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Otome Yokai Zakuro: Rise of the Darkness
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The Player - The One With an Optimistic Heart - The Protector

  • NAME
    Jesse Faulkner

    Jess, JJ, Jay, Falconee



    185 LBS



    Heartland Unversity
    Laboratory Technician (Side Job)


  • FEATURES (5)
    Charming, Intelligent, Straightforward (In a Good Way), Funny, Lively

    FLAWS (5)
    Inhibited, Pushy (Somewhat), Selfless, Reckless (Somewhat), Contemptuous

    "Can't really show up at a party without fixing up my hair now, can I?.. A little help please? Nah, I'm just kidding."

    Smoking, Some Alcoholic Beverages, Strawberry, Chocolate Cake, Cats, Heights, Partying, Hip Hop, R&B, Rap, Working Out, Forensic Science. Summer, Great Views, Exploring, Winter.

    Storm, Arrogancy, Screeching Sounds, Condescending People, Rock,

    Passionate, Vanilla, Wall Sex, Adaptable, Biting, Dominating, Flirting, Foreplay.

    John Faulkner (Father, Alive)
    Mary Telomere (Mother, Alive
    Sam Faulkner (Big Brother, Deceased)
    Christopher Telomere (Half Brother, Alive)
    Olivia Telomere (Half Sister, Alive)

    OPEN (PM Me)

    OPEN (PM Me)

    Everleigh Grace Blake (Close Friend)
    Garett Knight (Close Friend)
    Bambi Derric Hemlock (Close Friend)


    Jesse Faulkner has a normal yet standard lifestyle. Born to John and Mary Faulkner, whereas the latter divorced his father due to some unfortunate circumstances. He also had a big brother named Sam Faulkner. An accident took the life of his brother and the first son of both Mary and John, which was the reason why they divorced one another.

    Jesse's mother was the one to blame their father for the death of his big brother. Saying it was because of the job his father has. John Faulkner, Jesse's father was a detective, and still is at present day and age. The cause of death is mostly unknown, but the police reports were able to determine that it was nothing more than just an accident. Though there were probably something else going on, which was directly tied to Sam instead.

    This is where it all changed. Jesse's mother wanted a divorce, which eventually happened. Both his parents split and his mother moved to another city. She never really paid much mind to Jesse unlike his big brother. He was apparently not the favorite, or perhaps his mother did not love him as she did his brother, or so he assumed. Jesse was quite young back then, because he was only eight. Nevertheless, he knew what was going on in the family.

    His own issues, is something he tends to keep from his friends, because they are his burden to bare, and not theirs. Jesse did live with his father, but his detective work was something the latter could not give up. He was less and less home, and only there early in the morning, or during the night. Time did pass, and Jesse has met quite a few people he is very close to. He graduated from High School and became a student at the Heartland University.

    The career path he chose for himself was to become a Forensic Scientist, and it's something he is still aiming to be. His past, however, is something he has pushed deep down his own mind, not really fretting about it. Despite the lack of love from both his parents, and especially his mother, who he feels abandoned her is still there, but not something he talks about. It has not affected him in a way where it would show on his face. His personality is actually quite social, and his attitude is lively as ever. Though, now, he is more independent than before, having his own apartment.

    His mother re-married and has a loving family with two kids. They recently just moved back to Heartland. Jesse's relationship with her is way more rocky than what his is with his father.

    - Jesse tends to use his reading glasses when studying, or while at the lab.
    - Jesse enjoys taking quick naps at an open field during the summer.
    - He enjoys swimming as well, and can be seen doing just that from time to time.
    - He is popular at school, but doesn't really care or embraces such popularity.
    - Jesse has been with more than one woman since High School, but still haven't found the right one.
    - He loves drinking games. Jesse finds them fun and exquisite. A form of a challenge out of the norm.
    - It is hard to imagine Jesse not being a nerd, or in other words, a geek, despite what he's majoring at, or what he wants to become; a forensic scientist.



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Alecta Norwell (Former Name)
A, Ella, Electra
Right Hand Man
Purgatory Syndicate
Tech/Weapons Dealer

Alecta, who is mostly known as Sybil now, is adaptable to a situation, or an opportunity, given its circumstances. She is a thinker, and mindful to what is ahead of her. Having been part of more than one dealing in the past, where she briefly was a drug dealer, and where she also was an exceptional thief, she has come to understand who she should keep a closer relationship with, in order to reap the benefits of the result. From her experience as a reckless teenager, she has grown into an interesting and a thoughtful trader, or a dealer. Long since has she moved past drugs, and has a deeper connection to the black market. Creating hidden auctions to sell technology, information and weapons of all kind.

➥ Tolerant
Since her childhood, Sybil and her younger siblings have had a harsh and poor lifestyle. Sybil was once a role model for both her little sister and brother, and taking on all the blame from their parents if one of the siblings did something. During her years with her family, she had grown into someone who was extremely tolerant. Having taking a beating from them more than once, so her little sister and brother would not feel the pain she does. This also affected her mind, which allowed her to be calm and think rationally, and considering the consequences if she ever rebelled. Both her and her little sister did steal in order to survive, and to provide for their family. Though at some point she was alone in the streets, left her family, and met more than one person who beat her down in the streets. But at this point, she did survive alone in order to once return back with enough riches so both her and her little sister wouldn't have to steal again. And her level of tolerance has only grown ever since.

Over the course of her life, she has been through a lot, both positive and negative. The fire in her eyes and the willpower never did waver. There were moments where she was knocked down, but quickly stood back up, taking a challenge head on. Surviving was exactly that. She had to beat it in her to be self-assured, to be worthy of having a life, and that there was a reason for why she had such a life. It eventually became her instinct to always stand before her adversary, friend or otherwise, with a fire in her eyes. Sybil had to, especially in regards of what she did for a living.

➥ Resourceful
In her line of work, it is not far-fetched to know that Sybil has a wide network of connetions. She is able to almost if not get someone anything they need, as long as it's within her power to do so. If someone is in need of something rare or otherwise, may it be tech, weapons or cybertech she is the go-to-woman. In the black market of Sector 13, she has an impecceable reputation as an arms dealer in general. Most people, both in the black market, and public, know of Sybil. It may be difficult to arrange a meeting with her directly, but if you're important, or someone she has an interest in, she'll make time for such a meeting. Sybil may as well be the most known arms dealer in such a sector.

During her years of experience within the gang she stumbled upon, and her life with Kaz before they both ended up working for the Reverend, and even then, has allowed her to harness such a negative way of thinking, that one may even consider her indifferent to a situation. Having seen so much cruelty in her life, has made her emotionally hardened, to the fact that she may be unfeeling towards others. It can even be torture of someone she is close to, or something similar. May it be a criminal act and so on. The woman has a tough skin, which could limit her options in a situation, that would require her to think otherwise.

How far can one go? Sybil has tortured before. Killed before. She may as well be behind the many deaths in their respective but sinful sector too. Being a weapons dealer, there is much blood on her hands, though it is "the choice of an individual that would decide the path they are willing to take, despite the consequences before them." Is what she would remind herself of. But for how long? There is this haunting feeling in the depths of her mind about what she is becoming, or may have become already. She knows the difference between right or wrong, but what really scares her, is her feeling towards it. Does she care? No. Does she like it? Yes. How far is she willing to go? She does not know. Is it too late to turn back?

It is definetely not easy to get her trust, nor is it difficult to have her look at you as someone unworthy of her attention, or the Syndicate. If there is someone she does not like, it will be apparent to the person. Sybil does not hide it, nor does she feel the need to do so. Though it may create an enemy or two that could blow back on her in the future. You may as well say she's straightforward in a not so good way.

Mandatory, does not have to be long. 2 paragraphs minimum.

Pritchard Norwell (Father, Unknown)
➥ Alana Norwell (Mother, Unknown)
Circe Norwell (Little Sister, Alive)
Vince Norwell (Little Brother, Deceased)
Kane Maddox-Solano (Close Friend, Alive)

Height: 5'9
Weight: 123 LBS
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Brown

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#VampireGods #ForeverOneSoul #LoveConquersAll

  • NAME
    Mazikeen Tremayne

    Appears Mid-twenties




    144 LBS


    Chocolate Brown/Brunette
    Shoulder Blade Length

    Light Brown

    Belly Button
    Both Ears



    Fierce | Charming | Confident | Loyal | Seductive | Relaxed | Intelligent | Cocky | Playful | Mischievous

    Being Blunt | Carefree | Callous | Slightly Controlling | Temptation

    The Sun | Occasionally Women | Men | Silver

    Manipulative | Fearless | Strong Will | Flexible | Her Wit | Adaptable | Intellect | Self Reliant | Energetic | Initiative


    Spiders | Music | Exploring | Cats | Eagles | Chocolate | Artifacts | Massages | Hot Baths | Strawberries | Olives | Heights | Roses | Rain | Wine

    Sunset | Boring People | Blood Wasting | Stuck Up People | Weaklings | Crowds | Naggers

    Reading Books | Crossword Puzzles | Hunting | Cooking

    Fighting | Dual Dagger Fighting | Dancing | Violinist

    Failing | Dying | Sometimes Clowns

    The fact that she killed her family.



    Axel "X" Vega (Maybe)

    Athanasia McClennon
    Jynx Venetti
    Thenolious Dante
    Amelia James-Kensington (Special Relationship)

    Apollo's Followers


    The story here is quite simple. A long time, a very long time ago, the state of the world was increasingly different. What we have now in our present day and age is nothing compared to what we had back then. Obviously, now, it is better, and not worse. Or at least, some would say that, while others wont.

    Mazikeen Tremayne was her name. A simple human who was born in a harsh lifestyle. She was born to only one parent. Her father wanted nothing to do with her daughter. She was conceived through an accident, and despite that, her mother wanted to keep her. What she found out later was the reason behind it all. Mazikeen's mother did what she could to survive. Having sex with rich men in order to survive. Doing their biddings. Thrown from one man to the other.

    Unfortunately, back then, even Mazikeen would eventually do the same as her mother, but only when she was old enough. Even if she knew it was wrong. Even if she knew how they treated her mother and occasionally even her when they came to their broken home to visit. Mazikeen loved her mother despite what she did, despite why she kept the truth away from her daughter.

    Maze. Mazikeen only had one name, or rather, a nickname her mother used. She was the only one who called her that. So at one point, Mazikeen knew what was actually happening, and despite the fact that most men yearned for her young body, her mother kept her safe. It was hurtful to see her one and only parent strive to survive in their world. Having a slave, or having a woman do your bidding back than was basically normal.

    At one point, Mazikeen felt that she needed to protect her mother. It was her time to actually take the burden and keep her own parent safe. By now, she was a fifteen year old teenager. She eventually snuck out from her house and approached the men who held the riches back then. Offering her body so they could leave her mother alone. During that time, her own mother was actually asleep. She had no idea what Mazikeen was actually trying to do.

    These men laughed. They had a dirty but disgusting expression plastered on their face. They glanced at her figure like she was a piece of meat they wanted to taste. These thoughts. These dirty minds. This was the only way they could thrive. Throwing their money and power around, they felt that they could do anything in the world. This angered Maze to a point where hatred started to boil inside her gut. However, despite her own true feelings, she kept herself composed.

