The Evrensel Conflict -- Chapter 2.1: The Gang Goes Halo

Abby Dee/Courier Six - Character Sheet

"Ah great, here I go again!" Abby yells when the portal engulfs her and she sees her body glow orange and she braced for something terrible to happen. Normally when she sees orange, that means some kind of fire, so she assumes this is it, she's biting the big one and going to die a human matchstick. Not feeling anymore heat than she would in a desert though, Abby opens her eyes and sees several things that look kinda more familiar but nothing that sets her at-ease. The opposite actually. The heat is familiar most of all and almost comforting. Abby spies that creature and levels her pistol at it on instinct. The thing's howl stops her as she clasps both forearms over her ears.

"Sonofabitch I'm gonna-" Abby starts to threaten the creature, but stops when she sees it run away. "Yeah! You better run you shiny mongrel!" That bit of elation is snuffed out when she looks around, and sees there are more coming around and towards her. She puts away Li'l Devil and shoulders The Survivalist's Rifle, switching the safety off while lining up a shot at the one nearest to her.

"Well well Mobius done outdid himself this time. These act more real than them scorpions." She is ready to squeeze the trigger when that voice from her Pip-Boy stops her with advice, and a plan. She doesn't know this voice from Mr. New Vegas, but the conviction in it has her convinced to follow this unknown woman's instructions.

"Gotcha, mysterious stranger." Abby answers in the affirmative. The sniper shot rings out in the air. The robo-wolf thing nearest to her drops, and Abby quickly moves on to the next-closest she'd seen before and squeezes one round into it's center of mass, another at it's head just incase the huge 12.7mm bullet didnt do the trick in one shot. She books it around and away from the robo-wolves following the weird towers, given there's no other guides for her to follow. The rifle stays out and the woman fires on any wolves that happen to get between her iron sights, stays down to the ground in case she needs the boulders and hills of the rocky terrain for cover.

"Alright stranger, now what?" Abby asks into her Pip-Boy hoping whoever was on the other end could actually hear her. She'd never used the thing as a two-way radio before, and so didn't even think it worked that way at all. She stops behind a large rock to catch her breath and reload her clip. The ten shots fired had been aimed well at the centers and heads, two shots per target just to be more safe than sorry. Her long strong legs had taken her a fair distance from where she'd started running, but Abby still has no idea where she's going or why.
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Sierra-117/Master "John" Chief

The last thing John heard was a shot echoing in the distance and getting hit by what could only be equated to a hit by a gravity hammer. The force sending him flying back through the air and slamming into a wall. His senses numbed from shock, and black dots dancing in his vision, any lessor human would've blacked out.

But not him.

He was a Spartan. A Spartan with a mission still incomplete.

So using every ounce of strength and will left, he lifted himself back up into a crouching position before practically throwing himself into the nearest cover. His ears still ringing, his helmet's internal speaker vibrated with noise, most likely Cortana with concern and happiness that he was not claimed by death.

A few moments later and his senses came back to him. The first thing he could hear was Cortana sounding like she had been crying, saying she was worried sick. Despite her having no physical way to do so, it still made his heart weigh down a bit. That and his shoulder was buzzing with pain, but the lack of mind-breaking pain meant that the broken bones worry was pushed back. The notion was more easily pushed away, after-all the titanium alloy infused bones that every Spartan had in them easily made breaking a bone or two a rare occurrence. Dislocation was another story, as it was more common for Spartans to receive in the field. And right now, his arm was showing every symptom of it.

Steeling himself once more, he took hold of the arm and popped it back into place. The pain burning hot through his body. And somewhat caused his senses to kickstart back into full gear. Seems a fight was breaking out once more between them and their alien foe.

This time, they didn't have a police box and heavy arms fire to fight back as they were still inside the building. But this could work in their favor. Force the enemy to come in through a choke point, lower their numbers and exfil out as soon as possible. The plan ran into the biggest problem. That being, the enemy sniper. With that being a factor, they couldn't get out without fear of getting their brains splattered.

Standing out of cover, John enacted his plan. Before long, he could see the muzzle flash as another beam fired out at him. The world slowed down as John moved to the side allowing the shot to miss him by just a few inches. And like that, John mapped out potential sniping positions aside from the obvious spot the Sniper was located at. He ran to a corner where the sniper's aim was obstructed by the building, dodging fire from the aliens soldiers and the sniper.

Once there, John would prevent soldiers from swarming in by gunning down a few Advent that ran in. Cortana calling out "In order to make a retreat, we have to take down that sniper. Anyone here that can?"

John hoped that someone here would come up with a plan or had means to snipe the sniper. Otherwise, this was going to be tricky. He made one statement before going silent to focus on the enemy. "Protect the Doctor at all costs. Get into a blind spot if you can."

