The Land of Fraet (A medieval fantasy roleplay) OOC

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The IC

In the middle of the Akhem ocean there is a very large island, called Fraet. In the olden days, the regions of Fraet were shaped by the divine fae, a mystical race of fairies. Fraet was shaped into four regions, centered around Laurel bay. Linlake being the biggest and most prominent of all of the regions, centered in the very middle of Laurel bay, more or less governs the other 3 regions. Each region has it's own ruler. Linlake has a royal family, as well as Facilya, a waterway kingdom on the very tip of Laurel bay. Alaurwen, being a small mystic village in the middle of a very vast swamp, has a chief. Lothelian, a vast city sitting on top of a mountain, has a governor. This region is primarily occupied by humans. There are very few known mystical beings in the region. The two known instances of magic creatures in the region are: the unicorns that Linlake raises as amusement for the royal family, and the divine fae which are treated almost as deities. Every human being is visited by a member of the divine fae when they are born. The fae give each human an amulet and a familiar on their day of birth. Your amulet is tied to your life force, meaning if someone breaks your amulet, you die. However, each amulet also gives you one power to use as you deem fit. Each human's amulet is different. The fae decide what sort of amulet you are given based on your lineage and your foreseen future. The amulets are extremely unequal and you are stuck with what you get. Yet even if you have the weakest of amulets, your familiar can make up with that. Your familiar is sort of like a magical wisp that lives in the amulet, granting you the power to use your amulet, and even granting you the ability to change into your familiar form (Your familiar form being a sort of mystical trance where you change bodies. Sort of like Aang in the Avatar state being the giant water monster in Avatar: The Last Airbender) At the moment the regions are at a very tense peace. The 3 regions surrounding Linlake are beginning to get fed up with the way that the largest region demands a share of their main export, for free. Linlake keeps all of the best food and livestock to themselves, viewing the other regions as inferior. Surrounding the 4 regions, effectively cutting off all access to the other side of the island is Aeniasu, the forest of the fae. This is where the fae reside. It is filled to the brim with all sorts of abandoned temples dedicated to the fairies. It is also a black hole. Many expeditions have been forged to make it to the other side of the forest, but none have ever been heard from again.


Pictures & Descriptions:
Linlake is the most prominent of the 4 regions of Fraet. It is a large walled in city with a river running through the middle. The castle of Linlake is centered in the very middle of the river. Around the river on the either side closest to the river is the rich side of Linlake. As you spread out from the river, getting closer to the wall, the city becomes poorer and poorer until you get to the farmlands right inside the walls. Linlake's major industry is farming.​

Linlake Castle:



Linlake City:




Facilya is a waterway kingdom, based on one of the tip of Laurel bay, on the other side of Alaurwen. Facilya may seem like a pleasant and happy city, always decorated with bright colors and smiling faces, but Facilya is the darkest of all of the regions. The king is cruel and the canals are littered with crime. Facilya's main export is fish and painted and blown glass.




Alaurwen is a swamp region in between Facilya and Linlake. It is a very difficult region to maneuver through unless you live there. Although a vast region, only a small number of people actually live there. There is a small village with a chief shaman watching over them. Mostly, Alaurwen is populated by mystics and potion makers. Alaurwen's main export is herbs and potions.





Lothelian is a great mountain city state, situated on the other side of Linlake, opposite of Facilya. It is led by a kindly governor and is probably the most peaceful of the regions. Lothelian's main export is coal and precious metals.





Aeniasu is the forest of the fairy deities that surrounds all the regions. It is regarded as not only sacred but very dangerous. The forest covers everything and is very labyrinthine in nature. It is littered with all sorts of strange abandoned, crumbling temples that no one knows quite where they came from. Still not much is known about this forest.





Forest Temples:




Just a few rules before we begin:

1: You will be magic, yes, but godmodding is NOT ALLOWED. Period.

2: I don't mind romance, but that's not your main plot point. So please no Mary Sues or Gary Stus

3: I'd like everyone to please respect each other. The OOC is a safe place for any person no matter what.

4: Because of the nature of the amulets and familiar forms, I will have to approve your magic. It's just a precaution so that nobody is too OP. That being said, please respect my rulings on your magic.

5: I'm a nice lady. If you have questions, concerns, or plot points/suggestions. Talk to me! I promise I won't bite. Hard.

Now getting to your amulets, just a brief description.

