The Guild of El'yssi (Exploration Fantasy)

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A sound of impact. A sickening crunch. A scream of a voice that had become familiar to her. As Kula's eye followed the point of impact, her breathing cut out from the tense, short breaths into a choke of total confusion and stunned silence. The fluffy mage... was... was he...

Her body rushing over, Kula's body dropped as it crouched over the critter's body, her breathing so hard you could hear a distressed whimper coming through it.
"N-No, no, don't... don't go yet..." Kula stammered, her lip trembling the closer and closer she looked at him. He was completely bloodied... so many bones were broken... as she looked closer, Kula's body shuddered as the tears began to fall out of her eye, water soaking against her bandage.

"Why did you do that... w-why did you attack him... if you would've just held your fire... fucking damn it!!" Kula sobbed as she addressed the half-dead critter, thumping the ground. Why did she feel so strongly about a creature that was so rude to them; a creature she'd known for not even a day? She always thought she viewed him simply as a way of giving them a quest, but... but... now he was actually gone... it... it...

Suddenly, as Kula's head faced the ground in her sobs, she could hear something. Breathing. Very slow, very faint, but breathing. In an act of desperation, she bought waves forth as hard as her body would allow her. All she could think about was: 'Please, I know my healing isn't strong, but please, Gods... if you're even there... let this one spell fix him.' But it was no use. The water only cleansed the critter of blood and closed shut only his minor injuries. Kula's head slowly dropped in defeat, her arms gently picking up the paralyzed, barely-alive, and likely soon to be dead creature.

Him. It was him. That bastard. That fucking, smiling, yawning, black-haired BASTARD. As the man left the Sári with his final message, Kula's face tilted upwards. Her face previously held a small black splatter, but it was slowly becoming enveloped in the darkness. Out of the sea of black and shining gray came a blinding, blue, watery ball that was Kula's eye, accompanied by a row of sharp white teeth.

"I will come and join you one day." Kula's voice was a monotonic hiss, the tone to her voice completely shattered by her emotions. "And that place will be hell." Despite her absolutely deadly threat and look, she knew she couldn't attack him. She knew he didn't care at all; all he wanted to do was preach his lies and walk away smiling if she or Caris didn't want to believe them. All she could do was hold the critter and fall.

Caris's threat, while no doubt having the same gut wrenching rage, was a lot less eloquent. Letting out a furious cry of anguish, Caris charged at the retreating group. The black spreading across his body as the rage filled fishman charged for revenge. The little...forest...thing, had been a right pain in their ass from the start. But it had grown on the Sari...and such a brutal attack couldn't be forgiven, even in self defense.

"You son of a bitch! You'll pay for that!" He had quite the ground to go, but Caris was angry.

And an Angry Sari was hard to stop.

Reylla had watched the interaction between the tiny fuzzy creature and the lazy man with fascination, holding her hand in front of Vasha's face so he doesn't charge forward. This was all so odd and confusing. God elements? Demigods? Was this all part of Vin's test? If so, she wasn't sure what was going on, but Reylla felt fairly certain she was doing well.

She jumps back as the creature creates an earthen cage, and puts her hand to her mouth when it is blasted away by the man's retaliation. She swears under her breath, half disgusted and half incredibly impressed. She starts to approach now, in the back of her head wondering if she'd ever be able to hit that hard. Something to plan on she supposed.

It's the emotion in Kula's voice that makes her decide to stay. She couldn't turn her back on someone who had helped her in the past, especially in such a desperate time. "Thanks, but I came here to join the Guild. And Reylla Stonearm never backs down from a challenge she's decided to face." She grins at him, hoping this will smooth things over as it would in her village, but it's obviously a little forced as she's intent on getting to Kula.

Reylla's eyes widen as Caris, apparently overtaken with rage, charges forward at the lazy man. Without thinking she releases Vasha. "Drenth!" She commands in her native tongue and Vasha, well trained, lunges forward, aiming for the large Sari's legs in order to trip him. At the same time Reylla follows at a sprint, putting her hand out to catch Caris's shoulder. She barrels into him, putting her weight into stopping him. "You crazy?" She hisses, "You helped me so I'll help you. Live for the next fight."

In Caris blind anger, he didn't see either Reylla or Vasha. The two of them managed bring the big fishman to a halt, and hold him down. Caris said nothing at first, just breathing heavily. He wanted to break free and attack, but a small part of him knew the truth. He saw what he did to the small creature...Caris wouldnt' stand a chance. Relaxing himself, Caris' shoulder's dropped somewhat as he stepped back, letting the others leave. He had to focus on what was imporant. If their ally was still alive...he would do whatever he could. That wasn't much, but he would try...

"I'm good...I'm good.." He let out a sigh. "Thank you, friend. You as well dog. I just...I lost control of myself there, I am sorry." He looked back to Kula, before slowly moving over. "Kula! How is he faring? Is it bad?"