    These men approached her, walked around her. Poured more than one glass of wine over her head. Drenching her, having her become wet with whatever they drank to pass the time. Maze was afraid, nervous, scared. She had no idea that this life, or these men were the ones her own mother visited every week. This pain she must've felt. It only amplified the hate insde her.

    Grabbing her by her arm, these men wanted to do as they pleased with her, but despite the conditions Mazikeen layed out to them when she first approached them, they obviously lied, lied when they agreed to only keep her to themselves, and leave her mother alone. Mazikeen squirmed and screamed. She changed her mind and was in way over her head. This was a foolish mistake she made, or so she assumed. Fortunately for her, her mother came running, and pulled her away, as the men allowed her to do so.

    These men laughed and was going to toy with the both of them. Even if her mother had her arms wrapped tightly around her daughter, they pulled them apart from one another. As the men overpowered the both of them, they threw Mazikeen on the floor. Keeping her pinned and having her watch while they beat her mother, and had their way with her. Tears ran down the poor young girls eyes. Her eyes were red. She was breathing heavily. Mustering her strength to squirm her way out of this entire situation.

    After more than ten minutes, there was literally no strength left in Mazikeen's body. Her eyes were barely open. Her tears had run dry. If anything, one could say she was broken. Torn, as the men in the end, decided to burn her mother alive. This is exactly what they did, and before her mother was engulfed in flames, she told Mazikeen that it wasn't her fault, and that she loved her for all that she is. Mazikeen screamed and used every ounce of strength and energy in her body to get up, but again, to no avail, she was unable. The men kept her pinned as they laughed at what they believed was nothing but a show.

    While her mother burned and screamed in agonizing pain, blood splattered around the house. As heads parted from their bodies. Flying past her. As the men screamed. As they were scared, more than one screamed "monster" and fled. Mazikeen was so broken that she eventually ended up unconscious.

    Days later, she woke up in an extravagant room. Yelling for her mother the moment she woke up from the bed. She was in unknown territory. The gown she was wearing was worth more than her own life, or so she believed back then. The man who eventually visited the lovely room she was in, told her that he was her father. That he found her in an alley close to the big house that was burned down. The house those foul but disgusting men where inside.

    Even her father did not now the reason, only to the fact that he was there at the right time to find his daughter and to bring her where she actually belonged, according to him. Everything was still new to her. Mazikeen still did not understand what had happened, or where her mother was. It was all a traumatic event in her mind, that she unconsciously blocked it out. That part of the memory, was something she happened to lock away.

    Time passed and she adjusted to her new lifestyle, however, everything was not as it seemed. There was something she just couldn't wrap her head around. Sometime later, despite her supposed father being there for her, to some extent, she was asleep, and woke up by a constant nightmare. A nightmare where a silhouette figure was screaming at her. It always woke her up, and during that one moment, the balcony doors that were connected to her room opened up.

    The gust of wind was behind it, and then there he was. A lone figure, standing there. Afraid as ever, Mazikeen tried to escape the room, but the door was locked. There was no way out but through that balcony, past that man. This is where her life changed. This is where the figure, actually presented himself as a transcended being. A Vampire. This was also where this man told her the truth, and unlocked the memories she kept blocked away. This is where she found out that her supposed father was behind everything.

    As all the rage and hate in her came out, she accepted the same life as the Vampire before her. This Vampire only had to ask her once. "What is it that you wish for? Yearn for?"


    "Then so be it.. You shall have it. And you shall walk the earth in all eternity." A smile crept on this particular Vampire's face. Mazikeen, who cast her full name away at some point, was now known as Maze. It was in a way, to honor her mother. However, when she became a Vampire, she became a huntress of the night, and preyed on those who wronged her and her mother. Killing them all, one by one. Eventually she also ended her own fathers life. This is where her story began, and this is what changed her for the better and worse.

    During her long time as a Vampire, there where plentiful of humans that piqued her interest. Mazikeen even went as far as to create a long relationship with some. There was something she was aiming for and she achieved it nonetheless. One in particular was basically the means to an end. A Doctor that wanted to study the blood that flows inside a creature of the night. Something Mazikeen surely is. It was not difficult for her to seduce him. One could say that she was more than curious in seeing what this man could do.

    If anything, she made this Doctor believe that Mazikeen was his mistress, but truly, that was not the case. One of the perks that follows once one is a Vampire, is the ability to compel human beings. Mazikeen was always in the know. She was basically in the background, pulling the Doctors strings. In other words, she was an observer, and allowed him to have some of her blood from time to time. The Doctor wanted to save someone, and Mazikeen was able to lay her eyes on this particular human he was experimenting on.

    They call us monsters, when even humans can become them. In the end, the Doctor was able to help this female human. Her name was Amelia James-Kensington, however once the Doctor passed away due to natural causes, Mazikeen decided to fulfill his one wish. To keep her alive, and what better way to do that, but to turn her into a Vampire, just like Mazikeen. Amelia James-Kensington's maker was Mazikeen. She was basically her Vampire mother. The one who made her what she was. Mazikeen was definetely not regretful in her decision. Amelia showed much promise, and the interest Mazikeen had in her was already there, and growing from when she gave her blood to the Doctor to help this woman.






#VampireGods #ForeverOneSoul #LoveConquersAll

  • NAME
    Olivia de Montecristo





    138 LBS


    Mid Back Length

    Ice Blue

    Both Ears


    Blunt | Kind | Loyal | Protective | Free-Spirited | Intelligent | Funny | Tough

    Over Protective | Recklessness (Sometimes) | Provocation (Sometimes) | Hot Tempered | Emotional

    Men | Women | Distractions (Sometimes) | Vengeful | Justice

    Persuasive | Adaptable | Smart | Focused | Cunning | Persistent


    Grassy Fields | Mountains | Motorcycles | Ice Cream | Strawberry Cake | Bubble Baths | Snow/Winter | Guns | Crossbows | Bow & Arrow | Champagne | Sweets

    Purple Color | Vampires | Snakes | Spiders | Condescending People

    Archery | Working Out | Tracking | Reading Books About Vampires

    Long Ranged Combat | Mid Ranged Combat | Decision-making | Fencing | Crossbow (Archery)

    Dying | Heights | Elevators | Becoming A Vampire

    Tries to keep her family name away, or hidden. Does not really speak about it.





    Ambrogio | Apollo | Selene | Vampires


    Olivia de Montecristo is the oldest sibling, with her younger brother being the youngest. Her parents had only two children. She was and still is a part of the Montecristo family, or rather, their name is surrounded by words such as villains, evil, mob, thieves and lets not forget, crime. A crime empire was built around the Montecristo name. Something more closer if not identical to the mob, or the mafia. Her father, Viktor de Montecristo was the man behind such a family, such a reputation.

    Olivia's family was and still is rich. Both her, and her younger sibling, Aaron de Montecristo where brought up with luxuries and an extravagant lifestyle. Unlike her own little brother, she did not like what the family stood for. If anything, that was a reason for kids her age during her school days to stay away from her. She had quite a few friends. She was fortunate enough to have some form of a social life. However, unlike her brother, she was quick to catch on. Quick to understand what was going on.

    The late night meetings her father had. The usual threats made by others over the phone, or by the door. For some reason she never actually felt at home. Her little brother, Aaron, was different. He loved his fathers work, even if he did not fully understood what it was about. Her father, Viktor always told her, and brought her along for a few business deals, or to one of his places of operations. It was obviously to show her the roots. By then, she was a teen, and her brother was only two years younger.

    Obviously, Olivia usually stayed in her fathers office. Stayed quiet and kept to herself. She was obedient and loved her father and mother. Despite the fact that she was bullied at school. Despite the fact that she ended up in a few fights. Whenever her parents asked her where the bruise on her cheek, her arm, and so on came from, she made up an excuse. Telling her parents, and especially her father about how they all came to be, would not bode well for the other party. So despite her urge to tell on the bullies, she decided not to. So in a way, she was protecting them, but then again, perhaps she was overthinking this. Olivia just did not take any chances.

    Years went by, and she grew apart from her brother, ever so slightly. If anything, Aaron wanted to inherit the legacy their father would leave behind eventually. However, since Olivia was the oldest, she was to be the successor for the family business. Even so, her father once told her that even if she was born after her little brother, he would have still picked her over Aaron. Why, you ask? Well, because of her tough attitude and the wit to lead others.

    This was obviously something she kept from her brother, but as time passed, she became distant from her father as well. She did not like the way her father ran his business. If anything, it was built on fear and power. Olivia became rebellious and wanted something else. She argued numerous of times with her father. One of the reasons was because of her newly-appointed fiance. Yes, another crime family asked for her hand, and without her say, it was given to the son of the Charles family. His name was Ethan Charles.

    So her rocky relationship with her father affected her already rocky relationship with her little brother. Aaron always told her that she was not fit to be the successor, and the funny thing was, she never asked for it, nor did she want it. If anything, the only reason she kept her little secret that was told to her by their father hidden, was so she could be the next to take on the burden. So her little brother would not have to.

    But then, everything changed. Her mother was killed while she was out on a date with her father. The reasons behind the hit was never revealed, or found. All Olivia was told was that it was because of their family name, Montecristo, and the crime empire, or business her father had built. That the target was actually her father and not her mother. Blaming herself and her father, she snapped. Screamed at her father. She argued and cried out her pain. Every emotion that was inside her came bursting out. Unfortunately, her little brother, Aaron overheard her arguement with her father, and the little secret she spilled.

    The next day, she packed her own things and left her family home. Her father knew about this, however, figured she'd return after she had her alone time. Olivia did not return, but rather stayed over at a new apartment she bought with her fathers money. If anything, she'd use his money to get away from him. Eventually, her friend came over. Comforted her and then, decided to take her out to party. She complied, because she needed the distraction.

    Once the party was over, she was split from her friend. The latter had apparently found herself a partner to spend the night with. That was something she text messaged her. Olivia decided to cut the party short and leave. It was time to get back home to her new apartment and get some shut eye. Thats when she was attacked by something. A beast, or something that looked like a human. Those would be called Vampires, as she would later find out. This Vampire was killed by someone who saved her. A hunter, or rather a leader from a very old organization that lived for this sole reason. To protect humanity from the shadow world. From these Vampires and god knows what else.

    This hunter knew about her, and who she was. This hunter opened her eyes, and told her that the reason for why her mother was targeted, was not exactly her father. It involved the Vampires. This is where she decided to do some research, as the hunter recruited her. He told her that she needs to find the truth by herself, and while she's doing it, she can help protect the humans from such creatures, such abominations. Olivia decided to seek the truth out about the death of her mother. If anything, that was her main reason for joining the hunters.

    Ever since then, she has been a hunter for five years. The new world that she is a part of now is much more dangerous and worse than her previous life. At least now, she was fighting the good cause, or so she believed. However, once she did join the hunters, she was quick to learn their ways. If anything she adapted to her new life quite fast. Perhaps she was rather born to be a hunter, instead of the successor to a crime family. By now, perhaps her brother is the new leader of the Montecristo business. Olivia in other words, hadn't spoken to them for a while. Even if she knew that her fathers henchmen would try to find her if they knew where she was.






