The Evrensel Conflict -- Chapter 2.1: The Gang Goes Halo


After the battle had subsided, all of the people in Trigger's group met up around the blue police box. Trigger himself was met with a sharp thud to the back of his head. The hand in question belonged to Alec. The man's complaining had a point, Trigger had indeed been acting like a complete douche. Trigger turned to apologize, but stopped himself. Why was he apologizing, was he really sorry. He shrugged the thought off. It wasn't like Trigger to be thinking about how he treated others. The nonchalant round seemed to be a better route in Trigger's mind. "Relax, it's not like I can focus on multiple things in a battle-" he patted Alec's shoulder, "-and besides, it makes you look more manly and brawny" he said as he walked away, leaving Alec to deal with Nora.
All of a sudden the doctor sat up, seemingly at full alert. Trigger turned to see the man stride on over toward the blue box. It seemed like there had also been a second person who wasn't of much help either. Trigger had the urge to point and say something snarky, but his muscles wouldn't move. The moment felt like another person was keeping him in place. "Yeah… y'know what… I-I-" Trigger slapped himself back into focus, "-I'll take a look at the corpses to see what they have" He finished.
Jester Lavorre and Nora West-Allen

Nora raised a very concerned eyebrow about the man who was trying to look impressive with a head wound. " It's nice to meet you too Alec, but I think you should get the head wound check out, it looks like it's bleeding a lot from the hit you took from the gun. Probably could have caught it, but I didn't want to accidently time travel or universe hop again," she said, completely oblivious to his flirting, just finding him to be friendly.

"It's nice to meet you, Doctor, I'm Nora-West Alln or XS is an alternate name I go by. It's okay, we all have our long days after all. Nothing to be too ashamed of though. I can't tell you the number of times I had a bad day," she said with a light smile on her face.

Jester, who had been highly distracted playing with Sprinkles first turned to the Doctor. " Mr, Doctor, I don't believe that the guy hiding intended to be such a bad shot or to let the bad guys onto your ship. He is just as much not from the world as us and we all want to go home. If you kick him out in a strange world, it might be a bad thing, especially none of us want to be here." She awkwardly smiled and batted her eyes at Alec making sure that she had kept her cute tone. " Don't you think so too, Mr. Alec?" She asked in a slightly flirty tone.

@AIM Leader Wade

John couldn't hear the voice of the man with the strange gun, as the rapid fire of the machine gun turret drowned him out. And his worry of ammo wasting was relieved when one of the alien ships exploded and the other ship bailed to avoid further losses. They'd be back, that was certain. But hopefully the group and himself would be long gone before the aliens reappeared in greater numbers.

Clicking the safety on the turret to prevent misfire and injury to anyone unfortunate to be hit. John climbed down from the turret position and back onto the ground, walking towards the group. The man in the suit looked like he had been hit in the head, but was doing alright. A bit angry about the door to the police box being open, which struck John as a bit odd as well Cortana.

Being a Spartan, he was a good foot or two taller than most of the individuals gathered, save for one that was also in green armor. Although the green was a bit faded. From time or just that's how it was painted when made, John nor Cortana could tell.

"Like looking in a mirror somewhat, eh?" She said inside of his helmet, careful not to do so through the speakers. Neither John or her weren't exactly ready to reveal that to them just yet.

The others gathered were a bit normal looking for the most part, excluding one blue skinned lady and another in an odd costume that looked like she had came out of a comic book or something similar. John's attention was pulled to the man who called himself "The Doctor" when speaking to a few of the others. The Doctor asked him a question of who he was, and how did he get here. Cortana inside the helmet had said something about the whole crashing ship thing would be obvious to herself, while John remained quiet for a few seconds. Trying to find the best possible way to give out his identity without violating some of the UNSC and ONI's rules.

For a few seconds, he would then say. "I am Sierra-One-One-Seven of the UNSC." It was brief, simple and didn't reveal too much.

He continued in regards to the second half of the Doctor's question. "I was onboard the ship that crashed a few minutes ago." He would turn to look at where the Forward Unto Dawn has crashed and where its debris were scattered around.

"Do you know the identity of who these soldiers served?" He would add, so that way Cortana could run through her memory to see if there was an insurrectionist group that had alien members.

@AIM Leader Wade @Lady White @Wiggin @Nero Kunivas @LuckycoolHawk9

Seemed that the combined fire of both the big armored soldier on the turret and the group's members pushed back the enemy force into retreating.

And he managed to avoid wasting ammo, only losing a clip for the MP5 he was using. Not the greatest thing as he was down to two clips for the weapon, but not the worst as he had used his bullets well. But hopefully there would be a way to refill on ammo or be able to change out guns once it had run out.

He stood up from his position when the man in the suit had called up to him, no point in trying to hide away. He needed answers, and hopefully the group down there could provide them. As he made his way down the hill, being careful to avoid stumbling and falling on his ass or bump his head. Which although the helmet might protect him, it'd still hurt and would serve to mitigate the damage, as it wouldn't stop his brain from impacting the inside of his skull. It'd also be embarrassing.

Both he wished to avoid.

He kept the gun's safety off, but kept his finger away from the trigger just keeping it close so that if the group wasn't friendly, he wouldn't be caught off guard. As he walked to the group, he was pondering just what in the hell did the man mean by 'figure out where you're from?' Did he mean country, organization or some other meaning that he couldn't figure out? Maybe he was just overthinking this. Maybe the man could help fill in the gaps in his memory or explain what happened.

While the tall one that was occupying the turret talked to the man in the suit, Hunk was passing a glance at everyone present. In a way sizing them up and also serving as a way for him to guess what military outfit or where they had come from. It'd help in-case he had to either work with them or how they would function in a fight. For a good few, he would guess mercenaries, one possible army or maybe marine outfit for the one that was pulled earlier by that snake thing. The two armored ones eluded him as he couldn't quite see any insignia on their armor. And the green one with the golden-ish visor's mention of "UNSC" also eluded him. He could guess the first two letters, but beyond that. The letters could mean anything.

He would wait for those to introduce themselves, going last. "You may call me Hunk. For where I come from, Earth." Sure the last answer sounded a bit vague, bordering on snippy or smart-assiness.

But hey, maybe the suited man should've been a bit clearer in that regard. That and Hunk wasn't exactly going to reveal everything, in-case this group was in any form affiliated with the BSAA or other organizations that he had dealt with in a negative fashion or were enemies of Umbrella before its downfall.

"I don't know what that means." The Doctor was quick to interject as Chief gave his call sign, as the Doctor wasn't too aware of Military terms and all that. Wasn't too big a military fan if you couldn't tell. "It's his call sign, Doctor." Alec quickly added in, walking up to Chief to shake his hand. "Wallace One-Nine-Nine, name's Alec Duggan. Earth Alliance Navy, Lieutenant of the USS Glasgow. Pleasure to meet you, sir."

"Yes, well, I wouldn't mind an actual name, but if Sierra works--"

"His name is the Master Chief, 'doctor.'" Cortana was quick to interrupt him, not liking his tone of voice. "I'm Cortana." Her voice echoed from Chief's helmet, and the doctor quickly pulled out his screwdriver to scan it. "....... AI?" He asked.

"UNSC created. Me and Chief work as partners."

"You'll get no complaints from me."