Your amulet was given to you by a member of the divine fae on the day of our birth. They come to your home, and bind your life force to a magical wisp that is locked into your amulet. Your wisp is a living, breathing being. It can and will talk. However, whether it only talks to you or to everyone, that's up to you. Your amulet just by itself has only one specific power. For example, some amulets can be really lame and give the power of shiny teeth or great hair. Some amulets are elemental in nature. The elemental amulets, however, do not allow you to conjure that element (Unless in your familiar form) they simply allow you to control existing pieces of that element. You may also have a spirit animal amulet, allowing you to only transform into the animal of your amulet. You can even make up your own amulets, like the amulet of charisma, disguise, shapeshifting, etc. The possibilities are endless! Your familiar form works in one of two ways. Your wisp either allows you an almost god/goddess form decked out with glowing eyes or whatever you want. OR your wisp comes out of your amulet and melds with you, forming two identities in a single body for maximum power. Your familiar form can look however you wish it to. However, you can't just slip into your familiar form whenever you want to. Extremely powerful people can learn to do that only after extremely immense studying and practicing. Your familiar comes if your wisp thinks you're in grave danger, or through intense emotions, such as rage.







Appearance: (I prefer pictures, but if you absolutely cannot find one, please use a long, detailed description.)




Amulet Power:

*Wisp Appearance: (Again, I prefer pictures)

Familiar Form Appearance: (^)


* - Optional

Name: Atticus (Doesn't have a last name)
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Height: 5'7
Weight: 153

Personality: Most people fear this man, because of his sharp eyes and the aura he gives off. He seemed to be cold-hearted and apathetic because of his blunt, honest words and thoughts; when really, he's not. Atticus is kind, but just in his own way. Tired most of the time and is usually reserved when no one speaks to him. Although he's not logically intelligent, Atticus knows how to survive in life.

Bio: Was raised in a foster home. He doesn't have a parent, because he was thrown away as a baby. Because people didn't talk to him, his wisp kept him company. On the age of 14, Atticus was forced to leave the foster home and ever since then, he wandered around as a lost traveler.


Amulet Power: Spiritual-like power (such as speaking to the dead or feeling their presence). He could wield the elemental air.

Wisp Appearance:

Familiar Form Appearance:
Doesn't look much as different than his usual appearance, except his eyes glow and is more vibrant. There's a blue-like aura coming from his right eye. Kind of like this:


Name: Arabella Dawn-Rose Swann

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Height: 5'2"

Weight: 110


Personality: Arabella is a sweet tempered girl. Yet, don't take her kind hearted nature for weakness. She is a secret firestorm of strength, spirit, and wisdom. As a princess, she is trained to be poised and graceful at all times.

Bio: Arabella Dawn-Rose Swann is the daughter of James Rourke Swann and the late Llewellyn Skye Swann and the sister of the late James Rourke Swann II. James is the king of Facilya. Although he keeps up the appearances that he is a fun loving and just king, holding many balls and festivals, he is in secret a cruel and tyrannical king. He has his hands in several underhanded schemes centered in the multitudes of dark places on the canals. Originally, Arabella was trained by her loving and kind mother, Llewellyn. They could be seen everywhere together. Llewellyn taught Arabella the ways of her amulet and the secrets of being a powerhouse of a royal woman. Yet when Arabella was 12, Llewellyn died in childbirth, giving birth to her brother and the heir to the kingdom, James. James survived however, inheriting the kindhearted tendencies of his mother and sister. James Sr. was ecstatic to have an heir, even if it came at the expense of his wife. Yet, when James jr. was 5 he became ill with a hemorrhagic form of smallpox and died. Her father, faced with both losses became distant and cruel. Using his daughter more as a slave than a daughter, hoping he can marry her off for a good price and be rid of her.

Amulet Power: Arabella has a Spirit Animal amulet, turning her into a snow fox such as this

*Wisp Appearance:

Familiar Form Appearance:


Name: Amaerilde Vythica "The Phainopepla" (It's a type of blackbird.)

Gender: Female

Age: 22

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 120


Personality: Mysterious, dark... Nothing is known except rumors

Bio: There is so many rumors circulating about the famed Phainopepla, as she is called. The Phainopepla is a dark and powerful sorceress who lives deep in Alaurwen, away from the rest of the village. Nobody visits her. Ever. The only thing known about her is that she is the daughter of the famed shaman Black Dragon (there family is one for nicknames, eh?)


