The Escape OOC

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Little half brother and little half sister. Sister is youngest.
yeah my parents are just now getting a divorce >.< im moving over christmas break... T.T how lovely
=/ sorry to hear that... My dad died when I was younger so it wasn't a divorce I went through...
I'm back apparently we can't get him until my big bro finishes his army test..So we'll be leaving tomorrow :/
It's all good. Me and my dad Will go tommorrow. Hey Norway I'm sorry to hear about your dad. I've also lost loved ones that were dear to me. And Blaise don't worry my parents are also divorced. But they divorced when I was around 3 so I really don't know how it feels to be moved around. I wish you luck this christmas..Lol
Ok so far everyone in this RP has a family that is broken up or going to be broken up in some way or another... kinda creepy...
thanks, i guess both the big vactions from school have been messed up, i mean they told up last day of thanks giving break and are moving us over Christmas :/ fun shiz right there
Lyle's kinda crazy....:/ In all honesty I'm reading Dr.Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and Lyle based off of the book...:)
hahahah xD very nice i made up blaise on my own be proud be very proud xD
Hay Blaise looks like your up xD either talk to Miye or Tony (Shadow) Miye renamed him =P
You better >.< gosh holding us up now =P
-_- yeah yeah what ever, i could just leave an put the whole thing on halt for tonight xD
Trying to pull a Rusti? xD
lol i actually have to go to bed no lo siento NINOS :P :D nighty night sleep tight
MY dad left me home while he went to get my brother...:/

I hope night comes soon so Lyle could exit the blasted cave.