"Now, if we're done firing off guns, I believe we should start figuring out where we are. You two," The doctor looked to Cole and Nora, "I'm the Doctor, a pleasure to meet with you both, we're not from this universe, I'm guessing you're not either, so welcome aboard, please forgive the outburst, we've all had a very long day."

After Cole and Prophet had finished eliminating the remaining ADVENT soldiers, it was finally quiet for a change. Seeing as someone looked towards him, Cole put his Lancer back onto his back and greeted the man.

"Relax, my man. It's all good, baby. I'm Private Augustus Cole. Back where I'm from, I was known as number 83, the Cole Train!"
"I'll scout ahead at the nearby ridge up ahead. I'll report back if I find any supplies or any sign of friendlies."
"Stealth Engaged."

Prophet stated as he proceeded to completely disappear from sight and walk off towards an opening in the cliffs nearby as a means to scout out any potential places for a safe campsite.

"While Twinkle-toes goes and does his thing, I'll stay here and help you guys defend against any future attacks."

"Pleasure to meet with you, Cole." He shook the soldier's hand, admiring his enthusiasm for the situation. He was probably the happiest out of everyone in this group. "If you both see anything at all, report back to me, I don't want there to be any surprises, and I want us all gone in the next hour or less, so go do your scouting, I'll just find us a way out of here." It was planning time. The TARDIS needed time to recharge, and they were stuck on an alien planet, with strange alien humanoid soldiers trying to kill them. The usual predicament for the doctor.

"Revoked? You're a bigger dick than I remembered." Marcus sneered as he pointed to a trio of corpses, heads charred and cauterized from his headshots. "Those guys... would've shot him," he pointed at Trigger, "and him," he pointed at Alec, "and probably you." He finished off by pointing at the Doctor. "And unless they're wrapped in sixteen different layers of anomalous cloaking devices and hits harder than an APC, no one's getting through that door. Trust me," he added, slowing down but not letting up, "I know exactly how important that thing is. Uh... don't ask how. I'm not sure if you want to know. Just... I mean, having someone inside to defend it is better than not having anyone in there at all. Plus, they didn't see me."

It was a blatant excuse. Marcus didn't want to get on the Doctor's bad side; not even because he admired the man, but because at the end of the day, this police box is likely the only thing getting him home - or anywhere at all, by the looks of it. But then again, he reasoned with himself, the Doctor doesn't know what he's capable of.

Though the doctor wasn't happy with Marucs as he spoke. Before Marcus could finish, speaking the Doctor got right in his face. "No more talking from you for the rest of the day, or I'll leave you on this planet without your abilities. You can know about my ship all you want, I'm willing to guess you're a fan of mine or some kind, and follow my every move, but don't undermine what I say at all. The door was to stay shut at all times, and even if by the slightest of chances someone managed to get through you, you know how powerful my ship is, then you know how dangerous it is, so never, NEVER, under any circumstances leave that door open for any reason, what so ever!" The doctor shouted at Marcus, visibly almost getting red in the face with him.

When he quieted down, he moved his boxtie slightly and stared daggers into Marcus' eyes. "Not another peep." And like that, the doctor walked off.


After the battle had subsided, all of the people in Trigger's group met up around the blue police box. Trigger himself was met with a sharp thud to the back of his head. The hand in question belonged to Alec. The man's complaining had a point, Trigger had indeed been acting like a complete douche. Trigger turned to apologize, but stopped himself. Why was he apologizing, was he really sorry. He shrugged the thought off. It wasn't like Trigger to be thinking about how he treated others. The nonchalant round seemed to be a better route in Trigger's mind. "Relax, it's not like I can focus on multiple things in a battle-" he patted Alec's shoulder, "-and besides, it makes you look more manly and brawny" he said as he walked away, leaving Alec to deal with Nora.
All of a sudden the doctor sat up, seemingly at full alert. Trigger turned to see the man stride on over toward the blue box. It seemed like there had also been a second person who wasn't of much help either. Trigger had the urge to point and say something snarky, but his muscles wouldn't move. The moment felt like another person was keeping him in place. "Yeah… y'know what… I-I-" Trigger slapped himself back into focus, "-I'll take a look at the corpses to see what they have" He finished.

"Oh, you're a fuckin' great teammate, ain't ya." Talking about getting wounded seriously and making him look more manly. Even if he had a concussion and was bleeding down his face. "Next time you get shot in the stomach, I'll just leave you under some shade, make sure you're all nice and cool while you get yourself more manly lookin' with the scar." He wouldn't actually leave Trigger to die, just the more he spoke, the more aggravated Alec got.

Jester Lavorre and Nora West-Allen

Nora raised a very concerned eyebrow about the man who was trying to look impressive with a head wound. " It's nice to meet you too Alec, but I think you should get the head wound check out, it looks like it's bleeding a lot from the hit you took from the gun. Probably could have caught it, but I didn't want to accidently time travel or universe hop again," she said, completely oblivious to his flirting, just finding him to be friendly.

"It's nice to meet you, Doctor, I'm Nora-West Alln or XS is an alternate name I go by. It's okay, we all have our long days after all. Nothing to be too ashamed of though. I can't tell you the number of times I had a bad day," she said with a light smile on her face.

Jester, who had been highly distracted playing with Sprinkles first turned to the Doctor. " Mr, Doctor, I don't believe that the guy hiding intended to be such a bad shot or to let the bad guys onto your ship. He is just as much not from the world as us and we all want to go home. If you kick him out in a strange world, it might be a bad thing, especially none of us want to be here." She awkwardly smiled and batted her eyes at Alec making sure that she had kept her cute tone. " Don't you think so too, Mr. Alec?" She asked in a slightly flirty tone.

@AIM Leader Wade

"What?" Alec looked completely dumbfounded by what Jester was saying, not paying attention to what she just said. He was more focused on the cliff side, wondering if any more of those soldier transports were gonna pop up out of nowhere. "I don't give a shit about Marcus, I'm more annoyed with Trigger than him." He again looked over to the cliff side, then to Nora. "Nora, is there any way you could go up to the cliff side and check for any more drop ships? We don't want more suddenly showing up." He asked the first girl.

"Doctor, what exactly are we gonna do? Wait in the TARDIS?" They would be protected enough inside there for the time being, if the lock on the door wasn't easily breakable, plus whatever was shielding it clearly couldn't be penetrated by bullets, or whatever ADVENT was firing. Really, they could stay inside until the TARDIS was finished recharging. But, the Doctor thought otherwise. This planet was wrong, and just seeing how different the tech was with the floating tower off in the distance to what ADVENT were using, it was too different. They didn't belong on this planet, or this universe it seemed.

Yet, how did they get here? A simple drop ship couldn't have been all that came here. With a brief silence, he finally spoke up "Chief, how did your ship crash land down here?" He asked while looking at the wreckage from far off. "It's clearly sustained damage from a battle, not falling though the atmosphere. Did they shoot you down?" He pointed to the ADVENT bodies, with a moniker of disgust. He didn't enjoy seeing dead bodies. Or guns for that matter.

"Our ship was floating around in space with a homing beacon on in hopes UNSC would send rescue ships our way. Only these guys found us first. We must've been orbiting around the planet just as they boarded us, because the metal shell surrounding the planet opened up and sucked us all in." Cortana explained.

"You think they made this?" Alec asked.

