✈☼The Great Summer Escape☼✈ IC

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Jesse lifted his head from his phone to see his mother pulling into the driveway of the camp. From his view he could see all the kids clinging to their parents scared to let them go, there were others re-joining friends and running around but Jesse was on the look out for his group of friends. They had been in the same predicament for years,being forced to attend a summer camp that they long over grew. When his mom put the car in park his brother Jeremy was the first out the car running to the trunk so that he could grab his things. Jesse soon followed placing his phone in the pocket of his shorts.

Jeremy who already grabbed all of his things was gone in a flash to meet up with his trouble making friend Kory and his posse. His mother smiled at him and Jesse returned the smile back giving her a hug and a kiss on the cheek before throwing his backpack over one shoulder and reaching for his duffle bags. Walking into the camp he looked around until a few people caught his eye. It was none other than Breanne, Matty, and Skylah.

He walked over with his things and smiled at them, the first few familiar faces was exactly what he needed to see. " Yo what's up guys". Jesse removed the cap on his head briefly run his hands through his hair before placing the cap back on. " I don't know about you guys but I'm ready for the real fun to begin". Now all he needed was to meet up with the rest of his friends and find out his cabin he was sleeping in. Each few cabin's had a certain age so he'd be rooming with sixteen and up.
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"Nikita Ahn," Nikita spoke and didn't bother to look at the person who put a check next to her name, instead she stood on her tippy toes and tried to look for the familiar faces of her friends. Hopefully they'd all been deduced to the same hell as both she and Katarina. It wouldn't be fair if they were the only ones suffering, as far as Nikita was concerned. Plus, things always got fun when everyone was together and there was never really a boring moment as long as everyone had something to do. But... seriously, did they really have to do this whole camp thing again? They weren't 5 years old anymore and it wasn't like they hadn't explored the place. In fact, they hadn't left a stone unturned here. Not even the employee rooms which were off limits. That had been an adventure, especially when Nikita had found a hidden bottle of booze that one time... okay, that had been a funny time. Which was rare, especially since it was camp!

"Katarina Johnsen," Kat muttered with her hands in her pockets, her hair had been pulled up in a ponytail because on the way here Nikita had demanded that the windows be rolled down; therefore resulting in messy hair that she was to lazy to brush.

"Oh! I see everyone!" Nikita jumped up and down before grabbing Katarina's wrists and pulling her towards their friends, ignoring the looks the children gave her. Yea, she'd seen some of them last year as well. Wasn't it just embarrassing when little kids looked like they were questioning why they were even still at camp? Now that was just a new level of low for Nikita.

"The party has arrived!" Nikita hollered the moment she finally managed to practically drag Katarina to their destination and without hesitation Nikita went and hugged everyone.

(I sorta skimmed the posts so I'm hoping everyone is together? Or at least mostly everyone?)
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Sol and Summer Hall

The mornings light peeked into the the room, the gentle rays dancing in through the blinds and onto the neck of the sleeping boy who made no movement to awake soon.

His sister was awake as she stood in the doorway with her cousin, Xavier, who slept over the previous night. Xavier and Summer both counted to three before rushing into action. The pair dashed into the room and jumped on the once peacefully sleeping boys bed, dumping two buckets of cold water onto him in the process. He jolted awake as both Xavier and Summer jumped off the bed laughing and heading to the doorway.

Sol sat up in his bed glaring at the pair slowly peeling away his bed covers his blue eyes dark with a deadly intent, his sister didn't make anything better as she smirked saying,

"Karma's a bitch but revenge is rather sweet."

Her words triggered her brother into jumping out of his bed only to sprint after his sister and cousin. Their feet pounded against the hardwood floors as the trio darted down the staircase, summer leaped over the staircase railing her brother repeating her motions deciding to make her his primary target. The two raced into the kitchen Sol right on Summers heels before she spotted their mother, Summer shrieked hiding behind their mother who looked in shock at her son. The woman sighed massaging the temples of her head feeling another headache come along. Xavier entered the kitchen at the exact moment his aunt asked,

"What the hell is this? I know I asked you two to wake up Sol but I didn't think you both would pull off a stunt like this..."

She looked at her daughter and nephew with a smile, a glint of proudness shined in her bright grey-blue eyes as anger swelled within her,

"Now although I'm proud of how you both got revenge on this punk over here..."

She began, receiving a glare from Sol in the process by which she simply brushed off,

"Now I must deal with a excessive amount of water that's been trailed around this house, but seeing that you Xavier, can leave when you want, I'm going to hold your car keys hostage until you finish helping me clean. As for you summer, all I can say is have fun in that preschool of a summer camp."

The woman smirked as Summer frowned deeply, Sol smiled strolling to his mother saying,

"Wow mom! I never knew how much I loved you until now...Why don't you give me a hug."

A devilish gleam in his eyes as he took a step towards his mother the woman frowned taking a step back,

"Sol don't you dare even thi..."

Was all the woman could say before her son who greatly resembled a drenched lab pulled her into a hug soaking her clothes. All three of the teens split, dashing away as the woman exploded shouting loud enough for the entire community to hear, profane words danced boldly through the air while the trio made it safely back into the twins bedroom. They all looked at one another before exploding with laughter.


About 5 hours after the twins eventful morning they were getting off the exit to the place where they've spent almost every summer vacation at since they were 9. Sol sped down the dirt road towards the camp only to pull into one of the empty parking spaces. The twins hopped out the old 2013 white mustang convertible not bothering to put the top up until after they lifted their luggage out of the vehicle. They dropped a total of 6 bags onto the pavement. Sol hopped back into the car putting the top up while Summer organized their luggage in a way that'll make carrying their bags simpler. The twins walked up the old winding pathway that led the way to all the cabins scattered about, the twins signed in prior to finding the cabin they knew they'd be sharing together. They quickly dropped off their bags, Sol grabbed his nikon d3200 while Summer took her hair out of its bun letting her black hair cascade down her back in its natural waves. She opened one of her bags grabbing her notebook and pencil before heading to the door with her brother close behind her playing with the settings on his camera. While Sol was indulged in his camera, Summers eyes scanned the area for any sign of people they knew, when a group of strikingly familiar faces peaked her interest, her face brightened up as she grabbed her brothers arm and dragged him over to where a few of the others where standing.


She chirped not really caring if everyone at the camp heard her. Her brother looked up from his camera only to see where his sister was dragging him off to, his award winning smile appeared on his face as he waved at the group cheerfully.

"How's everyone been?"

He asked finishing up his sisters greeting.

(Sorry if my post is excessively long!)