#VampireGods #ForeverOneSoul #LoveConquersAll

  • NAME

    Appears Late-twenties


    Gods & Goddesses


    174 LBS


    Light Brown
    Neck Length

    Light Blue



    Independent | Charming | Confident | Carefree | Flirtatious | Creative | Relaxed | Determined | Brave | Intelligent | Friendly | Considerate | Good-natured | Interesting | Imaginative | Ambitious | Lively

    Slight Laziness | Flirt | Lustful | Temptation | Sarcastic

    Women | Protective | Animals | Kids

    Courageous | Adaptable | Self Reliant | Smart | Situational | Versatile | Logical


    Partying | The Nature | Great Views | Wine | Lots of Sex | Sunset | Dawn | Books | Sexy Women | Art | The Ocean | Drinking | Sports Cars | Challenges | Traveling

    Rain | Nagging People | Condescending People | Naive People | Liars | Egoistical People |

    Painting | Working Out | Cooking

    Close Combat | Long Ranged Combat | Painting

    Losing His Immortality | Losing His Loved Ones | Being Trapped

    The fact that he is capable of bringing the dead back from the Underworld.



    Jupiter Erenia Delmore

    Medusa | Aiden James | Artemis

    Thanatos | Hades? | Hera


    Dionysus is a god with much complexity as simplicity. Some say that he was born to a mere mortal named Semele. A woman who had an affair with his father Zeus. This would essentially make him half a god. Then you have the rumors where some say he was the son of Queen Hera. Born as a god, just like his father, Zeus. However, like most of his own kind, his brothers and sisters, aunts and mothers, he was and is rarely in Olympus. Even if he does have a place there, it is something he rarely visits. There has been times where he has been amongst his fellow kind, though mostly, he has been friendly and free-spirited.

    If anything, Dionysus, loves freedom. One of the main reasons for why he is mostly in the Human World. More or less observing the humans or spending time with them. He finds it more thrilling and fun, exciting and good. Thats why, only a few knows his true name and what he truly is. Other than that, the humans call him Tristan. The reason for why he picked such a name was because during his earlier times down at the Human World, he met a man with the said name.

    This man, Tristan, despite not knowhing who Dionysus truly was, offered him water. To quench his thirst in the warm lands he was in. He mainly traveled through the Sahara Desert. Being a God and Immortal, water was not neccessary, but once this kind man offered him such, they became good friends. They both travelled together. However, the man he befriended died of old age, and was later told, at his deathbed, that Dionysus is actually a god. Even so, his view and companionship towards Dionysus did not change. Out of respect, he took this mans name and has kept it since. At least when he is down amongst the humans.

    He is known as the god of fertility and wine, later considered a patron of the arts. He created wine and spread the art of viticulture. He had a dual nature; on one hand, he brought joy and divine ecstasy; or he would bring brutal and blinding rage, thus reflecting the dual nature of wine. Dionysus and his followers could not be bound by fetters.

    He became and is one of the most important gods in everyday life and was associated with several key concepts. One was rebirth after death; his dismemberment by the Titans and his return to life was symbolically echoed in viticulture, where the vines must be pruned back sharply, and then become dormant in winter for them to bear fruit. Another concept was that under the influence of wine, one could feel possessed by a greater power. Unlike other gods, Dionysus was not merely a god to be worshipped, but he was also present within his followers; at those times, a man would possess supernatural powers and was able for things he would not be able to do otherwise.

    But now, even if he is remembered amongst the humans, he does not show his face around his followers. That was a long time ago if anything. His interest in humans has still not wavered, and therefore, he blends among them.


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Francis -|||- Seventeen -|||- Heterosexual -|||- French Canadian

-|||- FACTS -|||-
  • Francis was the fourth child to be taken.
  • Out of all the children, he is the one who is less grounded, and way more free-spirited.
  • He was the middle child in his biologial family, before he was taken at the age of three.
  • His actual name, before he was taken was; Joseph Kenway.
  • His biologial family were, and still are a bunch of lawyers.
  • He is a perfect liar. It has been there with him since the get-go, and can with ease find out if others are lying to him.
  • Francis has an extremely smart mind in regards of puzzle games and anything similar. Quick to catch onto things.
  • Even if he has been raised to assassinate people like the other children, he prefers a much more interesting way to ruin someone.
  • His loyalty to father is extremely high, but out of all the children, he is the one who 'cares' less on the outside.
  • Since he was child, he has had an extreme interest in sports and action movies. That's also where his combat skills are derived from. From Bruce Lee movies to Undispuated ones.
  • He is a con-artist, and has been for a while. With ease can he get through a fortified checkpoint or otherwise. If you need someone to infiltrate a place and be stealthy, if required, Francis is the one you should talk to.
  • Conning his way through so many situations, he can also forge almost any if not all documents. Passports, to military IDs and so on.
  • Francis is probably the richest of all the children except father. He is always seen with a different car, or an expensive suit. Has been caught by the police before as well, but would always get away.
  • He has an interesting personality. Is quite fun to be around and is extremely social.
  • He is in 'high school', but is mostly absent. Has a few friends there, and even a girlfriend.
  • Francis obviously has a silver tongue. It's a given. Don't be surprised.
  • His weapon of choice, if assassinating is a barb wire. Making someone suffocate and suffer to death as their life slowly escapes their body is a.. Breathaking experience. He can also use a gun like everyone else.
  • He knows that Damien is a sociopath, and doesn't really care that he is. It's actually a good thing. That guy is Francis' buddy.
  • Francis has many aliases when he's out conning. Some of them are; Gregory Shade, Ron Horowell, Neil Caffrey.
  • Francis is also tactical and thoughtful. Can use and know about vantage points. Assessing a situation, a place of interest, or a target for a while before approaching the latter.
  • He likes Cheetah and her energetic personality, but mostly rolls his eyes when she tells the other she is fathers favorite. Who cares? Really. And asking her for something would inevitably end with someone or something exploding. It just makes too much noise.
  • Being a con-artist, it should not come as a surprise he can make something look like an accident. Frame someone in the process as well.
-|||- TRIVIA -|||-
  • His favorite word is Troublesome.
  • Francis has brown hair and hazel eyes.
  • Is well trained and keeps his body healthy. He also keeps his figthing skills at their peak, so he doesn't become rusty.
  • He likes to read and watch movies and tv shows. Netflix & Chill.
  • In his freetime, which is basically what he has all the time, he may end up working on a car. Consider him a mechanic?
  • Has a tattoo plastered on the back of his right arm, his tricep.
  • Likes ice cream, and his favorite flavor is pistachio.
  • His favorite colors are; Black, Blue, Gold and Green
  • Favorite fruits: Apple, Strawberry and Mango.
  • You would probably see him with a new car or a new motorcycle almost every other week. The guy has conned his way to some easy wealth.



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[dash= #c42c0a]





Ezra James Ashwood

Ez, EJ, JW.


Alpha of the Shadowclaw Stalkers


190 LBS

Light Brown & Short

Hazel & Alluring - Red When Alpha is Triggered


Between his Shoulder Wings - At the Centre - SCS Tattoo

Anything from boots to fancy shoes. Suits to V-neck shirts, sleeveless or otherwise. T-shirts to leather jackets. From expensive pants to jeans.


Thoughtful - Ezra has changed much over the past. Whenever there is something important he has to do, he always has to think, and has a thoughtful yet logical approach to it. Find the shortest yet the most productive route for his goal. He has an intelligent mind and a creative but optimistic way of going about doing things.

Caring - The man is a leader of a pack, yet this particular strength has been with him since he was a teenager. He loves his pack, his family, his Luna and his little brother to a point of no return. It is shown when he talks to any individual who are looking to get to know him, ask him any questions, or his permission for something he may or may not support.

Inspiring - Ezra was the quickest young teenager who grasped his wolf form the fasest. He became smart and considered both of what he was. A human first, and a wolf second. The Alpha has a great reputation in his pack. He always encourages the members to challenge one another. To fight and learn, adapt and be strategic. The man himself would push those who would want his power to directly challenge him as well. He is a sort of a mentor, and is exactly that to many inside the pack, and a few outside.

Visionary - He believes in the greater good. Ezra has always felt that werewolves in general should be more than just what they are, and how they are confined to an area if anything. If anything, he would want them to be free, and in this case, and for his pack and all the werewolves, he thinks many steps ahead. To the future and what he may achieve one beautiful day. There is only a few he shares his ideas with, but even to them he is vague, though his Luna is an exception.

Protective - This is only natural to him, if there is anyone out there who is hurting, he would protect them if they are close friends to him, or in his pack and so on. Ezra may even step infront of those who are in trouble and take their burden for himself.

Friendly - Ezra may be one of the most fiercest Alpha's out there, however that does not stop him from being as social and interactive with those within his pack, and even outside. He is definetely someone anyone could talk to with ease. He does not mind company, or in case anyone wants a training session or otherwise with him. He is also a listener so that shouldn't stop anyone from sharing their issues with him regarding anything. Trouble with another pack etc, you name it.

Tactful - Whenever there is an external conflict, against another pack or anyone who is a threat to the Shadowclaw Stalkers, his natural instincts will kick in. He completely immerses himself in the situation. As a leader and as a fierce warrior, who would use his strategy to penetrate the enemies, or the opponents, he will stop at nothing.

Intimidating - Ezra can become serious. He can be filled with nothing but anger, and when that does happen, those who have crossed him will know it, and feel his wrath. Only does who are deserving of it, that is, however it takes a lot to push the buttons of this rational man. It is not easy to bring down his walls, or to provoke him.


Vague - Even for Erza, there are some situations, or thoughts, he keeps to himself, or is quite casual about it, not really sharing the whole story until he would feel its the right time. If there is anyone who knows about this, it would be his Luna.

Strict - Despite his wish to keep his pack strong at all times, there are those who may feel that he is too strict in some situations. One in particular would be how he does not go easy on those he trains. With mundane weapons and otherwise. Though it is his way of hardening their souls, their will in case something terrible happened in the future. This, unfortunately makes him fearful to the young ones in the pack. They'll come around though, at some point.

Fixated - Ezra is constantly thinking about the future of all the packs, not only his. Somehow, it may even be considered an obsession to create the ultimate pack in the future tha would have all the wolves gather around under one roof. Maybe his way of thinking is too far-fetched, or just a dream that will never come true. This is something that is constantly in his mind, but deep down.

Aggressive - He's an Alpha in the end. It should not come as a surprise that he has an iron will, and a wild and aggressive mind as a wolf. The entire pack will literally know when he does become something like this.

Bold - When someone does seek an opinion from him, Ezra may be too bold, and straightforward. He wont be pulling any punches, and tell you what's what, if its required. Though as a leader and especially an Alpha, he has to be true to his pack so they can learn and adapt. Grow from their mistakes and so on.


