The Elder Invasion: CHAPTER 2 - Shapeshift Town

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Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2


An explosion rocks the foundations of the town, and immediately I know the temporary lull in the violence of this war is at an end.

I snap the hip flask shut and shove it into my harness, striding into the Infirmary.
"EVERYONE LISTEN UP!" I roar over the screams, and the room goes silent. I look around at the medical staff. "I need all medical personnel to begin an immediate evacuation of the Infirmary. Get everyone out. EVERYONE, you hear me? No-one is getting left behind."

Turning to look at the room at large, I address the patients. "Now I need everyone to STAY. FUCKING. CALM. You got that? Freaking out will just slow this process down. Stay calm, and the doctors and nurses will get you out of here. Myself and Uriel will ensure you all have enough time to get out of here, and then meet up with you all later. Understood?" There was a murmur to the affirmative and a few nods. "Good. Medical staff; GET TO IT."

At once, the doctors sprung into action, preparing to have the patients moved. Turning, I move back into the office and look at Uriel. "Looks like shit's about to hit the fan again, old friend. Ready to make these troll fucks wish they'd never been born?" I move across to the room's locker, and pull it open. Inside, my weapons are stashed.

I never carry my guns around when I'm working in a hospital environment; it sends the wrong message. At the end of the day, I'm a doctor, or at least, I was. And sometimes it's nice to pretend I still am.

At least for a little while.

Then reality kicks back in, and it's time to bring out the guns and fight the good fight.

The never-ending good fight.

Just as I finish replacing the weapons on my harness, there's a roar from the infirmary, followed by several screams. I whirl around, and immediately begin to sprint forwards. Something huge and misshapen has just ducked into the infirmary, covered in blood I'm certain isn't his and wielding a huge club. I charge at it, but too late; one of the doctors is standing too close to the monster, and is knocked across the room by the club.

Howling curses and insults, I dart around the creature and come to a halt in the corridor. The sounds of violence echoes through the halls; the war waiting outside has decided to invite itself in. "COME ON, YOU BIG UGLY FUCK!" I roar at the troll as it lumbers around to face me, "FIGHT SOMETHING THAT FIGHTS BACK, YOU FUCKING COWARD!"

The troll howls in fury, and barrels through the door. I throw myself out of the way just in time as the monster carries through the door and the wall, sending wooden splinters and masonry flying. Pulling my shotgun from my harness, I empty the weapon on the troll, but his thick skin protects him from the brunt of the attack. Roaring again, he lumbers down the hall towards me, wildly swinging his club in great arcs that break apart anything that gets in his way.

I retreat down the corridor, firing shots off at the monster to keep his focus on me. I have to get the creature away from the infirmary, give them time to evacuate. Hopefully Uriel will be able to keep them safe.

But that's beside the point, now.

I have to work out how the fuck I'm gonna kill this troll.

Grant heard the explosions, and orders an evacuation of the Infirmary. However, as they begins their preparations, they are attacked by a troll that has managed to make his way into the building, and one of the doctors is killed. Grant leads the monster away from the infirmary, trying to figure out a way to kill it.
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Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2

The two had barely walked far when a huge explosion with a bit of weird slurping filled the air. Yanked from where they were standing, the two suddenly found themselves back with Aya and Aki, the twins.

Aya pinned Faramond in an awkward position; Faramond's back flat against the wall, and his stomach sat upon by Aya who made sure he can't move that much. She leaned closer to Faramond, her chest pushing against Faramond's and almost tasting his sweat. "Tell me about Vay," Aya asked Faramond in a very uncharacteristically bossy manner.

"Is this Vay," Faramond thought before he realized his situation, "Wait a sec...."

Megane-kun, who was standing with an equally surprised Aki, had his mouth gaped at the scene. Aki nervously looked around, saw something and yelled: "Aya they're back it the spider things from the train!" Megane-kun looked around and stupidly gaped at the creatures.

Aya looked around and said, "I know." She faced Faramond again and bit her lower lip, "We'll go with you to the forest... "

"WHAT?!" Megane-kun yelled, as he snapped back to reality, however this was unnoticed by the others who remained lost in their own thoughts.

"But... our...." Aki sighed in defeat.

"But...." Megane-kun sighed with Aki, but for an entirely different reason.

"Noe tell me about Vay," Aya asked, but was interrupted by Megane-kun. "Aren't you supposed to be asking that to me?" megane-kun irately asked.

"Shouldn't we be fleeing to saftey first?" Aki asked. Another explosion boomed nearby and served to emphasise Aki's point. Megane-kun sighed and nodded, "Yeah, let's get moving first and we'll talk later."

Aya let out a disappointed sigh and stood up. She grabbed Faramond by the collar and tried lifting him off the ground. Faramond caught her hand, "No, I can get up myself, thank you."

Yet another explosion, this time, nearer to them, almost blew Faramond off his feet and into the wall. Aya was also shaken by that explosion and had leaned on Faramond. Aki and megane-kun, nearer to the explosion, found themselves face down on the floor.

"Yeah, we should be moving," Aya said.

The twins yanked Faramond and megane-kun to the saftey of the wall as explosions rocked their surroundings. Despite this dangerous situation, Aya's interest about Vay was intense, and was about to question Faramond about him, much to the dismay of Aki and megane-kun. With explosions going off around them, Aya was convinced it would be best to flee to saftey first.
Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2

Acqua saw the Chocobo, and seeing the necessity of getting on it, hopped onto the avian creature as she hopped onto a chocobo, coaxing it into running after Myrnodyn. Noobs followed Acqua, Myrnodyn, and Haiji as the chase ensued. Acqua was nervous, not wanting to be attacked by the group that was following them relentlessly. If only I had a mic, then I could use my voice and hurt all of these noobs, Acqua thought to herself as she continued following Myrnodyn. I guess it's worth a try; voice, hurt all of these noobs near me, Acqua thought to herself as she cleared her throat.

