The Lonely night

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He laughs and smiles" i havent been able to travel in so long i missed it so much i cant wait to see the world again" he tells her and smiles happy now looking at her for a moment then back to the moon. He smiles" You have a wonderfull howl" he tells her and smirks now looking at her he knew that it would be a long journey very long. He sighs deeply it was going to be a long jounry. He couldent wait he was going to take back his kingdom and his throne and then he was going to work on rebuilding the bridges between the humans and his kind. Now he was looking ahead of him and smiles as the snow begins to fall over them. It was strange now he hasent seen this land in so long it had changed so much. He smiles "we should make camp soon" he tells her
Cassia nodded, realizing it was starting to get dark, looking around, she found a good amount of sticks, and a few stones before the snow soaked them too much, and held onto them for now. "Where do we settle down for the night?" She asked, not really sure where would be the best to set up their camp at, she looked around, spotting a few suitable places, though she decided to wait until Alexander gave his opinion on it before saying anything...
He looks around a bit to seeing some places he could sleep for the night smiling at one with a rock over hang it was like a small cave for them to sleep in he smiles" there that would work right" he asks her and points to the small cave. He thought it would be out of the snow and it would be good enough to have a small fire in it to keep them nice and warm. Alex would change into his wolf form to keep her warm so she would be alright and not freeze. he looks at her for a moment as the snow turned to a heavy rain now soaking them both" no time to wait" he tells her and drags her to the cave
Cassia was caught off guard as Alexander carried her to the cave he had pointed out, a little surprised she said "I guess you're the one keeping me from freezing to death this time." Laughing a little at the irony of the situation, then she put down the rocks and sticks she had, arranging the rocks in a circular fashion to form a makeshift firepit. Taking out the small tinderbox she had in her backpack, she placed the sticks inside the firepit, sprinkled some wood shavings from the tindebox onto it, and dug out the flint she had kept in the tinderbox, she looked around, spotting a small rock sitting on the cave floor not too far away from her, she walked over to it picking it up, and headed back over to the firepit. She struck the rock against the flint until sparks began to fly off of the flint, igniting the sticks in the firepit. "Well, this should give us a little warmth until then." She said, cracking a smile.
He smiles happy looking at her for a moment laughing" i guess so the postions have switched" he tells her and smiles gently looking at her for a moment then out to the storm that was raging" how strange that now a storm opens up" he tells her and smiles gently looking at her for a moment and shakes his head dry looking at her for a moment and smiles gently." I am alright for now my wounds are ok but we might be stuck here for a few days if this storm does not let up" he tells her smiling gently
Cassia sighed in relief, at least Alexander should be fine, but she made a note to keep an eye on him incase his injuries start to act up. She felt she's been in this cave before, looking around, the cave was a little larger than it looked, she decided it would be worth investigating a little at the most. Then something caught her attention at the corner of her eye, on the cave wall there was remnants of some sort of carving, it looked just like the carving of the wolf on Alexanders seal! She pulled it out, and sure enough, it was... Was she... Living here with his clan? Or was this the Northern clan? She wondered what they looked like, her mind going to wolves with white fur and gray eyes, a darker shade of gray than the ones she had... Was that what they looked like? Or at least in their werewolf form anyways, so how did she know that? She thought to herself....
He was sitting down in the cave and sighing deeply this cave seemed so familer to him but he couldent figuer out why yet. He shakes his head and slowly eating some meat he had gotton he looks back to her and smiles" hey is everything ok": he asks her looking back at her for a moment wondering why this cave felt so familer to him he ddint know why. He think on this for a while shaking his head. He sighs deeply moving to the mouth of the cave and sits down for a moment looking out at the rageing storm outside the lighting striking around he sighs deeply thinking about how long they might be stuck in the cave for this storm.
Cassia was a little startled hearing Alexander speak to her while she was deep in thought "Don't worry, I'm fine... I just feel like there's something I'm not remembering about this place..." She pauses, trying to word what she's about to say next properly "Hey, Alexander?... Do you happen to know what the members of the Northern clan look like? When they're in human form I mean..." Things were starting to come together, but everything was still a little confusing to her. If only there was more to work with...
he thinks on her question" well since they are norther tribe they dress in heavy fur and have darkish skin they are kind people but they have blue eyes bright blue eyes. They are all tall and very well built the muscle protectes them from the cold. tall men and women all built but some how seem thin at the same time. They are kind people mainly what you would see from eskamos" he tells her and smiles" why do you ask" Alex asks her looking back to her for a moment. He wasent sure why she was asking." But you know what is strange you look a lot like the people from the eastern clan" he tells her and smiles a bit thinking this over but shaking his head
She considered his answer momentarily before responding "I don't know, I was wondering if I looked like them... But now that you told me what they look like I guess that isn't the case." She guessed the answers to her questions wouldn't all be found when they visit the Northern tribe... "I guess we'll visit the Western tribe next... Perhaps they'll be able to enlighten us a little.." She looked at that carving on the wall again, putting away Alexanders seal again to make sure she doesn't drop it. Then she turned to Alexander again "Do all clans have this same wolf symbol on their seals?" This one she's looking at was just the wolf carving rather than an full on seal...
He shakes his head" they are all diffrent but some say that our seal comes from the orginal clan of wolfs" he tells her and starts to draw in the sand the four clans showing her" you see that the orginal clan was the founder of our kind some say there are still those of the orginal clan and others say that it is just a myth i can not say if it is true or not i do not know it would be something if they were still alive some say that they are the pinical of a werewolf there power speed and are un matched by anything" he tells her
Cassia frowned, deep in thought before she talked again "Come to think of it... I don't remember much of my childhood, or at least not until the years I stayed at an orphanage..." She wondered if one of her parents was a werewolf... That would definitely explain why she had a few traits that werewolves had, though she didn't transform, even in a full moon... She'd need to ask other clan members about that, perhaps they'll be able to give her some information about that possibility...
He nodds" how strange" he tells her and smiles he rembers some of his past when he was but a pup he thinks to himself" did you know that when i was a pup i was out traning and i had come acrost a young baby now i couldent tell you if it was a boy or girl but i can tell you that the baby was found and soon taken away i dont know it may have been 3 or 4 years old but i saved it feeding it what i could it was perhaps the best feeling i ever had i thank that child where ever it may have been it was the one who had gotton me on the path to sharing my kind with the world letting the humans know we exsits" he tells her and smiles happy
Cassia considered what Alexander said before stating "If that baby was me... I guess that might explain why it didn't bother me too much that you're a werewolf..." She sat down on the cave floor with a sigh, her past was just one big enigma, she guessed that's why no-one adopted her... Those days at the orphanage weren't exactly the fondest of her memories she had, just thinking about them made her cringe a little...
He shakes his head" i dont know if the child was you but i dont know maybe maybe not but for now we need to keep moving": he tells her and smiles gently looking at her for a moment" we will have to see you seem to know alot about our customs how ever i find that strange dont you" he tells her and wonders were her parents were. He thinks now maybe they were with one of the clans but why would they leave her behind a werewolf would never leave their cub behind never they would fight to the death for them.
"I guess we should..." Cassia said, looking outside, she saw the storm was still going, but not as strong as before "But I guess we need some rest first, I'm kind of tired from all that happened today.." She yawned a little bit "If we have to get moving though, I guess I could deal with it."
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