"No, tech's too old. Hundreds of years old even. Whoever these are, I'm betting they found themselves on the planet like how we arrived on the previous one. Except they've been here longer than us."

"So then, what next?"

"If there's a link between them and all this teleporting between universes business, we'll need to investigate. The TARDIS will be fine here, I've got the key, but we'll need to make a journey in land, see what we can find out. Chief, how many can fit in that jeep of yours? Oh, and just 'The Doctor,' Jester, surprisingly been called that before, and it stills irks me a little."
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"Pleasure to meet with you, Cole." He shook the soldier's hand, admiring his enthusiasm for the situation. He was probably the happiest out of everyone in this group. "If you both see anything at all, report back to me, I don't want there to be any surprises, and I want us all gone in the next hour or less, so go do your scouting, I'll just find us a way out of here." It was planning time. The TARDIS needed time to recharge, and they were stuck on an alien planet, with strange alien humanoid soldiers trying to kill them. The usual predicament for the doctor.


Prophet stated before he left to investigate. Cole on the other hand stayed put and kept himself alert. From his time spent on Sera fighting the Locust, he knew to expect trouble from any and all sources; be it from the sky, a nearby entrance or from the ground itself.

"Would you ladies mind telling me what exactly is going on here? I don't recognise any of you or those fuckers that attacked us."

As Prophet continued on his recon duties, he eventually came across a Forerunner Structure:
Requiem Forerunner Site..PNG

"(Another structure of unknown origin... Those seem to be pretty common around here.)"

Prophet muttered to himself as he had to exit Stealth Mode for a moment to recharge energy. Choosing a spot nearby to hide behind, he awaited for an energy recharge before venturing further.
Sierra-117/Master Chief

John stayed silent as Cortana explained the situation to the others, as he wasn't one to talk to others outside of the UNSC and a select few that he would consider to be friends.

From behind the visor, his gaze continued to analyze the others in this little group, his focus soon going to the police box and its apparent larger inside. Cortana muttered something to herself inside the helmet, but John couldn't hear what it was. And he wasn't going to push in order to find out what it was. The Doctor asked how much of the group would be able to fit in the Warthog. Immediately he ran the numbers through his head and what the Warthog's maximum capacity before the risk of riding it grew too high. It was supposed to hold three, maybe five at max. Beyond that, he wouldn't dare try more. "The Warthog can hold five. Anymore than that and it will no longer be safe to ride." John explained as he took out a tool-box from the back of the Warthog.

The vehicle needed fixing above all else before they would ride.

The task would take a few minutes considering his own training with repairing and maintaining UNSC equipment and vehicles. After the time needed for repairs passed, the smoking had stopped and the clicking from it had also stopped. Beyond that, the Warthog best avoid anymore damage. The vehicle's repair supplies were low to begin with, and the repairs drained to point all that was left was duct tape and a wrench.

He climbed into the driver's seat, turning the vehicle on. The Warthog's engine was loud, but the vehicle was working without trouble. He turned to look at the others, waiting to see who was coming with.

Once everyone was finished with introductions, he simply said "My employers call me Hunk." And that was it.

He looked at the group gathered, listening as they talked about events. Seemed that they were on another planet of some sort. The news leaving a cold spot in his body. Either this was some sort of simulation or dream, or forbid reality. This could mean that getting out of here was going to be more of a pain to deal with than initially thought.

The one calling himself 'Sierra-One-One-Seven' had repaired and gotten in the weaponized jeep. The seats were limited, so he hung back to see what the group would do in terms of who went and who would stay or whatever plan they could come up with to bypass this.

Either way, this was going to be an odd mission.

@AIM Leader Wade @Nero Kunivas @Lady White @Wiggin @LuckycoolHawk9 @Agent_Puncake
Marcus felt like a bad self-insert in an equally bad crossover fanfiction.

OK, maybe not too bad. But the situation is undesirable. As the Doctor walked off, the young man sighed. He's not going to get into the painful technicalities, but he's not about to just abandon these people, them-being-his-best-chance-of-survival aside. He activated his ranged scanners as the Doctor conversed with the Chief, scanning the surrounding area and gathering as much information as he could.

Not that he needed to. He knows exactly where he was; he knows exactly who these people are (well, most of them); he even knows who they were fighting mere minutes before! But if he said anything - one, nobody would believe him. Two, nobody would have the time to listen to him. Three, Marcus guessed the Doctor was bluffing - how do you remove a cyborg's cyborg-ness from him with only a sonic screwdriver and a TARDIS? - but even then, it's unwise to anger the good Doctor further.

So Marcus kept quiet when everyone else talked.
Jester Lavorre and Nora West-Allen

Jester was very disappointed that he hadn't even been listening to him and crossed her arms. If he was so darn adorable, she would have attacked him, but seeing how the Doctor was already angry, she didn't want to make a bigger scene than she needed too. " I am very sorry, The Doctor. I was always taught by my mama to call people either mister or learned their name. It is good to know that it is not preferred by you, so I know that and won't think about using it again." She wondered what they were going to do now that they were here.

Nora offered a smile. She totally had a way that she could go up the cliff side. " Yeah, I can totally go and scout ahead for the drone ships and they won't even see me if I go fast enough, that much is a fact that I can attest too," she said, looking over at him and would see if the TARDIS door was open (if it wasn't, she would phase through it) and would do a quick run up the cliff side to see if there were any more enemies or potential threats in the area before she would speed back in the same way that would exit to deliver them whatever she had found.

@AIM Leader Wade
So to fix the transport issue, the Doctor assigned five people to Chief's warthog, while he would get the rest of the transport. In that time, Alec explained to Cole the situation they were all facing. They were in another universe, apparently robots have to do with it, though they aren't sure why, and right now, they're waiting for the TARDIS to recharge so they can get the hell off this planet and find the rest of their team. By the end of the explanation, Alec had a look of, 'this has been a long day, I wish I had Whiskey right now, I feel like dying in a bed.'

............ Actually, he might've just said all that to Cole when he finished explaining the situation. "This has been a very long day, and I wish I had a big bottle of Whiskey right now, I feel like dying in a bed." He'd been thrown around, nearly cooked alive, hit in the head with a broken gun by Trigger, shot at my aliens, choked by a giant snake thing, and now they had to go driving around this place. WHY CAN'T THEY JUST WAIT?!?.......... In fact, that's exactly what Alec asked after he said he wanted to die to Cole. "Hey Doc!" He shouted towards the timelord, walking over to the TARDIS again. "Can't we just wait until your ship charges up--" Now, Alec hadn't been paying attention at all to what the Doctor was doing, but ho-ly shit. He brought out several motorcycles, each of different generations and models, and each in pristine edition that would god worth millions. Each bike was for anyone who couldn't fit into the warthog, or had super human powers like Nora did.

Alec was stunned by the lineup. Mouth slightly open and eyes wide. "Hooooooo-ly fuckin' Christ's corpse." Alec muttered aloud, looking over the bikes. "This is..... HOLY SHIT!" As he shouted that, the Doctor brought out the last vehicle from his lineup out the TARDIS. A little 1960s French scooter. "Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?" The Doctor asked, shocked by his vulgar language. Though Alec was more focused on the very expensive bikes. "How the hell do you have all this?!"

The Doctor seemed a bit confused. "Well, I need to travel a lot, I don't need to walk everywhere I go."

