The Justice League of America: "Dignity, Honour, Justice" (OoC)

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It would be more of the lines of Joker being sick of all going on in Gotham (Since that is where the first plot mentioned would be as mentioned above if read right) because he wants the town under His control really so he somehow "Helps" the league take the leaders down yet butting heads with some league members at the same time and not getting along very well. Something like that I guess? 0_0
Soo... He wants control of Gotham? I'm pretty sure that still makes him a villain.

For arguments sake, I'm gonna have to say no, sorry. Unless its a complete reimagining, I can't see the Joker actually acting like a hero. In almost every canon, he's/she's been a villain.

Name: Raven Roth
(Anyone who ever gets really close to her sometimes calls her Rae)

Alias: Raven

Age: 17

Judicial Status: Hero

Background and Hero Origins:
Arella, Raven's mother, was chosen to become the bride of the demonic Trigon. She was forced to bear his child but sge was resistant. So, abandoned by the demon rather than her becoming his queen, Arella was bent on suicide when she was taken in by the pacifistic disciples of Temple Azarath, a group who had centuries earlier forsaken life on Earth to pursue their own nonviolent lifestyle.

In their inter-dimensional world, Raven, Arella's daughter by Trigon, was born. Fearing that the child would bring evil among them, Juris, a magistrate of Azarath, attempted to cast the infant Raven into Limbo, only to be destroyed himself. In order to try to protect her, Arella hoped that Azar could look into her future. Arella had been convinced Raven could be a wonderful Azarathanian. Unfortunately, the prophecy that Azar found in Raven's future was one if destruction. She was destined to become a portal for Trigon to destroy the universe and all the Azarathanians had to be made aware. Arella and her daughter were outcast and Azar, the spiritual leader of the temple, then took the young Raven under her personal tutelage, instructing her in the truth of her parentage, and in pacifism, meditation, and the submergence of her emotions to resist Trigon's influence, while perfecting her powers of teleportation, astral projection, and empathic healing.

Later, after Azar's death (in which she entered another plane of existence), when Raven was plagued by prophetic dreams of Trigon and, defying her teachers, she confronted her demon father in Limbo at his bidding. Trigon spared her and Arella after satisfying himself that, upon his return when she reached adulthood, he could force Raven into becoming his ally. Just as the prophecy had revealed she would be. When Raven turned seventeen, she sensed Trigon's power returning and fled to Earth.

She arrived at Jump City, quick to encounter a rampaging alien girl....

Powers and Abilities: The basis of almost all of Raven's powers are derived from her soul-self.

Astral Projection: She is able to project her soul from her body into corporeal form using it to interact with the physical world, affect others mentally, and to traverse through time-space. Her soul-self takes the form of a double of her own body, or more commonly, a large black raven. She is capable of changing its shape and mass at will, and can alter her own appearance with her soul-self, like increasing her size or making her tentacles emerge from her cloak.

Projection of Thoughts and Will: She is able to project her soul-self into the minds of others to communicate, facilitate calm or to force people into submission with a devastating mental attack. Though normally composed of energy that is colored black, Raven's soul-self can change color depending on her emotional state, manifesting as red or white.

Advanced Telekinesis: Raven can merge a small part of her soul-self into objects in order to take control of them, with the object essentially becoming an extension of her soul-self; this may be the reason why she prefers to take control of inanimate objects rather than people. The limit to how much matter she is able to control is unknown, though it ranges well into hundreds of tons, allowing her to hurl city buses, mounds of rubble or even uprooting whole slabs of pavement. Whenever she takes control of something, it is covered in the same dark energy that composes her soul-self.

Creating Solid Constructs: With her soul-self able to be molded into any shape, Raven often creates simple domes or walls that act as barriers against attack. She can project solid bolts to be used as projectiles, or a steady stream of solid force. She has been shown making razor sharp blades to cut through obstacles, claws that can restrain foes, and floating platforms to ride on.