She started scat singing, the sounds making the noobs that were trailing near her cover their ears out of pain. However, the noobs that couldn't hear her continued on, virtually unaffected by the song. They leaped over the noobs that were on the ground, trampling them as they viciously continued after the blue-haired girl. A bit dissapointed and very nervous, she dug her heel a bit into the chocobo, making it speed up to catch up with the other two who were a bit ahead of her.
Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2

Sakura stared at the man that approached her curiously. She'd never seen the likes of Pirogeth before. It made her wonder how many she didn't know in Iwaku. Still, smiling brightly, she shook her head, "Not at the moment, no, but thank you so much for offering!" The thought of someone offering to lend her a helping hand in her moment of distress made Sakura's worries flutter away very quickly. "I'm Sakura, I was trying to look for DynDynkun, but I got lost in these tunnels... I was hoping--" She stopped, sensing something strange. A piercing feeling; almost painful. "Somethings...Something's wrong..." She took Pirogeth by the arm, walking quickly towards a staircase that led upstairs.

"...Anyone in the castle - Sakura, Crane, Archy - barricade what you can. We'll make our last stand there. Nic, come in Nic... have the infirmaries been evacuated?"

"Asmodeus-sama..." Sakura breathed in surprise. She wasn't sure what a hijack radio was, but now she was worried. She looked at Pirogeth, "Come on, we have to help the Doctor with the infirmary first! Then we can go outside to protect the castle," she dragged the surprised Pirogeth up the stairs by the arm, bursting with energy. She was practically bouncing up the steps. When the two of them reached the main floor, Sakura bit her lip, frowned and looked around, "Emm...Infimary...This way!" she exclaimed, running down a hallway to the left. She was holding Pirogeth's hand now, finding it easier to pull him along than to tuck his arm in her's and yank.

It's the thunderous crashing and sounds of destruction that finally make Sakura skid to a stop, staring wide-eyed as some deformed looking monster comes smashing down the hallway in front of them. It's enormous and ugly and carries a spiked club that's crumbling away parts of the walls.

"Doctor-sama! Doctor-sama, are you okay?" Sakura lets go of Pirogeth's hand and rushes over to Doctor Grant, her eyes worried. She's scared of the creature and she's trying to put that at the back of her mind and concentrate on what's going on. She touches the Doctor's arm lightly, frantic. Why is Doctor-sama here? Shouldn't he be helping the patients evacuate? The troll smashes it's club against the wall, causing Sakura to cringe at the loud sound that echoes through the hallway. She ducks out of the way as the troll comes forward and frowns. I can't figure out what's going on if there's a monster chasing me with a giant club! Thinking frantically, she takes a deep breath.

Stepping in front of Doctor Grant and Pirogeth, Sakura holds out her arms, dangerously close to the troll, who is about it swing its club once more.

"STOP RIGHT THERE! Don't move! Don't you dare!" She shouts, using her Luminous Voice power of SoulArts to stun the troll into standing still. It stares at her, blinking in confusion. "DON'T MOVE!" she shouts and then, breathless, twirls around to face Doctor Grant. It's obvious her little trick won't last long. The troll is already holding its club and looking at it in a funny way, as if trying to decipher what the item in it's hand is.

"Doctor-sama, hurry and get back to the infirmary. They need you. We can take of this...this...this whatever it is!" Sakura tells Doctor Grant, throwing her hands up in the air in exasperation when she can't figure out what the large-bodied, misshapen monster standing before them is. The patients need Doctor Grant more than we do. We need to figure out how to kill this thing so we can help Asmodeus-sama with protecting the castle! Sakura was thinking clearly and quickly now. The little sling across purse with her Sakura cards glowed response and she grinned, putting her hand over it and looking at Pirogeth.

"I need help now, Mister stranger, do you think you can give me a hand?" She asked, still smiling.

[Sakura introduces herself to Pirogeth and then hears Asmodeus' annoucement. She drags Pirogeth upstairs to "help the infirmary and then help protect the castle," but ends up meeting Doctor Grant and the troll in the hallway. After using SoulArts to stun the troll with her voice momentarily, Sakura asks Doctor Grant to hurry back and asks Pirogeth to help her take care of the troll.]
Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2

musical score: hard to see - Five Finger Death Punch

Inside the castle

The Stench of death wafted through the corridors, and the frost seemed to begin to grow on the walls as a voice grew louder and louder.

Uriel ignored the smells and sights of his powers, his eyes stuck firmly on the Troll as it stood confused, Black flames licked his fingers and grew, wrapping around his hand and forearms as he chanted the litany required to empower the spell.

as Sakura turned to regard the monster, Uriel released the pent up necromantic energies burning the air as they enveloped the Troll's flesh, lumps of fat, skin and muscle decaying as the energies slithered across it.

slabs of rotting flesh sloughed from its body and splattered on the ground around its feet.

"Go with the wounded Grant, they need you more than we do" Uriel growled, moving to stand next to Sakura.

Uriel moves to support sakura
Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2

Aya propped herself up by pushing her hands against the wall, but in doing so, she has pushed her groin deeper into Faramond. Surprisingly irritated by this, Faramond sighed and pushed himself up by placing his one of his hands behind his back and pushing against the wall and steadying Aya with his other hand.

"Sheez! What's happening with you guys? Is this some kind of a sick plot device, or just an insane joke by some author out there?" Faramond said.

"I don't know about that, but..." Aya muttered under her breath as she moved away from Faramond.

"Aw come on! Quit it will you?" Aki said as he quickly grabbed his sister and started to walk, "We are still in a dangerous situation, aren't we?"

"The boy is right," megane-kun added, "If we should go to the forest, we should be moving right now, while we still can." Megane-kun felt for the sword and turned away from the others.

"Yeah, we should get moving, or else..." Megane-kun thought as he went ahead.

Megane-kun walked as if the others weren't there, though from time to time, he looked back and made sure that the others can still see him. The sounds of chaos coming from the fighting near the castle can still be heard but they grew softer and softer as the four neared the marketplace.

The marketplace sounded a bit quiet, but not quite. Faramond noticed this and looked at both Aki and Aya. The twins looked at each other and nodded. Megane-kun, who was ahead of them didn't have a clue what was happening. As they neared the market, it grew more and more evident for that there is something more to the eerie silence in the market.