"But why do you have so many bikes!"

"..... Forget I have all of them really." He shrugged before saying that too.

Alec rubbed his face. "Forget it--- why aren't we waiting for the TARDIS to charge again?"

"Time's of the essence, waiting around for an hour with nothing to do means whoever these Aliens are can organize and continue plotting whatever it is they're doing on this planet. We can't give them have that much time, every second could mean something bad will happen, and trust me, I've had too many of those occasions happen. Plus, when else are you going to visit an alien planet surrounded by a metal shell?" The mystery was really what drove the doctor, he wanted to find out more about this place, how it was made, who truly ran it, and what was its original purpose. Only one way to find out.

"I have it, doctor." Cortana spoke. Pointing and activating his sonic screwdriver at Chief's helmet, the Doctor looked at the data Cortana collected. "I can't figure it out at all. It's frequency is all jammed up, and I can't find a way to clear it."

"Yes, this is definitely not from this planet. Too far out of range, nothing global, at least from where we're standing." Cortana had mentioned to them while the Doctor was getting the vehicles that she'd been picking up phantom signals through Chief's comms, but the signal isn't strong enough to hear what's on the other side. "You think it's alien?"

"Possibly, too scrambled to truly find out. We'll need to find someplace to get a clearer signal. And where do you find that?" The Doctor looked over to the tower Prophet had scouted ahead, which was far off, but in derivable distance. "Up high." The tower would be a perfect spot to clear up the signal and see who was on the other end. "Could it be other humans?" Alec asked.

"Our ship only came into contact with these alien forces outside the planet's shell. And we've been waiting to hear back from for four years. It's a longshot, but until it's cleared up, we won't know."

"Then let us get moving." Thibaud spoke up, finally after all this time. He'd been quiet all this time, and for good reason. He was taking in the scenery. "I'll take the bike on the far left. Seems my model." He gave a smile to the doctor, and walked over to it. The model was clearly of 1940's era, and was familiar enough to Thibaud. "Jeez, you've been quiet for a while now, haven't you?"

"I'm simply following your leads. I am a stranger in an unknown world, with people of diverse identities, all of which asks my questions for me. What can I say that you haven't?"

Alec couldn't argue with that. "Fair enough."​
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So to fix the transport issue, the Doctor assigned five people to Chief's warthog, while he would get the rest of the transport. In that time, Alec explained to Cole the situation they were all facing. They were in another universe, apparently robots have to do with it, though they aren't sure why, and right now, they're waiting for the TARDIS to recharge so they can get the hell off this planet and find the rest of their team. By the end of the explanation, Alec had a look of, 'this has been a long day, I wish I had Whiskey right now, I feel like dying in a bed.'

............ Actually, he might've just said all that to Cole when he finished explaining the situation. "This has been a very long day, and I wish I had a big bottle of Whiskey right now, I feel like dying in a bed." He'd been thrown around, nearly cooked alive, hit in the head with a broken gun by Trigger, shot at my aliens, choked by a giant snake thing, and now they had to go driving around this place. WHY CAN'T THEY JUST WAIT?!?.......... In fact, that's exactly what Alec asked after he said he wanted to die to Cole. "Hey Doc!" He shouted towards the timelord, walking over to the TARDIS again. "Can't we just wait until your ship charges up--" Now, Alec hadn't been paying attention at all to what the Doctor was doing, but ho-ly shit. He brought out several motorcycles, each of different generations and models, and each in pristine edition that would god worth millions. Each bike was for anyone who couldn't fit into the warthog, or had super human powers like Nora did.

"Now that's not the attitude to have in this kind of situation, man. At times like these, we need to step up."

Cole stated as he checked the ammo on his Lancer before listening to everyone else

Alec was stunned by the lineup. Mouth slightly open and eyes wide. "Hooooooo-ly fuckin' Christ's corpse." Alec muttered aloud, looking over the bikes. "This is..... HOLY SHIT!" As he shouted that, the Doctor brought out the last vehicle from his lineup out the TARDIS. A little 1960s French scooter. "Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?" The Doctor asked, shocked by his vulgar language. Though Alec was more focused on the very expensive bikes. "How the hell do you have all this?!"

The Doctor seemed a bit confused. "Well, I need to travel a lot, I don't need to walk everywhere I go."

"But why do you have so many bikes!"

"..... Forget I have all of them really." He shrugged before saying that too.

Alec rubbed his face. "Forget it--- why aren't we waiting for the TARDIS to charge again?"

"Time's of the essence, waiting around for an hour with nothing to do means whoever these Aliens are can organize and continue plotting whatever it is they're doing on this planet. We can't give them have that much time, every second could mean something bad will happen, and trust me, I've had too many of those occasions happen. Plus, when else are you going to visit an alien planet surrounded by a metal shell?" The mystery was really what drove the doctor, he wanted to find out more about this place, how it was made, who truly ran it, and what was its original purpose. Only one way to find out.

"I have it, doctor." Cortana spoke. Pointing and activating his sonic screwdriver at Chief's helmet, the Doctor looked at the data Cortana collected. "I can't figure it out at all. It's frequency is all jammed up, and I can't find a way to clear it."

"Yes, this is definitely not from this planet. Too far out of range, nothing global, at least from where we're standing." Cortana had mentioned to them while the Doctor was getting the vehicles that she'd been picking up phantom signals through Chief's comms, but the signal isn't strong enough to hear what's on the other side. "You think it's alien?"

"Possibly, too scrambled to truly find out. We'll need to find someplace to get a clearer signal. And where do you find that?" The Doctor looked over to the tower Prophet had scouted ahead, which was far off, but in derivable distance. "Up high." The tower would be a perfect spot to clear up the signal and see who was on the other end. "Could it be other humans?" Alec asked.

"Our ship only came into contact with these alien forces outside the planet's shell. And we've been waiting to hear back from for four years. It's a longshot, but until it's cleared up, we won't know."

"Then let us get moving." Thibaud spoke up, finally after all this time. He'd been quiet all this time, and for good reason. He was taking in the scenery. "I'll take the bike on the far left. Seems my model." He gave a smile to the doctor, and walked over to it. The model was clearly of 1940's era, and was familiar enough to Thibaud. "Jeez, you've been quiet for a while now, haven't you?"

"I'm simply following your leads. I am a stranger in an unknown world, with people of diverse identities, all of which asks my questions for me. What can I say that you haven't?"

Alec couldn't argue with that. "Fair enough."

As everyone was finishing, Prophet had came back from his scouting mission to reveal the news he had found.

"I've discovered a structure up ahead that's radiating an unknown signature. From the looks of our armoured friend here---"

He stated as he pointed to Master Chief as he resumed.

"---, he might know what this place is. I suggest we investigate this structure for the time being until the TARDIS is repaired."
"I got you, baby. Alright everyone, keep your guns locked and loaded, we might be expecting company at this big ass tower our friend here spotted. Let's do this, whoo!"