Working Out | Hunting | Ice Cream | Wine | Some Alcoholic Beverages | Mundane Weapons | Classical Music | Summer | Rain | Winter | Ice | Strawberry | Cats | Mountains | Great Sceneries | Running | Pineapples | Lemons | Healthy Food | Loyalty | Nature | Tea

Storms | Condescending People | Authority Abusers | Some Hunters | Selfish People | Soap Operas | Liars | Traitors | Disloyalty

His Family | His Luna | His Pack

Strategic | Creative | Close Combat | Exceptional Hunter | Tracker | Great Field of Vision | Brute Strength | Iron Will

Losing his Luna | Losing his Pack | Pitch Black (Nightmare) | Losing Control | Killing Innocent People

At some point in his life, he would want to retire with his Luna and leave the pack to someone deserving of being the next Alpha.
Due to his brother and his unique but aggressive attitude, he has a hard time considering him as the next Alpha one day.
The path he wants his pack to take in the future is something he has kept hidden to this point. The specifics, that is.

Neck Kissing | Passionate Sex | Wall Sex | Shower Sex | Biting | Dominating | In the Kitchen | Elevator | Stripping (Women Only) | Vanilla | Spontaneous | Adaptable.

Anything disgusting; Gore etc. Bondage and so on.

Taken (Dia)

Diamanda Lorelei Avania

Clarence James Ashwood (Father)
Valerie Ashwood (Mother)
Dakota Ashwood (Little Brother)
Leah Roslund (Cousin)

The Bloodfall Sentinels
Leon Wulfric (Close Friend)




Ezra is the oldest sibling in the Ashwood family. They have a luxurious yet a middle-class lifestyle since birth, both him, and his little brother, Dakota Ashwood. His mother, Valerie and his father, Clarence Ashwood were known for being a unique couple within the werewolf community. They were stronger together, and a fierce pair to be around. Ezra looked up to them, and at one point, he was to inherit the pack they were the Alpha and the Luna to; the Shadowclaw Stalkers. However, it did not come as easy as his last name. It was not going to be automatically handed to him. Despite the fact that the Ashwood family has a long history of werewolves in their family, even if it dates back to many centuries, he had to earn his spot.

Ezra did exactly that. He, unlike his little but rebellious brother, was kind and loyal to his father and mother. He trained and quickly regained the control of his werewolf form once he turned thirteen. Obviously, both his and Dakota's father made sure they knew what they were. They were humans, but at the same time, they were something supernatural, something extraordinary. They were werewolves, and being a part of the Ashwood family, it all came with heavy responsibility. Ezra was much like his father. He was smart, independent at a young age. If anything his father made sure he earned his way up to being the Alpha, and to lead the Shadowclaw Stalkers into the new age, for the generations to come.

However, before Ezra did become the Alpha, his entire family tree consisted of bloodlines related to werewolves. You had the Roslund, who were a part of the Bloodfall Sentinels. In our present day and age, his and Dakota's cousin, Leah Roslund is a part of said pack. Anyhow, when Ezra was quite young, he quickly became attractive to a certain someone named Diamanda. She was part of a family that knew the Ashwood. Both families used to visit one another, and as time passed, they both fell for one another, and as quickly as he became a werewolf at the age of thirteen, he also found his Luna, the one he was destined to be, and so did she.

Years pased obviously, and in our present day and age, Ezra James Ashwood is with his loving and special other half, Diamanda Lorelei Avania, but is also the inspiring and the confident Alpha of the Shadowclaw Stalkers. His brother, Dakota Ashwood is with him, despite his little brother's particular rocky relationship with their father who has, at this point retired to some house in another country, with their mother, Valerie.


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[dash= #cc16c9]



Danari Amelia Bancroft

Dana, Croft, Lia


Gamma of the Duskfall Nightwalkers


129 LBS

Dirty Blonde & Beautifully Mid-long.

Blue & Mesmerizing - Gold when Gamma is Triggered


On her Belly Button

She can wear anything depending on the season, the weather and so on. From tight jeans to short ones. A one piece or otherwise. Boots and shoes, but especially leather jackets.


Conviction - Danari is quite confident in herself. She believes in her capability in achieving what she wants. More or less, she is self-reliant as well, and does not ask someone for help unless she absolutely cannot do it herself. The young woman feels that asking for help is a form of weakness, though, she does not openly share that fact with others because it really isn't.

Fearless - The young Gamma has earned her spot for one sole reason. She is not afraid challenge someone, or to fight another Werewolf. May it be a Beta, or yes, even an Alpha. Although there is a big gap between a Gamma and a Beta, and definetely an Alpha, she would not back down until she would speak her mind. If anything, Danari could have had "danger" as her middle name. She does not take crap from anyone, but respects an Alpha and a Beta for what they are, though it is much less for the latter. The woman has that fire in her eyes, which hasn't wavered since long ago.

Troublemaker - Even if this could be considered a flaw, it can also be considered a positive feature. Being fearless as mentioned above, she has had run ins with many stray Werewolves in her past, always coming back with an injury or two, however, you should see the other guy. If there is anything, she is probably one of the most scariest young Gamma's in the Duskfall Nightwalkers, and that may be the reason for why some of the younglings in the pack tends to stay away from her.

Reliable - Yes, Danari is a woman you can rely on, no matter what. Even if she would like to know the whole situation before stepping into whatever it is, you can still rely on her. However, at one point it has to be beneficial to her as well. Nothing is for free, in this world at least. Even for the Duskfall Nightwalkers she would ask for something in return, though what it is? Or when she'll call in for that favor, that's for you to find out. There are only a few she does not

Cunning - Danari has learned so much for so many years. Always out there trying to find something else to discover. The woman has a keen insight, and is exactly great in the forest. This is why her capability in tracking someone or something is exceptional. She is crafty in the use of special resources.

Proud - Unlike maybe others like her, she embraces the wolf in her. Some may question what they are, or call it a curse, or call themselves a monster, but she does not. Actually, to her, once she turned into a Werewolf at the age of thirteen, since that day, she felt more complete than ever, more than when she was a human. This can clearly been seen in the way she speaks in regards of Werewolves.

Fighter - It should not come as a surprise that this woman enjoys the thrill of a fight. Especially against another Werewolf. This is why she was seen with more than one injury when returning from her run. Obviously, she also enjoys sparring with those within the pack as well.

Complex - Danari is a hard woman to crack. One can always wonder what goes around in her mind, or what she really wants. The young Gamma has that look and the attitude of an alluring yet enticing woman. Some say it's because of her british accent, though she can easily switch between her british and american accent. The woman mostly does speak with her native accent, which is british.

Lively - If you want to have fun, or would like to go on an adventure, she is the right woman to bring with you. Danari is energetic, and enjoys a good party at the beach, or in a club, or a house. She enjoys many things, as long as its fun, or yes, even daring. It is therefore, quite easy to socialize with her, even if her first impression may say otherwise. The young Werewolf does not bite, not neccessarily.


Aggressive - Danari may be one of the most ruthless Gamma's in the Duskfall Nightwalkers, especially in her wolf form. The woman rarely shows any mercy, unless she ends up pitying her opponent, or in other circumstancial situations. One of the reasons why someone in the pack, or outside, considers her beautiful wolf form to be a waste on her, since its mostly covered in blood, sometime not showing the beauty of a Werewolf she is, due to how unique her fur is when in wolf form.

Reckless - There are times where she ends up getting into something that she cannot handle. In the past, she used to be too much of a reckless Werewolf, not really considering the consequences of her actions, and or, how it may affect her pack. Danari has obviously grown from this, though this personality trait is still there, even if she is much smarter now.

Provocation - If you can push the right buttons, you can have a very dangerous Werewolf lash out against you. Danari can be easily provoked, even is she is tolerant. Her past, and her family is a good way to make that happen.

Bottled Up Emotions - Danari has a unique past, and a unique present, or so one would say. Even if she is considered a rock solid woman with an iron attitude, she is also a human, and not just a beast with claws and fangs. The woman does not share the feelings deep down within her. About her family, her life prior to becoming a Werewolf, and what she really feels in the moment. The past, the present and the future. So yeah, she keeps her feelings to herself.

Vindictive - Do not mess with her in a way, where she'll hold a grudge, and at some point, may return the favor. This, however, rarely happens, but if it does, you'll know it soon.


Running | Challenges | Chocolate Cake | Hot Chocolate | Strong Alcoholic Beverages | Heights | Hip Hop | Rain | Windy Weather | Strawberries | Climbing | Cats | Mystery Books | English Tea | Dancing | Violin | Meat | Nature | Tea | Pizza | Confident People | Bunnies

Children | Hypocrites | Dogs | Hunters | Hopelessly Romanticism | Persistent People | Liars | Traitors | Pineapples | Weaklings

Jelani | Her Mate | Herself

Forceful | Independent | Close Combat | Ambitious | Tracker | Mind Games | Self-Assured | Willpower | Vixen

Losing her Mate | Being Caged | Drowning | Losing Control

Danari does not really care about the Duskfall Nightwalkers, even if she does not show it. She only cares for her Alpha. In a respectful way.
Even if some or most in the Duskfall Nightwalkers does not consider the Shadowclaw Stalkers as an enemy pack, she definetely does.

Biting | Sexual Games | Shower Sex | Wall Sex | Dominating | Heated Sex | Elevator | Stripping | Vanilla | Passionate | One Night Stands | Sexual Teasing | Robust Men

Anything disgusting; Gore etc. Bondage and so on.



Xander Bancroft (Father)
Annabelle Bancroft (Mother)
Johanna Bancroft (Little Sister)
Zachary Verbeck (Uncle)


The Bloodfall Sentinels
The Shadowclaw Stalkers


Danari Amelia Bancroft is of british descendant. Part of a loving family, where she is the oldest sibling, with her little sister, Johanna being the youngest. The Bancroft family has a long and deep history when it comes to Werewolves. It is a part of them, and more than being a Mundane. Her parents also tends to call her Dana more than Danari. Since her young age, she was told what she was, and this was before her transition from a human to a Werewolf at the age of thirteen. Obviously, back then, she questioned it more like how a human would. She considered a Werewolf a monster, something to be afraid of, something she would rather not turn into.

The first time her parents told her about what she actually was, she was an eight year old kid. Danari could understand it by then. After all, she was part of a rich family. She went to an all-girl school for a while. She had great grades as well. Some in her family even said that she was blessed with what she was. Eventually, she did accept her fate. That she'll end up becoming something else when she would turn thirteen. Though until that happened, she was also somewhat tomboyish at her school. There were numerous occasions where she ended up in a brawl with another girl or a group.

People bullied her, but she literally did not accept it. Whoever that did bully her, would have a broken nose or otherwise. This is where her reputation changed as well. This is where her parents were called in for meetings with the principal at the school. Though Danari had her reasons for beating the other students. However, what was more interesting, was how she ended up keeping these reasons to herself. Even if her parents persuaded her to reveal that, she flat out lied, and said it was her own fault.

But in reality, these students badmouthed her parents, her little sister, and even her family. Yes, even for an all girl school, there were other students that hailed from a Werewolf family. The Bancroft did not exactly have a great reputation back in England. Some called them traitors and liars as well. Even some of the teachers at this school were Werewolves. However, Danari did not go back home and ask her parents for why they would call them that. She just kept it to herself, and became more or less used to it over the years, and tolerant as well.

