The Hard Road to Truth (TaliesinxLady Alainn)

Darren hunched his shoulders at the mention of the general and forced himself to take a quick deep breath. The threat of this table would be more than enough to convince him to go along with pretty much anything. He still didn't like the much but there was no choice and keeping his head low through tight situations was something he was good at. "Whatever is needed." He said tightly. "Can I go back to the cell now?" With her leaving the room he was finding it hard not to degenerate into a blubbering mess.
"Of course you can. I'm on my way to fetch Harry now." Agent Smithers paused with her hand on the door handle to inhale deeply and set herself into "agent mode", then she threw the door open and marched into the hallway. "Harry! He's ready to go back to his cell now. And be gentle, please. He's been a good boy today."

As much as she would like to stay and spend a little more time with the curious elf, she knew the general's email was still unanswered and it was best not to keep him waiting for too long. Mug and folder left on the table in the common room, she hurried down the hall to the elevators. Rather than running up to her office, Myleen slipped into a computer lab on the floor above and logged in with her secure profile. A short note thanking the general was quickly written with an invitation to speak with the broken creature at his earliest convenience. She clicked the send button and fell back in her chair with a sigh. So much had happened in the last 72 hours. Her wits tested, worldview shattered, and a heaping of stress added onto what should have been a simple case. Myleen slipped her glasses off and stroked the bridge of her nose. "What do I do?" she muttered to herself. "What am I supposed to do?"
Darren's only solace in this whole situation was that Harry still seemed so wary of him. If he was not being the perfectly behaved creature right now he might have done something but as it was he was absolutely perfect if for no other reason than to get the hell out of that room.

Once he was back in his cell he nearly threw himself to the ground and kissed it. Hellish as it was, it had quickly become a haven where he was safe from the horrors outside. As the door closed behind him he did go as far as to throw himself on the ground for a while and cry, just a little. Even if it was only to speak just going back into that room had been almost more than he could take. He couldn't seem to ease the ball of tension inside of him and he had no idea how long he laid there on the floor, an unthinking mess of emotions.

Upstairs, The General's secretary was waiting for him to get out of his meeting. Some half an hour later General Stone and several other high ranking officials emerged from the meeting room and went their various ways. A couple tried to follow the general and speak but once he saw the expression on his secretaries face he shooed them away. "What is it, Annie?"

"Agent Smithers has reported back, saying the elf is subdued and ready for you sir."

Stone raised an eyebrow, but a pleased smile grew on his face. "I knew that girl had potential. All you need is to give them the proper motivation." He was as much pleased with himself as Myleen. "Well then, let's see what little Darren has to say now hmm?" He changed his direction and started heading for the elevators. "Oh, and send Agent Smithers a message telling her I'm going to see him now and she may join me if she wishes. If not tell her to meet me whenever I have another opening today."

"4:00 PM sir." Annie replied without even checking her phone.

"Very good then."

General Stone arrived at the cell to find only Harry there at the moment. "Open up." He ordered and watched the man scramble to open the door before Stone simply walked into it. Darren was curled up into a ball on the floor, he hadn't even bothered to sit up when the general came in or hide his obviously tear stained face. Stone thought the scene looked rather promising, but of course he would test the limits to make sure the child was sufficiently broken. "Good evening, Darren." He said conversationally.

The was a moment of silence before the heap that was Darren stirred a bit and those haunted eyes finally focused on him. "Evening...General..." He spoke in a bland voice, completely free of any inflection.

"I hear you're finally ready to behave." The generals tone did not change either.

Darren cast his eyes back at the ground and hunched his shoulders at the remembered pain. "Yes sir." He said, rather quickly and with a touch of fear this time.

The General's stern expression was melting back into his pleased one, but he wasn't done yet. "Excellent. Now prove it. Come kiss my boots and tell me you are now a loyal dog to the humans." He pointed at the over-shined surface of his military boots.