The bodies that Trigger looked over yielded nothing. All that was left was only broken weapons and armor. When Trigger removed the helmets from the soldiers he discovered they were a strange looking race. The aliens looked almost human, but covered in scars and with big, bulbous, eyes. After a few minutes of finding nothing of use, he gave up and tossed the helmet he was holding onto the ground. Trigger turned to find multiple motorcycles lined up beside the TARDIS. The motorcycles looked like very old technology (At Least on Trigger's world). The doctor offered the rides as transport. Trigger decided to drive the dirt bike beside the french man, since he was the most familiar with the bike. After Prophet mentioned there was a tower, Trigger didn't hesitate to start the trek towards it. The bike made a loud wirr as Trigger made it come to life. "To the tower we go" he shouted as a zoomed forward, not bothering to see if he was being followed by anyone. Something tried to tug him back towards to the group, but he kept on forward.
With their transport settled with, they began to move out. The Doctor rode his scooter alongside Chief, who drove with the Doom Marine, Cole, Prophet and Hunk, while Alec, Thibaud, Marcus, and Trigger would ride on their own bikes. The drive was a bumpy one, but also quick, taking up ten minutes of time before they arrived at the base of the tower. No ADVENT was in sight, but the area around the entrance was wide open, large rocks and small mesas making up cover points. Alec, Thibaud and Hunk would be sent up to scout ahead, while the rest stayed behind, the Doctor and Cortana checking for signals of enemy communication. They picked up something far off to the south, a convoy of ADVENT exploring the area was sending out a small team to check the area where the TARDIS was, looking for the scouting team they took out. The TARDIS would be safe, it was locked down, and even if they tried lifting it, because it lacked in power, that made it as heavy as a mountain. They weren't gonna move that thing at all.

There were two ramps leading up to a platform above them, that's where they could get inside the tower. The metal walls looked ageless, and the blue lines around them glowed brightly, yet there was a sense that this place was old. Older than anything they'd ever seen before. When the three soldiers returned, Alec relayed their findings. "All clear ahead. Door's shut though, and we can't see any other way around."

"I can get it open. Whatever you do, don't touch anything while inside. It's an old tower sending off strange readings, and I think if we aren't careful, we might end up doing something we regret." Ominous planets with strange buildings older than most civilizations usually gave off that feeling. "Come on!" Waving everyone to follow, the Doctor began a light jog back to the entrance. The door was a bulky thing, not even a tank could blast its way inside, and as they approached it down the long corridor, something around it began to activate. A small little holographic interface appeared on the lower half, it looked like it needed impute of some kind, like a hand print, or a password. The Doctor pulled out his screwdriver, scanned it, and within a couple seconds, the door began to open slowly. "Why is it called a screwdriver, it does a lot more than screwing." Alec commented.

"Well, it was just a screwdriver when I first got it, but after a while, I realized I couldn't keep all the tools I needed in my pockets, so I just kept tinkering with it to do more. Haven't always had one, sometimes it breaks and I replace it with something else, but in the early years, I sometimes never got around to it. Can't live without it now though, way too important, and,"


"It's just neat to do that." With a childish grin, he pushed the Screwdriver back into place, and with the door opened, they all entered into a large chamber. It looked it a decompression chamber, as when the door closed behind them, another one opened in front. As they waited again, Cortana again recieved another strange transmission, sounding just the same as the one she mentioned to both Chief and the Doctor. "There's that signal again." Cortana said aloud, trying to decipher it in Chief's helmet. As she did, Chief would hear the faintest of voices trying to say something. Whatever it was, it sounded human this time.

As the second door finally opened, they were inside the tower, and the whole bottom floor to it was a massive space.


Thibaud was stunned by what he was seeing. The architecture was beyond anything from his world, as below the platform they all stood upon, tiles were floating up and down by themselves, as if gravity was not bound to them. The technology of this place already amazed him, but to see inside was a wonder of imagination. Alec, however, couldn't help but make comparisons to how this place seemed similar to archaeological dig sites of old Prothean ruins. This place was in much better shape than those, but still, the technology was both incredibly advanced, yet seemed so old at the same time. Around the sides of the platform were walkways that took them further down the room, where the giant spire was. In the center was a console, one that Cortana could use to interface with the tower and check it for information.​
"Oh no." Marcus groaned. He's seen this before - not this exact building, not this exact setup, but it was close enough. Any moment now, one of these other bumbling idiots are going to somehow let the Flood loose. The Flood. The scariest, most terrifying parasitic lifeform there is. His processor took into account the possibility of this building being merely a lookout tower, or some sort of armory, but the threat of Flood spores, even dormant, are very much real.

Marcus wondered if he should say something. It was a gambit - on one hand, if he was wrong, he could get in even more trouble with the Doctor. On the other hand, if he didn't warn them and something happened... Marcus found the core responsible for processing that line of thinking and forced a reboot. No point in brewing on that.

He also wondered if the Chief had already fought the Flood before. Maybe this was an entirely different Halo?

He decided against taking any chances. Tiptoeing around the group, he approached the Spartan in his imposing green armour. "Uh... hey. Master Chief, right?" He ventured.

John simply stood around the room, looking around so Cortana could get a properly look at things and allow the two to engage in a conversation about recent matters. Although pausing to allow John to tell his friend that he could hear something human in the signal to the others, like a voice but garbled up by interference. He'd tell them himself, but right now he had more important matters at hand.

Such as, the prospect of asking the Doctor if he had something that could help his A.I companion with her slow degrading into madness. John was seventy five-twenty five on the matter, while Cortana was extremely hesitant about the whole thing. The hesitation was born from both strict guidelines and rules imposed by the UNSC and ONI about not allowing anyone outside of the two organizations to work on her out of fear of using her or the database she had against humanity.

"Mind if I take a look into that terminal?" Cortana said inside his helmet.

John didn't need to be told twice, or even question her motive as he trusted her on matters such as this. He strolled on over to the terminal interface in question, reaching to the back of his helmet where the chip that Cortana was stored on, pulling it out and feeling a sudden wave of cold envelope him. But that was a feeling he was used to, and thus wasn't fazed by it much. Plugging the chip into the interface so Cortana could do her thing and pull information and possibly open a way to find the source of the signal.

So John just stood nearby the terminal, waiting for her to finish the task and they can move on. John was some distance away from anyone, a detail he was somewhat glad about. As he wasn't social much unless to the Blue-Team and select few UNSC personal. But it seemed fate turned its head to him in the form of one of the people from the blue police box walking up to him and asking if he was Master Chief.

John simply stared at the man. Going through the best ways in his head to respond to this. Settling with something blunt and straight to the point. "Yes. One of my callsigns is my rank. Petty Officer Master Chief."

Nailed it.

@AIM Leader Wade @Agent_Puncake @Nero Kunivas @Lady White @Wiggin

A few minutes into joining this group and Hunk did as they told. As doing otherwise would serve to be a detriment to himself and his overall goal of getting out of here.

So when he was sent to scout up ahead for hostiles, he did so to the best of his ability. Even though no hostiles were encountered, Hunk remained on guard, checking and double-checking corners to ensure that no hostile would somehow phase in. A concept that a normal soldier would hardly ever think of. But fight enough BOWs and after seeing the alien threat from earlier and things change.

Now they were gathered in a big room with alien technology surrounding them. Hunk was wary of the whole thing as he was outside of his field. For all he knew, taking the wrong step could unleash some creation that would ruin their day in a mere second.

So much like the armored one that walked to what seemed like a terminal did, Hunk kept his distance from the others. So that way in case someone did activate something, he could hope that it would only affect them and that he wouldn't be caught in the blast zone. Selfish for sure, but he was going to stick by his mantra. "This is war, survival is your responsibility."