With that said, he would take aim at the entrance from where he was. Opening fire when any of the aliens came in.


Hunk couldn't believe it. Not the fact the big green one was shot and got back up, or the speech that Cole gave via something. Though he pinned it as the Prophet had a radio as well or something as Hunk could hear it over his radio. But it was the fact that it seemed like they were going to try and go out the front door with a sniper still in effect. Sure, the Chief's A.I did mention something about if someone there had something that could snipe the sniper.

Hunk was pretty sure that none of them did, as he remembered that there was a weapon or two in the Chief's jeep that could act as a long ranged weapon. That and he didn't pay much mind to what weapons everyone had. But as of this moment, he wasn't about to start asking who had what and such. He had more pressing matters. One, protect the man in the suit as the big green one said, not to mention, the man must hold some way for them to get back to their original place and such.

They couldn't get out the front with a sniper keeping them pinned. So, they have to find another way out. Or get something to boost their numbers. Anything really, so long as it helped.

Looking around, he tried to find something that could help complete the request while also essentially keeping the Doctor safe and in cover. He would hand him his sidearm. A great risk, but in the event that he were to die and the Doc was left defenseless, the objective would still be maintained. "I trust you know how to use this." Was all he said. Not asked as a question, but more as a statement.

Part of him wasn't worried about it, as one. The Doc seemed smart enough to use a weapon, and to stay in cover. Two, he was sure he would stay alive to keep him safe.

That was when Hunk got an idea. One that seemed so insane, it just might work. The Sniper talked through the radio, taunting and such. A tactic used to make your enemy more frantic as they tried to fight back but suffering confusion and such. A tactic he could use.

Step One: Jab with failure. Clicking on the radio, Hunk would say into it. "Seems your shot wasn't good enough....Had me worried we were dealing with someone skilled."

Step Two: Provoke.

"So far, not impressed. Just another amateur who slapped a scope on a rifle and thinks it makes him a sniper." Whether his tactic was working or not, Hunk would finish off with the last step.

Step Three: Challenge skill
"Maybe if we get close enough, you might actually be able to kill someone. Or is that too much of a challenge for you?" He would click off the radio so it could no longer transmit. Just to add onto it. The plan would've failed against anyone else who wasn't egotistical or was professional. But for the Sniper, it just might make him lose his cool and do something drastic that could work in their favor.

Hunk would sit back, blindfire when necessary, and waited for the outcome of what he had done.

@AIM Leader Wade @Lady White @Nero Kunivas @Agent_Puncake @Wiggin

After Trigger's sound test, all hell seemed to break loose. The great green giant was shot and the group was being fired upon by several guns. The situation was hardly fair to be honest, since the team was outnumbered. A sniper took potshots at anyone who dared to poke their head up and the group's cover was degrading fast. Trigger felt like he had to do something. He wasn't sure why he was so worried. There was no reason for him to be nervous, he could easily teleport out of the tower. Trigger went to move but something stopped him. He grabbed his gun and started blind firing at the aliens. His cover was smaller and to the side of everyone else so he had to shout in order to communicate with the others. First order of business, the sniper. "Does anyone have any idea where that sniper is?!" He tried to shout over the laser fire. Trigger's gun was almost to the point of overcharging after several minutes of firing, so he had to let it cool. "Or y'know, a way out would be really nice right now!" he continued to shout, but most of his other words were drowned out by the sound of battle. If Trigger could get a sight of where the sniper was, he might be able to teleport up and take a shot or two. The action would be difficult, since the sniper's barrel would be on them, but it could give them a chance of escape. Trigger was so caught up in his thoughts, he didn't even realize how strange they sounded to him.
Sierra-117/Master "John" Chief
Made by AIM Leader Wade and used with his permission.

Cortana was quick to access the console's systems. "It's a localized site cartographer -- hm… okay. 'In service of Forerunner Shield World, designate Requiem.'"

"Requiem. At least we know where we are now."

"Let's see if it can tell us what these aliens are so interested in." Before she could use the cartographer more, the holographic globe turned red, blinking in and out, with glitch marks distorting it. Before long, though, it was clear again, this time with a red mark on the upper right corner. "Huh."

"What happened?"

"I don't know. It locked up, and then came back online again." Cortana tried to locate where this mark was, and was stunned to find out exactly where. "It's…. Directing us."

"What do you mean?"

"I think someone used the cartographer to mark us a location of where to go, but it's pointing to a place miles away, some sort of desert by the looks of it. It shouldn't be able to do that, it can only give readings of over fifty miles, and where it's pointing to is a lot farther away than that."

"Was it hacked?"