Darren had expected something like this but that didn't make it any easier to drag himself up into a kneeling position, moving like he was injured far more than he actually was. He crawled a painful step forward and was glad the general couldn't see his expression of disgust as he pressed his lips to that shiny surface. It tasted terrible and he tried not to lick his lips as he forced himself to speak. " a loyal dog-" He felt a physical pain in his chest and choked over the words a bit. "To the humans." He wanted to crawl back to his crevice next to the cot but he waited, just to make the general extra sure he was properly cowed.

The General, bastard that he was, let the moment drag out before not so gently kicking Darren back to roughly where he was before. The elf let out a pained breath and rubbed his chest, but did not so much as give the general and angry look.
Myleen's attention was quickly drawn back to the computer as an email from the general's secretary bounced into her inbox. He was going to see Darren so soon? A characteristic frown pulled down at her lips and furrowed her brow. Whether she should hurry down to meet the general or not was an agonizing decision to make, but gradually she came to the conclusion that her presence at that meeting could only make things worse. She wasn't sure if she'd be able to see the elf humiliated with composure, and she wasn't sure if Darren would appreciate an audience. Besides, her absence might best communicate her trust in Darren... to both parties. She opted to confirm the appointment for 4 PM.

How she spent the time remaining until the meeting, Myleen was not fully aware. Between her nonverbal musings, research into the folklore and legends of elves, and infrequent glances at the clock on the wall, her time did pass. Once it occurred to her that her half-drunk coffee was still sitting in the prison hold, but she did not feel inclined to rescue it. Harry had probably finished it long ago. Finally, the hands of the clock crept to quarter til four and she reluctantly shut down the computer before making her way to the general's office. Suit and slacks were adjusted, hair was preened, and glasses were fixed with the help of her dull reflection on the elevator control panel. She was ready to impress.

Promptly at four, she was admitted into his mighty presence.

"I hope you found our little friend satisfactory, General," Agent Smithers said with a sly smile after giving the man the customary salute.
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General Stone spoke with Darren a bit longer but the elf did not seem inclined to show any hints of the resistance he'd had before so it did not take long for Stone to call himself quite satisfied. He returned to his office where his next appointment was already waiting for him. They looked rather offended at having to wait but it was a minor official, just someones messenger and checking out the precious new elf had been far more important.

When the general left Darren returned to his curled up position on the floor, once again rubbing at the spot where he had gotten kicked. He would probably have a bruise. It didn't take much to bruise him. He closed his eyes and let out a heavy tired sigh before passing out. He had been completely wrung out by all the emotional upheaval today.

In the General's office at 4:00 PM, Stone was waiting for her. At her words his didn't bother to hold back his grin anymore. "Well done Agent Smithers, you exceeded my expectations." He slid a new badge across the table. "As I promised, you'll be following the elf to his new location. I'm trusting you to make sure he continues to behave for the staff there. You are officially his handler now." That knowing look passed over his face again. "And he is yours to do what you wish with, so long as he is still available to the rest of the staff when needed." He smirked and leaned back in his chair. "My secretary should send you a complete itinerary for tomorrow, make sure you and the elf are at your best when it's time to leave."
Agent Smithers leaned over to accept the badge and studied it carefully, turning it around in her hands. She might as well be holding Darren himself-- his life, his well-being, everything he had. To have that much power over someone meant an incredible responsibility. Of course, to the general, he had just given her a pet. Nothing more. But if she was allowed to do anything, anything she wished... "I can do anything I see fit with him as long as he is available when he needs to be... is that right?" she clarified as she slipped the badge into her wallet. While the general might have other ideas as to what that question entailed, her thoughts were quite full of giving Darren a taste of freedom by allowing him time outside.
General stone raised an eyebrow, his mind still very much in those other ideas. He just assumed she was either thinking of something quite kinky or still somewhat shy and hesitant about the whole thing since she was the more serious sort. "Anything you want, so long as he is available..." He paused and raised an eyebrow. "and functional when called." He reaffirmed, waving his hand dismissively, that amused grin still on his face.
Agent Smithers nodded her head. "Thank you, General. Can you have your secretary put that in writing and send it with the itinerary?" She stood up and smoothed her slacks. "I like to cover my tracks," she added with a hint of a blush and a push of her glasses to readjust them. Then excusing herself, she gave the general another salute and headed to the door. "I better see to cleaning up that elf now. He reeks of sweat, fear, and burnt flesh."