As the four entered the narrow alleys of the marketplace, Faramond caught up with megane-kun and held his hand on megane-kun's shoulders. Even before Faramond could say anything, gunshots from the marketplace was heard. The group froze, and more gunshots were heard, this time, closer to them.

"Sabi na! Takbo!" Faramond yelled and grabbed megane-kun and ran away from the market. "Ha? Ano?" megane-kun yelled back, even though Faramond was just near him. "What? You talking alien? Quit that and run properly you twits!" Aki cried out as he carried Aya in his arms and dashed off. Without looking back, the four ran for their lives, heading towards the outskirts of town, towards the train wreck.


The four ran amidst the chaos and pandemonium as the panicked citizens of the town searched for whatever that would help them survive the onslaught. What the four saw was more of the citizens fighting amongst themselves for whatever resources they can carry off, without much trace of the feared invaders, for now. They went on running, avoiding heavy fighting, resting for short periods just to catch their breath, and then they dashed off again.

It went on like this for a while, running, resting and running again. At this time, they were already in a residential area in the outskirts of town, quite a distance away from the marketplace where they thought the chaos and fighting was fiercest.

While running, Faramond looked around and noticed how things around them were burning: houses, stores, buildings, people, leaflets. It was a sorry sight, but one that filled Faramond with a strange curiousity. It seemed to him that it was those flaming leaflets that caused some, if not most of the fires around.

Turning around, he saw one of the so-called invaders laughing uncontrollably, scattering leaflets all around, which then burst into flames in midair. From the dark alley behind this invader, another being came out. This one looked much like a troll, not the cute ones Faramond remembered seeing in stores, but an ugly one, complete with a grotesque club which he swung around carelessly.

The club hit the invader scattering flaming leaflets and the two started to hit each other. The troll-like creature brandished his club while the spammer (as Faramond thought it was) held onto his leaflets as though they were razor-sharp projectiles, and they seemed to be, indeed, razor-sharp. Before the fight between the two escalated to a full-scale brawl, a guy, or what seemed to be a guy wearing a top-hat talked to the two and somehow managed to keep the peace.

"Gah, are they supposed to be allies? Seems they couldn't even get their act together," Faramond thought, not even realizing that he had stopped running.

""OI! You're supposed to be running away too, right?" Aki, who, along with Aya and Megane-kun, have stopped some yards away from Faramond, yelled and snapping Faramond out of his thoughts.

The three: the spammer, the troll, and the pimprat-looking guy, looked at Aki and started moving towards him. "Nice move," Aya sighed, "What now bright guy?" The invaders moved closer to Aki, ignoring Faramond and brushing him aside.

"Hey, why are they ignoring me?" Faramond asked himself as he was pushed aside. Faramond staggered a bit but he regained his balance. He moved towards the troll and grabbed his shoulder."Wait! Shouldn't you fight with me too?" Faramond asked. The troll responded with a grunt, immediately followed by a swing of a club that sent Faramond flying towards a street post.

"FARAMOND! Wh... Are you alright?" megane-kun skweaked, backing off. He backed off until he can back off no more as he was stopped by a band of gharish-looking goth girls decked in flaming tatoos and strange clothes.

The group decides it's about time to move, for real. They proceeded towards the marketplace, but ran away when they almost got involved in the chaotic fighting and looting there. The group ran away towards the outskirts of town, where the train wreck was located. However, they encountered a group of invaders.

Sabi na! Takbo! -- "Said so! Run!"
Ha? Ano? -- "Ha? What?"
Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2

"FARAMOND!" Aya shouted as the troll with a satisfied chuckle turned back to the remaining three. Megane seeing the strength of the creature back away as Aki drew his short sword and stood in front of Aya.

"Oooofff." Magane fell backwards as he backed into a curb landing hard on his back closed his eyes for a moment as a pebble jabbed between his vertebrae.

When he opened his eyes again he was looking directly into Aki's expressionless face as the young fighter leaned over him and reached low.

"He-he-hey what are you doing?" meg asked trying to crawl on his back away from him. But with a lunge Aki caught hold of the handle of Megane's sword and pulled it free of its scabbard.

"Sis!" Aki said handing her the curved sword and the pair turned to face the creatures not noticing the group of deviants who had quickly hidden when Aki had turned to face Megane sensing it would be more opportunistic to separate the group. They could always have fun with the twins' corpses.

A hand cupped over Megane's mouth silencing him as he was pulled behind a shattered wall by an arm with a glowing cobra tattoo spiraling down its length the ink flowing like rivers of fire. He kicked out with his legs trying to catch the curb as he struggles to breath ageist the hand straining to call out the the twins who he saw, silhouetted against the bulk of the troll hand in hand each armed with a sword.

In desperation her bit at the hand as two more grabbed his hair and arm pulling him into the shadows.

"I like this one hes already into biting." a voice said as a engorged face of a deviant loomed over him, sloppily applied make-up and died hair combining into a vision that made the guard in the castle seem warm and inviting in retrospect.

The hand was removed and Megane gasped for air filling his lungs only to have it replaced his the fat lips of the invader her/its teeth sinking into his lips and the taste of blood greeting him and pain make him squirm. There was a ripping sound as sharp nails tore at his shirt cutting into the skin and the other deviants joined in excited by his struggles. His hands moved to cover his chest but were quickly grabbed and bound to his hair so that his struggle pulled at his scalp. He could feel lips tongues and teeth moving around his chest as his belt was removed and used to bind his legs.

"My turn bitch." came a sharp voice and the deviant biting Megane's lip was pulled away roughly her/its teeth tearing his skin. It immediately turned on the one that had pulled it away and they two into each other while one on the one biting his nipples grabbed his throat as he screamed moving from bleeding nipple to bleeding lips.


Aya and Aki faces each other nose to nose eyes locked. They knew what they were about to do. They stepped back from each other spreading their arms hands held and nodded.

It was the Spammer that can first its razor sharp knives screaming towards the pair. With the air of a dancer Aya stepped aside the first volley clearly anticipating the strike. Aki let go of her hand and lunged short sword thrust forward. Screaming gibberish the spammer summersaulted backwards avoiding the blow.