"No, I don't see any points of outside entry besides us, it must've come from within the system itself."

"Is the marking another tower?"

"Possibly, but it's too far away for me to find it. It could be a trap." ADVENT had been on this planet longer than them, they could've found a way into the system the towers used.

"They couldn't know where we are though. And why so far out?"

"Give themselves some time to dig enough graves?" She joked, before Chief pulled her back into his helmet.

"We should at least try heading there. Maybe someone on the planet wants to meet us." Wouldn't be the first time they were on a strange space station and the people on it needed their help. "Doctor, if we tried heading back to your TARDIS, would it be powered up by now, and could we use it to travel to--" As the Chief talked, unknowingly to the entire group, a scope was pointed right at his head from around 175 meters away, looking right through the opened entrance of the tower, and waiting for the prime opportunity to fire. As Chief moved to speak to the Doctor, the shot was lined up perfectly.

In one second, the echoing sound of a sniper rifle was heard, as its laser bullet perfectly hit Chief in the neck. He was thrown back all the way to the end of the massive room, flipping around in the air and landing on his back; sliding into the wall with a loud thud; burn marks around his visor, helmet, and upper chest arena, though no signs of any puncture wounds. "Chief!" Cortana yelled within the speakers of his helmet. Thankfully, his shield absorbed most of the damage, fully depleted by the round, though he felt pain running across his shoulder. Either dislocated or bruised badly.

"Get down!" Hunk yelled, getting behind cover. A quick peak to the entrance showed more ADVENT soldiers making a run into the tower from the entrance, in much bigger numbers than the scouting party they ran into back at the TARDIS.

"So that was the Master Chief?" A voice echoed over Hunk's radio, loud enough for everyone to hear. "Legend of the human race? He keeps his head out in the open too much." The voice was cocky and arrogant, and aiming for his next target who was brave enough to pop out. He figured the 'Cole-Train' was stupid enough to try it. He didn't look too bright anyway.

@AIM Leader Wade @Lady White @Agent_Puncake @Nero Kunivas @Wiggin

When the cartographer started pointed them towards whatever location it was aiming at, the Doctor quickly pulled out his screwdriver and scanned the device. When he finished, looking over the data showed it wasn't hacked as Chief asked, but Cortana was quick to answer. It wasn't until Chief said someone wanted to meet with them all that the timelord finally spoke up. "Or have us stop something." He said while looking at the cartographer still. "If this planet has been invaded, then whoever lives here might still be putting up resistance. And wants our help in pushing them out." Turning to face Chief as he asked about the TARDIS, he, just like everyone else, ducked down behind cover. Alec and Thibaud dove next to the Doctor, guns at hand. "What the fuck!--" Alec spouted in panic.

"Language!" The Doctor chimed in.

"Now's not a good time for that!" Alec yelled back. With the onset of ADVENT troops storming in, they were in quite the predicament. A sniper was keeping them down, and if they stayed in their current location, ADVENT would surely overwhelm them. Also didn't help that Chief, the biggest fucker in their group, was knocked silly by the shot, and god knows how injured by it. His shoulder was a mixture of dents, faded green, and black, with his visor cracked to shit. At least he was still moving. Thibaud slowly did his best to peak an eye around cover to see how many there were without having the sniper spot him, There were around 14 so far, with another dropship landing just outside the tower entrance.


Cole stated as that Sniper Shot echoed across the Tower's interior, forcing Cole to look for Cover. Then came the voice over the radio as more ADVENT Soldiers closed in. Prophet took cover next to him as it would seem they were a somewhat deadly duo between them, plus Cole owed him for saving him from that electrocution wielding ADVENT guy that was on his ass.

"Hey Prophet, think you can patch me into that guy's comms?"
"I can try."

Prophet's Nanosuit made an attempt to breach into the Comms of the ADVENT Military, at least the ones in this area at most. However with this radio that was used by the unknown figure, it took barely any effort to hack into.

"Access Granted. Routing input to local radio."
"All yours, Cole."
"Thanks, my man."

Cole took a deep breath as he began to speak.

"The Cole Train is your house, bitch! You hear that shit!? You alien-ass bitches are goin' down! Like way down - dead down! So down you ain't even gonna know which way is up! Your asses are gonna be cryin' to your skank-ass boss: "Oh, mommy, don't let the bad man hurt us!" F*** you! We're gonna whup your mamma's, ass! Whoo!"
"Very... creative."
"Uh huh. Let's go kick some ass."

Prophet and Cole nodded as they proceeded to get into the action. Cole utilised his Cover to blind-fire at the incoming ADVENT Soldiers while keeping completely hidden behind Cover. Prophet ran in there straight away.

"Maximum Armour."