Interdimensional Teleportation: Raven's soul-self is able to envelop her (along with at least four other people) and transport her to other dimensions, primarily Azarath. She can use this technique to travel vast distances on Earth, or to teleport by momentarily displacing herself and then re-appearing in another location. She can pass through walls and obstacles by simply teleporting past them, giving the illusion of intangibility. At times, Raven has been shown creating portals with her dark energy in order to travel, rather than utilizing her soul-self.

Empathy and Healing: She has the psionic ability to sense the emotions of others, allowing her to gain insight into their thoughts and intentions, and even experience their own feelings. This also enables her to sense the mental state of others, as she has stated that she would know if someone's mind had been tampered with. Raven can absorb the pain of others into her own body in order to induce rapid healing for them, and can heal herself by going into a trance of emotional calm. She can receive precognitive flashes of the future when exposed to extreme emotion. By using her empathy to guide her, she can track others with her soul-self.

Levitation: Raven can levitate off the ground and fly, without visible projection of her dark energy as is shown when she utilizes telekinesis. Her power is also sufficient to enable her to counter the gravitational pull of other planets

Above average Agility, strength etc: Raven meditates to control and focus her abilities. Though not the most physically talented, Raven is nonetheless a fairly skilled and proficient hand-to-hand fighter, having received at least some degree of physical training. She has been shown briefly overcoming the peak-human, Speedy, engaging Jinx in hand-to-hand combat and also quickly delivering flying kicks to Monsieur Mallah.

Multilingual: Raven is also a skilled polyglot, capable of fluently speaking English, German, Latin, Romanian, Ancient Sumerian, and Sanskrit.

Arcane Magical Knowledge (Light&Dark): Though only occasionally used, Raven has displayed a wide arcane knowledge, possessing a vast library of mystic tomes, books and scrolls. She has been shown making potions, using mystical objects like charms and talismans, and has performed elaborate magical rituals. She has also been shown being able to directly absorb the knowledge from the pages of scrolls and tomes to her mind fairly quickly.

Post Cognition: The ability to visually perceive information about past events of a particular object, person, or anything in between without any guessing based on deductive reasoning and current knowledge.

Weaknesses and Tragic Flaw: Raven's main weakness is letting go of her emotions, especially rage. Even though her rage seems powerful, it could potentially corrupt her, leaving her very vulnerable to attacks with more power than her own.
It also seems she can keep perfect control of her powers while exhibiting her emotions, as seen in Spellbound. Raven is radiant with happiness and love, yet she is still able to control her powers with ease. If Raven suppresses her fear, she is unable to connect with her powers until she admits she is truly afraid.
Her ultimate weakness is her anger.
Other emotions aren't as Earth trembling as Raven's temper. Her anger is in the form of Trigon inside her mirror in Nevermore, then after defeated (to a point) the anger turns to another one of her, with her father's 4 red eyes and a red cloak. Anger is what changes her from her regular self to her demonic side practically every time.
Another weakness is her dependence on her incantation, Azarath Metrion Zinthos. If a gag is placed over her mouth, she cannot complete her incantation and she cannot connect with her powers until the gag is removed, however, she has occasionally overcome this weakness through sheer will.

Trigon: demon father
Arella: Human mother
Azar: Spiritual teacher
Monks of Azarath: Guardians

Occupation: Not Yet Applicable, unless being the portal to destroy the world is a job..

Other: Because of Trigon's influence over his daughter's powers, when touched by Raven's powers, by teleportation or levitation, one would feel cold or even a bit paranoid. It's an unpleasant feeling, as if a spider crawled up your spine. She doesn't mean to make anyone feel that way, but it does not cease regardless
They think she doesn't see them, but she does. They think she doesn't feel it, but she does. They think she doesn't feel at all. She does. More than they'll ever know.