Amulet Power: The Phainopepla possesses a very rare amulet that gives her the power of Dark Energy Manipulation

*Wisp Appearance:

Familiar Form Appearance:


Name: Eric Knucker

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Height: 6"2'

Weight: 181lbs



Eric is the kind of person that is quick to help others, that's to say if the reward is right. Gold is a great motivator always, though he isn't afraid to admit he's a coward when too large a threat is imminent. Trust isn't high on his list of things, which is why he puts so much value on currency. Trust can always be bought as he says.


Born to a well to do family in Facilya, Eric grew up living better than the vast majority of people, getting a good education and never hungry. That was until a close friend to the family, a man slightly lower in standing than Mr. Knucker, planted evidence incriminating Eric's father of spying and being an informant. It wasn't long; Eric was 16, before the king's men came to capture his parents for conspiracy and branding the boy's right forearm with a traitor's mark and leaving him on the streets to fend for himself. A hard three years made easier by his wisp Ryuu. Three years in which he learned to trust few and always make sure there is a gain.


Amulet Power: Power over the element water.

*Wisp Appearance:

Familiar Form Appearance:


Name: Blaise Aache Forsythe

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Height: 5'4

Weight: 128 (Not a strong, muscly fella :P)


(Without the headphones of course)

Personality: Blaise tends to get nervous easily and is relatively quiet, but other than that he is bubbly and cheerful

Bio: Blaise was born within a normal family, but only got to know his father. His mother's hips were far too narrow for a natural child birth, so a C-Section was required in order for Blaise to be born. His mother, as expected, died during the operation. His father was devasted of his wife's death, but was thankful to hold his live and healthy son in his arms instead of him facing the same fate as his beautiful mother. Another thing that his father was thankful for, was that his son was born with his mother's blonde hair and sparkling Hazel eyes. However, when Blaise became bonded with the Amulet, the Amulet had a side effect that crushed his father's heart. The amulet changed his son's hair and eyes into a forest green. No longer could his father see wife's face within his son. No more radiating blonde hair or the same hazel eyes. It was all green. Just green. His father wanted nothing more to do with him and kicked him out at the age of 13.


Amulet Power: The ability to blend into, or meld into, his surroundings.

*Wisp Appearance:

Familiar Form Appearance:


Name: Shane Nightstealer

Gender: Male

Age: Early twenties, late teens. Even he's not totally sure.

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 140lbs


Personality: Shane is dark, quiet, a loner. He has his secrets and he prefers to leave them alone, and leave other's secrets to them. As much as people make him nervous he has an obnoxious hero complex and set of morals that are constantly getting him into trouble. He cannot convince himself to leave someone who needs help, even if he knows he'll turn out the worse for the ware. His main form of communication is through snide little comments.

Bio: Shane grew up in Alaurwen, orphaned at the young age of 8 and taken in by his best friend's parents. He lived a quiet life, learning the art of the sword in order to pursue his dream of one day going to the castle and becoming a knight. He had a few minor transgressions, stealing, until his foster family decided to send him away to train in private. A few years later he returned to find his family murdered. He took off after the traces of the criminal that killed them, killed the man and wound up getting blamed for both crimes. Since then he's made his living as a hired thief/assassin.


Amulet Power: The power of flight.

Wisp Appearance:

Familiar Form Appearance:


Name: Annina Gusav
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 140 lbs
Appearance: (See first left)
Annina is one who delights most in adventures and social gatherings. Fearless, she is quick to jump into trouble without thinking things through. Her resourcefulness and good luck kept her alive. Her cheerful disposition makes it easy for strangers to trust her. Unfortunately, they will soon realize that this girl could not keep a secret. Secret-keeping aside, she is loyal to her friends and will climb mountains to help when in need.

Born as the youngest daughter of Facilya General Nikolai Gusav, Annina supposedly lived a sheltered childhood. The General was often away on Facilyan affairs which left Annina and her older sister Anya under the watchful eye of their mother Klara.

Klara made it a point to teach her daughters how to be fine women. "To marry well, that was the dream," according to Klara. Unfortunately for her, Annina was easily distracted by unlady-like and odd interests such as puzzles, literature and an invisible friend named Pravda. Meanwhile, the General found humor in his daughter's unorthodox ways. He gave her books and manuals he confiscated from criminals in secret. Sometimes, he even taught her how to brawl.