She had much to do before Darren was ready to be moved tomorrow. He had to be cleared from max security before she could even take him to the showers to freshen up. New clothes needed to be found, for his were pitiable. She had to pack up her office since it was technically no longer hers. In her haze of thoughts she pondered a moment if she would even be granted a new office. Or was she to be housed in this new complex with the elf? What was her life going to be like? Then there was the question of figuring out the elf's diet and schedule once she had access to the itinerary. What did elves actually eat anyway?

Myleen sighed in frustration while punching in the numbers for security on her cell. Her new title and pay may have the look of a promotion, but being taken out of the action to be a "pet handler" was pathetic in her eyes. It was a waste of her talents, and if it weren't for the fact that she was so concerned over Darren's safety, she would have turned it down flat. But she owed it to him. He needed a friend and she was likely the only person he had who believed his innocence.

"Yes, Darren Ellid, the elf that was brought in," she replied to the inquiry on the other end. "He's to be taken off high security. Look, I don't care where you place his threat level. I just need him to have access to the facilities in that building. What? Oh for crying out loud. He's to move out tomorrow and he can't do that if it takes 48 hours to change his status, now can he? The general would be most upset. Yes, General Stone. You'll look into it? Good. I want him cleared in two hours tops, got that?"

Myleen slammed her phone into her pocket and gave a disgusted grunt. Now, to packing up her office.
Thanks to Myleen's free use of General Stone's name, Darren looked the best he had in quite some time come the next morning, if you didn't count the still obvious injuries from his torture and attempt at suicide. He had been given a simple pair of black slacks and a white long sleeve button up shirt that covered most of the wounds though the bandages still peeked out of the cuffs at his wrists. He was clean and his hair which had been quite matted and plastered to his head was blowing freely in the faint morning breeze and practically glowed, despite it's darker color. Darren had cleaned himself quite thoroughly, despite the exceptional amount of pain he put himself through.

The elf and Myleen were surrounded by several guards from the facility they were going to as they waited for the armored truck, once again made of magic deadening material, to arrive and transport the group to the new facility. Darren was trying not to show it but he was leaning ever so slightly into the breeze and inhaling as subtly as possible. He had no idea if this was going to be his last chance to stand in the sunshine and enjoy fresh air for a long while. He tried not to think it would be for the rest of his life, because it was quite a long one.

Eventually, he glanced down at the itinerary held in the agents hand. Apparently she had already been up for a while, signing papers and making preparations. Now, at 8:57 in the morning they would soon be getting on the truck which should be there any minute now, and ride for 2 1/2 hours until they arrived at what would be their new home for a while. From there they had a tour which was estimated for a half hour, lunch and at 1:00 he was going to be dragged around for various "interviews" that he highly doubted were just that and dinner at 6:00 for Myleen with the director of the site. It looked like Darren was going to be busy with the "interviewers" until well into the night.

Darren's ears twitched as he heard the sound of an engine and his shoulders drooped for a moment before squaring up as he prepared for the end to his brief reprieve.
Clutching her clipboard close, Myleen scanned the schedule for the umpteenth time that morning. It read so simply yet she felt like she was missing something crucial. She flipped the page up to make sure it didn't have anything written on the backside and her eyes fell on the note underneath. A hint of a smile tugged at her lips as she read the simple permission slip with the general's seal. He hadn't even bothered to sign it, but it was still valid enough to get away with just about anything. A sigh escaped as her eyes drifted over to her cuffed hand dangling next to Darren's. She could do what she wanted, but what was in store for him?

The armored truck rumbled down the back alley and stopped just after passing the little party. The back door swung open as another guard hopped out to hold it. Myleen scrambled into the truck as one guard held her by the elbow to help her up and another shoved Darren up after her. A bench ran down each side. Myleen and Darren were sandwiched between two guards on one and the other three guards crowded onto the bench across the way. She kept her eyes on her clipboard and her unshackled hand at the hem of her skirt to ward off the wandering eyes of the guards.