While the spammer circled looking for an opening the pimp rat reach Aya chains whipping out. She stumbles backwards barley avoiding the onslaught the pimp links swinging round as the pimp rat turned. Aki reached her and they exchanged a brief glance.

Aki faced the outsider and knelt Aya jumping onto his shoulders. Aki shot up sending Aya flying over the ark of the ark of the chains. The pimp rat's face followed her progress surprise written on its face and she slammed into it knowing it down.

Aya landed heavily but managed to thrust out with Megane's sword and staid the pimp rat. The creature let out a shriek and collapsed and a splurge of gibberish erupted from somewhere close by.

The spammer charged Aki it's knives cutting an arc through the air. Distracted Aki reacted too slowly and a spray of blood from his arm followed the knife and sprayed the ground. "THAT IS IT." Aki bellowed and his left hand shot out grabbing the spammer by the throat. The gibberish was cut off and a sears of cracks were heard the body of the creature going limp.

The twins turned to the troll who was sitting on the ground looking at the fallen faramond.

They rushed other to him, it was them ha Megane screamed.

Aya and Aki kill the pimp rat and spammer while the troll waits for orders. Meg is raped molested by deviants.
Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2

Time was lost in a haze of blood and screams. The landscape or his perception of it was distorting- he scarcely cared enough to notice, focused so intently as he was only upon feasting, devouring, feeding upon any flesh that came within reach, and oh, there was so much of it-

-too much of it-

Pull back.

He snarled and thrashed, furious, angry, fighting it and-

Pull back!

She came up like a drowning person, clawing control away from the infuriated demon.

This is mine! he roared. Thou hast summoned me, and I shall not be denied my tribute of flesh and blood!

Shut up! she shouted back, struggling to gain her bearings, to reclaim control of the monster's body. Everything was confused; a mob of Noobs was attacking her, and she lashed out at them, heavy tail slamming into small spammers, claws gouging into flamers as she backed into an alley to stop them from surrounding her- but her vision swam and stretched and twisted, the very ground seeming to shift beneath her as she struggled not to fall-


She could only focus on the wailing sources of the shifting landscape for a second before she was forced to close his yellowed eyes; this could not go on. Hyatsu's dark energy flickered within her; it felt strained in a way she was unfamiliar with, and there was still no reprieve from the swarms of Noobs that were coming at her. With the arrival of Deviants as well, the odds were quickly stacking against the shapeshifter's ability to escape.

"...s Hijack Radi...ince Asmodeu..."

Her attention flickered; a radio, barely audible from somewhere within the debris of what had once been a shop, crackled to life with a wash of static, a combination of the rubble and the warping caused by the Deviants making it that much more difficult to understand the message

"...s, take the easter...ade. That' Venun Stree...ain convoy is. Any...kura, Crane, Archy - barric...make our last stand there."

Venun Street?

Even as she tried to think, she was still under assault, and now that she was no longer consuming all that came into reach, she was no longer regenerating every wound laid upon her. If she could break free, however- if she could break away, flee and escape, just long enough to get to Venun Street, where hopefully the others would be...

There go my plans to hide this, she thought dryly, forcing herself to ignore the angry hiss of the demon in the back of her mind. Oh, shut up. When we meet with the others, you can go back to stuffing yourself sick- as long as it's only Noobs you devour!

I obey the will of my master, he purred. Sucking in a deep breath, Psychosis felt the massive chest of the beast expanding as the contents of his gut, churning and full once more, twisted and then poured free. She spat out the caustic compound, letting it spray across the Noobs, who fell back shrieking as it burned their flesh and clogged the entrance of the alley. Then, snarling, she lunged forward, head lowered to ram into the tangled mess of attackers.

They tumbled and collapsed out of the alley, and leaping over them, Psychosis turned and ran down the street. This body ran clumsily, expanded as it was by Hyatsu's gluttony- not that the creature had been designed for speed in the first place- but still she ran, knocking all obstacles from her path and struggling to dodge around the trolls she came across, barely avoiding their swinging blows. Scrabbling around corners and lunging down streets, she was scarcely one block away from where the convoy was supposed to be, when something lashed around her leg and snapped taught. With a shriek of pain the demon fell, rolling in a tangled mess of limbs, and as quickly as she was distracted by the pain, Hyatsu surged to the forefront of her mind and took control with a roar of fury.

The chain that dug into his leg led back to a pimp rat and the troll he'd recruited to pull it. The lumbering giant began dragging him backwards as the pimp rat whispered, began to appeal to a child's longing for someplace, something...

But Psychosis was no longer able to listen, and Hyatsu had no soul to speak of. Snarling, he turned and leapt at them, tearing into the troll with only a thought
don't eat him! then twisting to bring his fangs down around the shocked pimp rat's head with a satisfying crunch of skull, the brain, pulverized, pouring out around his tongue.

Had Psychosis been in control, she would've been ill.

Responding grudgingly to her earlier command, Hyatsu turned and bit down on the metal links to break the chain around his leg, and then took off around the final corner, Venun Street, and the convoy, within sight.

Summary: Hyatsu's continuous eating, regenerating, and growing begins to put a strain on him; Psychosis forcefully takes control from him to make him stop. After some Deviants arrive, she is forced back into an alley, where she hears Asmodeus' message on a radio left behind in the rubble. She then uses Hyatsu's bile to force the Noobs away from her just long enough to escape to try and meet with the convey on Venun Street. She is briefly stopped, however, by a Pimp Rat and a Troll when she's nearly there, and Hyatsu claims control once more, killing the two Noobs before turning to find the convoy.
Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2

The Hijacker lives up to his name. They reappear high above the town, air billowing through their robes. The Hijacker vanishes. Coffee doesn't.

