The Great Games

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
"Three-way it is."
"Interesting choice. Keep in mind you can pick any pill you like..."
Preferring to respond via his actions, David chose his bottle, examining it. Holding it to the light. Squinting t it. Using every possible method to detect whether or not he would die from taking the pill. In actual fact, he had not taken the fifty-fifty chance to save Kieara - far from it. He wanted to feel the rush of adrenaline, the sheer terror from not knowing whether he would perish or not. He craved thrills, and found them, even if it put his life in danger. "Really, what do you think? You clever enough to beat me? Clever enough... To bet your life? I bet you get bored. I know you do. A person like you- so clever. But what's the point of being clever if you can't prove it? still the addict... But this - this is what you're really addicted to. You'll do anything - anything at all - to stop being bored. You're not bored now, are you?"
The pill was in between David's teeth.
Kieara tenatively picked hers. She was scared out of her ever-loving bloody mind. However, David didn't seem phazed. How, she'd never know. She placed it between her pink lips a few beads of sweat forming on her brow. She swallowed then bit into her pill. She found a bitter taste in her mouth. She just wanted to get the test over with. The suspense was killing her.

((I like our rp. XD Could I perhaps have your permission to make it into a story as we go? I love to write. XD))
((If you like, it's fine with me.))

The two males bit into their respective pills, the bitter taste of an unknown substance flooding his mouth. A few moments passed, ones that seemed like months - years, even. Then the cylindrical, round-topped item's effect kicked in. David felt the bile rising to his throat, his windpipe burning, coughing and spluttering profusely. Clutching his stomach, while collapsing upon the floor, he groaned, the excruciating pain almost killing him - almost, within a meagre inch, but not all the way. There had, in fact, been a good pill, a bad pill, and an unpleasant pill. The poison had left telltale marks on the inside of the pill - possibly put in on purpose, only truly viewable against amplified light, the glass providing such amplification. One had simply been empty, the other containing cyanide - this substance may have been different, but was still largely unpleasant. After around a minute of convulsing, the poison's effects receded, leaving David on the floor, breathing shallowly.
The bus driver's pill had the cyanide in.
"David!" Kieara squeaked after she saw him drop to the floor. She went over to him trying to help however she could, but there was ultimately nothing she could do for him. After he stopped his little fit of unpleasantness, she spoke. "Are you ok?" Worry coated her face. She'd thought he'd gotten the bad pill. It had scared her bad. Even if she'd only met the boy, now that they were in this together, she felt some kind of a connection and a responsibility to watch his back. She was still cuffed, but she'd slipped one hand out leaving them dangling on the other hand. Her aquamarine eyes looked down on him with worry.
"F-fine... Just fine..."
David attempted to right himself, even just turn onto his back, but to no avail. If he so much as made his stomach twitch even a minute amount, his face would contort, the pain tearing through him. It would take a little while for him to be able to even stand, but unbeknownst to the pair, the puppet master's plan required them to remain inactive for at least the rest of the day. The bus journey, the monologue, the inevitable exchange of words... All a distraction. The pill was just another big one, something to keep the two away from major parts of civilisation long enough for everything to be set in motion. "I can't get up... I can't even move properly..."
As if to illustrate his point, he coughed and spluttered once more, visibly paining him.
Kieara frowned and looked around. She spotted an old mattress. "I....This will hurt, but i'm going to have to move you." She said and slipped her tiny arms underneath his. She then lifted him up and moved him to the matress in the corner. She got him situated knowing he'd be more comfortable, then removed her button up shirt and placed it under his head. "Better now?'
Nodding his head slightly, David was far too busy groaning in pain to even consider speaking. He lay on the makeshift resting area, eyes closed and breathing returning to a safer pace, and looked to Kieara, eyes half-open, though only out of politeness.
"You should rest as well... Who knows what might come next. Whether or not you're only here to add to the drama, you're in it. we both need to be able to at least move - which is more than I can say for me. Anyway, I can barely do anything at the moment... If we're in this together, we should know a little bout each other. Do you mind going first? I don't think I can speak much right now..."
David's voice was in a hushed tone - not a reserved sort of quiet he usually had, but one born from his inability to speak in a regular tone. He looked less like a calculating genius, nd more like a lonely boy, who just needed somebody to hug him, and tell him it was going to be fine - even if he knew he was going down, one way or another.
Kieara saw this. That lonely boy was something she was familiar with. She knew what it was like to be alone. Her little sister had cancer, and that's why she committed those crimes. To get money to pay for her medical treatment that she couldn't afford. She nodded. "Yeah." she spoke. "Well I um...I have a sister...or had...." She said after a moment. "I moved to this town 3 years ago after my parents passed." She said. She couldn't really think of anything to say.
David nodded solemnly in response, his facial expression not changing to pity, or anything he felt was patronising. He mulled the words over in his mind momentarily, and began a brief telling of his story.