Two and a half hours dragged by until Myleen woke with her head nestled against Darren's arm as the truck came to a halt. Thank goodness I didn't fall the other way, she thought to herself at the jealous look in her neighbour's eye. "How long was I asleep?" she mumbled, scooting closer to Darren as the guard shifted his position with a little too much exaggeration in his movements. The door flung open and sunlight flooded the compartment. Myleen blinked rapidly to adjust her eyesight while half the guards jumped out. The agent and her prisoner stepped off next, followed by the other half of their posse.

The truck had driven them out into the country. In front of them stood a low hill with an entrance like a garage. Myleen raised a brow. This must really be top secret if the project was hidden away in an underground bunker. "Let's go," she said curtly, tugging her "pet" behind her. The guards closed in around them and the processional marched down the drive into the building where they were greeted by a middle-aged man in a lab coat.

"Agent Smithers?"


"I'm Dr. Petrillo. Welcome to our little community," he paused to give Darren a fake smile. "Follow me, I'll show you our facilities."

Myleen waved away the guards as the door thudded closed. "Well, here goes," she whispered.
Darren was distinctly uncomfortable with the hostile gazes of some of the guards. It was one thing for the general populace to look a bit askance at him because he looked homeless most of the time, but these people knew what he was and it was more personal somehow. He zoned out for a bit until Myleen fell on him, he looked down at her with surprise but was afraid to so much as twitch a muscle, both because he didn't want to wake her up and because it looked like the guards might just kill him if he did.

He was quite relieved when she woke up and managed to make his 6'2" stature quite small as the door was opened and he was greeted with his new home. He immediately did not like it, but said nothing as he was pulled along. He really did need to pretend much that he was too afraid to do anything. The only reason he was holding himself together was the silver of hope that he and Myleen could really do something here.

He liked the doctor about as much as he liked the facility but he did make a point of paying close attention as they wound through the hallways. The first level they had arrived on had the big mess hall and the barracks for the large amount of guards stationed here. The second level was the more usual living quarters for the scientists and people like Myleen. Under that was the labs, which developed all the weapons and such where they spent most of their time. The next floor was the cells for those creatures being held there.

The cells varied greatly. Some looked like normal rooms aside from having advanced locks on them. Some were as hostile as the one Darren had just left. Needless to say he was quite relieved when they were shown to the room that was to be his and it was one of the former set. He still didn't like being locked up underground, but it made him hopeful that there was going to be a lot less physical pain in his future. Of course at that point a lackey came up and said it was time for lunch. Because Myleen was with them they were taken not to the guards mess hall but to the much more comfortable cafeteria/break room for the scientists. Darren was already eying their salad spread with interest, but he was still firmly tethered to Myleen and had to wait for her to make her choices. He was still afraid to open his mouth or pretty much do anything else to draw attention towards himself right now.
Myleen grew more and more tense as the tour progressed and it only alleviated a little at the sight of Darren's room. She could only imagine the types of creatures who might inhabit the cold cells. Perhaps leprechauns were detained in those. If those destructive little imps were even sent here, which they probably were. Magic creatures and all. The thought of living under the same roof as one made her shudder and she was thankful when the tour moved on.

Every once in a while she gave Darren a tug on the restraints, glared, and jerked her hand into a more comfortable position for herself-- for appearance's sake of course-- and this she did again as they entered the cafeteria. Myleen followed Dr. Petrillo to the start of the buffet and picked up a plate. She lingered over the meat and potatoes, selecting a slice of cold ham and scooping a small mound of mashed potatoes onto her plate as Dr. Petrillo continued to boast of their facilities and the access to "life" inside their concrete walls. Apparently there was even a pool and a gym on the level with their living quarters.

"I don't suppose you have an indoor garden and spa here, do you?" she teasingly asked.

"Spa yes, garden no," the doctor replied.

Myleen chuckled, "This is beginning to remind me of a hotel I stayed in out in North Dakota. But they also had a small mall and coffee shop adjacent to the lobby."