He falls, losing his hat in the process.
<o:p> </o:p>
He knows the Hijacker shares his awareness. The Hijacker is counting on his doubt and fear of the Egos beyond the wall that empower him. Iwaku is a fantastic place, but at times, it is easy to forget. At times it falls under the shadow of some hideous caricature of Confluence.
<o:p> </o:p>
Ironically, it is these thoughts that take him out of the story. Failures of setting characterization emphasized out of character yet neglected in the telling. The Meta was not what he wished for in the beginning. It began merely as his making the best of something suboptimal.
<o:p> </o:p>
Too silly. Too serious. He can hear their verdicts, but surfeit renders them meaningless—all sound and fury.
<o:p> </o:p>
For this scene, he tries to resist. He wishes to trust that the Egos have not forgotten the purpose of this world and its scenes--that "Every good thing has its place" is more than mere bait, that this world is more than a trap.
<o:p> </o:p>
Twisting through the air, he avoids stray streams of skyward gunfire. Orbits of text surround him briefly as his robes become white.
<o:p> </o:p>
He sees a troll below him and, tossing away his flask, begins the task of twisting himself into a half turn as he nears the head.
<o:p> </o:p>
The troll is large, a ring looped through its nose. Seeing opportunity, Coffee reaches out to it, inhaling as he summons his ki. His grip tightens and his body swings as if on a hinge, curling folded. He redirects the momentum of his fall through flexing legs, and swings directly into the troll's nape with considerable force.
<o:p> </o:p>
The troll makes a sound, halfway between a cough and gag, as it begins to fall. Coffee releases the ring, and pushes off with his legs. His back slams against the ground, winding him briefly. The shadow looms as the body crashes.
<o:p> </o:p>
He scrambles to safety, breathing quickened. The respite is short-lived. Spammers rain gunfire from their perches, forcing him to take meager shelter beneath a wrecked vending stall.
He looks for bearing. Where are the children? Where is he? Where are the others? Perhaps he can find help--
<o:p> </o:p>
A flash.
<o:p> </o:p>
The Hijacker reappears, troll in tow. "Try again."
<o:p> </o:p>
Coffee rolls away as the club hammers his hiding spot to splinters, but as he staggers to his feet, he crashes into the very same Hijacker, who shoves him face-first into the troll's followup.
<o:p> </o:p>
The upswing lifts him into the air.
<o:p> </o:p>
The world spins, and he feels weak. He wonders which way is ground, and how soon it will come.
<o:p> </o:p>
Feet slam his back instead. Shoulder, chest, and chin impact masonry. At last, he collapses against the scorched ground near the mouth of the alley, sore and clinging to consciousness by a tether. Now it is his turn to cough blood.
<o:p> </o:p>
He hears chains unraveling. Feet fall against the ground. "Are you sure you want to leave this fight?"
<o:p> </o:p>
A swinging pimprat.
<o:p> </o:p>
Coffee groans.
<o:p> </o:p>
The haze brightens for an instant, and he hears more footsteps.
<o:p> </o:p>
"Any last words?" the now-familiar Hijacker's voice asks.
<o:p> </o:p>
"No.. I don't think I care enough for that." The words are slurred and barely audible on account of lying face down after such a severe beating. "Besides, most people here would prefer to hear less of me." Glowing text fluttered through the air as he propped himself against a wall and began adjusting his bloodied robe. "For my next act of defiance… I think I'll start with a confusing change of tense."
<o:p> </o:p>
The Hijacker smirked. "When you fail, you go for broke, don't you? Well, take solace in knowing you've hit rock bottom." He drew a dagger and lunged forward.
<o:p> </o:p>
The blade embedded itself against stone. No blood. No flesh. The hijacker's wrist twisted, and he tumbled into the cobbling. He looked up, frightened, and teleported away.
<o:p> </o:p>
He returned with help.
<o:p> </o:p>
The troll began the assault, swinging wildly, hitting almost everything but its target. The gun-spammers opened fire, but their shots all missed. Their blade-wielding counterparts fared no better. The sole Pimprat flew backward into the Flamer behind him, and the link-pimp's chains wrapped around them, seemingly of their own accord, binding the pair as catatonic kindling.
<o:p> </o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
"WhatthehelljustIdon'tevenlikewhatthelljusthappendpleasetellmecausethismakesnosensetome!" shouted a spammer.
<o:p> </o:p>
The survivors froze in panic, all save the Hijacker who squinted. The old man's face had changed, the elderly "Mr. Tea" replaced by Coffee's more familiar, ageless, and plainly androgynous visage. He was still battered and bloodied. But something wrong with the stare he was giving the Hijacker's unit as his hand moved beneath his robe.
<o:p> </o:p>
A spammer screamed a stream of terrified exclamations and collapsed.
<o:p> </o:p>
"Stop that!" the Hijacker shouted, grabbing the gun of another nearby spammer and opening fire.
<o:p> </o:p>
Coffee tilted his head back, unharmed and sighing softly. His legs spread. "I regret it already, but I can't stop--not yet. You can relate, can't you?"
<o:p> </o:p>
The gun flew from the Hijacker's hand. The spammer flew into cart wreckage. The troll collapsed to one knee, swatting at the air until it finally doubled over. The incredulous Hijacker jerked his head back to see Coffee rising slowly with that same unnerving stare, his hidden hand moving more quickly.
<o:p> </o:p>
"Coward! You abused the Meta to win!"
<o:p> </o:p>
"No," Coffee croaked, his voice faint, his eyes nearly shut as he used his free hand to force the Hijacker to his knees. "I used brains and physicality to beat your team. The rest is," Coffee gasped, "perspective!"
<o:p> </o:p>
He staggered off balance, falling against the wall, panting. Blood splashed the ground as he relaxed, loosening his grip. The knife fell from his hands as he caught his breath. The Hijacker fell prone.
<o:p> </o:p>
"I don't…"
<o:p> </o:p>
"Understand? You wanted to see my combat techniques as something else, and so you did. It's that simple."

<o:p> </o:p>
"So if we want to see you as dead? Will that happen?"<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
Coffee pivoted into a flurry of punches from an unarmed melee-spammer. Surprise and a localized Confluence bubble lent uncommon potency to each blow. After a few dozen, the spammer retreated and the ground rippled beneath them, driving Coffee to the ground.
<o:p> </o:p>
This time three hijackers--each flanked by a deviant, pimprat, and flamer--appeared near the alley's entrance.