So for now, he just stood by, his MP5 at the ready.....
As everyone went towards the tower and then entered it, Prophet was on high alert. In an unknown territory surrounded by unknown architecture, he had to keep his guard up at all times, especially with ADVENT being around. Seemed a bit off that as they arrived at this unknown location that those weird aliens attacked. Taking a look around the structure, his suit was actively scanning the area for hostiles. Nothing.

"No hostiles detected. Possibility of cloaking 50%. Possibility of interference 80%."
"(How odd that the enemy that attacked us appears as if they own the place but they are nowhere to be found here.)"

Continuing to walk around on some sort of Patrol Route throughout the interior, he noticed John put a chip into a slot at the back of the building. Perhaps whatever he can pull can explain what this place is and where they are. It'd be a nice pace to actually know where he is so he can better survive here and assist the group.

"Woah, man. Get a load of this place! Who paid for the ultra five-star decor?"

Cole stated out loud as he too looked around the area in a patrol kind of fashion. He knew that the Locust had interesting looking buildings and decor, but this place was a whole new cake to him. Following Prophet, he and him patrolled the interior to keep alert of any new ADVENT activity or if this place had any more surprises in store for them.

The alien tower was quite a sight. Trigger was taken aback by how similar it looked to the city of Dreatan. Technology seemed to seethe from every wall of the tower, much like how it did back home. He looked down to his gun, now seeing how primitive it really was when compared to this place. Trigger's gritty, grimy, and all around dirty aesthetic stood out among the cleanliness of the walls. He then realized how quiet it was in the room. Aside from the noise the group made, the tower was almost absolutely devoid of sounds. All that Trigger could really hear was the humming of the large console in the center of the room. Trigger decided to test how soundproof the place really was by shouting "echo!" and seeing how empty the room really was.
Abby Dee/Courier Six - Character Sheet

She had begun this delivery at Quarry Junction, picking up a small but dense slab of cement. She had then taken this slab down through Goodsprings, to Mojave Outpost for a game of Caravan with Lacey and a nights rest, through the ruins of Nipton, across the wastes around Novac, to this spot on a hill overlooking the now empty Cottonwood Cove. On this hill was a mound of relatively fresh dirt, upon which the Courier completed her delivery. The words on the slab could be read by the first light of the morning.

Here Lies
NCR First Recon, and A Righteous Man

"Here you go, Boone. Don't ever say I never did you a favor." Abby says at the concrete slab. Her voice was like most you would hear from simple ranchers and farmers from way over in Shady Sands, to here in the Mojave; simple salt of the Earth kinda folks. Even if she was really more than that. She wipes the sweat from her brow, sits on a flat rock near the grave, and takes from her pack a bottle of whiskey.

"I thought 'bout burying you at Novac. This felt more right, ya know?" She looks out at Cottonwood Cove. The Legion tents had been abandoned, and then scavenged by nature and man in the month since to the point only scraps sticking to posts in the ground remained. About the same could be said of the corpses of dead Legion.

"You took a lot of them bastards with you at Hoover. Figured you'd wanna keep watch over this place, make sure they don't come back." She opens the whiskey and holds it over Boone's grave.

"That drink I owed ya as well. And this time, no more excuses, you help me finish this bottle before I gotta leave, you hear?" Abby cracks a small smile and pours some out onto the mound then has a long draft of it. Yeah it was warm, but not as warm as usual is the best you could hope for out here. She goes onto her Pip-Boy and turns on the radio. She doesn't like how accurate the song that happens to be playing is.

"And don't get at me about it, I know." Abby wipes some whiskey off her chin. "I'll get one for Carla; that'll be my next trip I promise. Now drink soldier boy." She pours out another 'drink' for Boone.

Abby spent the morning this way. Not a tear was shed for her friend despite the song, but she did take the lion's share of the whiskey while telling Boone how life isn't the same since Hoover, and she let the radio play.

"Ever since the NCR and Legion turned tail, it's been real quiet. Them Securitrons make it so I haven't let off a round near Vegas in a while, except to put down a Fiend, like the rabid dogs they are. Hell, even they going extinct it seems like. I done broke the bank on all the casinos just cause I been bored." Abby pours out a drink for Boone. The last drink it turns out. Abby tosses the bottle over the hill and it smashes against a rock. "The worst part of it all?" Abby groans and closes her eyes. "Mr. House had his robots wipe out The Kings. You know I liked them boys. They had real style, real honor, but.....there was nothing I could do." Abby says those last words quieter than the rest. She sits in silence a long while then slowly stands up.

"My ass hurts, been sitting on this thing too long. I best be going anyway." She says to Boone and puts on her aviator glasses, pack, and slings her rifle over her shoulder. "I'll be around soon enough with my other promise. It's the least I can do."


Most of a bottle of whiskey without breakfast or water, plus a clear sky so the sun can roast your drunk ass, made for a bad start to Abby's trip back to New Vegas. But she doesn't regret the heat or the general discomfort. It was nice to have done that at Boone's grave, and it was nothing a trip to the Dino-Bite could fix with some purified water along with more ammo for her pistol and rifle. She certainly wasn't hurting for caps these days; she had a metal lunchbox full of them jangling around almost in tune with Jingle, Jangle, Jingle as she made her way north on the cracked highway.

The 188 Trading Post was in sight by the time Abby felt the whiskey had mostly passed through her system and the only thing on her mind was to get out of the sun a bit, have something to eat, and maybe see if that ornery fella with the Gun Runners had something new and fun in stock.

Then Abby stops in her tracks when her vision is suddenly filled by a bright light, like someone had set off a flare right in her face. On reflex she pulls out her Blood-Nap and swings at whoever or whatever was the cause of this, but she only feels the blade cut through air. Then she feels nothing but air under her feet.

Abby has actually felt this before. When she'd investigated a crashed satellite near Nipton, she had been taken to the Big Empty in much the same manner, and in those seconds of floating in air wonders if she had somehow accidentally set off the Transportalponder that brought her back there. Which wasn't all bad, if a tad odd. At least she knew there were cold drinks waiting for her.

But when Abby stops falling and the flash fades she finds herself not on the balcony of The Sink looking out at Big Mountain. She is somewhere even farther beyond her understanding. Her eyes behold first an enormous purple orb of energy, and that purple orb is inside an even larger cavern. At least she thinks this is a cave. A cave large enough to fit the whole of probably the whole West or more. As for herself, Abby looks down, around. A metal platform with lights like those found in Big Mountain, but impeccably clean. The cleanest surface she's seen in her whole, when she gets to thinking about it.

The static from her Pip-Boy's speakers gets her attention then. It had been playing Blue Moon just before the flash, but now it only whines like a lost robotic puppy. "What in the blazes is going on?" She surfs through the frequencies the Pip-Boy usually picks up. Nothing but different kinds of static. The mapping function wasn't even working like it should. Arcade had tried to explain how it worked; something about it putting out sounds humans can't hear but it can, and it uses that sound to make a map. The map screen was just showing the room Abby was standing in. So this place must be soundproofed or something.