"Top floor," the doctor grinned. Myleen gawked.


"Well, the mall isn't much, just a few peddlers we allow in every once in a while, but there is a coffee shop."

"Let me guess, those peddlers never leave."

"Usually not."

Myleen nodded her head and moved on to the salad bar. Knowing that Darren would get the majority of his meal here, she debated a little longer than necessary on whether she wanted a spinach salad or romaine before adding a few almonds, strawberry slices, and a citrus poppyseed dressing, but as soon as her plate was filled, she took off and followed the doctor to a table.

"So, doctor," Myleen said while unfolding a napkin onto her lap "What else do I need to know about your excellent facilities?"
Every time Myleen jerked her hand back Darren made a very good show of meekly scooting closer and doing that thing where he somehow made himself seem smaller. It had worked pretty well so far. Even though there were a fair amount of curious glances his way they rarely lingered. The lack of curiosity about an elf was actually pretty telling that there were at least a few other ones in this facility and Darren couldn't help but muse on that fact. Obviously, they were being collected for something, which wasn't a surprise. He had sensed that from the general almost immediately. The problem had been that Darren had been stupid enough to open his mouth against the man.

Darren couldn't help but muse on the fact and almost missed his opportunity to get his food while lost in his thoughts. He scrambled to throw a large helping of the spinach salad, some eggs, and some cheese on top before tossing some strawberries on the side at which point he was tugged away by Myleen sans any dressing. Which honestly was fine with him, raw vegies obviously did not bother him much. He half listened to the others at his table talk while he quickly munched down on his salad, concerned with how regular his meals here were going to be.

Soon, he tuned out the conversation next to him entirely as it degenerated mostly to comparing personnel at either facility as far as he could tell. There wasn't much more information to be gained from this person, they'd have to wait until Myleen met with the director to find out what was really going on here.

After another half hour they were led back down to a specific room the laboratory level and several other doctors descended with wary anticipation. "Ah! So it's true, you really did capture the last Ellid." The leader of the group was so excited he was just short of bouncing on his heels. "He's...tame right? The general said he was." The doctor winced as he was nudged in the side. "Oh! Right uhm, I'm Doctor Bradley and I specialize in the development of new devices." He smiled winningly and held out a hand to Myleen. "Along with you I've been given stewardship of little Darren so when he is not er...busy, with you he'll work with me. Before that of course we have to determine his skills and abilities. You're probably fairly familiar with that but you're still welcome to sit in and watch the tests." He spoke rather quickly, aside from the hesitation before 'busy', but that could be attributed to his excitement.

Darren didn't seem to know what to think. This Doctor Bradly had already said some very odd things in reference to Darren, one which was very clinical and the other which was almost fond. Darren had no idea how such mindsets could even coexist. He didn't much like the room they'd been brought to either. The endless white walls of this level made his eyes hurt and for some reason all of the what looked like medical equipment had also been painted white for the most part. There was one large chair that dominated a full quarter of the room that had most of the machines around it that gave Darren a decidedly bad feeling. Another quarter of the room looked almost like a mini-break room and had some snacks, a water cooler, and a coffee maker.

The other corners of the room was dominated by more tables and counters lining the walls. One quarter seemed to have some sort of broken down and/or in progress of being made device scattered around it. The last corner had several of what looked like centrifuges, but not quite, along with some more unrecognizable machinery.
Myleen studied the peculiar room over her metal rims, but the most peculiar object was the doctor who greeted them. If she didn't know any better, she'd have pegged him as the inventor of flubber. He looked like he could jump to any height any minute now. Though not as obviously energetic as their spokesperson, the others doctors in the room seemed just as excited about the elf. Stepping forward, she extended her hand to the man as he introduced himself. "Dr. Bradley, it's a pleasure." She did not return his smile and instead found her jaw tightening at the "busy" innuendo. My God, is there anyone in this project who is not in it for an adult play toy? The general's knowing looks had been revolting, but this was just pathetic. Although she did have to admit when the prison doctor had been examining Darren and opened the elf's shirt... Snap out of it, girl! Myleen mentally slapped herself and tried to refocus on Dr. Bradley's blabbering. Skills, abilities, right... not that kind. Of course not that kind. This was the government after all, not a brothel. She wondered if too much exposure to elven charm reduced one to a sex addict. That would explain the general at least.

