The "Extremely Profound Yes or No Question" Thread!

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No. They're extinct for a reason. If you want a better reason not to, watch Jurassic Park, or remember the useless Dodo. The only exception to this I think would be creatures that were made extinct by Man, and if that's what you're referring to I change my answer to yes.

Yes or no: we're never going to another planet.

With how technology is going right now, I think other planets are very possible to venture to.

Yes or no: What music you listen to defines your character?

Rather, I believe what music you listen to is actually a result of your character and who you are. Although thoughts and ideas may be influenced by music (instruments, sounds, lyrics, etc.), I don't find that one such thing can have such an impact that who you are as a person, thus your character, changes.

Yes or No: Would you put stock in bio/cybernetic augmentation technology?
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