"Try that with us, I dare ya. See what happens!" <o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
[FONT=&quot]"This is Hijack Radio and Prince Asmodeus will be your host from now till Armageddon."<o:p></o:p>[/FONT]
<o:p> </o:p>
"Maybe later? I've someone waiting on the other line."
With that, Coffeee vanished in an explosion of glyphs.

Bad post. Would have been better broken up, but I doubt we've the time to spare. Summary: The Hijacker keeps trying to teleport Coffee into dangerous situations or teleporting dangerous situations to Coffee, counting on his guilt to keep him from using Meta powers. Coffee take s a beating before dropping the "Mr. Tea" disguise and making a comeback. The Hijacker, however, is meta-blinded and literally sees the rest of the battle as Coffee masturbating until he realizes he's cut. Reinforcements spring an ambush, but Coffee hears Asmo's broadcast and finally teleports away.
<o:p> </o:p>
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Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2

Before Pirogeth could make a move he was being told to go back to the Infirmary. Soon he found himself on the path there, only making a casual stride after disappearing around a corner. "Pff, they trust me with how many lives?" His mind began to wander and wonder. 'You are the new Peacekeeper, you must keep peace.' One side of his brain had shouted that to him and it was the same side telling his legs to pick up the pace. 'You have ascertained powers beyond what you originally thought, make use of them for yourself.' the other voice argued. Yet, for some reason this voice had no control, no feelings it was generating. And eventually Pirogeth found himself in a full sprint for the Infirmary.

The remaining Doctors had now prepped everyone for leaving, the patients who could still walk were carrying backpacks filled with the needed medicines. The ones who still could lift were helping doctors put patients on movable stretchers. Pirogeth had not been here for long but he at least knew where to go to get outside and to one of the evacuation ships. The first voice in his head began to push him forward. "Alright! Listen up. We'll be moving clean and orderly down the hallway and turning towards the side gate. I'll be taking point." Pirogeth scurried out to the hallway again as everyone lined up in two single file lines. Already they were being assaulted again. Another troll made its way down the hall looking rather pissed, and no wonder why. The thing had a flamer pinned to its back still flaming, probably a relapsing effect caused by the bullet in it's head. It started swinging an axe around destroying walls and weakening the support. Pirogeth crouched and reached for his chakrams. "Wait, they're not there!" He cried in surprise. He pushed everyone back into the infirmary as the troll rampaged by still blinded with pain. Lucky for him, the troll also knocked down what appeared to be the wall guarding the vault of confiscated items. The two chakrams he had on him were on the floor with several bricks shattered on top of them. "Talk about some good luck." He forced some of his soul arts into one of the chakrams making the spikes that lined the edge glow white and become dramatically larger. One toss and the soul arts took effect, seeking out the target Pirogeth's soul desired. The weapon landed in the face of the flamer who was now melted onto its back and through the heart of the big beast. He rand own the hall to pick up his weapon and returned with a satisfied look on his face. "Alright let's get moving."

[SUMMARY: Pirogeth goes back to the infirmary intent on helping those there. He assembles the group into two single file lines ready to move out when a troll being unintentionally flamed runs through the halls. He knocks down several walls allowing Pirogeth to gain access to his weapons again. He then uses said weapons to destroy the pitiful creature.]
Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2

Myrnodyn looked back at his odd companions, neither had been seen in shapeshifter town before, he was sure of that, and he hadn't seen them come from the wrecked train a few days earlier either. "Iwaku's providence." He thought, almost smirking as he maneuvered his Chocobo around the debris in the city's streets. "People will always band together in times of crisis, through whatever coincidence possible."

He briefly looked back at the sound of the girl's voice, and saw several of the pursuers fall. "Good work!" He yelled encouragingly before taking time to answer the questions of the other companion.

"The kitten was an angel before. He didn't respect my authority, so I briefly turned him into a cat. Luckily for us, the angel is more resourceful than I had accounted for."

The regent didn't mention what came before and what had caused the schism between Asmodeus and himself. The 'it' behind him would have to form his opinion on his own. "Either way, we have only a couple of..."

The ever jovial voice of Asmodeus echoed through the streets, most likely making use of the speakers installed for festivals and events. Myrn cursed while he motioned the big riding-bird to take a sharp turn into a street he had nearly missed. It was great that Asmodeus had told him where to go in his own town, very helpful.

It was too bad that the noob army that had descended upon them now knew of Myrn's route, AND the location of the convoy. The only thing they could do was... "Hurry, don't give those bastards time to catch up to us. It's an all or nothing race now, don't fall behind!"

Rushing away from the academy building, the shapeshifter scientist was headed straight for the end of the narrow alleyway that would lead to the eastern promenade. As the noobs behind started filing in the alley one by one, Myrn entered the promenade on the other end, and was immediately flung off his chocobo, before roughly smashing into the wall, the coffin with Lycan's remains smashing into it next to him with enough force to make the bakery it belonged to collapse on top of the regent.

"HA! ANY OTHER FURRIES WANNA DANCE!?" The lumbering troll announced, glaring at the other two as their chocobos skittered out after their mother.


(Summary: Myrn interacts with what is happening around him and gets smashed into a wall by a troll with such force, that the structure collapses. The troll then challenges Haji and Acquariana.)
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Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2

Acqua was following Myrn, barely keeping up with him as he swerved suddenly, giving her little time to barely turn into the street. Afterwards, the chase was chaotic, allowing her little room for error as she forced the creature to speed up further, following Myrn. After they sped away from the academy building, Acqua found Myrn going through a narrow alleyway that lead to the Promenade. Acqua slowed down, watching Myrn get flung off of his chocobo and smashed into a wall by a troll. Nervously, Acqua got off of the chocobo, running towards Myrn to see if he was okay.

Noting that the wall the regent had smashed into had collapsed on him, she had prepared to use her voice to heal him, only to notice the troll that was glaring at her and Haji.

"HA! ANY OTHER FURRIES WANNA DANCE!?" The lumbering troll announced, glaring at the other two as their chocobos skittered out after their mother.

Acqua nervously looked behind her as she watched the chocobos leave Haji and her. Acqua nervously started looking for some source of water to exploit her powers with. You would think there'd be a fountain or something, come on now, she nervously thought, her blue eyes surveying the area quickly as the troll approached the Haji and Acqua. Not really much to work with water-wise. I guess I'll just have to use my voice, Acqua thought nervously. Hurt that troll that just spoke, Acqua commanded herself.