It wasn't celebrated or announced, but the elders remembered her birthday. It was nothing to celebrate. The one fated to destroy a whole universe had turned seventeen a week ago. The Azarathanians are more nervous around her than ever. Raven Roth would have been ignorant. If not for her impromptu decision to take a walk outside the grounds of the Temple, she would never have figured out how anxious everyone really was. She wouldn't have learned of their hatred for her existence or the rumors they spread or the judgement they cast on a teenager who had been trained to suppress emotions her whole life. And the mother forced to bear her.

She would have stayed in Azarath if it weren't for that day, just walking past the others, trying to blend in, seem normal. But the whispers surrounded her, coming at her heart without warning.

"Is that..?"
"What is she doing out--?"
"She shouldn't--"
"Wasn't her birthday--? Only a year left--?!"
"I don't want her around.."
"why didn't they just send her away?"
"That Monster--"portal"--"Gem?"--"Devil--"

She couldn't take it any longer. Her breaking point? Walking with her hood up to hide her humiliation when three children playing tag spot her, stare for a second, whisper and then run off. Her throat got real tight and for a moment, she felt like she was going to cry. Not just because she knew they thought of her as a scary monster, but because she knew it was true. And she was so lonely. But then she caught herself. Crying is forbidden. If she cries, her powers will attempt to make her surroundings reflect the way her heart feels. Broken.

So she flew away, high in the air with no particular direction, forced the cold calmness through herself, pushing down every feeling and sensation she could emotionally feel. But not the reasons. The reasons she had felt that way stayed fresh and she used them to finally finally decide to go. She didn't belong in Azarath. She never had and no one ever attempted to make her feel like she did, so she had to find someplace of her own. Someplace new and different, somewhere where no one knew her. Somewhere that would make her feel like less of a monster. If only she could make up for her destiny, say sorry in advance..What could she do for the innocents she knew she would be forced to destroy? How could she make their lives better before...before they would be turned to stone? Raven winced, considered and decided.
She didn't bring anything with her and she didn't say goodbye. She just disappeared. And when she reappeared, the half-demon girl emerged from the shadows of a dark alley in a city she didn't know. But she did know one thing. She was on Earth. The first place she was prophesied to bring her father.

And almost immediately after arriving, the screams started. For a split second, she thought someone had seen her, but they were distant. Something was wrong, she could sense their panic and fear not too far away. What was going on? Raven hesitated, yearning for more information about where she was and what she should do now that she was so far away from what had been her home. But this seemed very urgent. So she stuck to the dark spots and headed toward the screaming instead of away from it. When she got close enough, she could hear a loud yelling. In.. a different language? She turned the corner and with her observant purple eyes, caught a glimpse of a redheaded stranger with glowing green eyes and metal on her hands, surrounded by a crater, as if she had fallen from the sky. An alien. How had she ended up here? Who was she? How had she landed in such a situation?
Raven gulped as the tall female blasted off above the city, apparently to wreak more havoc upon this place. But why? Why would she terrorize everyone? Raven knew it was none of her business to go after the alien and try to stop her but so far, no one has and she didn't know if anyone could. What if she could help? What if this was her only way to try to make up for what she had to do? She has to save the humans. If she has the means to do it, then why shouldn't she? The shy Azarathanian gulped. Could she really do this? She hovered, preparing to fly after the woman. Did she really have a choice?
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  • Love
Reactions: Kota
Hmm, hmm. Interesting. I'm debating between "No" and "*glomp*", but I don't-

Ah who am I kidding?

  • Love
Reactions: Ravenbelle
Oh my goooodddd, I love Raven so much. I'm so excited, you look like you're going to do her SO much justice. I can't wait!
  • Thank You
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Don't really know what to do with this. I don't feel Batgirl is playable with our current Batman. I'll try to figure something else out.
Sample post up!!
Is it alright @Sora1297 ? Am i accepted?
How was that @Kota ?

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echoes into the distance*
Thought I said you were accepted.

Weird that I didn't get a response.

But yeah, you're cool. Not sure if everyone else is still here for this though... :/
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