Klara had long suspected of her husband and youngest secrets but she was content with the fact that Annina, frank and odd as she may be, was absolutely charming to strangers-- even if these strangers included peasants and other low-lifes.

When she came of age, she declared that she will become a writer which her parents reluctantly gave her their blessings. Annina used her social and observational skills to know people and write them as characters of her novella. Then, in one of her adventures, she came upon a murder mystery. With the help of her amulet and friend Pravda, whose power revealed itself only then, she was able to smoke out the killer. Ever since, she had become a sleuth for hire and writing her adventures in novellas.

Amulet Power:
The person who receives her kiss will be cursed to tell the truth until the next full moon.
Familiar Form Appearance:


Name: Achera Zareck

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Height: 5'7

Weight: 145


Personality: Achera is a quiet and closed off girl, shes not naturally mean to others but she keeps her distance as much as she can most of the time. She's independant and collected it takes a lot to make her lose her temper but when she does it takes even more to calm her down. She tends to day dream or get lost in her own thoughts but despite what people think she is always listening intently ever vigilant of her surroundings.

Bio: Achera was from a very dark family, being the only child her parents locked her in a hidden cellar below their home in Lothelian her only companion was her familiar .They used and abused her doing everything to increase her power for their own gain, thinking they could control her and the animal inside her. At age 8 her parents sent her out to sneak into a rich families house and murder them all. She had never been outside of the house before, everything was so confusing and scary to her she became one with her familiar.

But instead of killing the rich family, she ran away and didnt stop running until she was well outside the city.
Once it was over she learned to survive on her own in the streets, she became very good at swordplay. Becoming strong she started working for hire as a body guard and has been alone sense. Now she travels from town to town never really having a home, she takes any job she can get as long as its not evil.


Amulet Power: It gives her the power of increased strength and speed. It gives her a fairly animalistic nature a part of her always more feral than normal people.

*Wisp Appearance:

Familiar Form Appearance:

*Other: Animals seem to be strangely attracted to her and instantly fall in love with her, she loves them as well.


Name: Bonnie Fortae

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Height: 4'9"

Weight: 99


Personality: Bonnie is one hella of a day-dreamer, she always seems to be in a faraway land more than she is in reality. She doesn't mind reality though, it's nice, the people are cool. She's kind of quiet, but not too much, and knows her manners very well. She's very go with the flow and passive, always seemingto be in a happy calm sort of state and seeming to be laughing at an inside joke. She loves to explore, and is a little bit of a prankster.

Bio: There's not much to Bonnie's past. She grew up in a happy calm life in Alauwren, the youngest of many sisters and brothers (8 siblings in total), with a tired mother and full-of-life grandmother, both wonderful potion makers. Her father left while she was still in the womb, relocating to better places, hoping to come back with a fortune. Not much is said about that though.


Amulet Power: Lets her create illusions upon other's eyes, though they cannot not feel or touch them.

*Wisp Appearance:

Familiar Form Appearance:

*Other: Her familiar form is much smaller, the size and body of an average woman, though instead of legs, it's a skirt of stars that fades away


Name:Celoa Marr




Weight:167 lbs


Personality:Extremely clever and a brilliant tactician, he isn't afraid to face a challenge head on. He is not quick to trust someone, but feels that needs to be earned. He also enjoys being social with people, but likes his space and quiet when formulating a plan or strategy.

Bio: Born into the world of politics and magic, his parents knew Celoa was special and was capable of great things. Her father, a high ranking soldier of Linlake and her mother, a schoolteacher both told him that he should strive to be the best at whatever he was passionate about. So since the age of 5, he began thinking of the art of combat and tactics. How to think, how to move, how to plan. As he learned, he began to notice more and more that he excelled at strategy and planning out the next move. At the age of 15, he decided to travel the world, figuring out exactly how to use his skills to the fullest.


Amulet Power: Allows him to manipulate water to protect himself. The more water available, the better protected he is. He is still in the process of mastering this skill.

*Wisp Appearance:

Familiar Form Appearance:

*Other: In his Familiar form, Celoa can further manipulate the powers of water to attack his enemies. Varying from powerful projectiles to magic water strikes. He also carries a whip with him wherever he goes, to protect himself.