"I'd be most interested in watching you work, Dr. Bradley. I have no engagements this afternoon," Myleen replied when the lull of conversation rather than the doctor's invitation cued her to answer. She snapped the cuff off her wrist and held it out to the man. "He's all yours."
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Dr. Bradley's beaming grin widened, if that was possible, as he took the cuff. "Excellent." He gestured towards the mini-break area. "Take a seat there if you'd like. Help yourself to whatever is on the table." After that he seemed to have completely exhausted his interest in Myleen and gently tugged Darren towards the chair. Darren did not look particularly thrilled to be put in the thing and Bradley actually half turned to give him a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, the most painful things you'll have to worry about are some pinpricks."

Darren still looked rather worried but didn't resist as he was firmly pushed down into the chair. There were straps to secure the person sitting in it but neither Bradley nor any of the other white coated people in the room made a move to use them. It seemed until Darren proved himself dangerous they wouldn't. Even the cuff was removed with a mutter of 'interfering with the readings.' Replacing the cuffs were all sorts of little sensors with wires coming off them that was starting to make Darren look a bit like some freakish science experiment.

Once everything was just to Dr Bradley's specifications he went to the computer next to the chair and pulled up the various readings in several screens, making several pleased murmurs. "Excellent." He seemed really fond of that word. "Now then Darren, without invoking any of your magic, tell us a little bit about yourself."

Darren resisted the urge to shift uncomfortably, all sorts of unpleasant emotions rearing up at the thought of his past. He especially did not feel like sharing them with this doctor, however conversational the request had been.

Before he could even start though the doctor tutted softly. "Now that won't do, you must stay calm for this first test." He pondered for a moment. "Describe the color blue."

Darren blinked a few times. "Er...well it's blue. It has a slower wavelength and is one of the 3 base colors I think?" It had been an awful long time since those science classes.

The doctor nodded absently as he spoke but was much more intent on the readings he was receiving. "Not bad, still a bit elevated but quite impressive." He still had a smile on his face as he turned and sent Darren for an emotional tailspin once again. "Now, tell us about when your parent's disappeared."

Darren gave him a startled look, recoiling a bit despite himself. The doctor had already turned back to the screen by then. The numbers were jumping all over the place. Darren was silent for a few seconds before his expressive expression went blank and he stared determinedly up at the ceiling. "I was coming home from school, it was a fairly chilly fall day. I could sense something was wrong when I approached the house and I...I saw a flash of light and heard my mother scream." His blank facade cracked just a bit. "My parents had always warned me to stay away if something I ran." Darren's shoulders were hunched just slightly but he was doing his best not to do anything that might prolong what was obviously going to be some stressful testing.
Myleen clasped her hands behind her back and wandered aimlessly about the room. The doctors were much too concerned with their precious elf to pay much attention to her, or so she thought. Perhaps there was something here to discover. She had just bent over to study one of the centrifuge-esque machines when a tap on her shoulder made her jump.

"Oh, pardon me," one of the doctors smiled down at her apologetically. He held out a white lab coat. "If you're going to stay, you'll need to put on one of these. And tuck your hair inside it. Everything must be white, white as possible, for the tests."

Taking the coat from the man, Myleen raised an eyebrow. "Why is that?" She slipped her arms through the sleeves and tugged the coat closed over her suit. It was way too big for her petite frame. She practically swam in it. Myleen rolled up the sleeves to her wrists as the balding man before her spoke.

"Colour stirs the emotions. It distracts. It skews results." The doctor wrung his hands and glanced from Myleen to the elf. 'A mouse,' Myleen decided. 'He resembles a mouse.' It was apparent Dr. Mouse would rather pace about the strange contraption they had Darren hooked up to with the other white-frocked men than keep her out of trouble. Myleen followed his gaze and smirked.

"A pretty little Frankenstein they have going on there. What does that machine do?"