"...Very bad..." Kula replied quietly, though she seemed extremely relieved when she heard Caris's voice. "What's a miracle is that he's alive, but... his heartbeat is so faint. He has countless severe bone fractures from the point of impact... all my healing can do is make him look okay by sealing off the external injuries, but really, it's the internal injuries that make his condition so severe. He's paralyzed." Kula looked up, her walk slow and sad as she carried the critter to the other two. She stopped in front of the giant, her eye looking her up and down, before her body arched over into a low bow.

"Thank you stopping Caris. I let my emotions overtake me, and couldn't stop him myself.... so I thought... when he charged, he'd..." Kula didn't stop bowing, and her voice cracked as she almost burst into tears. "...I-If I lost him as well, I don't know what I'd do. I would've lost my mind and tried an attack, which would only result in the same fate. You saved us. You and your pet."

Kula stood up straight again, wiping her watery eye with her arm.
"This village... have you been here? Do you know the area around it?" Kula asked Reylla quietly. "Because if there are no professional doctors around, I need a water source. As long as both me and this critter are submerged in water, my healing becomes improved, enough to mend broken bones with enough time. It may take until nightfall, but I think I could regain his conciousness that way."

Reylla claps Caris on the back when he seems to regain his composure. "No need for thanks." She murmurs as they walk toward the other Sari, the one who had carried the injured man away on a wave. Reylla gives her a bow back, smiling warmly. "No need for your thanks either. Owed you both one, can't see the harm in saving decent folk." Spotting the limp creature in Kula's hands, Reylla remembers the gravity of the situation and drops her cheerful demeanor.

"Enough, do we plan to live our lives in fear? Unable to sustain our lifestle without the assistance of the Guild? Unhand me, and let me be on my way." The sudden voice burst with gruff anger as several men popped out of a nearby hut--two of which were attempting to hold back the oldest of the group. They all fell silent, however, when the illumination of their torches gave vision of the applicants now crowded round the injured critter.

"Bandits!" The two men screamed as they reached for the weapons at their side; however, the older man smacked them into silence before chastising their outburst. "Do they appear dressed like the others? Did you watch nothing of the giantess' actions?" Without hesitation, the elder confidently walked forward with an inquiry of their condition; however, he quickly fell silent before a single word escaped his lips and lingered on the air, "Shamitheo(Sha-myth-eo)"

In an instant, the elder broke into a surprising sprint and plopped next the critter's broken body after which he rapidly began a general inspection. The process lasted for several minutes until a heavy sigh escaped his lips and beads of sweat dripped off his brow.

"We have no time. If his own spirit is not repairing the damage of his body, then the spirit bond within his body is shattered." With the conclusion of the critter's status, the elder turned towards the pair of men to whom he barked a sharp order. "Fools! Gather and construct a gurney." Without question, they pair rushed off into the village while the elder turned his attention towards Reylla to whom he also directed.

"Giantess, your wolf. He must become a carrier for this creature. We cannot risk the death of his kind."

After drawing the dagger on his belt, the elder began rapidly drawing a crude map atop the dusty ground. The map was limited; however, it displayed far into the south-most side of the forest.

"To the south of our village is a lake--likely you met this critter there. Towards the southside of the lake, there is the remains of a river. It should be dried up by now, but if you follow its path, it will lead you to the original source of the lake. You must get him to that water.
I would do it myself, but...." The elder fell silent while an undescribable emotion flashed on his face; however, it dissapeared just as quickly as it had come. "If he's with you, then its better if you complete this task. You are explorers from the guild, no? As the village elder of Lok, I appoint this quest upon your names--Save Shamitheo."

Shortly after the completion of the elder's declaration, the pair of men returned with a haphazard gurney that was fit for the critter's size. Inside of the gurney were a collection of dried vines to be used for binding, in addition to several soft bundles of fiber to be used as cushion for the rough ride.

After the elder man spoke, Caris took a second back to catch his breath. He needed to calm down, both for his sake...and the others. The black ooze spreading around him had gods kenw what ill effects, and Caris didn't want to find out. His size meant he wasn't going to help much with the gurney either, the Northern Sari was just going to get in people's way. Slowly, as the process went on with the gurney, the black marks around Caris began to diminish slowly, and he walked around to different bandit corpses and collected their vials.

"Once we get past the riverbed, I can take over on holding him. If there's any swimming to do...well, I'll do my best to transport him as safely as possible, on this you two have my word." He gave a reassuring smile to both of them, and put a large hand on Kula's shoulder. "We must move swiftly my friend, for his sake." He looked down at the unconscious Shamitheo. Steeling his will, he nodded over to the others, forcing a confident smile to present a face that he was keeping calm. he had to for the others.

"I'm ready to go. We'll take your quest mister, no need to worry about that...we will save him, no matter what stands in our way. Right guys? Should be nothing more than a simple jog back to the lake. Just follow our lead friend, I'm Caris, and this is Kula...shame we keep meeting like this, but it's nice to see you again, honest!"