Name: Aston Lentaus

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 152 Ibs

Appearance: Aston is somewhat slender. He's usually well dressed. He has a rather angular face and messy black hair. (

Personality: Aston strays towards extroversion. Conversation flows freely with Aston, as he always seems genuinely interested in what people have to say. He relies heavily on his intuition and perception. He's exceedingly good at reading people. Oftentimes, it almost seems as if Aston understands people better than they understand themselves. His skill at interpreting others' thoughts and emotions translates into a natural aptness in the art of swaying others' sympathies to his plight. Aston always prefers to talk himself out of tough situations, as he is not especially physically formidable. Human interaction being his forte, he is able to lie convincingly, though he is somewhat averse to doing so unless he deems it necessary. Aston is very adaptable and possesses a practical brand of intelligence. He is, however, somewhat lacking in common sense. Aston is outwardly friendly to those that show him kindness. To those that do not, he silently attempts to decipher their driving thoughts and emotions so as to use the knowledge against them, all while keeping up a facade of cordiality.

Bio: The Lentaus family is of respectable socioeconomic standing. They fall towards the more modest side of the upper class. Aston's father, Astaus, owns a prominent shipping business which deals primarily in the metals mined near Lothelian. The Lentaus are respected and somewhat well known (though by no means a household name) in Lothelian. Ever since he has been able to speak Aston has been interacting with people in positions of wealth and power at aristocratic social gatherings. Aston is haunted by an unspoken understanding that he will one day inherit proprietorship of his father's business. He secretly dreads this day, as he has always been tortuously bored by such meaningless and trivial drudgery. Aston has been educated in arithmetic and linguistics from an early age. Since he's been allowed to explore Lothelian on his own, Aston has taken to spending his days in the city's more populated areas. He enjoys observing everyday life and interacting with the citizens as he sees fit.

Amulet: (

Amulet Power: Aston is able to communicate telepathically, though in a limited manner. He is not able to read others' thoughts; rather, he can communicate his own thoughts directly into others' minds. To those unaware of his ability, he is able to disguise the communication of his thoughts. A telepathic message feels like any other fleeting movement of the subconscious when he projects in this more subtle mode. He is also capable of directly imparting messages to others as if he were speaking to them aloud.

Familiar Form Appearance: ( Ignore the child. Aston's familiar form is that of a silhouette-esque monster.

Other: In his familiar form, Aston's telepathic powers are amplified. He is able to read others minds, project his consciousness over a large area, and even influence others' emotions.


Name: Marciello


Age: 21

Height: 5 foot 8


with brown hair instead of white

Personality: Marciello is a rather lonely but friendly person. He isn't afraid to make friends but can't figure out why people are freaked out by his constant smile.

Bio:He has spent most of his life living and learning with his father on the edge of the Aeniasu, learning all he needs to know about plants and what they can do to help, or hurt, people. From the moment he was born a smile has been found on his face, his father took this as a sign that he would be a happy boy, his mother took it as a omen for evil. At the age of three months old his mother ran away from him and his father, forcing his father to stay at home and not at work. When he turned five him and his father where run out of a city in Lothelion and forced to hide in the swamps of Alaurwen, but even there Marciello was shunned for his strange appearance. Eventually they moved to the edge of Aeniasu and began to gather herbs and make potions to survive. Marciello and his father are known as the best medicine men in Alaurwen, and Marciello received his invitation as a sign of the Chief's thankfulness for him finding a cure for a sickness he had come under.


Amulet Power: His amulet gives him the power to instantly find and identify any poison and or venom.

Wisp Appearance:

Familiar Form Appearance:
Other: In familiar form he has complete control over the snakes


Name: Luran

Age: 17

Height: 5'7

Weight: 149


Personality: Wants to be friennds with people and part of a "pack" but has a hard time trusting and relating to others.

Bio: All his known life he has lived on the outskirts of Aeniasu surviving by himself with only his familiar to count on. He learned how to live off the land and became more animal like acting more on instinct than on logic. He is usually feared and attacked on sight meaning he has had little contact with other people.
He desires more than anything to find a family and fill the hole loneliness has left inside him.


Amulet Power: he is able to enhance his sense's, and move faster than most people, and takes on a more wolfish apperance.

Wisp Appearance:

Familiar Form:

Other: In his familiar form he becomes faster, stronger and beast-like. As a result he usually loses most of his "human" conscious although he can differentiate between friend and foe.