"La la la . . ." Acqua started singing, almost in a screaming manner due to her panicked mood.

Acqua follows Myrn to the Promenade to see him get smashed into the wall. She confronts the troll and decides to use her Voce secondary power out of desperation.
Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2

The Grandmaster awoke face first on the battlefield, The hordes of enemies having passed on, he rolled over onto his back slowly, his body wracked with pain, and injected himself with a narthecium. He rose slowly to his feet, he looked around with somewhat dreary eyes, and noticed a great commotion coming from what looked like a castle.

A wandering deviant noticed The Grandmaster and assaulted him with frightening speed, spraying various hues ob blistering color at him, his rosarius was almost insulted at the pathetic attempt at an attack coming from the deviant.

The next thing the deviant knew it was laying on the ground, missing it's legs, and a large armored boot was closing in on it's head.

Whether it was the chemicals or his endorphins kicking in he didn't know, but he suddenly felt his strength return, he began running to the castle, crashing recklessly through buildings to catch up as fast as he could. He was a Grey Knight, A Black Templar, an Imperial Guardsman, always a servant of the God Emperor. He could let nothing stop him.

He reached what must have been the postern door of the castle, and slew the few n00bs cunning enough to assault it before going within. Terminator Armor and Close Quarter Combat always ended badly for the enemy. this scene was no different, except one thing...he felt something...not knowing what it was he decided to investigate, he saw the trail left before him clear as day. That trail however, he would have to pave with blood.

The Grandmaster regains consciousness and makes for the castle, and feels the presence of a Psyker in the castle, feeling the urge to investigate he begins cutting a path through the n00bs in the castle to get there.
Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2

Megane-kun found himself being gangbanged by the goth girls. It happened so fast, he felt his body struggle without him controlling it. And as he was dragged into some dark room, he stared blankly at the ceiling, unable to believe what is happening.

"I wonder what I did wrong to deserve all of this," he thought as he was dragged and watched his own body struggle against the girls, "Not that I think it doesn't feel that good, anyways, but something feels wrong."

"I mean, I don't know... The events that have happened to me, would people have thought them to be strange?" he went on musing, detached to what was happening to him, "Though yet again, I don't think they were wrong anyways. They just happened as they happened, right?"

Megane-kun went on like this, thinking back on the past events: the cannibals in the forest, the search for Mizdogg's treasure, and their eventual discovery of that horrific treasure. Megane-kun didn't know yet that that treasure was the cause of all the chaos and mayhem that has happened around him, even going to the point of ignoring that nagging feeling that somehow he was responsible for all that.

"That's that," he thought as he saw a goth girl looming over him. Her sloppily applied make-up, and unruly, even scary, dyed hair contrasted sharply to the neat, polite and even gentle castle guards who might have done the same to him.

"Yeah, I wonder what those guards would have done," he continued musing as the goth girl splashed over him, "Maybe they would have been more gentle."

Megane-kun's thoughts was interrupted rudely by the goth girl whose lardy lips munched his. This, which might have felt pleasureable in some other context, only made megane-kun feel uncomfortable, and as the slightly oily drool crawled downards his neck, he felt increasingly yucky.

"No more, please," he complained softly, so softly that the goth deviant thought it to be a moan, and was thus encouraged to be more agressive. He felt his clothes being torn into pieces and hands feeling all over his now increasingly naked body. He tried in vain to cover his chest at the very least, but his hands were quickly grabbed and bound to his hair. The pain his every struggle sent him only made his hair stand on end, making his nipples even more erect.

"Noooo... stop... this... please..." he said, mumbled through the lard lips smothering his mouth. This, of course, would have made the goth girls even more enraged, and violent, as they began fighting amongst themselves as to who would be next to 'pleasure' megane-kun. He could feel lips tongues and teeth moving around his body as his belt was removed and used to bind his legs.

For his part, megane-kun tried to find the least painful position, and tried his best to ignore what was happening. He again stared at the ceiling. "I wonder what would Faramond would have done if he were--no!" he shook his head wildly, "That Faramond, he's... I don't get him. Acting like he knows all of me, as if he is me at times. But..."

He felt something sticky flow somewhere in his body, at many places it seemed to him. He tried to look down, but the huge face of the lardy goth girl prevented him from seeing what was happening, but it seemed to him that the deviant goth girl's face was flushed with a reddish tinge. "Was she blushing?" megane-kun thought. He still couldn't breathe properly, not with this huge tub of lard blocking his mouth, even trying to taste his throat using her equally lardy and huge tounge.

"My turn bitch," came a sharp voice and the deviant biting megane's lip was pulled away roughly her teeth tearing his skin. It immediately turned on the one that had pulled it away and they two into each other while one on the one biting his nipples grabbed his throat as he screamed moving from bleeding nipple to bleeding lips.

Megane-kun let out a guttural yell. He already had enough.


He did his best to hide in the shadows, away from the streetlights and away from the gaze he had always felt whenever he goes out.

It has been a cold cold morning, and yet Faramond has been sweating profusely when he reached the nearest convenience store. Some neighborhood kids lounged in front of the entrance, basking in the fluorescent light, smoking, drinking.

He was stopped on his tracks. He wanted to go back of the house, but he's already gone too far out to turn back, also, he would not even want to think of what those kids would think if he were to suddenly run away.

By the time he realized it, the kids were already looking at him, with a curious, amused look on their faces.

"Wha.. what's so funny?" he asked himself as he desperately tried to avoid eye contact with them, but then, they're blocking his destination.

And then, without another thought, he ran towards the darkest corner, to bide time. Perhaps, he thought, the kids will soon go away, leaving him alone.

A searing bright light brought Faramond to his senses. He was lying on his bed, the afternoon sun shone through the window and directly into his face.

"What... what was that?"

"I don't know," a fat guy sitting in front of the computer said without looking back. He looked like he was going into his late twenties, with his worn-out face highlighted by the light coming from the computer monitor, "I am simply recycling some material so that I wouldn't have to think too much."