Reylla doesn't waste an instant after the elder delivers his instructions. With a nod of understanding in his direction Reylla kneals and takes Vasha's head between her hands, staring down into the direwolf's eyes. She whispers to him in her native tongue gently, petting his head and back as she starts to tie the gurney to his back. Vasha keeps his eyes darting between the strangers surrounding them, but no longer growls ferociously when they approach. Once the contraption is secure, Reylla stands and gives Vasha one last pat on the head. "Good boy."

She turns to rejoin the elder and her new Sari companions. Reylla nods in agreement with Caris. "Yes, we will complete this quest and return with news when we can. I don't wish to abandon your people to remaining bandits, have no fear." She claps him on the shoulder, trying to be gentle. These tiny people all seemed so fragile.

The giantess offers her shovel like hand to each of her new friends in turn. "Reylla Stonearm. Happy to have some companions on this journey. Now let's save this Shi… the sho… let's go!" She brings Vasha as close to the tiny battered body as possible, not wanting to move it much. "Go ahead and secure him in there, Vasha knows you're alright." Vasha does indeed stay stock still as Shamitheo is settled into the gurney, seeming to understand his task implicitly.

As Caris put a hand on her shoulder, Kula gave a meek nod. He did that a lot.
"I know. We'll make it. And he'd better not call us oafs of thieves when he wakes up." She added, looking up at Caris with the slightest of smiles. The black splotch on her face was fading, but extremely slowly. She looked at Caris for a moment, and for a second, it looked like she wanted to do something, but she didn't, turning to Reylla instead.

As Reylla extended her hand to shake, Kula's little hand wasn't able to grab the whole thing, so she smiled meekly as she settled for shaking one of Reylla's big fingers instead.
"Hello, Reylla. As Caris said, I'm Kula; Kula Aolani. Thank you again for helping us." She quietly introduced with a brief bow, though her voice was still a little cracked from earlier. By the time she looked up, Reylla would find herself being coated in soothing water that washed away the blood and repaired the little cuts and bruises. "Apologies for doing that without asking. But you looked very terrifying."

Setting down Shamitheo into the gurney and wrapping cordage around him to keep the critter in place, Kula's heart pounded a little as she got so close to Vasha. If she made a sudden movement, would the blood-coated direwolf pounce her? By the time Kula was finished, it seemed like he didn't, and she let out a relieved, outwards breath.
"Let's move at a jogging pace. We'll get exhausted if we run, but if we walk, there could be a risk of Shamitheo fading away. Him dying on us isn't an option, so let's move quickly and pray for a safe journey." Kula quickly said, before starting to move. It was getting dark.

She had a feeling this journey wouldn't be one without at least one attack.

Contrary to Kula's beliefs, the journey back to the lake went without any occurrance. The only sighting of potential threats were a set of alternate applicants who passed by in the distance; however, given their focus towards the completion of the Trials, it was unlikely they had even noticed any others under the veil of Lokwood's night.

The lake was exactly how Caris and Kula had left it--the chaos of their battle with Shamitheo littered in and around the altar while practically nothing of interest encompassed the area as a whole. Along the bank, there was plenty of room to maneuver towards the other side, where just as the elder had described, the remnants of a river was imprinted into the ground. Years of errosion had wiped a majority of its trace; however, there remained just enough to track in the darkness which surrounded them--at least if they dared move past the cloud of multi-color smoke which loomed at its mouth.

Without a doubt, the smoke represented the barrier which Vin had described, and this fact became even more apparent, when a familiar voice called out from the darkness.

"Well, well, well. There is also some who dare transcend the rules put in place.
Not to mention, it seems as if the Trials have sent you to hell and back." In a puff of smoke, Vin appeared before the pair of Sari whom he proceeded to poke with a glove-covered finger. "You should hide your blemish, lest the Guild take notice of your curse."

Giggles erupted from his figure, and soon, he began prancing in and about the members of the party to whom he began a sing-song narration.

"Alas, a creature to document their success!
Lest, he perish and failure replaces their bliss.
To save him means that they break the rules!
Oh my! So sad! To know they are fools."

Smoke erupted into a burst of color as Vin suddenly vanished from the field, leaving only his laughter which seemingly lingered on the air. It took nearly a minute for the smog to fully clear; however, a small bit remained around the incision on the Sari's arm--a subtle reminder towards the device that had been implanted prior to the Trial's official commencement.

As the soothing water overtakes Reylla's sizeable body the giantess stiffens, biting hard down on her lip and holding her breath until the water dissipates. She lets out a little gasp of air, sagging as she relaxes. "Th-that's alright. Good, all clean." She laughs nervously, adjusting her coat to hide her embarrassment. It had taken everything in her power not to collapse with laughter, but great heroes weren't ticklish.