Name: Dr. Percival MacAlistair Rutherford XIV, Esq.

Gender: M

Age: 28

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 120 lbs.

Appearance: (I prefer pictures, but if you absolutely cannot find one, please use a long, detailed description.) I have no artistic talent, and this guy's attire is so out there I can't imagine there being a picture that'd even come close. He wears a white dress shirt under a light blue fur vest. His pants are the same light blue fur, and his shoes are like a jester's of the same color. On his head he wears a jester's hat where the floppy parts are made to look like rabbit ears. The hat can be ignored if it's too absurd. He has short platinum blonde hair and blue eyes. He is of slim build with some muscle tone.

Personality: Friendly, scatterbrained, easily distracted, loves pursuing/sharing knowledge (even if said knowledge is false), loves to analyze and be overly philosophical

Bio: Frequently has stacks of incomprehensible notes, many of them involving entirely made up things, which he will say are for his thesis that is always"very close" to being published. He is a decently skilled swordsman. He acts like he knows a lot more than whoever he's talking to.


Amulet Power: 1 second precognition. Partly responsible for his scatterbrainedness and distractability, as it makes it hard to focus. Also partly responsible for his sword fighting skill.

*Wisp Appearance: (Again, I prefer pictures) A small rabbit with pale blue fur and solid black eyes. The rabbit always looks dripping wet, as if it's just come in from a downpour.

Familiar Form Appearance: (^) Looks like his amulet, but with fur.

Current gender ratio: 5 females : 9 males
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Name: Ezra (Doesn't have a last name)
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Height: 5'7
Weight: 153

Personality: Most people fear this man, because of his sharp eyes and the aura he gives off. He seemed to be cold-hearted and apathetic because of his blunt, honest words and thoughts; when really, he's not. Ezra is kind, but just in his own way. Tired most of the time and is usually reserved when no one speaks to him. Although he's not logically intelligent, Atticus knows how to survive in life.

Bio: Was raised in a foster home. He doesn't have a parent, because he was thrown away as a baby. Because people didn't talk to him, his wisp kept him company. On the age of 14, Ezra was forced to leave the foster home and ever since then, he wandered around as a lost traveler.


Amulet Power: Spiritual-like power (such as speaking to the dead or feeling their presence). He could wield the elemental air.

Wisp Appearance:

Familiar Form Appearance:
Doesn't look much as different than his usual appearance, except his eyes glow and is more vibrant. There's a blue-like aura coming from his right eye. Kind of like this:
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Name: Arabella Dawn-Rose Swann

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Height: 5'2"

Weight: 110


Personality: Arabella is a sweet tempered girl. Yet, don't take her kind hearted nature for weakness. She is a secret firestorm of strength, spirit, and wisdom. As a princess, she is trained to be poised and graceful at all times.

Bio: Arabella Dawn-Rose Swann is the daughter of James Rourke Swann and the late Llewellyn Skye Swann and the sister of the late James Rourke Swann II. James is the king of Facilya. Although he keeps up the appearances that he is a fun loving and just king, holding many balls and festivals, he is in secret a cruel and tyrannical king. He has his hands in several underhanded schemes centered in the multitudes of dark places on the canals. Originally, Arabella was trained by her loving and kind mother, Llewellyn. They could be seen everywhere together. Llewellyn taught Arabella the ways of her amulet and the secrets of being a powerhouse of a royal woman. Yet when Arabella was 12, Llewellyn died in childbirth, giving birth to her brother and the heir to the kingdom, James. James survived however, inheriting the kindhearted tendencies of his mother and sister. James Sr. was ecstatic to have an heir, even if it came at the expense of his wife. Yet, when James jr. was 5 he became ill with a hemorrhagic form of smallpox and died. Her father, faced with both losses became distant and cruel. Using his daughter more as a slave than a daughter, hoping he can marry her off for a good price and be rid of her.


Amulet Power: Arabella has a Spirit Animal amulet, turning her into a snow fox such as this

*Wisp Appearance:

Familiar Form Appearance:



Name: Amaerilde Vythica "The Phainopepla" (It's a type of blackbird.)

