The Getting to Know You Game!

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Lol um...

Sleeping Beauty
School House Rock

Favorite genre of music?
Classical. Dat Beethoven be rocking out. (Note: he actually was.)

Favourite way to serve potatoes?
17 I think?

What is the one thing that can always make you happy?
Someone telling me they RP online.

Favorite candy you can't get in your country?
Warm with a breeze. Don't even know if that's a weather, but it feels amazing when it's like that.

Do you play any instruments?
Either the Walking Dead or Crystalley Academy

How did you get into roleplaying?
I had my own site with a friend about 6 years ago and we tried it out there. Had one giant roleplay where all the members joined and eventually we just expanded from there to multiple ones before the site died.

Do you have any pets?
No. My friend/roommate has a cat though. I'd like a dog one day.

What is a thing you would like to do at least once in your life?
New Years. I usually spend Christmas with family, and while I love them, it's exhausting. New Years is a time for me and my friends and gives me a chance to recharge.

Do you prefer PC or Mac?
I like both and have since I was about 10 years old. Even now I still read manga and watch anime fro time to time.

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
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Anywhere warm because I hate the cold and rain.

If you could date any celebrity who would it be and why?
PJ Liguori cause he's a sexy mofo. And he's really funny and creative and stuff.

If you could be friends with any celebrity who would it be and why?
dante basco

dude was freakin' rufio and zuko

and he dances

your least favorite class?
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