She moves easily with the group, Vasha keeping pacing and walking as steadily as he can. Reylla keeps her axe in hand, not wanting to be overtaken by stray bandits or whatever had injured her new companions. Her eyebrows raise into her hairline at the sight of the battle ground. "You all did this? What, were you fighting the trees themselves?" She chuckles at her little joke. Vasha snorts impatiently.

At Vin's appearance she skids to a halt, looking between him and the Sari. Of course she had missed his carriage, so she technically had been left behind. If it hadn't been for the Fytali she wouldn't be here. Therefore she knows nothing about his boundaries, the rules, or the devices buried under their skin. She is silent until the man disappears into the ether, then turns to her companions.

"Good to see he's enjoying himself." She mutters, petting Vasha's head comfortingly. The wolf was disturbed by Vin's disappearing act, growling angrily and snapping at the air. "I don't know what he put you through, but I don't have nothing keeping me here. Kinda failed the trail already by missing that carriage." She grins and glances to Kula, giving her a wink. "Worth it though. Clocked the bastard that had choked you out. He missed the carriage too, a bit busy picking up his teeth from the ground.

"I'll take him there with Vasha as the elder had asked us. Hopefully I won't need to do any magic to help him…" Taking a deep breath and nodding to Vasha, she steps forward onto the riverbed and begins her journey at a clipped pace, keeping her eyes moving the whole time. She doesn't want to be ambused as they approach the water.

Caris watched with a bittersweet smile as Reylla and Vasha walked off into the distance. He had faith in the two of them: After all, he had already seen Reylla hold her own in combat against a panicked crowd and she had the honour to save a man she didn't know. She was worth her weight in gold if she could get their forest critter of a friend to the shrine. Caris was willing to put his faith in her, the problem however, wasn't with Reylla.

Caris had never felt so utterly helpless, and he hated it. A...somewhat odd friend was in danger, and even though Caris had been ad odds with the forest rat...demigod? He did find he was slowly growing on him. The thought of him taken away was...frustrating, to say the least. If not for the uncertainty of what would happen to him, Caris would have charged out already...threat of expellsion from the trial or not. But the danger of whatever may have been implanted in his arm was gnawing at him, he already knew Vin was more than happy to kill...but the possibility of a bluff weighed heavily in his mind. He wanted to scream and shout, take his anger and frustrations out on the forest. But the curse...whatever it did, laid heavier in his mind. He was forced to sit and think, show no emotion.

He was pretty clearly struggling with this.

He paced back and forth, thoughts racing in his mind. Caris was an emotional person, so calming himself down was...difficult to say the least. He never paid much attention to the battle trance some members of his tribe liked to use,...and he was regretting it. Taking in slow, deep breaths, Caris was managing to keep the blemish from flaring up again, but it also wasn't diminishing any further.

After pacing silently for a few minutes, he looked at the barrier seperating him from his...friend? And his ally. Then glanced over to Kula. There was a torn look of anger and frustration on his face, and a general helplessness.

"Kula. I'm going to risk it. I might be a bluff, or it might be simply a mark to prove we left the field...but dammit, I can't just let them go. What if they get ambushed?" He clenched his fists. "Listen, you don't have to go, let me risk it first...then we'll truly know what'll"

"What?!" Kula spluttered at the sudden proposal of Caris. It was true that having to wait around behind the fog was humiliating, especially after Vin personally came to laugh at them and do a little jig, but they were lucky enough to have Vin overlook Reylla and Vasha. Kula put her small arm in front of Caris, looking up at him with a frown. "No. You can't do that. I'm not letting you." She firmly said.

"Think of all those people killed in the first stage of the trials. Vin definietely doesn't mind murdering other applicants in horrible ways." Kula explained. "What he's planted in us is probably something along the lines of an explosive. I don't see why a man like him would bluff about this. I know it's frustrating that all we can do is hope, but it's not worth risking it all." She concluded, folding her arms and standing in front of the big man with no signs of budging. She could easily be pushed out of the way, but she was hoping she helped the large man see sense.

A gilded trident [Stained]
Leather/cloth battle garments [Stained]
A deep blue bag [Stained]
Blue silk bandage [Stained]
A shortbow
Quiver with 20 arrows [Equipped]
A sapphire lamp
Climbing equipment
A long length of rope
A utility knife [Stained]
A decorated steel flute
Cyan robes [Torn]
Various maps
A notebook
A quill and inkpot

Jarasian Trident
Brown shorts
Smoke filled vial
6 poisoned vials
6 empty vials
A small hatchet
A length of rope
A harpoon
Bag of rations

Hand axe
Waterskin (ale)
Waterskin (water)
Trail rations
Heavy fur coat and cold resistant outfit
Locket on gold chain
Cooking pan
Small journal with pencil
Smelling Salts
  • Love
Reactions: becna
The moment Reylla and her wolf passed through the grey smoke, a swirl of blue and red occurred at the point of the contact, yet nothing further seemed to transpire. In time, the smoke returned to its original form and the giantess soon faded from view given the obstruction between herself and the Sari. As predicted by the village elder, the riverbed had long dried up; however, its winding shape remained as the perfect path which presumably led to the original source. The distance of the trail was several miles long--a thirty minute journey at a somewhat brisk pace--and for the most part, it was a boring one given the lack of occurance along the way. There was no sign of life apart from the occasional noctural critter which lurked in and about the lokwood of the forest. Gone was the presence of civilization; gone was the threat of the bandits; and gone was the potential for any candidates of the Trials.