"I am an IT student. Nothing special really. Mother got a divorce, I saw my father on weekends. Bad relationship with my brother, bad relationship with myself. I always hated who I was, so I stopped myself from hating. In essence, I- Well, that's not important right now. What is, is that you're safe. Pardon me for saying this, but pretty doesn't always mean physically strong."
A slight sociopath, David was somewhat oblivious to whether his actions and words would elicit various reactions from people, and he often continued without considering how another person may feel.
Unless it affected him directly.
Kieara blushed somehow finding his pretty comment flattering, but at the same time caught the insult. "I...I know." She spoke and she listened to him. "I see. least now we're here for each other." She said knowing now all they had was theirselves to rely on. She spoke softly. "If you're thirsty I can try to locate water."
"It's fine. As I said, we should both try to rest, and gather our bearings. If you want to find water, the do that, but I have some contemplation to be getting on with."
In truth, there was not much for him to allow his mind to deduce. thoughts flashing into his mind and disappearing just as suddenly, many possibilities appeared, changing each second with the combination of variables changed. His mind was like a beehive, crossed with a computer - though many things ran through it, and though many thoughts were processed, some sense of order was maintained. Somehow, he looked more peaceful when engaged in thought - almost happy that he had a challenge.
Kieara went and located some water before bringing some back to him then resting. She dozed off into her dreams. Dreams of her sister steadily slipping away, dreams of what just occurred, dreams of being left in this world completely alone....She didn't sleep. When she did she was haunted.
Still working on solving the problem, with no important information having come to light, David managed to force down a satisfactory amount of water. Not hindered by banal worries, and dismissive of people's feelings most of the time, he maintained a clear head - however, as had been touched on, he had brought no truths not already known to the surface. Sighing, he turned to look at Kieara by chance, pondering the cause of her restlessness. One had to remember, his mind sometimes did not always comprehend what humans normally registered as a social norm. Therefore, he did not think that her sister would cause any problems.
Kieara was mumbling under her breath about a girl named Macie. Her sister. She continued to be plagued by dreams, but she was so exhausted she didn't wake. She didn't expect him to wake her though. And she knew in his eyes she was still a hopeless criminal, so why would he bother.
David did not wake her, the reason being that he had been the one to suggest getting rest. Regardless, he felt the effects of the pill had exited his system - after all, the effects were designed to be strictly temporary - to cripple him for an allotted time. Therefore, it had been planned that he would be immobilised for a time, and then he would be forced to sleep for the reminder of the period allowed for the plan to function. In this light, he saw the exhausted, restless state Kieara was in,and though he did not particularly care for her, he needed allies who could look after themselves. Thus, he picked her gently up, in the hope of not waking her, and had her rest on the makeshift bed he had recovered on. Her shirt now placed over her as a form of insulation, his own used as a pillow, the now-shirtless teen surveyed his work. He seemed to recall the bus driver had been wearing a brown leather jacket, meaning that he would have something to wear over his torso, even if his shirt was used as a pillow. Taking care not to disturb Kieara, he paced over to the now-deceased driver.
Kieara didn't stir. She cuddled into his chest though when he lifted her wishing for something to cuddle up to. It was her subconcious mind looking for some kind of comfort. She then sighed as she was laid back down. She curled up under her shirt and continued to sleep. All this was very frightening to her.
David, now fully clothed - more or less - had simply brushed off Kieara's cuddling into him as a typical reaction of somebody who had gone through the same thing as her. He assumed she would want comforting, for the most part, and would not necessarily realise who it was giving it to her in their sleep. Thus, in order to have her sleep more peacefully, he sat down beside her, and placed his arm lightly around her. It appeared to be nothing more than a friendly gesture, though for him, it was devoid of all emotion - the arm was there, his heart was not. Disregarding this, he moved his arm, realising it would make an awkward situation when she awoke. He simply placed his hand on the mattress, for lack of anything else to do.
Kieara soon jolted awake and sat up straight. She was panicked for a moment when she woke in unfamiliar territory, but soon remembering what had happened she calmed a little, but not a lot. Hard to be calm when your life is at stake. She looked down to find her shirt in her lap and his behind her. She then looked to David. "Thank you..." She spoke knowing he must've moved her.
"It's not a problem, you needed it more than I did."
David had actually fallen asleep briefly, his own head resting on the mattress, the rest of his body on the cold, solid floor. He had not remembered the position he was in when wake, and nor did he care, but he remembered his acquaintance was still sleeping soundly. An odd thought had crept its way into his mind at that point in time, something quite out of character for him - even he was surprised at the thought.
He had thought she looked cute when she slept, when her dreams were peaceful.
Granted, he had brushed the thought and any ensuing emotion off with almost no regard as to whether he should have thought more on it. Nevertheless, he had thought it, and it troubled him. "Do you want to rest some more, or shall we head out?"
"I think it would be best if we moved, we shouldn't stay in one place for too long." She spoke to him. "What do you think?" She could tell he was far more intelligent than she was therefore, she'd rely on his decision more than her own on this