Prophet's suit would now become more reinforced and sturdy. Back in his world, his armour was capable of resisting a shot or two from a Tank Barrel and be relatively unphased. Utilising his advantage, he took cover closer to the Entrance way, equipped his SCAR-L and also attaching the Grenade Launcher attachment as he proceeded to engage the incoming forces, from firing at them with the Assault Rifle to firing Grenades from the attached Launcher.

@AIM Leader Wade @The Wanderer @Agent_Puncake @Nero Kunivas @Wiggin

Sierra-117/Master "John" Chief

The last thing John heard was a shot echoing in the distance and getting hit by what could only be equated to a hit by a gravity hammer. The force sending him flying back through the air and slamming into a wall. His senses numbed from shock, and black dots dancing in his vision, any lessor human would've blacked out.

But not him.

He was a Spartan. A Spartan with a mission still incomplete.

So using every ounce of strength and will left, he lifted himself back up into a crouching position before practically throwing himself into the nearest cover. His ears still ringing, his helmet's internal speaker vibrated with noise, most likely Cortana with concern and happiness that he was not claimed by death.

A few moments later and his senses came back to him. The first thing he could hear was Cortana sounding like she had been crying, saying she was worried sick. Despite her having no physical way to do so, it still made his heart weigh down a bit. That and his shoulder was buzzing with pain, but the lack of mind-breaking pain meant that the broken bones worry was pushed back. The notion was more easily pushed away, after-all the titanium alloy infused bones that every Spartan had in them easily made breaking a bone or two a rare occurrence. Dislocation was another story, as it was more common for Spartans to receive in the field. And right now, his arm was showing every symptom of it.

Steeling himself once more, he took hold of the arm and popped it back into place. The pain burning hot through his body. And somewhat caused his senses to kickstart back into full gear. Seems a fight was breaking out once more between them and their alien foe.

This time, they didn't have a police box and heavy arms fire to fight back as they were still inside the building. But this could work in their favor. Force the enemy to come in through a choke point, lower their numbers and exfil out as soon as possible. The plan ran into the biggest problem. That being, the enemy sniper. With that being a factor, they couldn't get out without fear of getting their brains splattered.

Standing out of cover, John enacted his plan. Before long, he could see the muzzle flash as another beam fired out at him. The world slowed down as John moved to the side allowing the shot to miss him by just a few inches. And like that, John mapped out potential sniping positions aside from the obvious spot the Sniper was located at. He ran to a corner where the sniper's aim was obstructed by the building, dodging fire from the aliens soldiers and the sniper.

Once there, John would prevent soldiers from swarming in by gunning down a few Advent that ran in. Cortana calling out "In order to make a retreat, we have to take down that sniper. Anyone here that can?"

John hoped that someone here would come up with a plan or had means to snipe the sniper. Otherwise, this was going to be tricky. He made one statement before going silent to focus on the enemy. "Protect the Doctor at all costs. Get into a blind spot if you can."

With that said, he would take aim at the entrance from where he was. Opening fire when any of the aliens came in.


Hunk couldn't believe it. Not the fact the big green one was shot and got back up, or the speech that Cole gave via something. Though he pinned it as the Prophet had a radio as well or something as Hunk could hear it over his radio. But it was the fact that it seemed like they were going to try and go out the front door with a sniper still in effect. Sure, the Chief's A.I did mention something about if someone there had something that could snipe the sniper.

Hunk was pretty sure that none of them did, as he remembered that there was a weapon or two in the Chief's jeep that could act as a long ranged weapon. That and he didn't pay much mind to what weapons everyone had. But as of this moment, he wasn't about to start asking who had what and such. He had more pressing matters. One, protect the man in the suit as the big green one said, not to mention, the man must hold some way for them to get back to their original place and such.

They couldn't get out the front with a sniper keeping them pinned. So, they have to find another way out. Or get something to boost their numbers. Anything really, so long as it helped.

Looking around, he tried to find something that could help complete the request while also essentially keeping the Doctor safe and in cover. He would hand him his sidearm. A great risk, but in the event that he were to die and the Doc was left defenseless, the objective would still be maintained. "I trust you know how to use this." Was all he said. Not asked as a question, but more as a statement.

Part of him wasn't worried about it, as one. The Doc seemed smart enough to use a weapon, and to stay in cover. Two, he was sure he would stay alive to keep him safe.

That was when Hunk got an idea. One that seemed so insane, it just might work. The Sniper talked through the radio, taunting and such. A tactic used to make your enemy more frantic as they tried to fight back but suffering confusion and such. A tactic he could use.

Step One: Jab with failure. Clicking on the radio, Hunk would say into it. "Seems your shot wasn't good enough....Had me worried we were dealing with someone skilled."