"Hey!" Abby calls out to the room basically, hoping something is listening, that this is just some part of Big Mountain she had missed in her dash to get out of it. She walks up the ramp closer to the orb and cavern. No response. She sees up on the platform....something she doesn't recognize so she just scratches her head and takes off her sunglasses. A single pillar coming out of the floor. The woman walks up to it. Gives it a testing tap. Bends over and speaks into it. "Um...hello? Anybody listening to this here...fancy thingamajig?" She waits for a response of any kind. Only silence for a couple minutes. She knocks on it. "Hello? This thing on?" She knocks on it a little harder next. "Or am I just talking at a table?" She groans and kicks the pillar. "Dagnabit! Where am I?!" She spins around, and sees that there is a very large door on the other side of the big purple orb. "Well, there's somethin' at least..." Abby puts on her sunglasses, draws her Lil' Devil, and cautiously approaches the very huge door. Abigail Delano was far from Einstein, but you didn't need to be to know it was safer to have your gun out when in a strange place just in case there was something wanting to kill you behind every door...

Last edited:
Sierra-117/Master "John" Chief
Made by AIM Leader Wade and used with his permission.

Cortana was quick to access the console's systems. "It's a localized site cartographer -- hm… okay. 'In service of Forerunner Shield World, designate Requiem.'"

"Requiem. At least we know where we are now."

"Let's see if it can tell us what these aliens are so interested in." Before she could use the cartographer more, the holographic globe turned red, blinking in and out, with glitch marks distorting it. Before long, though, it was clear again, this time with a red mark on the upper right corner. "Huh."

"What happened?"

"I don't know. It locked up, and then came back online again." Cortana tried to locate where this mark was, and was stunned to find out exactly where. "It's…. Directing us."

"What do you mean?"

"I think someone used the cartographer to mark us a location of where to go, but it's pointing to a place miles away, some sort of desert by the looks of it. It shouldn't be able to do that, it can only give readings of over fifty miles, and where it's pointing to is a lot farther away than that."

"Was it hacked?"

"No, I don't see any points of outside entry besides us, it must've come from within the system itself."

"Is the marking another tower?"

"Possibly, but it's too far away for me to find it. It could be a trap." ADVENT had been on this planet longer than them, they could've found a way into the system the towers used.

"They couldn't know where we are though. And why so far out?"

"Give themselves some time to dig enough graves?" She joked, before Chief pulled her back into his helmet.

"We should at least try heading there. Maybe someone on the planet wants to meet us." Wouldn't be the first time they were on a strange space station and the people on it needed their help. "Doctor, if we tried heading back to your TARDIS, would it be powered up by now, and could we use it to travel to--" As the Chief talked, unknowingly to the entire group, a scope was pointed right at his head from around 175 meters away, looking right through the opened entrance of the tower, and waiting for the prime opportunity to fire. As Chief moved to speak to the Doctor, the shot was lined up perfectly.

In one second, the echoing sound of a sniper rifle was heard, as its laser bullet perfectly hit Chief in the neck. He was thrown back all the way to the end of the massive room, flipping around in the air and landing on his back; sliding into the wall with a loud thud; burn marks around his visor, helmet, and upper chest arena, though no signs of any puncture wounds. "Chief!" Cortana yelled within the speakers of his helmet. Thankfully, his shield absorbed most of the damage, fully depleted by the round, though he felt pain running across his shoulder. Either dislocated or bruised badly.

"Get down!" Hunk yelled, getting behind cover. A quick peak to the entrance showed more ADVENT soldiers making a run into the tower from the entrance, in much bigger numbers than the scouting party they ran into back at the TARDIS.

"So that was the Master Chief?" A voice echoed over Hunk's radio, loud enough for everyone to hear. "Legend of the human race? He keeps his head out in the open too much." The voice was cocky and arrogant, and aiming for his next target who was brave enough to pop out. He figured the 'Cole-Train' was stupid enough to try it. He didn't look too bright anyway.

@AIM Leader Wade @Lady White @Agent_Puncake @Nero Kunivas @Wiggin
Abby Dee/Courier Six - Character Sheet

She had begun this delivery at Quarry Junction, picking up a small but dense slab of cement. She had then taken this slab down through Goodsprings, to Mojave Outpost for a game of Caravan with Lacey and a nights rest, through the ruins of Nipton, across the wastes around Novac, to this spot on a hill overlooking the now empty Cottonwood Cove. On this hill was a mound of relatively fresh dirt, upon which the Courier completed her delivery. The words on the slab could be read by the first light of the morning.

Here Lies
NCR First Recon, and A Righteous Man

"Here you go, Boone. Don't ever say I never did you a favor." Abby says at the concrete slab. Her voice was like most you would hear from simple ranchers and farmers from way over in Shady Sands, to here in the Mojave; simple salt of the Earth kinda folks. Even if she was really more than that. She wipes the sweat from her brow, sits on a flat rock near the grave, and takes from her pack a bottle of whiskey.

"I thought 'bout burying you at Novac. This felt more right, ya know?" She looks out at Cottonwood Cove. The Legion tents had been abandoned, and then scavenged by nature and man in the month since to the point only scraps sticking to posts in the ground remained. About the same could be said of the corpses of dead Legion.

"You took a lot of them bastards with you at Hoover. Figured you'd wanna keep watch over this place, make sure they don't come back." She opens the whiskey and holds it over Boone's grave.

"That drink I owed ya as well. And this time, no more excuses, you help me finish this bottle before I gotta leave, you hear?" Abby cracks a small smile and pours some out onto the mound then has a long draft of it. Yeah it was warm, but not as warm as usual is the best you could hope for out here. She goes onto her Pip-Boy and turns on the radio. She doesn't like how accurate the song that happens to be playing is.

"And don't get at me about it, I know." Abby wipes some whiskey off her chin. "I'll get one for Carla; that'll be my next trip I promise. Now drink soldier boy." She pours out another 'drink' for Boone.

Abby spent the morning this way. Not a tear was shed for her friend despite the song, but she did take the lion's share of the whiskey while telling Boone how life isn't the same since Hoover, and she let the radio play.

"Ever since the NCR and Legion turned tail, it's been real quiet. Them Securitrons make it so I haven't let off a round near Vegas in a while, except to put down a Fiend, like the rabid dogs they are. Hell, even they going extinct it seems like. I done broke the bank on all the casinos just cause I been bored." Abby pours out a drink for Boone. The last drink it turns out. Abby tosses the bottle over the hill and it smashes against a rock. "The worst part of it all?" Abby groans and closes her eyes. "Mr. House had his robots wipe out The Kings. You know I liked them boys. They had real style, real honor, but.....there was nothing I could do." Abby says those last words quieter than the rest. She sits in silence a long while then slowly stands up.

"My ass hurts, been sitting on this thing too long. I best be going anyway." She says to Boone and puts on her aviator glasses, pack, and slings her rifle over her shoulder. "I'll be around soon enough with my other promise. It's the least I can do."


Most of a bottle of whiskey without breakfast or water, plus a clear sky so the sun can roast your drunk ass, made for a bad start to Abby's trip back to New Vegas. But she doesn't regret the heat or the general discomfort. It was nice to have done that at Boone's grave, and it was nothing a trip to the Dino-Bite could fix with some purified water along with more ammo for her pistol and rifle. She certainly wasn't hurting for caps these days; she had a metal lunchbox full of them jangling around almost in tune with Jingle, Jangle, Jingle as she made her way north on the cracked highway.

The 188 Trading Post was in sight by the time Abby felt the whiskey had mostly passed through her system and the only thing on her mind was to get out of the sun a bit, have something to eat, and maybe see if that ornery fella with the Gun Runners had something new and fun in stock.