Gender: Female

Age: 22

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 120


Personality: Mysterious, dark... Nothing is known except rumors

Bio: There is so many rumors circulating about the famed Phainopepla, as she is called. The Phainopepla is a dark and powerful sorceress who lives deep in Alaurwen, away from the rest of the village. Nobody visits her. Ever. The only thing known about her is that she is the daughter of the famed shaman Black Dragon (their family is one for nicknames, eh?)


Amulet Power: The Phainopepla possesses a very rare amulet that gives her the power of Dark Energy Manipulation

*Wisp Appearance:

Familiar Form Appearance:


* - Optional
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(I'm new to this site, so fell free to type in caps at me if I'm doing something wrong)
Name: Mira Varrus

Gender: Female

Age: In the mid to late teens range. Exact age unknown.

Height: 5'3

Weight: ~100 lbs

(Note: de-age the picture by a few years)

Personality: Mira spends more time with books than people. She's a quiet, reclusive girl, usually unnoticed by others. She's soft-spoken, and likes to avoid fights. Through her years of reading, she has book smarts, but not very much knowledge of the 'real world'.

Bio: Mira was adopted as a toddler by a kind family of book merchants. Her childhood was spent reading the books that passed through the family's store. As Mira grew older, her parents have been gently pushing her to learn more about the world of economics so she can take over their business upon their death, but while she loves books, Mira hasn't shown any inclination towards the trading half of the family business.


Amulet Power:
It allows Mira to determine the location of any book she thinks about.

*Wisp Appearance:

Familiar Form Appearance: When in her familiar form, Mira's hair darkens to black, and her skin pales. Her pupils glow, and a pattern of swirls (see image) appear on the right side of her face.

Edit: Changed wisp appearance
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Name: Eric Knucker

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Height: 6"2'

Weight: 181lbs



Eric is the kind of person that is quick to help others, that's to say if the reward is right. Gold is a great motivator always, though he isn't afraid to admit he's a coward when too large a threat is imminent. Trust isn't high on his list of things, which is why he puts so much value on currency. Trust can always be bought as he says.


Born to a well to do family in Facilya, Eric grew up living better than the vast majority of people, getting a good education and never hungry. That was until a close friend to the family, a man slightly lower in standing than Mr. Knucker, planted evidence incriminating Eric's father of spying and being an informant. It wasn't long; Eric was 16, before the king's men came to capture his parents for conspiracy and branding the boy's right forearm with a traitor's mark and leaving him on the streets to fend for himself. A hard three years made easier by his wisp Ryuu. Three years in which he learned to trust few and always make sure there is a gain.


Amulet Power: Power over the element water.

*Wisp Appearance:water_snake_by_cliffbuck-d3h94yh.png.jpg

Familiar Form Appearance:e1d5d7d7f4aa2893e93f4b94e9ee8a9c1342014932_full.jpg
I probably won't have an IC up until Monday or later. I wanna give a few more people a chance to jump in before I start.
Name: Blaise Aache Forsythe

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Height: 5'4

Weight: 128 (Not a strong, muscly fella :P)


(Without the headphones of course)

Personality: Blaise tends to get nervous easily and is relatively quiet, but other than that he is bubbly and cheerful

Bio: Blaise was born within a normal family, but only got to know his father. His mother's hips were far too narrow for a natural child birth, so a C-Section was required in order for Blaise to be born. His mother, as expected, died during the operation. His father was devasted of his wife's death, but was thankful to hold his live and healthy son in his arms instead of him facing the same fate as his beautiful mother. Another thing that his father was thankful for, was that his son was born with his mother's blonde hair and sparkling Hazel eyes. However, when Blaise became bonded with the Amulet, the Amulet had a side effect that crushed his father's heart. The amulet changed his son's hair and eyes into a forest green. No longer could his father see wife's face within his son. No more radiating blonde hair or the same hazel eyes. It was all green. Just green. His father wanted nothing more to do with him and kicked him out at the age of 13.


Amulet Power: The ability to blend into, or meld into, his surroundings.

*Wisp Appearance:

Familiar Form Appearance:

Name: Shane Nightstealer

Gender: Male

Age: Early twenties, late teens. Even he's not totally sure.

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 140lbs


Personality: Shane is dark, quiet, a loner. He has his secrets and he prefers to leave them alone, and leave other's secrets to them. As much as people make him nervous he has an obnoxious hero complex and set of morals that are constantly getting him into trouble. He cannot convince himself to leave someone who needs help, even if he knows he'll turn out the worse for the ware. His main form of communication is through snide little comments.