Step Two: Provoke.

"So far, not impressed. Just another amateur who slapped a scope on a rifle and thinks it makes him a sniper." Whether his tactic was working or not, Hunk would finish off with the last step.

Step Three: Challenge skill
"Maybe if we get close enough, you might actually be able to kill someone. Or is that too much of a challenge for you?" He would click off the radio so it could no longer transmit. Just to add onto it. The plan would've failed against anyone else who wasn't egotistical or was professional. But for the Sniper, it just might make him lose his cool and do something drastic that could work in their favor.

Hunk would sit back, blindfire when necessary, and waited for the outcome of what he had done.

@AIM Leader Wade @Lady White @Nero Kunivas @Agent_Puncake @Wiggin

With the combined blindfire of Hunk, Cole, and Trigger, it slowed down the ADVENT forces, but did nothing to stop them, as they swerved quick between different covers to avoid their line of fire. Even that was an issue, however, as the sniper aimed down his scope and counted off how many were blindfiring. 'One, two, three, four,' Thibaud was firing from the side of his cover, aiming at the ADVENT soldiers coming in from the right side ramps. Once counted, the sniper took four shots, each one meant to shoot away Hunk, Trigger, Cole, and Thibaud's guns out of their hands; each shot quick happening within seconds of each other. Thiabud's weapon went flying away, hitting the ground and sliding to the back walls. The Frenchman winced in pain, grabbing his hand, as the blast from when the sniper hit his gun burned his fingers.

"One provokes me without success, the other taunts me with a lack of vocabulary. Both talk too much." The Sniper taunted back. Being so far away, they couldn't see the smile on his face, as he kept an eye out for any peeking head above their cover. He fired several shots at them as warnings that if they got too bold, he wouldn't miss. The only thing going for the heroes, however, was Prophet and the Doom Marine. All ADVENT troops aimed directly at them as they moved forward to the main group, keeping their distance from him and flanking around to ambush him. Their rifle's ammunition would only bounce off his suit, as his maximum armor made him immune from their weapons. It didn't mean there wasn't the challenging of being overrun, however, as ADVENT didn't have the regular troops with commanders, nono.

They brought in the more special units.


ADVENT Priests. Specialists in psychic powers. When one entered the tower and got as close to Prophet as it could, it pulled out the device creating the purple orb on his back. Prophet would do a good job in slicing through the troops, as the grenade launcher would blast them out of their cover, but as he fought by the entrance, the priest formed the purple orb in his hand; increasing its power.


The priest fired directly at Prophet, trying to place him in a stasis. If successful, a purple shield would surround Prophet, and weaken him to the point of being unable to move. All strength from his body would be limited, and he would fall to his knees in from immediately exhaustion. The shield would protect him from being fired upon by ADVENT though, even if they tried, the shield around him would bounce off their shots. He would be protected, but paralyzed.

Doom Marine, on the other hand, was causing a different problem for ADVENT. The moment they arrived, and everyone ducked for cover, the Marine ran at them. And boy, did he work fast. With Prophet's help, the Marine ran from platform to platform, jumping with easing and running faster than anyone in the group could move, even Prophet! Armed with the heavy assault rifle, he blasted away ADVENT, as the rifle's ammo tore through their bodies; decimating their limbs. Arms flew off all around, and their green blood stained the steel floors. Each jump he made between platforms, he fired off the rockets armed in his rifle, blasting away a large group of ADVENT at the entrance way. The Sniper realized that ADVENT clearly were too inept at taking down this doofus of a soldier, as he was jumping around like a rabbit with a machine gun, so he took his aim off the main group and tried hitting the Marine himself.

The Marine had stopped moving for a second in the center of the doorway, looking for where the ADVENT priest was, but with his back turned, the Sniper took a shot, which landed right in the center of his back. It blasted him off the platform to the floor below, and with a loud thud, the Marine had the wind knocked out of him for a second. The Sniper smiled and returned to where the group was, seeing if any of them had tried making a run for the back door. Out the corner of his school, he saw something flash, and looking to where it came from, he saw the Doom marine falling back onto the platform, having fired a missile right at where the sniper was. Well, almost.

The missile hit close to where the sniper was, a couple feet besides him, as dust landed all over, yet no such luck with killing him. That's when he fired two more missiles at the sniper. And when seeing this, the sniper quickly jumped out of cover and used his grapple hook to make the escape. The missiles hit dead on where the sniper was taking cover. With more ADVENT on the way, the Marine was quick to charge out the front entrance to the tower at them. The main group could finally poke their head out of cover, and get the hell out of there before the sniper came back. Both Alec and Thibaud looked amazed at the Marine's brevity to fight alone. Seemingly he was doing fine so far with it. "Good on him." Alec commented.