"We mustn't distract the little elf," Dr. Mouse shushed her with the wave of his hand. His eyes were still intently fixed on Dr. Bradley and Darren. Myleen tiptoed away from him to the gizmos and gadgets strewn across the floor in the other corner of the room. She sat on her heels and peered into the opened cavity of the unfinished device. It looked so strange, like alien technology, but she could still make out the makings of a receiver for remote control. That was no help, though. Standing to her feet again, she shoved her hands into the pockets on the lab coat and meandered over to the coffee-maker to pour herself a cup of coffee. Steaming mug in hand, she hopped up onto one of the bar stools at the counter and cradled the mug in her lap.

"Now, tell us about when your parent's disappeared."

Myleen perked her ears up and listened carefully to Darren's reply. It was a question she wanted the answer to but hadn't found the time to ask it without seeming like she was prying. 'Poor guy. And he's been alone ever since...more than alone. He's been ostracized.' With baited breath she waited to see what else the doctor would pull out of him. If she could learn about her charge this way, it would lessen her chances of unintentionally hurting Darren later.
After that Dr. Bradly did his best to evoke emotions all over the spectrum with leading questions that made it quite obvious he knew quite a bit about Darren, aside from the exact details of his life on the street. Every response seemed to please the doctor greatly but Darren was looking more than a little worn out. He had had to talk about his relationship with his parents, which had been good but was very painful to think about. He had a brief reprieve describing things that made him happy, which at this point involved nice sunny days, good cups of coffee and real beds. They didn't make him very happy but they were the only snatches of contentedness he could recall these past years and thankfully the doctor seemed satisfied.

Then Bradley asked how Darren felt about the general. Darren went deathly silent, even his breathing seemed to have stopped. Finally, in a completely bland tone he said. "He's the general." On the computer, the doctor seemed to be getting the biggest spikes yet and seemed quite intrigued.

"I see. Yes well, very true." He hummed softly to himself. "Wonderful, a much better subject than-" He stopped himself abruptly and shrugged whatever he was saying off before turning and grinning brightly. "Now then, it's time for the fun part. Tell us about your magic."

Darren frowned slightly and resisted the urge to shrug as it would probably pull the various sensors off of him. "There's not much to say. I am good with glamours, decent with mesmers and I know a little bit of conjuring..." He sighed softly and glanced away. "After all, my parents haven't been around to teach me much."

The doctor looked a little disappointed, but he could hardly complain about a thing that was their own fault. "True, but did you not experiment while on your own?"

"Why try to get better at something that made you a target?" Darren couldn't help the dry tone that came into his voice. Any practicing of higher level more obvious magic would just have made it that much easier to find him. He had no reason to try and expand his repertoire.

Bradley managed to not react particularly to that, if anything he seemed rather amused. "Ah well, that will not be much of a problem." He glanced over as a more military looking man stepped into the room. "yes?"

"I'm here to take Agent Smithers to her dinner." The man said, glancing around and easily picking Myleen from the group. "If you would come with me, the director is waiting for you." He waited briefly for her to get up and start towards the door before he turned around and marched back towards the elevator, taking her back up to the first basement floor and leading her deep into the complex. The furnishings got nicer and nicer until they reached what was obviously the directors suite. Just inside there was a table set up for two and the director was already sitting in one of the seats.

"Welcome, Agent Smithers." The director flashed her a winning smile. He was lean and athletic looking, he hadn't gone to seed after climbing up to his position like some had. His black hair was long enough to hang around his face, showing off two piercingly brilliant green eyes. "Do sit, please. What do you think of the facility so far?"
"Of course." Myleen set the half-finished coffee on the counter and hopped off the stool. She took the long way around to the door while peeling off the lab coat, which let her pass in Darren's full view. Should he happen to lock eyes with her, she'd give him a subtle wink as encouragement. Dr. Mouse met her half-way to the door and she passed the lab coat off to him. "Thank you for letting me watch, Dr. Bradley. It was most fascinating. Carry on." With that, she tossed her ponytail over her shoulder and exited the room in purposeful strides. The walk was uneventful, her escort being unwilling to start a conversation and Agent Smithers not adverse to silence. It allowed her to gawk without interruption.