Then Abby stops in her tracks when her vision is suddenly filled by a bright light, like someone had set off a flare right in her face. On reflex she pulls out her Blood-Nap and swings at whoever or whatever was the cause of this, but she only feels the blade cut through air. Then she feels nothing but air under her feet.

Abby has actually felt this before. When she'd investigated a crashed satellite near Nipton, she had been taken to the Big Empty in much the same manner, and in those seconds of floating in air wonders if she had somehow accidentally set off the Transportalponder that brought her back there. Which wasn't all bad, if a tad odd. At least she knew there were cold drinks waiting for her.

But when Abby stops falling and the flash fades she finds herself not on the balcony of The Sink looking out at Big Mountain. She is somewhere even farther beyond her understanding. Her eyes behold first an enormous purple orb of energy, and that purple orb is inside an even larger cavern. At least she thinks this is a cave. A cave large enough to fit the whole of probably the whole West or more. As for herself, Abby looks down, around. A metal platform with lights like those found in Big Mountain, but impeccably clean. The cleanest surface she's seen in her whole, when she gets to thinking about it.

The static from her Pip-Boy's speakers gets her attention then. It had been playing Blue Moon just before the flash, but now it only whines like a lost robotic puppy. "What in the blazes is going on?" She surfs through the frequencies the Pip-Boy usually picks up. Nothing but different kinds of static. The mapping function wasn't even working like it should. Arcade had tried to explain how it worked; something about it putting out sounds humans can't hear but it can, and it uses that sound to make a map. The map screen was just showing the room Abby was standing in. So this place must be soundproofed or something.

"Hey!" Abby calls out to the room basically, hoping something is listening, that this is just some part of Big Mountain she had missed in her dash to get out of it. She walks up the ramp closer to the orb and cavern. No response. She sees up on the platform....something she doesn't recognize so she just scratches her head and takes off her sunglasses. A single pillar coming out of the floor. The woman walks up to it. Gives it a testing tap. Bends over and speaks into it. "Um...hello? Anybody listening to this here...fancy thingamajig?" She waits for a response of any kind. Only silence for a couple minutes. She knocks on it. "Hello? This thing on?" She knocks on it a little harder next. "Or am I just talking at a table?" She groans and kicks the pillar. "Dagnabit! Where am I?!" She spins around, and sees that there is a very large door on the other side of the big purple orb. "Well, there's somethin' at least..." Abby puts on her sunglasses, draws her Lil' Devil, and cautiously approaches the very huge door. Abigail Delano was far from Einstein, but you didn't need to be to know it was safer to have your gun out when in a strange place just in case there was something wanting to kill you behind every door...

As Abby approached the door, she unknowingly also approached her exit. Excet it wasn't actually the door. As soon as she was about to touch it, another portal opened up around her. This time, it wasn't a flash of green like before, instead, this one was blue around the edges, with a black center to it, and as it engulfed her, Abby's body glowed orange. It took only a moment for her to go from the large room over looking the purple orb, to being right underneath it. The balcony she found herself on was gone, and she stood on actual ground. The terrain was rocky, yet strange towers were built into the sides, like pointers to where the path was. The air was as hot as sitting next to a heater blowing in your face, and unnerving, off in the distance was a strange looking creature, watching her.

Halo 4 Master Chief Collection 60FPS Game Movie (All Cutscenes) Legendary Ending 1080p - YouTu...png

It looked at her for a good few seconds, before it howled an ear aching noise from its mouth, like a wolf would to its pack. The thing ran off, but Abby wouldn't be alone for too long. Above her, loud noises started coming her way. Several more of those creatures crawled out from the edge of the cliffs, and walked down the sides as their claws dug right into the rock itself. They looked like wolves, but they glowed blue and were mechanical in nature. They jumped off the sides of the cliffs, and quickly encircled Abby; growling at her. They were stalking her. "Hold still," a voice echoed through her pipboy, speaking to her through the comm. "If you attack first, you won't have a chance." It was a deep, feminine voice, nothing she would recognize. "When I make the shot, then you can fire back, but don't let them get close to you." Abby wouldn't see anyone close by her, but up in the cliffs far off, a sniper scope was aiming at her.

"Ready...." The scope looked over to the first wolf she could see in her sight, and before long, a sniper rifle's blast echoed. The wolf was shot in the head, falling to the ground, then exploding in an orange glow, like half its body disintegrated the moment it hit the ground. "Go!" The voice yelled, as the wolves surrounding her broke off from the gunshot, searching for whoever fired, while trying to avoid any further gunfire from them. One still tried to attack Abby, however, charging at her.

Cole stated as that Sniper Shot echoed across the Tower's interior, forcing Cole to look for Cover. Then came the voice over the radio as more ADVENT Soldiers closed in. Prophet took cover next to him as it would seem they were a somewhat deadly duo between them, plus Cole owed him for saving him from that electrocution wielding ADVENT guy that was on his ass.

"Hey Prophet, think you can patch me into that guy's comms?"
"I can try."

Prophet's Nanosuit made an attempt to breach into the Comms of the ADVENT Military, at least the ones in this area at most. However with this radio that was used by the unknown figure, it took barely any effort to hack into.

"Access Granted. Routing input to local radio."
"All yours, Cole."
"Thanks, my man."

Cole took a deep breath as he began to speak.

"The Cole Train is your house, bitch! You hear that shit!? You alien-ass bitches are goin' down! Like way down - dead down! So down you ain't even gonna know which way is up! Your asses are gonna be cryin' to your skank-ass boss: "Oh, mommy, don't let the bad man hurt us!" F*** you! We're gonna whup your mamma's, ass! Whoo!"
"Very... creative."
"Uh huh. Let's go kick some ass."

Prophet and Cole nodded as they proceeded to get into the action. Cole utilised his Cover to blind-fire at the incoming ADVENT Soldiers while keeping completely hidden behind Cover. Prophet ran in there straight away.

"Maximum Armour."

Prophet's suit would now become more reinforced and sturdy. Back in his world, his armour was capable of resisting a shot or two from a Tank Barrel and be relatively unphased. Utilising his advantage, he took cover closer to the Entrance way, equipped his SCAR-L and also attaching the Grenade Launcher attachment as he proceeded to engage the incoming forces, from firing at them with the Assault Rifle to firing Grenades from the attached Launcher.

@AIM Leader Wade @The Wanderer @Agent_Puncake @Nero Kunivas @Wiggin
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Marcus threw himself to the ground, opposite to where the Master Chief had fallen. He kept his optics steady at the spot where he previously stood, however; his processor ran a ballistics simulation, using the direction and force at which the Spartan fell to calculate a likely bullet trajectory. A few seconds later, the simulation yielded a result: a bright red line ran from the point of impact all the way out the tower's doors, disappearing somewhat into a faint red string once it extended out into the sunlight.

Marcus didn't peek to take a further look. The exact location of the sniper can be determined later - the important thing right now is to actually live long enough to determine it later. His auditory sensors picked up footsteps; lots of them, and more kept coming. He warmed up his subdermal blaster again, and took a few steps back as two rifles roared and spat hot lead at the entrance.

He took a few extra steps back, and began to look around. This place must have some sort of second floor, and there has to be a way up...
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