Only a few ADVENT remained inside the tower itself, with the rest of them outside, dealing with the marine. "Cole, Hunk, go help out Prophet and get him back here, the rest of you with me! We're getting the hell out of here!" He waved everyone to follow, as behind them was another doorway, similar to the entrance. When they got close to it, The Doctor scanned the big metal door and got it opened, leading them to a new area.

Halo 4 (Full Campaign and Cutscenes) - YouTube - Google Chrome 5_11_2019 2_52_45 AM.png

They were on a platform, and below them was a bridge that hopefully lead out of the tower, and they could get back to a fully recharged TARDIS. One problem though: another ADVENT drop ship came in through the hole in the ceiling, and was dropping more troops down on the far end of the bridge. An elevator would bring them down, but now even more fighting, though thankfully without the sniper pinning them. "Oh for fuck--" Alec complained, before Chief would get something on his intercom. "Hello?" It was yet another voice, this one human. It was hazy, but it came through clear enough to hear it.

"Hello?" Cortana replied back. "This is UNSC AI Cortana! Do you read me, over!"

"Cortana, this is The Avenger speaking. Our connection isn't stable, but we're picking up a faint transmission of your location. You're at the base of that tower, and if you can find a clearing, we can attempt a pick up and get you all out of there."

"Avenger?" Cortana whispered to Chief. That wasn't a ship listed anywhere in her memories that belonged to UNSC. But she was willing to shrug it off, considering it was a human voice offering help. "That would be greatly appreciated, Avenger! We're in some sort of cave system, but there's a bridge that should take us outside behind the tower. We'll try contacting you when we're outside."

"Roger, I have a team coming your way. Be care."

"We got pickup coming!" Cortana shouted, glad to hear their luck was turning.

Abby Dee/Courier Six - Character Sheet

"Ah great, here I go again!" Abby yells when the portal engulfs her and she sees her body glow orange and she braced for something terrible to happen. Normally when she sees orange, that means some kind of fire, so she assumes this is it, she's biting the big one and going to die a human matchstick. Not feeling anymore heat than she would in a desert though, Abby opens her eyes and sees several things that look kinda more familiar but nothing that sets her at-ease. The opposite actually. The heat is familiar most of all and almost comforting. Abby spies that creature and levels her pistol at it on instinct. The thing's howl stops her as she clasps both forearms over her ears.

"Sonofabitch I'm gonna-" Abby starts to threaten the creature, but stops when she sees it run away. "Yeah! You better run you shiny mongrel!" That bit of elation is snuffed out when she looks around, and sees there are more coming around and towards her. She puts away Li'l Devil and shoulders The Survivalist's Rifle, switching the safety off while lining up a shot at the one nearest to her.

"Well well Mobius done outdid himself this time. These act more real than them scorpions." She is ready to squeeze the trigger when that voice from her Pip-Boy stops her with advice, and a plan. She doesn't know this voice from Mr. New Vegas, but the conviction in it has her convinced to follow this unknown woman's instructions.

"Gotcha, mysterious stranger." Abby answers in the affirmative. The sniper shot rings out in the air. The robo-wolf thing nearest to her drops, and Abby quickly moves on to the next-closest she'd seen before and squeezes one round into it's center of mass, another at it's head just incase the huge 12.7mm bullet didnt do the trick in one shot. She books it around and away from the robo-wolves following the weird towers, given there's no other guides for her to follow. The rifle stays out and the woman fires on any wolves that happen to get between her iron sights, stays down to the ground in case she needs the boulders and hills of the rocky terrain for cover.

"Alright stranger, now what?" Abby asks into her Pip-Boy hoping whoever was on the other end could actually hear her. She'd never used the thing as a two-way radio before, and so didn't even think it worked that way at all. She stops behind a large rock to catch her breath and reload her clip. The ten shots fired had been aimed well at the centers and heads, two shots per target just to be more safe than sorry. Her long strong legs had taken her a fair distance from where she'd started running, but Abby still has no idea where she's going or why.

The wolves continued to try and circle around Abby to flank her, but with the help of her sniper buddy, the wolves were quickly eliminated. When shot, their bodies dissolved into an orange glow, before fading away into nothing but dust. As Abby took cover, the sniper also took the time to reload her own weapon. "Follow the pathway to where the tower in the distance is. That's where I'll find you. Whatever you do though, don't stop. Those wolves aren't the only things down here, and your weapons won't be able to kill them." She warned, before getting a move on. The distance to the tower she mentioned wasn't too far off, but if there were more wolves, Abby would need to make a run for it.