The same could not be said for the Sari, however, as a pair of voices began to echo from the direction that their party had come. Although it wasn't definite, some of their words were mildly audible given the careless tone at which they spoke.


As they approached closer, there was no sign of them undertaking an alternate path, and there were only a couple minutes before the two parties were likely to meet--one a pair of applicants hoping for their success, and the other, a pair of Sari currently locked in an agitated state of being.

After successfully stopping Caris from walking into the unknown, Kula closed her eyes and huddled into a half-sitting, half-kneeling position.
"Don't you dare try something like that again, Caris. I'm not losing you." Kula mumbled in a tone between a line of warning and caring. "It's true we haven't known that giantess for long, but... I like her. She seems like someone with a heart of gold and a body of iron. Plus her wolf appears so intelligent that there might as well be two of them. I think Shamitheo is in good hands..."

For a few moments, she studied a bow she'd picked up from one of the dead bandits. Lootin from corpses felt low, and she didn't specialise in using bows, but she still felt like she needed a solid way to defend herself form a range.

As she heard voices, Kula bolted upright, nocking an arrow and pointing it in the direction of the applicants. Her black-stained body churned for a moment as her blue eye shimmered.
"Hold it! You can't come this way. Go through this fog and you'll die." Kula hissed in the direction. "And if you're here to try and kill us, the consequence remains the same. Step no further and explain yourselves, if you would." Secretly, she was readying a Koa Waverider spell if they sudden lunged for her or Caris. But surely sane applicants would at least communicate back?

Caris was in a foul mood, but he understood the need to calm down. Kula was his comrade...and friend, and she had a point. Still, the big fish was having a problem not being able to go and help. "It's not that I doubt in our ally...I'm just not a fan of feeling so helpless." Deciding not to push the matter further, Caris decided to return to pacing, focusing on calming down and diminishing the black mark further. This...curse? Was dangerous, and they needed to get it fixed, and quick. Whatever it was...well, Caris was far from fond of looking like a speckled Sari. It was disturbing to be afflcited with such an unknown issue...up in the northern waters, the monsters didn't exactly go around cursing people that they had an oppertunity to eat up.

When voices disturbed his walking meditation, Caris moved quietly over to Kula's side, trident at the ready. He said nothing, trusting in his companion to do the talking thing properly...he was in no mood for careful negotiation. His presence however was far from pointless: He would stand by Kula's side, and they'd work together as a team. Either in working out a negotiation...or fighting those who dared threaten their friends and allies.

"We've confirmed another pair."

The voice was laced by a serious tone, yet its words were bit directed towards the threats Kula had made. Instead its source, who was a black haired man dressed in black cloak and mask, came forth with his partner of similar gender and attire. The pair began surveying the immediate area before they focused their attention on the pair of Sari to whom one began to address while the other turned away, mumbling to himself.

"Under the ordanance of the Numbers, the Trials have been prematurely ceased due to a rank C emergency. You are required to follow, lest you wish to abscond your eligibility towards success. Failure to follow these orders shall and will result in your immediate termination from the examination. Now..."

The cloaked figure pointed in the direction he wished for the Sari to travel; however, he paused his declaration in response to a light whistle which pained his ears. The occurance was nothing more than a mild annoyance that he shook off, yet before he continue his order, the tremors under his feet left him surprised and somewhat off balance. It was at this point in time that his partner beckoned for his attention as a sudden announcement was made for all to hear.

"Its confirmed this is the last pair of documented applicants in the Trials. The President has declared the emergency to Rank A. We are to escort them immediately. The Guild Venturers on call have been summoned to the Origin Lake. We are to secure the perimeter. Lokwood Forest is officially under Guild Lock."

As Kula realised the pair weren't even applicants, let alone hostile, she lowered the bow to waist height, though her eyes still remained fixed to a suspicious glare. Her face began to curl up in frustration as the men begin to explain the situation, her fingers clenching around her grip on the bow.

Just as she was about to speak up, a nasty whistle caused Kula to squirm and place her webbed fingers within finlike ears. An earthquake? She looked up for some sort of explaination, but all she got was exactly what she didn't want to hear.
"The last pair?!" Kula retorted with a disgusted tone. As if she was just going to leave now. There had been so many applicants to start, and if they were the only ones left, the death toll was huge. She wasn't going to associate with Vin anymore. Plus, she still had Reylla and Shamitheo out there through the fog somewhere.