The Bancroft also hosted parties for other packs to come visit. To have a casual yet rich party with important people, Alpha's and otherwise there. Some came just for public appearances, while some actually had good relations with the Bancroft. Danari was just a kid back then, and this is also where some considered her to be quite similar to her uncle Zachary Verbeck. This man was the brother to her mother. Danari's own attitude and personality was perhaps more similar to him than her own father.

Danari's love for her sister, Johanna was and is unconditional. If anything, she was the only one she could act normal around. She was the only one she opened up to, even if her little sister couldn't understand anything. At the very least, her little sister had a much easier life. Timee did pass, and once Danari became a Werewolf, she became more reckless. It did not take long before she became a nuisance for her parents. They had invited her uncle Zachary Verbeck from the United States.

Her parents told here that she was to study abroad and stay with her uncle for a while, though the actual reason was something else. They wanted her uncle to help her. If anyone, the one who has a similar personality to Danari was Zachary, and that's why they believed, that staying with him would help her. To her, it was something else, it was as if they just wanted to fly their daughter across the world to keep the little reputation they have stable. Danari was slightly rebellious then, even if tears ran down her cheek. Even if she was to part away from her cute little sister Johanna.

Danari listened to her parents, and moved to the United States with her uncle. Years passed. She became more of a Werewolf. Her uncle honed her skills as both a human and a wolf. She went to a public school there, and even joined a pack, the Duskfall Nightwalkers, which her uncle introduced her to. This is how she attained her american accent, as well as keeping her native, the british accent intact. The woman learned a lot there, and came to love her uncle like a second father. She occasionally spoke to her parents, though not like how she did to her more of an understanding sister this time. At least now, Johanna was older and knew what was going on around her. However, at that time, Danari decided to keep her away from the Bancroft drama.

Danari Amelia Bancroft is a beauty, as both a human and a Werewolf. She is a force to be reckoned with, and has earned her spot as a Gamma in the Duskfall Nightwalkers unlike none others.
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#VampireGods #ForeverOneSoul #LoveConquersAll

  • NAME

    Appears in Thirties




    180 LBS


    Dark & Short

    Dark Blue

    Nether Manipulation
    Elemental Manipulation

    Independent | Charming | Confident | Creative | Relaxed | Determined | Brave | Intelligent | Interesting | Imaginative | Ambitious | Lively | Fearless | Forceful | Professional | Powerful

    Superiority Complex | Blunt | Chaotic | Temptation | Callous

    Women | Protective | Animals | Kids

    Tolerant | Self Reliant | Smart | Manipulative | Wrathful | Unmerciful | Tactful | Brutal Strength

    Puzzles | The Nature | Great Views | Wine | Rain | Books | Art | Drinking | Sex | Cats | Loyalty | Obediency

    The Sun | Disloyalty | Persistency | Naive People | Liars
    Piano | Painting | Violin

    Piano | Violin | Painting

    Losing the Underworld | Losing His Loved Ones

    At some point he intends to bring the Underworld to Earth itself.





    Hades is an almighty God. He is his own man, with his own plans and his own agenda. He is the brother to Zeus, Poseidon, Hera and Demeter. Unlike his siblings, who are all living up there, in Olympus, Hades isn't. He is the God who controls the death. The master of the Underworld. There isn't much to share about him other than what the humans already have. Some say he was a bitter God who was thrown down by his brother to rule the Underworld, while some say he chose it himself.

    Hades does not hold much love for his brother Zeus, and it is shown greatly whenever they do meet one another. He does not support his ways. Though, the God of the Underworld has accepted and embraced what he is, and what he is capable of doing. The Underworld is ruled by his Iron Fist, yet in our present day and age, there have been people, like his nephew and niece, who've gone ahead and tampered with the souls of the living. The creation of the Vampires. It is distasteful in his eyes, though, he is known for his patience. A sophisticated man, but also professional other than just being a God.

    Though in the Underworld, there are those who are by his side. Hecate for once, and Thanatos, who is his right hand man. There is also his wife, Persephone, who has been with him for many eons.


[dash= #8D38C9]

~The center of Sin and Pride is 'I'~

Prince Lucifer


Luci, Kifer (Kai-fah), The Perfect Son

Pride, Prince




Prince, Royalty


Has lovely blue eyes that can easily charm someone.
Beautiful brown hair that attracts women. His hairstyles for one.
Has a very well-built and athletic body with one or two scars on his back.
Usually has that elegant nature about him, thus he tends to wear charming outfits.

Has a very specific necklace at all times around his neck. Its a crystal-shaped glass stone.


Sloth, Envy

Lust, Greed. Envy


The Brides

Pride, otherwise known as Prince Lucifer in the Underworld. The second oldest Sin after Lust, but also the most respected and feared. His story is quite the mystery. Especially when he was a human, and before he transcended into a being far superior. Before he became a Sin he had a loving family. It was a noble family with a good reputation. He was the oldest sibling, whereas his little brother was the middle child, and his little sister being the youngest. The family met with an unfortunate tragedy in the future. His father began gambling their wealth away. His mother had died in an 'accident. His little sister was raped and killed by someone she was married to.

It all began with her little sister. It all changed when her mother was against such a marriage. The man, the duke she married to was a pervert, and one who did not have such a good reputation. His littler sister did not want it, nor did both her brothers. The warnings were there but in the end, it still happened, but only after her mother had passed away. His little brother, who would in the future be the third Sin to enter the Underworld as Greed, snapped. He was lost in his own world, and became mad.

They all lived on an island, that was soon to be gone from the history of the world. Pride, before he became a Sin, and when it was only him and his little brother, he had disappeared for some time. Only to return to the sorry state the island had gone into. It's new "King" was supposedly his brother, who was a tyrant and a cruel one at that. The tales had reached Pride's ears back then, but for him, this was something he did expect. He did live there. He had his own house, but his brother never really payed him much attention, and neither did he, or so Greed assumed.

Pride knew all along that his mother was in danger. That the duke who married his sister would eventually kill her off. His own cunning and superior personality changed over time. He became a torn in his brothers path. He eventually even got the attention of Satan himself, who expressed interest in his soul. Who offered him power. Though, Pride only accepted such a power after turning Greed's people against him, at least to a point where they lived by their own rules. Pride was considered a hero on the island, however, he actually wasn't. It was a part of his plan. He wanted to give them some sense of freedom before it would eventually disappear. That is precisely why he provoked Greed, because he knew the kind of man his little brother was.

Pride, who is also known as Prince Lucifer, a royal prince in the underworld, accepted Satan's deal and became the former. He had cast away his human life and gained the gift of immortality, or to some, it could be considerd a curse. There are many tales left untold about Prince Lucifer. Both as a humand and also as a Sin. Only time would unfold the mystery surrounding Pride.


True Form

User can create, shape and manipulate electricity, a form of energy resulting from the movement of charged particles (such as electrons or protons), allowing control over electric fields, all charge carriers (Ions, Electrons, Protons, and Positrons), electronics, and electromagnetic forces.

Has the ability to move object/materials through Electricity.
Electricity can course through his body actively. Both internally and externally.
Can course Electricity from one object to another, or a body to another with his touch, like a current.
Can intensify Electricity to a point where it can change from its usual blue color to white.

Is not effecting against rocks or material similar to it.
The use of this ability, in an excessive amount is exhausting to the body.

Electricity Manipulation can be redirected by certain materials.

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[dash= #0040f0]




Nine, The Frost Dragon




190 LBS

Dark Brown - Slightly Curly - Neck Length

Light Brown

Symbol of Strength


Intelligent | Observant | Tolerant | Fighter | Serious

Stubborn | Secluded | Indifferent | Aggressive | Chaotic


Dragons | Respectful People | Rain | Winter | Roses | Hunting

Humans | Persistency | Condescending People | Ithorn | Liars | Traitors | Storm | The Sun

Pushing People Away | Keeps to Himself | Easy to Provoke

Hunting | Tactful | Forceful | Straightforward | Iron Will

Being exposed for who he really is.
Re-living the past once more.

Fought side by side with Vitalis.


Everything thats gorey and harmful, disgusting.

Frostfire Manipulation
Allows the user to manipulate ice and fire in combination with one another. It is basically Ice Manipulation but on a much higher scale. It is both cold as ice and burns like fire. Where there is ice, you'll see fire, though in the color of blue.



All Dead



Nineharth is the only dragon that wasn't sent to the modern world after the fight against Ithorn. He only survived and kept to himself for all this time because of someone else. Another dragon named Pandora had given him a necklace that would keep him safe in the most dire situations. The darkness was not able to get any hold of him because of it. Though after the necklace protected him, the magical force inside the crystal-shaped stone on the necklace had disappeared. It was no longer there.

Nineharth has ever since then, preferred his dragon side over his human. More or less, the man has kept to himself for all this time. Casting away his human side and always if not mostly staying in his unique dragon form. He has been underground for quite some time, but has survived by hunting animals and so on in his human form.



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[dash= #ccae18]


C, Kane

Kaev, Aralt, Yomas, Roan







Creation Magic
Elemental Magic
Magical Energy Manipulation
and more.

Canaan is a patient yet sophisticated man. He is an observer at most and doesn't really relate to anyone but the one dreamer that is no more. He has massive knowledge inside his mind, and is a man filled with ambition. Other than that, he is callous, cunning and manipulative. He thrives in seeing how the others fare against him or what he can concoct for them. He is an enigma, a mystery yet enjoys to play games. It is easy to pique his interest if the right words are used. Annihilation and destruction is something he is amused by. There is a lot of bottled up hate inside him that is just waiting to burst out, a long with his wrath.


Canaan was the second dreamer a long with his sibling that were basically Gods. They created a world together called Kankyo, however their relationship quickly changed when his brother wanted something else. He wanted to create something that could make both Canaan and his brother mortals. To live among their creations as equals. To Canaan, Kankyo was nothing more than just some playground. He never did see it as a place for other beings but themselves. There were many arguements with his brother, yet the device the latter created was also the downfall for Canaan.

To Canaan, Kankyo was just another planet they'd move on from at some point, but it never did end up that way. Canaan's brother fought him in order to protect the device and the civilization back then, however, once both the dreamers fought one another, chaos erupted around Kankyo. Destruction and so on. The device was destroyed, but Canaan's brother was also able to seal him away. Ever since then, a lot has changed. The landscape, their creations, every single thing on Kankyo evolved ever so greatly. Eons passed and Canaan was still sealed.

Though at some point, the gears shifted, and now, Canaan has been released from his seal. Released from the many ruins he was buried into. His goal though, it has not changed. He became bitter and furious when his brother was nowhere to be seen. All these new creations and all these new continents. There was a lot for him to catch up on. As his powers gradually returned from over a year, he has devised a plan to use the continents and its people, a long with the pieces of the device to annihilate them. Canaan would not dirty his hands, he'll have them all do it. His plan is to create a war that'll set Kankyo ablaze.

Canaan has many aliases, and has settled down in a few continents. In Paradeisos, he is the advisor to the PM, the most powerful man in said country. Whispering into his ears ideas and suggestions to have the neutral country be more. The continent he is mostly interested in was iTealaich, especially after how incredible they were in his eyes. Then you have the unique, magical-like continent called Inbar-Jamal. All of the continents will surely get a taste of what Canaan is capable of doing.