Beyond the open area was a bridge made of light, which took her into a narrow little canyon. It was wide enough to fit a car, and there were certainly plenty of holes in the ceiling to see the giant purple orb in the center of wherever this was, as beams shot into it from the sides and top of the steel, orbital structure surrounding the whole area. And Abby wouldn't go long without a friend. Something jumped down from the top of the ceiling, landing on top of her, and doing this:


It's face got incredibly close to Abby's, but before it could take a bit out of her, someone else appeared. From out the corner of Abby's eye, she would notice a small person jumped off the cliff and came flying down towards them, screaming as they fell from such a high place. "aaaaaaaaHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Whoever it was, they landed right on the back of the metal creature trying to eat her, making it fall over to her left side. The guy then shoved a massive arm knife into its throat as hard as he could, nearly beheading the thing, before it dissolved away, and the guy fell a few inches onto his face.

The guy in question..... He was a short guy.


Standing up, he looked over to Abby, and handed out his arm, saying, "Are you gonna lay there all day or what!" Not the knife arm, the actual human arm. When she stood up again, the guy folded his knife back into his arm, and put his coat over it. "Edward. You?"
ADVENT Priests. Specialists in psychic powers. When one entered the tower and got as close to Prophet as it could, it pulled out the device creating the purple orb on his back. Prophet would do a good job in slicing through the troops, as the grenade launcher would blast them out of their cover, but as he fought by the entrance, the priest formed the purple orb in his hand; increasing its power.


The priest fired directly at Prophet, trying to place him in a stasis. If successful, a purple shield would surround Prophet, and weaken him to the point of being unable to move. All strength from his body would be limited, and he would fall to his knees in from immediately exhaustion. The shield would protect him from being fired upon by ADVENT though, even if they tried, the shield around him would bounce off their shots. He would be protected, but paralyzed.

As Prophet dipped out of Cover to attack once more, an ADVENT Priest successfully hit him with some kind of stasis rifle which engulfed him in some kind of shield which was protecting him from their own forces, but he was rendered immobile for the time being.

"Suit Malfunction Detected. System Recovery Underway. 10%... 15%... Warning. System Recovery Failed. Processing... Stasis within unknown parameters. Analysing..."
"Ahh... I'm out of action for a while, you guys know what to do!"
"I'm on it, man. Sit tight, the Cole Train's coming for a pickup!"

He exclaimed as he reloaded his Lancer and focused. There was a Sniper in play so he had to be careful, one headshot would do the trick as he wasn't a fan of helmets. He utilised the low cover of the unknown room in the middle to Roadie Run towards Prophet, and take cover by the Pillar he was at. Grabbing a Fragmentation Grenade from his belt, he threw it towards a group of Soldiers and knocked them out for a while as he motioned for Prophet to try to move.

"I can't move. Some kind of Stasis. See what you can do about that new guy over there."
"Hey, shithead! You want some of this?"

Cole exclaimed in an attempt to get the Priests attention as he proceeded to blind fire towards his direction.

@AIM Leader Wade
Abby Dee/Courier Six - Character Sheet

"Roger that, stranger." Abby slams a new mag into her rifle and bolts from her cover, locking onto the tower off in the distance, head whipping around in case more of those robowolves show up. The sniper had told her to not stop, so it was with some difficulty she kept going even when the path took her to a bridge that at first looked like some trick. Yet her boots hit the light and it felt more solid than any bridge she could recall walking before.

"Well this just keeps gettin' weirder." Abby voices her observation. In the canyon, Abby slows down a step. In her experience, the bottom of a canyon was one of the worst places to be when on the run. You really gave anything and anyone wanting to kill you the high ground. Boone had called the bottom of a canyon a 'kill box' when she'd foolishly wanted to make camp in one back home. So Abby slows down to shoulder her rifle and pan up and down the canyon before her.

Fat lot of good that did her though. Before she could even register seeing it drop from the ceiling, Abby found herself pinned to the ground by one of the most goddamned scariest things she's seen. Few things made Abby shriek the way she did looking up into that glowing blue skull. And that would have been Abby Dee's last scream before the thing ripped her apart, starting at her face and going down.

As suddenly as she was in the jaws of what looked like Death itself, Abby was saved as well. Bolting upright, Abby drew her Bowie Knife from her belt and trained it on her 'savior' assuming it was just another thing that was gonna try and kill her. She'd been spared the stinger of a Radscorpion only to face the jaws of a Deathclaw before, after all. Only this time, she saw what she assumed to be a kid had saved her; a kid with a metal knife-arm apparently. She accepted his human arm's help in getting up and scooped up her rifle while looking into the eyes of this Edward.