Bio: Shane grew up in Alaurwen, orphaned at the young age of 8 and taken in by his best friend's parents. He lived a quiet life, learning the art of the sword in order to pursue his dream of one day going to the castle and becoming a knight. He had a few minor transgressions, stealing, until his foster family decided to send him away to train in private. A few years later he returned to find his family murdered. He took off after the traces of the criminal that killed them, killed the man and wound up getting blamed for both crimes. Since then he's made his living as a hired thief/assassin.


Amulet Power: The power of flight.

Wisp Appearance:

Familiar Form Appearance:
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Omg it's here. ^w^

I almost missed it, then I saw your name red panda. Haha. My c.sheet will hopefully be up soon!
I just have a quick question DarksWings. What exactly do you mean by the power of light? That's quite the vague term.
Name: Achera Zareck

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Height: 5'7

Weight: 145

Appearance: 785003-bigthumbnail.jpg

Personality: Achera is a quiet and closed off girl, shes not naturally mean to others but she keeps her distance as much as she can most of the time. She's independant and collected it takes a lot to make her lose her temper but when she does it takes even more to calm her down. She tends to day dream or get lost in her own thoughts but despite what people think she is always listening intently ever vigilant of her surroundings.

Bio: Achera was from a very dark family, being the only child her parents locked her in a hidden cellar below their home in Lothelian her only companion was her familiar .They used and abused her doing everything to increase her power for their own gain, thinking they could control her and the animal inside her. At age 8 her parents sent her out to sneak into a rich families house and murder them all. She had never been outside of the house before, everything was so confusing and scary to her she became one with her familiar.

But instead of killing the rich family, she ran away and didnt stop running until she was well outside the city.
Once it was over she learned to survive on her own in the streets, she became very good at swordplay. Becoming strong she started working for hire as a body guard and has been alone sense. Now she travels from town to town never really having a home, she takes any job she can get as long as its not evil.

Amulet: blue_amulet_by_k_i_z_u_n_e-d4ldyqf.jpg

Amulet Power: It gives her the power of increased strength and speed. It gives her a fairly animalistic nature a part of her always more feral than normal people.

*Wisp Appearance: Tiger-Spirit-Picture-e1367910049791.jpg

Familiar Form Appearance: fantasy-fire-tiger-wallpaper-by-greeneagle.jpg

*Other: Animals seem to be strangely attracted to her and instantly fall in love with her, she loves them as well.
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Name: Annina Gusav
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 140 lbs
Appearance: (See first left)
Annina is one who delights most in adventures and social gatherings. Fearless, she is quick to jump into trouble without thinking things through. Her resourcefulness and good luck kept her alive. Her cheerful disposition makes it easy for strangers to trust her. Unfortunately, they will soon realize that this girl could not keep a secret. Secret-keeping aside, she is loyal to her friends and will climb mountains to help when in need.​

Born as the youngest daughter of Facilya General Nikolai Gusav, Annina supposedly lived a sheltered childhood. The General was often away on Facilyan affairs which left Annina and her older sister Anya under the watchful eye of their mother Klara.

Klara made it a point to teach her daughters how to be fine women. "To marry well, that was the dream," according to Klara. Unfortunately for her, Annina was easily distracted by unlady-like and odd interests such as puzzles, literature and an invisible friend named Pravda. Meanwhile, the General found humor in his daughter's unorthodox ways. He gave her books and manuals he confiscated from criminals in secret. Sometimes, he even taught her how to brawl.

Klara had long suspected of her husband and youngest secrets but she was content with the fact that Annina, frank and odd as she may be, was absolutely charming to strangers-- even if these strangers included peasants and other low-lifes.

When she came of age, she declared that she will become a writer which her parents reluctantly gave her their blessings. Annina used her social and observational skills to know people and write them as characters of her novella. Then, in one of her adventures, she came upon a murder mystery. With the help of her amulet and friend Pravda, whose power revealed itself only then, she was able to smoke out the killer. Ever since, she had become a sleuth for hire and writing her adventures in novellas.​
Amulet Power: The person who receives her kiss will be cursed to tell the truth until the next full moon.
Familiar Form Appearance:
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I'm sorry, I meant to explain that more. The power of flight: allows him to fly for short distances by making his body lighter. Something like a floating jump.
Ah. Okay then. That's fine. Also Annina is accepted
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