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[dash= #7619e0]

Sith Outfit | Mask with Robes & Cape

Kheltan Waylan

Darth Zeran

Sith Confederate

Sith Apprentice

Sith Warrior

Sith Master




Red, Yellow & Black

Dark Blonde


Attachable Dual Wielding Sabers

Form II: Makashi - Focusing on light but quick footwork, and its defensive capabilities to prevent disarmament. It is an elegant and focused combat style, and was based on balance and footwork to outmaneuver opponents. Fluidity, precision, and economy of motion are relied on, rather than strength, with Form II bladework heavily utilizing jabs and light cuts rather than hack and slash movements. Overall, the form is at its fore when engaged in combat against a single enemy duelist.

Form IV: Ataru - Focusing on an aggressive, and a acrobatic combat style. This form channels the Force to achieve high-speed movements, impossible leaps, and deadly strikes. To an outsider, it appears as a wild rush of movement. This form can be used to defend against incoming projectiles, and is best suited for open spaces.

Form VI: Niman - A very unique combat style. Allowing the user to use his lightsaber in combination with the Force. It is preferred that one has a dual lightsaber during this form. With your vacant hand, one can utilize the force and be much more deadlier and aggressive. It is an excellent strategy against multiple opponents.

Form VII: Juyo/ - The most aggressive and unpredictable form out of them all. Filled with aggression and hate Allowing the user to his own emotions and the dark side of the force in a much deeper and deadlier level. The user taps deeper into the dark side, becoming rather chaotic with their fighting style, yet keeping it all in control, but also exposing themseves to Force techniques. Juyo is described as the most vicious form of lightsaber combat, and is said to be filled with both fury and malignant grace. The form was given the title of the most difficult and demanding form in all of saber combat. Skilled combatants with Juyo were said by Jedi Master Vrook Lamar to be able to "eviscerate a lone enemy." According to the Sith Lord Darth Traya, the form was both chaotic and erratic, with a heavy focus on offense. Juyo's use was controversial among the Jedi Order, as many felt that Juyo violated the "there is no emotion, there is peace" tenet of the Jedi Code due to its requirement to fight under the guidance of controlled passion.

Like his twin bother, Thalik, they were both snatched away from their homeworld, Kashyyyk, from their parents at the age of six. Taken by the Sith Confederate, they both had potential to tap into the dark side, and to become some of the most aggressive and notable Sith Lords and perhaps even a Dark Lord. They were both force sensitive, and that was one of the reasons for why they were taken.

There isn't much Kheltan knows about his past, about his biological family except for his brother. They always stuck out for one another, despite the circumstances. They lived a very harsh life, yet Kheltan's brother, Thalik was always optimistic. Back then, as time flew by, his brother knew they had to get away from the Confederate. Away from the Sith and the dark force they were being influenced by.

Obviously, Kheltan and Thalik showed great talent, and were being nurtured to become a Sith and so on, but at the same time Thalik was planning their escape. Unfortunate as it may have seemed, it was a failed attempt, where only his brother, Thalik was able to escape the people chasing them. Kheltan, however, was captured again, and now he was all alone.

His training became much more vigorous. The harsh life he endured became even worse. Time flew by and Kheltan eventually rose up to become a Sith Master. Back when he was captured, he always did hope for his brother to return and rescue him. It never happened.

- Kheltan's sith mask covers his entire face, and not only the front. The front is, however red, and the rest is silver-plated armor, going around the face and the head.
- Kheltan prefers to use two lightsabers at once. Holding his purple one in one hand, and the red in the other. They can be attached and detached as well. He will mostly use the red one, and only use both if an opponent is difficult, or worthy of his full attention.

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[dash= #368200]

Azuha, Hyusei

Hyu, Sei, Zu




179 LBS


Dark Blue

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5]


Caring, Respectful, Observant, Considerate, Intelligent, Appreciative

Straightforward, Callous, Too Neutral (Sometimes), Selfless (Sometimes), Overprotective

Spring, Fall, Tea, Sake, Sakura Trees, Wolves, Cats, Training, Open Views, Nature, Mystery Books, Karuta, Shogi, Hotpot, Calligraphy, Spicy Food, Children, Exploring, Hydrangea

Rain, Dogs, Abusive Authority, Arrogancy, The Color Black

Loved Ones, Passive (Sometimes), Children

Iron Will, Sharp, Determination, Tactful, Versatile, Intellect

Being Trapped, Unable to Help Those Close to Him

Did witness the death of his Master, but was unable to do anything in order to prevent it.
To find the one who killed his Sensei.


Dual Katana. Wakizashi

Battōjutsu - A field of kenjutsu which deals specifically with the rapid drawing and sheathing of a sword. It is the predecessor of the art of Iaido, in that their differences stem from the fact that Iaido is much like Kendo as a form of spiritual training and sport, where Battojutsu practices and studies the dynamics of sword drawing and hand eye coordination regarding live action factors of timing, distance, targeting, and the specifics of one's sword, including its size and blade, to strike readily. It is hence practiced with live swords, in contrast to kata and sparring needs eventually developing the safer bokken and shinai.

Iaido - A japanese martial art that emphasizes being aware and capable of quickly drawing the sword and responding to a sudden attack. Iaido is associated with the smooth, controlled movements of drawing the sword from its scabbard (or saya), striking or cutting an opponent, removing blood from the blade, and then replacing the sword in the scabbard.

Hiten Mitsurugi Ryū - The style commonly has the user keep one hand on the sheath at all times and stresses two-step attacks to ensure that the practitioner is never off guard while executing said attacks and allows the user to use the sheathe as a shield to block attacks. Arguably, its most well-known trait is the surreal speed practitioners of this style use in battle (known as Shinsoku, or godspeed), allowing the user to accelerate, maneuver, and strike at speeds most eyes are unable to properly follow. This allows the user to close considerable distance in seconds and strike down enemies before they can react.

Azuha, Ryōtaro (Father - Alive)
Azuha, Eri (Mother - Alive)
Azuha, Yuno (Little Sister - Alive)
Hono, Ryuu (Friend, Considered as Brother)

Kagamine, Nori (Unaware)




Azuha, Hyusei was born into a noble family. He was the oldest sibling, whereas his sister, Yuno was the little one. His lifestyle wasn't pampered. It was actually normal. Just like his own father, he was assigned a Sensei at the age of four. Hyusei had to learn the way of a sword, and to eventually be the next lieutenant after his own father, Ryōtaro. It began with kendo, using a wooden sword with his Senpai to learn how to fight. He had more than one teacher. One told him about the era they lived in, and the other taught him how to fight using more than one blade. Though with time, he did learn much more in terms of the world out there, and what he was capable of doing.

Just like him, there was someone else there as well, who went through a similar training. This boy's name was Ryuu, of the Hono family. A family that has a really close relationship with the Azuha's. For both Hyusei and Ryuu, it was not surprising to see them in the same dojo. Though both had the same Sensei in some sessions, and in others, they had different. Their combat style was different yet similar at the same time. Ryuu enjoyed using the Bo Staff, and not only a Katana, and Hyusei enjoyed using a Katana, or two.

Time passed, and they became quite close. They sparred with one another, their bond was much deeper than ever before. They were close friends, but also considered themselves as brothers. Though at some point, Hyusei's Sensei, the one who taught him the way of the sword, was killed by someone, or something. Hyusei was just a teenager, and terrified. He was hiding, but was unable to help. Hyusei froze because of fear. And that incident alone, was enough to change his personality, his attitude. He became much more fierce, collected and determined.

It also did not take long for his parents to assign him a new Sensei, who was almost if not the same. Though this time, Hyusei was more than just ready. He would not go through the same thing again. Laters in the years, Hyusei became a lieutenant, and only time would tell, what else is in store for him.



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[dash= #701c43]

Julius Galanter







Dark Brown


170 LBS

It varies. He could wear something casual, and or something professional. From jeans, a leather jacket to a suit. Though, one would mostly see him wearing the latter.

Charming - Julius is a man of wonders and mystery. He is spontaneous and yet so romantic. Sweet, but then again, aggressive as well. Someone who is pleasant to those he enjoys the company of.

Self-assured - Julius is brimming with confidence. Knows what he is capable of doing or otherwise.

Smart - Julius has been through a lot. He has picked up more than one habit in his eternal life. He knows when to act, or when to stop. He is considerate depending on the situation. He can adapt to what lies ahead of him.

Optimistic - To Julius, there is more than one way to achieve his goal. If one door is closed, then another opens up. If one doesn't, he'll make it open. One has to have a positive mind to whats ahead.

Tolerant - Julius has again, experienced a lot in his life. He has seen much, gone through much, and has an iron will. He is mostly tolerant and patient. If something is happening before him. Bickering or otherwise, he tends to take his time before making his move. Obviously, he is quite tolerant to pain as well.

Practical - Despite having an optimistic mind, there are cases here such does not work. One has to consider the situation in a practical way as well. If someting just cannot happen, then there must be a reason behind it. If there is a future, one may simply just not know what the future holds for an individual.

Amusement - Julius enjoys being amused by someone. May they be a vampire or a witch. If it's entertaining, then there's that. If someone can indulge in amusing him, then that's perfect.

Serious - Julius does have a temper, but it is rarely seen. Though once he does get serious, one will definetely take note of it. It is wise to keep clear if his wrathful attitude comes forth.

Ambitious - There is a lot that's going through Julius' mind. One could say that he always have concocted a plan in his mind, deep inside. He does want to achieve something. Something for himself and his kind in general. Slowly but surely, he will succeed.

Indifferent - Julius does not not consider the Council as something important. He does not really care for it. There is a reason for why he is the second Council member, rather than the first. Though he also does not care much for the other kinds. Like sorcerers or necromancers. If something is in his way, then he'll remove such an obstacle.

Condescending - Yes, Julius can indeed be quite negative towards anyone who dares to get in his way.

Wine, Blood, Strawberry, Rain, Winter, Cats, Antique, Roses, Coffee, Tea, Oranges.

Dogs, Kids, The Sun, Liars, Traitors.

Half Demons - Julius finds them quite unique actually. They are interesting. He would want to see exactly how they tick. So one could say that the Vampire does have a curious mind in regards of them.

Necromancers - Julius finds them pathetic. To him, they are nothing but people who defile the dead over and over again. If he does get the chance, he would provoke them into doing something. Only for them to amuse him in return. They truly are pathetic.

Sorcerers - Nothing interesting. They are nothing but trivial in his mind. He does not really care for them as much as one may do. There isn't much to say here.

Werewolves - Now these creatures. He has stumbled upon them one too many times. So many times that they could literally bore him to death.

Witches - Interesting, but does not see much difference between them and a Sorcerer. Though, he does have a particular interest in a certain someone who is exacly that - a witch.

Julius once had a family. Two daughters and loving wife. They were all massacred a long with his entire village, and seemingly by hunters who were after vampires. Julius was gravely injured. Laid there on a pool of blood. Eyes barely open. Hand reaching for his dead wife and kids across from him. He was given the option by a figure in silhouette, to attain eternal life. In his current circumstance, he decided to accept.