"Abby. Talk later. Gotta run or die, Short Stack." She tells him while swinging her rifle onto her shoulder, and then taking off at a sprint to the tower. "Next thing to try and get the drop on me is getting gutted! I swear!" She curses up at the sky/ceiling.
Sierra-117/Master Chief

John's efforts to stem the flow of went decent enough. Soldiers caught on as now some were pre-firing back at him, his shields absorbing the hits. But when the Sniper shot back at those blind-firing. The only one that could do anything was the other green armored one. Hell, if it wasn't for the lack of UNSC styled weaponry as well as the armor itself not resembling anything ONI made, John would've called the man an honest Spartan II.

The bravedo got rid of the sniper problem, but the aliens were swarming in and while the soldier's large arsenal and zealous like fervor in attacking them, the main group needed to get out of here. Especially Prophet, as he was encased in a energy bubble that the priest shot at him. But those people had their duty and he had his.

Walking out onto the platform with the others, Cortana picked up a signal and after she answered them, muting the speakers so they could talk privately. All he had to say was. "Possible the UNSC expanded its list of ships. But the lack of mentioning the UNSC before their vessel's name is worrying." It was strict code that UNSC allied ships had that before their designation. "UNSC Forward unto Dawn." And plenty of others were good enough examples, hell the Pelicans even used it.

"But if they're human, they might be able to get us home." Was all he said next.

Cortana would echo the message to the others. "We've received a call from an Avenger, we are going to have to get out of here so they can help."

As the enemy force landed troops across the bridge, John knew better than to wait. Waiting would allow the enemy to fortify their position, and that combined with the potential strategy of fighting them from the other side of the bridge would only serve to have themselves surrounded. So, they had to blitz the enemy was they were still unprepared. Establish a beachhead for allied forces to pull up and assist in taking down enemies, wear them down and move on before the forces in the back who managed to get past the green one man army and come up the rear to attack from behind.

Then hopefully meet with the friendly forces would pick them up and they all can exfiltrate.

John jump down the platform, rolling to convert the momentum into launching himself into a dead sprint. Leaping over cover, he was atop an unfortunate soldier, whom only had a second to call out in that language before John's rifle ended him. Rolling off the now dead body, John would fire at two soldiers, forcing them into cover before being forced into cover after he was fired upon.

His strategy did focus their attention on him while his allies would have an easy way to quickly fill the gap and attack.

He just hoped it worked...


It was worth a try, but the Sniper seemed to not be an ego-driven type despite taunting over the radio. So Hunk was going to have to try a different method next time. The group's blindfire method was cut short by the sniper. Shooting most of their guns out of their hands. Hunk barely kept his gun, though the shot broke the scope, and the part it was attached to. So while the gun could still fire, his aim was going to be slightly thrown off by the lack of a scope and sights. Not to mention, this wasn't going to be an easy fix, as he wouldn't be able to remove the broken scope without certain tools he did not have.

Thankfully, the slightly smaller green armored one took charge and was busy massacring the enemy while they were making a retreat. Though he and Cole were tasked with assisting Prophet in his bubble. No easy task, but something they were going to have to do.

As Hunk looked at it, the bubble didn't seem to originate from any device and didn't look like shooting it would help. So carrying it was going to have to do.

Bracing himself, he would call to Cole. "We're going to have to carry him until it wears off."

@AIM Leader Wade @Lady White @Nero Kunivas @Wiggin @Agent_Puncake
Things were at a bit of a shit show right now. Abby was trapped under the planet with two strangers, the main group was divided in half, with some fight along the bridge to clear a way out of the tower, and the others falling behind to get Prophet out of harms way, before ADVENT troops took him while he was trapped in stasis. It seemed almost comical how bad things would get for these people, because man, they've had a shitty day, haven't they? From a hellish post-apocalyptic earth, to a friggin alien planet with hostile orces trying to kill them, barely any sleep, probably starving, and had no weapons, or very little ammunition to fight back with. And this Avenger wasn't like to come back in tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii




"Plan's in motion now."

"I trust you know what you're doing?"

"The issue comes down to seeing if any of them will survive. The second group has yet to be located, but it's only a matter of time before they show up again."

"And the second?"

"Trapped between ADVENT forces on Requiem. I don't know about you, but I think they're in need of a change of scenery, no?"

"You have a place in mind?"

"ADVENT forces are reaching out further than we expected them to, and I know 334 will soon be having issues with both them and Hyperion. Those forces combined would destroyed Sanctuary."

"M has the fully support of your plan, but if you waste resources on it without results, she will reassign you from your precious projects. Save only those who are important, not them all."

"You don't think long term much, Snipes! If they die, so be it, I won't mourn for them, but they still hold an important place in where we go from here. If only one survives, the plan is in action, but the more there are, the more likely we are to succeed."

"As long as results are fruitful."​