth due to the eternal winter, and she was alive. Better yet, someone else was alive! She quickly stood up, though regretted it even quicker as her legs gave out. Apparently her body still hadn't sent blood their as she couldn't feel. After another few seconds she decided to answer as loudly as she could. "YEA, OVER HERE! I'M ALIVE!" She shouted as she steadily stood up again. She looked around and noted the planes parts and everywhere alongside it was almost destroyed and that she was near what looked like a Cabin with a flag pole displaying the Canadian flag proudly as the building was miraculously left alone from the carnage.
Kastia looked around, and saw a girl fall as she screamed out she was alive.

"Yeah me too, this is interesting" Kastia spoke between shivers

She picked up her bookbag and walked over to the girl.

"What's your name, I'm Kastia, do you need help I can carry you. Laying in snow isn't the greatest"

Kastia looked around and saw a cabin

"Hey! Dude over here let's go into the Cabin it should be warmer in there"​
Alex slowly got to his feet, A little shaky. He tried going in the direction of the voice that called back. A scared look grew on his face as he walked past wreckage. He wanted to call out and see if his parents were out there but a lump formed in his throat. He came across the two girls. "Thank God. I'm not the only one."
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