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[dash= #cf5723]

Cassie Amelia Crawford

Cas, CC, Lia



Half Demon


Advanced, specialized in Ice & Frost Magic





119 LBS

Cassie mostly does wear outfit that brands her as a powerful woman. Exquisite, nice, expensive. One piece or otherwise. If it isn't business related, one may see her wearing something more casual like the person next door. However, that's quite rare.


Powerful - The way she talks, and acts, would present herself as a woman with a sophisticated attitude. There is strength in her voice. Her body language alone would allow you to see that her confidence in herself, and those like her, is extremely high. There is always that one grin-like smile plastered on her face when the current is moving according to her own plan.

Wise - Despite her age, Cassie has quite the knowledge in regards of anything that may interest her. People, objects or otherwise. The woman is capable of using the right words, or to stay quiet when her opinion is not required. Obviously, one could wonder what ulterior motive may lurk behind her lips.

Cunning - It shouldn't go without saying that Cassie has an interesting mindset. She can be tricky to understand. Tricky to unravel the thoughts in her mind. Being deceptive is nothing new to her. This alone is something that has grown within her mind, and her attitude because of the noble family she hails from.

Tactful - There are many pieces on her chessboard. The board is under her control. The pieces will move how she would want. Cassie has an intellectual mind. She knows when to act, and when to be patient. The woman keeps her cards close to her heart. Mental warfare is perhaps the right explanation to how she goes about in the world, if required.

Persuasive - It is not really surprising that the woman may also have a silver tongue. She could strike a deal with the enemy, or a frenemy, and anyone else. However, it must always be beneficial to herself. If she would require certain information, she will also find a way to obtain it. In other words, one could say this Council woman has resources in her disposal as well.

Friendly - Cassie can obviously be social, which she is, and friendly to anyone who approaches her with a positive attitude. She doesn't bite, and is actually quite the elegant woman. She is nice to talk to, and is the same in return. The woman does have a kind nature about her as well.

Trustworthy - It may not look like it, but Cassie knows when and how to keep a secret. There are those who've come to her for help. To share their secret, where she could make their problem go away. It is something she always does accomplish. One could say Cassie is a form of deal maker, but only to those who require her services. If its a friend, or a family member, even someone she cares deeply for, then there is no price. The woman is a listener, and may even give an advice or two if one would want that.

Lively - Even if she is a Half Demon, even if she has an interesting, leader-like personality, she could still let loose. The woman does know how to have fun. With friends, or a lover or two. She hardly declines an invitation if the latter is something that interests her, grabs her curious mind and such. One shouldn't hesitate to ask her about it. Cassie does know how to have fun.

Appreciative - Loyalty. Cassie respects those who are loyal to her and the Council. Specifically, the other Half Demons. She shows her respect to them as well, because they've earned it. There are other ways to show her gratitude as well. Like rewarding them with some money, or an object.

Honesty - A bad habit perhaps. Cassie does not shy away from telling those she disilkes the truth. What she thinks of them, or what they should be doing instead. This alone can create a few enemies in her path. Where they would want to harm her or get back at her in the same way.

Opportunistic - You could call her a sly woman. If a situation, or an opportunity presents itself before her, she may not hesitate to take it. It may be wrong, but in the end, it has to be something that'll benefit the woman, or perhaps even her kind.

Provocative - Not something she actively tries to do, or be. It does happen from time to time because of the way she speaks. Because of her professional manner. That alone could create a heated situation, or a discussion that could escalate into something else.


Wine, Lemons , Heights, The Sky , Winter, Ice, Cats, Rare Objects, Information, Black Rose, Hydrangea, Coffee, Mountains, Nature, Tigers, Wolves, Kids.

Abusive Authority, Narcissistic People, Clowns, Snakes, Disloyalty, Pestering People, Nagging People.

Vampires - Attractive Bloodsuckers. That's basically what they are in her mind. Immortality is their gift, yet it's common for them to end their life after 200+ years. It is actually funny. There would be so much Cassie could do if she had the gift of immortality. It's a shame she isn't a Vampire.

Necromancers - So much power. They are capable of doing much harm and otherwise. To her, they are a threat. Their reach could even be endless, and sooner or later, they must hall be dealt with. If only she could have a pet that was a Necromancer.

Sorcerers - They too, can expand upon the magic and utilize it however they want. To her, they share the same value as the Necromancers.

Werewolves - Attractive People. A whole bunch of them. Packs or not. Half-naked men. Gorgeous Women. Monsters as well. She does like wolves, so having a Werewolf in her collection would be quite the experience.

Witches - Not much to say here. They're an interesting bunch, and that's basically what they are to her. Cassie is friendly towards them, like she is towards the rest.

Richard Crawford (Father)
Nonabella Crawford (Mother)
Rayleigh Crawford (Little Sister)
Zekiah Trost (Uncle)


Cassie Amelia Crawford is the oldest sibling to a noble family; The Crawford. This family goes back many generations. There is very long family tree here. The family has always lived with luxuries. A family thats rich and loving, but also quite cold and serious. Her entire family were and are nothing but Half Demons. They've been a part of the Council for a long while. There is always a Crawford at the seat. Cassie was the firstborn, and that automatically set her out to inherit the legacy, the heritage of their family.

Though since the past, there has been no one as devoted as her from the Crawford family when it comes to her kind, the Half Demons. If there was anyone who could be related to her, and her personality, it would be her mothers brother, Zekiah Trost. Like him, she took the responsibility, keeping her littler sister away from something so political in the supernatural world, perhaps.

Cassie grew up with tremendous talent. She was a Half Demon who specialized in Ice Manipulation. Half Demons like her were the Gelos type. With time, she became the new head of the Crawford family. Keeping the noble family, its reputation up there in the higher societies, while the rest of her family, could stay away from it. Her father was also quite the scary man, unlike her mother. It was precisely because of the former she decided to take such a responsibility. Obviously, with time, she grew up into a beautiful woman with many talents. Having a seat at the Council, this Half Demon is known for her wit, and for being a Crawford.


[dash= #dea233]

Adrian Wale






So our next person is from Hot and Cold. Let's see what he has to say! Shall we?

Welcome to 'Love in Paradise'. So tell us a bit about yourself? Let's start with your full name, age and where you are from.
Alrighty. That shouldn't be hard. My name is Adrian Wale and I'm the second youngest member of my family. I'd say I'm from Chicago but we both know that isn't true. Heh. Our family actually hails from Canada, Ontario, but this was back before I was born. After that, we moved to New Orleans, before we ended up in Chicago. You see, There are a total of four other siblings older than me. My three sisters and my brother. Other than that, there's my little sister. Our last name may be familiar to you, but in Chicago it is known for being one of the strongest law firms out there.

There's a reason for why, most if not all of the members of the Wale family end up becoming a Lawyer, continuing the family business. I could probably go on for a while and we'd end up staying here until the next day. I'm sure you've got others waiting so I'll make this short, so we can move on to the next question. I'm sure more will be revealed during my stay here on the island.

So what are your strong points?
A good question. Hmm.. Well I'd say I'm determined. It is something I've grown up to be. You could say it's because of my line of work, since there are a lot of decisions made in it. Good and bad. You know how it works. Anyhow, like I said, when there is something I seek to do, I would stop at nothing to achieve it. So I am quite adamant and determined in such regards. Obviously, I consider the consequences of my actions as well.

As for another strong point. I'd say I'm adaptable to most situations. Again, in my line of work, or during some unique or unusual situations before me, I would have to change my way of thinking on the spot. It's difficult, but once you get the hang of it, you know a way out, even if that means you have to take a step back. Anyhow, this isn't a job interview, and thanks to me, it does sound like it is. Lets move on shall we?

I'd say I'm charming as well. It does help go a long way. Though I also enjoy having a good time. I know someone can attest to that. It's one of the reasons for why I am here, after all.

Oh, splendid. Yet every one has a bit darker side right?
Bossy? Yes, it does run in the family. I'm not the only one, haha. Despite my young age, I tend to be too much of a leader. It is obviously not intentional, but it does happen from time to time. People I work with can probably confirm that.

What else.. What else.. Ah, before I forgot. I am also quite blunt. If there is something that needs to be shared about someone, or to someone, I am rather straightforward. I do not hide behind a wall, or someone else, or behind my family name, I would tell you the truth, and personally, at that.

Is it wrong to be selfish though? Even if it's for the right reasons? Or maybe even wrong? Perhaps for good intentions? Wait, I don't really want you to answer that. Let's just say that I know that some part of my personality isn't exactly the best. I've been selfish before, I might even be that again.

Haha, we are all human after all. So what do you like to do?
Now we're getting to something simple and much easier to respond to. Nah, just kidding. I do like to climb. I've been doing that since I was fifteen. I also enjoy working out. I have to keep my body healthy, even if I do enjoy some greasy food from time to time. I also enjoy almost any type of alcoholic beverages. Like I said earlier, I also enjoy having a good time. Partying, or socializing with friends. Meeting new people. Traveling, but that doesn't happen as often as I'd wish.

I don't know, I've always wanted to be an astronaut, to explore the universe. There is something about it that really makes my mind wonder. I dont know, maybe it's because I like to explore the unknown or enjoy the mystery of it. Well, there is a huge list of what I like out there, but again, I'm sure we'll get to see some of it here on the island.


Wonderful! Now what are your petpeeves?
Screeching sounds. Where people would scratch across the chalkboard in the classroom. That sound right there. It is annoying to a point of no return. You could say I even hate it. As for anything else. I'd say abusive authority, or perhaps people in power being condescending? Yes, those with superiority complex. I've got nothing against them, unless they do it to an individual no matter what or who they are. So they should do it against a wall, because a wall doesn't feel anything.

Good! One last general question before we get to the juicy stuff. What are you currently doing and where do you see yourself in the future?
Currently, I am a Lawyer at a firm other than the one my family run. Yes, I may be the only one who stands out in the Wale family. They are obviously understanding to my decision, but even I know that everything isn't as picture perfect as one may make it seem to be. Obviously, I graduated from Harvard University, so there's that. As for the future. I honestly don't know. Right now, I'm enjoying what I'm doing. Perhaps I'll become an astronaut eventually? Haha, but yeah, seriously, I've no idea.

Okay. Now that we have a view of who you are. Let's focus on love! Tell me what do you go for?
You weren't kidding about the juicy stuff, now were you? But yeah, I obviously enjoy the company of a woman, since I'm straight. You.. You probably knew my answer already. As for what I want in a woman I'd like to spend time with, or share my life with.. Well, I do prefer a strong personality. Someone who stands for what they are doing. Is funny, someone I can laugh with, and pretty much do anything with. I prefer brunettes though.. I've always had a thing for them, but blondes should suffice as well. Look is obviously a factor, though I'm more into the personality. Other than that, I do enjoy having a great time with a woman.. Even if it's short lived.

Ha, yes. So why did you come here? What do you wish to find here?
I'm sure there have been others here. Sitting here, before you, telling you that they're here because of their family, or a friend, or someone who forced someone, but I'm not like that. I won't lie to you. I've been wanting a challenge, or something else I could try. Something unique, something daring, and something that'll be a fun experience. So, I discussed it with a few close friends of mine, and they all encouraged me. But, I won't say I decided to partake in this show because of them. I wanted it as well. So here I am. Hoping for a good experience.

