The Hellheim Cronicles

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Luna blushes heavier, "whatever you want...."
Ezzie giggles. "I don't want to hurt you. If you don't like it, I'll stop."
Luna smiles faintly, "I can take it...." she pants.
Luna pants heavily, "odd...feeling..."
Luna giggles, ""
Luna giggles, she whispers. "Turn Into a eevee...."
Ezzie pouts. "What will you do? Then I'll decide if I want to."
Luna pouts, "I don't know, I just wanna try it out..."
Ezzie pouts. "Put I don't like doing stuff in that form. It feels weird."
Luna pouts, "please, i'll be gentle...."
Ezzie shakes her head. "I said no. Try something else."
Luna pouts, ""
Ezzie pouts deeper. "Aw, please? I'll let you try it another time if you do something else."
Luna frowns, "fine...." she grabs a toy, attaching it to her. She rubs it against her.
Luna giggles, "this is what boys use..." she pushes it inside her.
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