-Book Character
Name: Hart Numne [Anagram of "Man Hunter"]
Age: 27
Orientation: Straight
The Figure in the Mirror
Personality: Hart is known to be extremely docile near women. Acting friendly and kind to the opposite sex as often as he can. However, his attitude towards men, especially men who harm women, is less than friendly and can at times can border on a seething hatred. Should he take a liking to a particular woman, he will defend that woman from anything.
Kinks: None
Synopsis: Hart is to be considered the main antagonist of
The Figure in the Mirror. However, as the story progresses. The "Main Character" of the book is seen as becoming more and more dark. Until at one point, at the climax of the novel, the main character hits his girlfriend while they are in their bedroom. It is then that the main character looks up, and in the mirror, standing behind him, is Hart. The "Main Character" is subsequently murdered, and the book's perspective switches over to Hart's. He takes the girl to a safe place, realizing she wouldn't want anything to do with him, and leaves. Disappearing into the night. It is suggested this situation has happened more than once before.