"We're still waiting on people. Two of them. One entered the trials, so we're not the only applicants left," Kula replied, not making any signs of wanting to follow them. "After all you've said, you'd better have a good reason as to why I should come with you. ...A reason better than 'it's the president's orders', might I add!" The Southern Sári added, her voice cracking a little with emotion in her last sentence.

Caris himself was silent, appraising the two guards. He was still angry, and most of his efforts were to clam himself and keep the curse from spreading were still taking a brunt of his concentration. When Kula delivered their ultamatum, Caris knew he needed to do at least a little bit of speaking. "She is right." He said firmly. "We were assigned a quest, and we shall finish it." Other than that, Caris fell silent. His hands were tense, but not on his trident yet...he didn't want to harm these people. Their friends were in danger and they had a duty to help them.

Caris had always been raised to help those in need, the Northern Sari were a hardy but united people, and Caris wouldn't turn his back on those in need. Whatever that shake was meant there was a chance people who had trusted in him could die, and Caris couldn't stand for that.

A low grumble churned in the throat of one cloaked figure while a heavy sigh escaped the lips of the other. Their disapproval was obvious, even before the one the who recently spoke began to speak in a heavily condenscending tone.

"Whether or not the President approves is irrelevent in your case. Solely by the blubber's words is your plan's authority invalidated. Applicants to the Guild do not have the authorization to undertake Quests--much less unsanctioned ones. Thus, it is our duty to now esco--...."

"Escort? Escort citizens where? Forgive me if I'm wrong, but does their denial of your ordanate not invalidate their status as a Guild applicant and leaves them free to their will?"

The sudden voice cut off the Trial assistant who proceeded to turn and bow with his partner soon following the act of respect. It was after both returned to a standing position that the assistant once again began to speak.

"Trial Head, the President declared an Emergency Guild Travel Sanction on this location. Only Guild Rank A and above are allowed to enter. Thus it is our duty to now esco--..."

Once again, the assistant failed to complete his statement as both quickly crumpled to the ground in light of a swift jab which made contact with the back of their neck. From the shadows of the night, Vin emerged with a cheerful smiled directed towards the pair of Sari to whom he observed with his usual curious eye. It was only after he became seemingly satisfied, did he open his mouth to speak.

"And here we reach a common conundrum--to abandon the Trials and suffer death. All for the sake of acquitances just met.
Why, it seems anger has clouded your mind and set you on a path, unwavering.
Now, as Trial Head, it is my duty to implore your reasonable sense and set you on the rightful path...blah, blah, blah. However, as an Explorer it is my duty to fufill the emotions which yearn you to your Quest.
So! I leave you with two options. Come with me, become an Explorer, and fufill the dreams of your lifetime. Or! Take to Origin Lake, and suffer the consequences of ignoring Guild Sanction.
Truthfully, it matters not to me which option you choose--just another corpse to collect in the aftermath. Simply, make certain your decisions are for the right reasons."

A puff of smoke erupted under the feet of Vin who suddenly vanished with the assistants. All that remained was his statement which lingered on the air before fading all the same."

"You have a minute to decide."

After Vin's display, all she needed was a second.

"It's not about giving everything up on some acquaintance I just met. It's just that I wouldn't be able to live with myself; being under the wing of a psychopath who kills his own men and drowns masses of people in the name of 'trial'." Kula idly whispered, her eyes hollow as they looked at the two dead assistants.

For all she knew, she could've been talking to herself after Vin's disappearance, but she still felt like she needed to get it out. It wasn't just because she was so eager to do some wild 'quest' given by a crazy fluffball. It was because Vin had progressively sickened her to the point where she refused to associate with him.

Consequences. The thought laid around in her mind, as a feeling of dread pooled up within her stomach. She wasn't going to get away with this. Something was going to happen. Feeling herself go tense, she took a step closer to Caris.
"Caris... no matter what happens, I'm here, and I appreciate everything you've done for me." She whispered. She felt like she needed to say that to him at least once if the worst case scenario happened. Looking forward again, she closed her eyes. "I've made my choice."

Up in the northern sea, death was prevalent. Even before he had taken part of the hunt Caris knew death among his people. His parents died early on in a hunt, leaving his many siblings and him to be placed in the care of his aging grandfather. A few of his siblings were dead to this day as well, leaving but three of them alive...the north was harsh, but it was all Caris knew. Kula on the other hand had no experience with death. He had seen the look on her face before, and had experienced it himself. Instead of putting a reassuring hand on her shoulder, Caris instead scooped Kula up into his arms. For a moment though, he paused. There was something that Vin had said that made Caris second guess himself:

"Come with me, become an Explorer, and fufill the dreams of your lifetime."