Somehow it didn't surprise her that the facilities could house such a lavish quarter. It made her feel ill-dressed in her business suit and skirt, but this was technically business and not a social event. She paused as her escort opened a door for her and stood at attention until she passed through. 'Maybe this is more of a social event,' she thought with bemusement at the intimate supper arrangement. God, how she disliked blind dates.

"Welcome, Agent Smithers. Do sit, please. What do you think of the facility so far?"

"Enchanting," Smithers replied with a straight face and arched brow. Her heels clicked in an equally serious demeanor across the floorboards. Sinking into the offered chair, she crossed her ankles and folded her hands in her lap. "Though some floors are more to my liking than others."
The director chuckled softly. "Well, that is the unfortunate side effect of what we do here." He leaned back in his chair and gestured towards the food laid out in front of them. "Eat, please. We have a few things to discuss." He waited for her to take a bite of the Parmesan chicken and pasta before continuing. "The general had much to say about you in the report he transferred over. We're all quite impressed at the speed at which you captured and tamed the Ellid child. As you may have realized while touring a facility, or at least suspected, that we are quite dependent on the magical beings housed here to produce the items that we do. If not for them we would not be able to counter the dangers their kinds pose."

A rather amused smile came to the directors face. "After all, only magic is really effective against magic." He went silent for a few moments and seemed to be looking Myleen over in a way that read into her soul. "I know being the keeper to an animal was not what you were looking for but the general does mean to leave you so. He had sent you hear to learn certain things but he has bigger plans for you. Skill such as yours will not be wasted watching a tame animal for too long."

He finally took a few bites of his own food while he pondered how to proceed. "You are probably not aware but we've had the Ellid boy's parents at this facility for quite some time. In all that time we have not been able to convince them to cooperate so we've been forced to drug and siphon them, which is a poor second to the aid they could be giving us as I'm sure you can imagine. We've been stunted here, barely able to produce the products needed to outfit your average agent, let alone advance our technologies. You and Darren could be the break in that. Essentially, you are just what we need to ensure we are always the safest nation in the world."
At the director's invitation, Smithers plucked her napkin from the table and spread it across her lap. She bowed her head for a moment in the same mealtime prayer she always prayed now-a-days: 'God, if You're really there, give me wisdom. Non-poisoned food would also be nice. Amen.' Since when did her life become exclusively dedicated to keeping up appearances? With an inaudible sigh she picked up her silverware and began cutting into the sumptuous smelling supper.

"The general had much to say about you in the report he transferred over. We're all quite impressed at the speed at which you captured and tamed the Ellid child. As you may have realized while touring a facility, or at least suspected, that we are quite dependent on the magical beings housed here to produce the items that we do. If not for them we would not be able to counter the dangers their kinds pose."

Myleen listened intently as the director spoke, glancing up at him during the appropriate pauses between chewing and slicing off another piece of chicken. When he stopped to evaluate her, she set down her silverware and returned the stare with an air of confidence.

"I know being the keeper to an animal was not what you were looking for but the general doesn't mean to leave you so. He had sent you here to learn certain things but he has bigger plans for you. Skill such as yours will not be wasted watching a tame animal for too long."

"That is the first pleasant news I have heard all day," Smithers inserted into his pause. She took a sip of wine then, relishing the dry burn that crawled down her throat. The director began talking again, pitching balls from left and right field. Myleen kept herself outwardly calm and relaxed while her mind raced to keep up. Darren's parents were here. Alive. Enslaved, but alive. For the sake of a safe nation. Which, coincidentally, was her agenda as well... Making her country a safer place one task at a time.

Her eyes glinted. "Anything for national security." She resumed eating her meal and asked between bites, "Tell me, has your pet project actually made headway in realizing that goal or is it still in the distant future? And what exactly is my part in this? What am I expected to do in the meantime? Sit idly all day and twiddle my thumbs hoping against hope that the elf throws a tantrum so I can beat him into submission again?"