Well thank you for your time, Ryan. Is there anything else you'd like to share?
Haha, I see you've already gotten a nickname for me. I'm actually surprised, since I haven't heard it for a long time. People used to call me that at school, when I was younger. Some still do, obviously. In a way, you could get Ryan from Adrian. Anyhow, there isn't much for me to share. I'm glad to be a part of this, just so you know.



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[dash= #62ed58]

Vincenzo de Bonaparte






So our next person is from One and One Makes Three. Let's see what he has to say! Shall we?

Welcome to 'Love in Paradise'. So tell us a bit about yourself? Let's start with your full name, age and where you are from.
Name's Vincenzo de Bonaparte, but you're welcome to call me Enzo, because thats basically what everyone calls me, except my parents. Right now, I'm twenty-six years old. I was born in Rome, Italy, and lived there for about twelve years. I am the middle child of my family, with a little and an older sister. So.. We we're basically a family of four. Yeah, four. Small and simple. Our education was normal. We grew up in a good neighborhood, but neither were we rich or poor. And of course, my father had a bakery, where both my sisters and I, usually after school, helped around in. Like my father, I had an interest in making food, or rather, it made me curious, and like my father, I wanted to become a Chef as well. I dont know. It just came natural to me. I enjoyed being in the kitchen. Surprisingly, I was much more interested in making food than both my sisters.

So at some point, we moved to the United States of America. My father got himself a better job, but then again, it was difficult for my family to leave Italy. It was hard but we eventually got used to living in America. Oh, and I forgot to mention that a... A year before we left for the United States, our father made sure we could speak english on a basic level. I obviously did not understand much and listened to my parents. But yeah.. We moved to Los Angeles, California. So we've been here over a decade now, and as you can see, I can both speak with an american accent fluently, but then again, I can also talk with my natural accent, which would be italian.

So what are your strong points?
Well.. I like to help people in need. Give some money to a charity or an organization that'll help animals, or children. So yeah, it's safe to say I'm generous enough to know and be thankful to God for what I've got. Life is not for granted, after all. Other than that, I'm organized, but that's only in the kitchen. Whenever I cook, I have to have everything in some orderly fashion, which'll help me make something faster where the process is much smoother. I'm also quite energetic, or rather, lively. I'm a free-spirited person, and tend to be friendly with whomever I'm talking with. One could say I'm patient as well, since I'm not actively looking for trouble.

I have a great deal passion for food, perhaps even more than my father, but I do thank him for what I've achieved in life, or rather, both my parents. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for them. Anyhow, yes.. You could say I'm sort of an inventor? I usually try my hand at making a unique dish that isn't out there. Something that'll have my name written on it, but so far, nothing has really had that perfect taste. So yeah. Sort of an inventor when it comes to food. Though, I am still attempting at a new dish every now and then. You could also say that I'm up to any social activity with friends and family whenever we get the chance.

Oh, splendid. Yet every one has a bit darker side right?
It is really hard to push my buttons, but once someone manages to do that, I can be somewhat aggressive in return, but with words, and not physically. I try not to pick fights, but neither do I stand by while someone tries to punch me, for example. I'm pretty sure, no one does. I am quite aware of something else as well. I've come to notice that whenever I do cook a new dish, or even a dish that's out there, but with my own twist, I tend to keep my ingredients a secret. For a chef, keeping the secret behind their food is a must, which I do, of course, but when someone is helping me in the kitchen, or with something else I can handle myself, I tend to be vague, or perhaps stand-offish.

Something I've been since I was a kid.. Is that.. I'm moody. Yes.. It might be childish, but sometimes, when I've had a bad day before I go to bed, I end up waking up with a brooding expression. Maybe it's because I end up thinking too much about something, and usually, it takes a while before I'm back to my normal self. I dont really lash out at someone, I'm just unresponsive for maybe an hour. Stay clear or.. Give me a hug. Hehe. Just joking.

Haha, we are all human after all. So what do you like to do?
Cooking. I like to cook. I've been talking about that since I've gotten here. But let's move on from that now, shall we? Okay so.. I did mention earlier that I like to try something new. Anything that'll make my day better with a friend or two, or with my family. Scuba diving, or sky diving.. Rope jumping. I like to play football as well. Or.. Soccer. I mean, that's what you Americans call the #1 sport in the world. It's something I've been doing since I was a kid. Everyone used to play Soccer back in Italy, and I'm sure people still do. So I still enjoy doing that.

I also enjoy spending time at the beach, swimming and playing volleyball with friends. Oh and, I did mention earlier that I cook, yes? I dont only cook, but I can also make drinks. I've also actually modeled for a few magazines before.. I mean, I did enjoy it, and if an oppotunity does presents itself again, I'll obviously do it. I'm also a natural with kids. I've cooked food for kids before, and spending time with them. Giving them a taste of what I make, is always a good feeling.


Wonderful! Now what are your petpeeves?
I don't like it when people are obstructive, or rather arrogant. I also don't enjoy the company of people who cannot own their mistakes and learn from it. Like.. In order to do something, and learn from it, you have to accept the flaws within you before moving forward. For some reason, I'm not quite fond of a dull weather. If it's grey outside, or if it's raining. I can cope with it, of course, but I do not like it. What else do I not like? Hmm.. Ah, yes.. I do not like it when someone cannot keep an appointment. If you have to be somewhere, then be there, and be there on time.

Then you've got those lazy people. I'd say I'm lazy to, I mean, who isn't. There are days where you just want to relax by the pool, or in your house, but there are people who are overly lazy. Constantly slacking or doing something to conserve their energy, by being in their house seven days a week and such. Time does not wait for anyone.

Good! One last general question before we get to the juicy stuff. What are you currently doing and where do you see yourself in the future?
My father has a restaurant in Los Angeles. It's bigger than the bakery we had in Italy. I'm the manager and the chef. So I'm currently a chef. I cook and study at the same time. I'm taking some extra courses at the University to expand my options if a career behind the kitchen doesn't work. I do picture myself, one day, having a restaurant. So there's that.

Okay. Now that we have a view of who you are. Let's focus on love! Tell me what do you go for?
I do have friends who are gay, and unfortunately for them, and maybe others out there, I'm straight. I prefer women and only women, obviously. To me, I'd like a woman who understands my passion for food, and would love to spend time with me in the kitchen. I'd do the same for them. Someone I can speak to on the same level, someone who is always up for a challenge, somewhat silly and definetely funny. Someone who is not only my other half, but also my bestfriend. A personality that is just as passionate as myself. It is hard to find someone like that out there, but I know that there is one. Perhaps I'll find her here, on this island. If she is gorgous, thats a plus in my book, and I do not mind if she has black hair, or is a brunette or a blonde, but I'd definetely go for a red head.

Ha, yes. So why did you come here? What do you wish to find here?
I am here because I want to be. Because I find this show interesting. An opportunity presented itself before me so.. Yeah, I signed up, and was surprised to know that I got in.

Well thank you for your time, Vincenzo. Is there anything else you'd like to share?
Glad to be here. Hopefully you'll get the chance to taste my food. Other than that, I'll be enjoying my stay here. Hopefully, it'll be a good experience for me.


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Lucas Alexander

Luke, Alex



Crescent Lunar Pack






179 LBS



Left Shoulder



Lucas is a cunning man. He is funny and easy going. Quite social and even kind. It takes a lot to provoke him into doing something reckless. He is smart and open minded about almost anything. To those who know him well, he is also a listener, someone one can talk to. Other than that, he can be the type who would respond to fire with fire. Lucas does not shy away from speaking his mind. He can also be quite persuasive with his words. One could consider him a silver tongue. Then you have his charms.


Open Fields, Heights, Cats, Tigers, Women, Cold Drinks, Pizza, Hydrangea, Nature, Trees, Forest, Rain, Chocolate Cookies, Cheese Cake. Smoking, Oranges, Apples, Working Out, Motorcycles, Leather Jackets.

Storm, Children, Condescending People, Fake People, Dogs, Sunflowers, Kiwi, Strawberries, Olives, Romantic Books.

Shower, Spontaneous, Make-up Sex, Lip Biting, Neck Biting, Floor/Table/Chair Sex, Passionate, Intimate, Vanilla, Against the Wall, Dominating, Roughness.

Striptease, Strong Women, Intelligent, Kissing, Teasing, Mesmerizing Eyes, Natural Tits/Boobs/Melons.

Super Speed, Senses, Agility, Strength & Durability. Werewolf Bite, Healing Factor (Slightly slower than a Vampire) & Lycanthrope Enhancement.

Witchcraft, Broken Neck, Mortality, Fire, Decapitation, Heart Extraction, Silver Objects & Forced Transformation (Once a Month), Wolfsbane.

Parkour, Dancing, Climbing, Fixing Cars/Motorcycles.

Forceful, Enthusiastic, Logical, Creative, Fighter.

Stand off-ish, Vague, Indifferent.


Lucas Alexander is the second oldest sibling of the Alexander Family. Their roots go back to both Canada and France. Whereas, his mother was french and his father, a canadian. They were a part of a pack in Canada called the Moonsun Triarch. It was an odd name for the Werewolves, but they had a good reputation in Canada. The pack originated from Quebec and is still alive and well. When Lucas was about six years old, both his parents told him what he was. Told him about the traditions amongst their kind and what it meant to be a supernatural being.

Back then, Lucas did not understand much, but one thing that registerred in his mind was that he, like the rest of his siblings, was special. They were born into it, and were to live up to being a wolf and a human at the same time. Time passed, and everyone had a relative good life. It was simple, yet intense. It was exciting, yet fun. Living with the Moonsun Triarch pack, and with his family, Lucas grew up to become a fine young werewolf. He was talented, and proved himself worthy of being a warrior in the pack.

Let's not forget that, they were all, also told that there were vampires out there, so in a way, the pack had to always look over their shoulders. Lucas knew what it was to be a werewolf now that he was older. Though after his father passed away, he decided that there was much more for him to do, than to stay put in Canada, with the pack.

The Moonsun Triarch pack was an open minded group of werewolves. They were fine with Lucas leaving his home. He wanted to explore the world, and find some other meaning in his life. He knew he always had a home back in Canada. From one place to another, at the age of 23, he ended up in Baton Rouge. Obviously, during his journey, he did stumble upon vampires out there. Some caused trouble, some didn't. One could even consider Lucas being a helpful citizen when he dealt with a few of them in a random corner of an alley way.

Now, in Baton Rouge, at the age of 23, he found himself a new home. A very well known, strong werewolf pack. They were called the Crescent Lunar. Lucas had heard of them before, but did not consider stumbling upon them in Baton Rouge. His reason to stay there was not only the pack, but also the woman in his life. Her name was Belladonna, and to his surprise, she was the daughter of the Alpha of the Crescent Lunar.

Having been there for over a year. He was well known in the pack. By the Alpha, and the others. But it was also for being the boyfriend of Bella. Their meeting alone, was quite unique.

Pritchard Alexander (Father, Deceased)
Hannah Elisabeth Alexander (Mother, Alive)
Houston Alexander (Big Brother, Alive)
Caleb Alexander (Little Brother, Alive)
Reyleigh Alexander (Little Sister, Alive)


Belladonna Mammon