Caris had come to the guild in the hopes of clearing his grandfather's name and discovering Cvy'chios. Could he do that without the guild? His thoughts were broken as he looked down at Kula in his arms, the look in her eyes of fear. He knew she wasn't afraid of Vin, or even injury or pain...Caris knew the look. It was the fear of more death. His thoughts reached across the riverbed to their giantess ally and the demigod who they had been trying to save. Could he walk away from it all just for a chance at his grandfather's legacy? His mind raced back to a time when he was younger, he was being tended to by his grandfather, bruises and small cuts across his body.

He was so young then...only twelve, but he had attacked one of the village hunters after overhearing them laugh at his grandfather. The old fish chuckled low as he heard the story, and replied simply. "Do not concern yourself with what others think of me my boy, my name has been raked through the snow for a long time, it can take a beating for awhile to come." Caris had begun to retort, but a tap on the head resulted in a sharp on his head which served to silence him. "I will not forbid you from trying to clear my name young one, but one day you will come across a time where there are people who matter more to you. Do not throw these ones away for a shot at a legend...I made that mistake once, and I've regreted it ever since." Caris hadn't understood what his grandfather meant back then, but now with Kula in his arms, and a companion in life threatening danger...Caris knew what he had to do. He would find another way to Cyv'Chios.

"I've made my choice as well, this is not for me, there is a friend in danger, and my grandfather would hate me to turn my back." He gave a bow to the position in which Vin once stood. He went to walk away, and then stopped. He turned over his shoulder, and shouted into the forest. "Vin! Or should I say grandfather, you might know of him, he certainly knew you. He told me to say hello." He paused. "I however...I am saying goodbye."

Caris jogged towards the others, a slow but steady pace. After a short time he looked down at Kula with some concern showing on his face. "Kula my friend, I know things are hard right now...but I need you to pull yourself together, there are others relying on us. After this however...well, the drinks are on me." Caris looked back towards the riverbed. "I know what you're going through, trust me...I do. But do not worry about the past, we've made our choice, all we can do is keep moving forward. No point in regret now is there?"

The Southern Sári didn't know how to feel as Caris picked her up into his arms. Normally she'd shoot him a confused look; maybe squirm a bit, but now she didn't feel like doing anything. She just let him, and layed there, looking up at him with a distant gaze as he spoke. ...It was funny, how someone from an icy realm could feel so warm.

She didn't understand the people of the North. Even when faced with utter madness, they just seemed to keep going and going, thinking about why they were here and the codes they had to live up to. Kula herself could barely remember why she was here; the Aolani name was faded in the dust now and just seemed like some sort of sick joke. If her parents knew this was what was in store for her, surely she wouldn't be... doing whatever she was now. All she could remember was her morals, and even those seemed cloudy in her mind.

Those thoughts floated in her head as Caris transported her, and he looked down at him and spoke, Kula seemingly woke up slightly. Once he was finished talking, Kula looked down.
"I wasn't ready for the trials," She quietly said. "I wasn't ready to become a murderer. And to be exposed to this. And after everything I've done... the people I've even hurt in preperation to be here, please understand I can't just push the feeling of regret aside." It seemed like she was ready to end her sentence there and break down further into a depression, but suddenly, she added something.

"But I suppose you're right. People are relying on us. I haven't forgotten." She blinked. "I don't know what's going to happen to us, but I'm ready for it. This is our path now. Reylla needs our help." With that, Kula let herself out of Caris's arms, grabbed her trident, and followed behind him to head up the riverbed.


The width of the riverbed gradually began to widen as Reylla approached the mouth of its source; however, a disconcerting trend was the abcense of water which would continue for the length of her journey. By the time she would arrive at the presumed source of the river and lake, a surprising discovery was likely emminent given the barren crater which defined the once mystical waters. Not a single drop of hydration existed on the surface or below the ground as the soil and dirt of the crater was dryer than the very ground which defined the surrounding forest. Peculiar, however, was the pattern which defined the surface of the crater--circular indents which spireled down towards the center of the crater where a mound of loose dirt was piled.

The trip down the riverbed is nerve-wracking and seems endless to Reylla. A gauntlet of danger was a little too much to expect, and the bandits were in the other direction but… the nothingness got to her. She shifted her axe from hand to hand, hustling down the path. Reylla doesn't want to waste any time in her mission. As they go she keeps her eyes scanning, watching for any sign of life - but nobody came. To keep herself occupied, Reylla begins a running commentary to the tiny life she is now tasked with saving.

"Ello' there Shi… Sham... 'Ello there little guy. I'm Reylla Stonearm. From Chitos, that's why I'm so tall. People round these parts call me a giantess all the time. But that's because they've never seen a real giant." She laughs awkwardly, her voice echoing through the quiet trees. Velos throws his mistress a look.

"I dunno if you can hear me right now," she says quietly, leaning closer to the still body on the gurney, "But if ya can, know that me and Velos here are gonna do our best to help ya. We're taking you to the special water."

Reylla slows as she reaches the edge of the crater. She chews her lip for a moment, glancing all around her before looking to Velos. "This is not what I was expectin'." She mutters, patting the agitated wolf on the top of his head. He seemed to be feeling the same anxiety she was after finding no resistance in their path. With a sigh Reylla scans the area, looking for anything that could clue her in as to what to do. Noting the spiraling indentations and the loose mound she grunts and looks down at her direwolf. "Better not need magic here, or we're all gonna have a problem."

Reylla takes a few minutes to remove the gurney from the wolf's back, setting gently on the ground. "Stay, and protect." She commands. Velos huffs and begins to circle the gurney, keeping his eye on the surrounding area.

Standing just at the edge, Rella takes the time to pull her golden locket out from under her shirt. She kisses it gently, stows it back into it's proper place, and slowly steps down into the crater. She holds her axe aloft as if expecting a physical attack, looking closely at the indents to try to identify what could have caused them. When she close enough to the mound to poke it with her axe she stops, holding her breath as she looks back to Velos.

There was no immediate response to the axe which poked the mound. The forest remained as calm as ever, yet in light of such tranquility, it was obvious that something was admist. The elder had advertised the source of the river and lake as this location, yet not a single drop of moisture existed in and around the region. Slowly, the forest was dying--a fact made obvious by the whithered grass and weed definining the border of the basin and the surrounding trees which seemed void of a Lokwood's vigor. Nontheless, at this point, there was little time to acquire the mysterious surroundings as a delayed reponse to Reylla's axe poked its head through the small pile of dirt. Frankly, it was somewhat grotesque--a heade structure similar to that of a frog's with two snail-like stalks that defined its eyes. The stalks began to gradually sway while the eyes remained focused on Reylla's figure. All in all, the sudden creature seemed content with observation--at least until a blood curdling screech sounded from deep within the ground.

Even though the intensity of the screech was muffled by the earth, it was enough to send tremors under the ground which in turn translated to sheer pain for Reylla's ears. There was little time to succumb to the suffering, however, as chunks of earth began to deform from the region of the crater. Without a doubt, there was something large connected to the miniscule head, and its intention was rising to the

Reylla can't help but let a flicker of a smile cross her face. "Well hello there! Velos, get him away from here." Obediently Velos lifts the cloth of the gurney, letting the tiny body sway back and forth as he trots off toward the treeline, growling fiercely in response to the horrible noise and picking up his pace to a full run.

This certainly seemed like an exciting challenge, maybe even song worthy! Eyes narrowing and gritting her teeth Reylla pushes through the pain in her ears and tightens her grip on her axe. She couldn't scale the pit now that it was falling to pieces, so there was only one other option. With a battle cry she reaches forward with her free hand and clutches the thing's eyestalk. Reylla then sinks her axe deeply into the creature's frog-like head. She intended to ride this thing if it was gonna shake the earth beneath her.

As the axe lodged itself in the creature's head, a screech exploded from the ground below. Reylla's plan to control the beast seemed sound at first; however, over time, the head began to whither and die until all that was left was a gelatinous goop. With the support gone from her grasp, there was nothing left to brace her against the sudden pulse which eminated from the creature's emerging body and sent her flying out of the crater and several feet away. A few feet away from her body, the axe landed with a dull thud just before pellets of earth exploded from the crater and showered the region in dirt and stone.

For a moment time, it seemed as if the beast had calmed, but such repreive did not last long as dozens of tentacle-like limbs shot into the sky and lodged themselves onto the crater's border. A loud rumble began to fill the air as the creature strained to extract itself from the ground. In a matter of seconds, a large gelatinous sphere became visible along the surface of the crater until it finally pulled itself to one side and settled outside of the crater, near where Reylla lay. In an instant, the limbs retracted back into the sphereical body only to be replaced by a lonesone three which sported two stalks of eyes each. The limbs flew over towards Reylla's body while the eyes began inspecting her figure and reaction. Once again, the creature seemed to have calmed only for numerous screeches to suddenly explode from a plethora of mouths which formed along the limbs. The screeches lasted for several seconds before secondary limbs burst from the original and came flying towards the giant's body with teethed mouths ready to chomp.

A gilded trident [Stained]
Leather/cloth battle garments [Stained]
A deep blue bag [Stained]
Blue silk bandage [Stained]
A shortbow
Quiver with 20 arrows [Equipped]
A sapphire lamp
Climbing equipment
A long length of rope
A utility knife [Stained]
A decorated steel flute
Cyan robes [Torn]
Various maps
A notebook
A quill and inkpot

Jarasian Trident
Brown shorts
Smoke filled vial
6 poisoned vials
6 empty vials
A small hatchet
A length of rope
A harpoon
Bag of rations

Hand axe
Waterskin (ale)
Waterskin (water)
Trail rations
Heavy fur coat and cold resistant outfit
Locket on gold chain
Cooking pan
Small journal with pencil
Smelling Salts
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