The fat guy turned his attention back to the computer, resumed typing, and stopped. He seemed to blank out for a moment, and then pounded on the backspace key. This pattern of typing, silence, hitting the backspace key, and typing again went on for an indeterminate amount of time.

"Anyways, will you keep quiet?" the guy said after a while, "I am trying to write a post here."

"A post?" Faramond asked, sitting up and taking a look at what the fat man was typing, "what about?"

The fat man reached down for a lit cigarette from an ashtray near the computer table, "Ah, just something I do in my free time. Nothing to be worried about."

"I see," Faramond stared out the window, and observed the people passing by the streets. He then turned his attention to the room. He took a good look around him. The CRT monitor on a computer table directly across the bed was blocked by the fat guy sitting on an office chair in front of it. He seemed to be typing furiously now, not even minding Faramond. Another bed right beside him was neat, and empty. On that lone bedside table separating the beds lie two packs of cigarettes.

"This is...!" Faramond's face flushed red with a realization. "This is my room!" Faramond shouted, "But why?!"

"Why?" the fat guy asked, "I don't know. Anyways, I am right about done, so just relax."

"HUH?" Faramond spat out, confused. The fat guy continued typing furiously, and then he suddenly stopped. The light outside became brighter and brighter, until it flooded the entirety of Faramond's sight.

"Good luck, Faramond," the fat guy's voice boomed as Faramond felt the cold steel on his back.

"But... who are you? Who am I?" Faramond asked as he opened his eyes and saw a scene of chaos. The twins were fighting against the invaders, and megane-kun was nowhere to be found. Faramond groggily stood up, still confused as to what happened.

It was then that he heard a guttural yell. It was from megane-kun.

megane-kun muses about different things while he was being molested. faramond, on the other hand, finds himself in various situations, and ending up in his own room with a fat guy typing something in the computer. the fat guy finishes typing some post and faramond regains consciousness.

yeah, confusing post is confusing. sorry. ^_^
Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2


The Grandmaster threw himself into the fray, His Nemesis blade and storm bolter burning the n00b infantry like it was a dry brush field. he made his way through the castle, His terminator armor finally in it's element, and his nemesis blade obliterated the minds and bodies of any n00b who dared oppose him. he came to an open hall where a particularly large and brutish troll stood. It hurled insults at him with capital fury, only to watch them crash off his armor as The Grandmaster charged forward, blasting great chunks of flesh from it's body. He lept as high as his augmented strength would allow and kicked, his blow knocking it to the ground and stunning it for a moment. The troll's next sight was of a Golden Eviscerator hurtling towards it's face..then nothing.

The Grandmaster paused a moment to inject himself with a dose of stimm, and then kept moving. His heightened adrenaline allowed for the drug to kick in quicker, allowing him to become an angel of death in the castle, golden nemesis blade forward and roaring he reached the site where the psyker was engaging the Troll...

SUMMARY: GMK fights with renewed fervor and makes excellent time up to the battle site where the psyker and the troll are locked in combat.
Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2

In the highest window of the Mage Tower of Shapeshifter University, Asmodeus listened at his radio set.

"La la la . . ." The song of Acquariana filtered through the airwaves, punctuated by Myrnodyn's painful moans and the roaring of a Troll. Adjusting the frequencies, he picked up on the sloshing of the water inside Lycan's coffin. The Sheathe was nearby, abandoned by its protectors, and there were more Elders converging towards Venun Street from the south. Five, maybe six Spiders, drawn by the panicked meat of the civilian convoy.

"If you want a job done..." Asmodeus muttered, flinging away the radio, sheathing his sword, and stepping out onto the ledge that encircled the tower's peak. "...kill the side-characters first."

A trio of Spiders had found him and were crashing across the University gardens. Their lazers lanced through the sky but fell short of him, so instead they bombarded the building, vapourizing classrooms and shaking the tower. But he clung to the ledge, vaulting and swinging between the parapets.

"Just...about... here!" he whispered as he choose an exact spot on the ledge, bracing himself against it. Far below, the Spiders circled to keep him in their sights, trying again to angle their lazers high enough. But it was no use. So instead they attacked the foundations, blasting great chunks of stone from the base of the University.

"Me and towers..." the angel muttered, clenching his jaw in readiness, "Bad combination!"

There was an almighty crack and then the Mage Tower gave way, detaching from its melted foundations. The lower chambers imploded and the whole structure toppled slowly, its shadow across the city elongating like a finger of impending doom. Asmodeus backflipped, rolled over the top of the tower, and clung to its upper side, wings outspread to help him compensate for the topple.

Houses and streets were demolished below as the tower ploughed into them. Whole detachments of Outsiders were scattered and any Elders too slow to move were buried in tons of rock. Asmodeus felt the acceleration, the angle of the tower becoming flatter and flatter as it fell. Straightening, he found his feet, peering ahead towards his target. As the upper part of the Mage Tower crashed down on the top of Venun Street, Asmodeus sprinted to the end of the structure and vaulted into the sky.

With a resounding crash Shapeshifter Town was cleaved in two and twin clouds of dust and rubble swept out in both directions. The south side of Venun Street was cut off from the enemy and on the promenade where Acquariana and Myrn were under threat, a peculiar piece of debris came towards them...

...Surfing a wave of rock and fire, Asmodeus soared over the bakery and slammed the Troll away from Acquariana. Even as the dustcloud swept over them he tackled the Troll into the opposite wall, leaving it skewered upon his sword. The Troll roared in pain and fury, swinging its club at the soot-covered angel that had bested him. But Asmodeus was already walking away.

As dust and debris fell from his robes, Asmodeus scowled at Acquariana, the Mage Tower going up in flames behind him. "Stop singing and dig out the Regent, would you?"

He moved past her and gripped one end of the coffin, dragging it towards Venun Street. And as he moved he held out his other hand, recalling the Blade of Metatron. The sword dislodged from the Troll and leapt into the angel's hand, leaving the Troll to fall to its knees and bleed out in the ruins of the bakery.

[SUMMARY: Asmodeus bring the Mage Tower crashing down onto the entrance of Venun Street, cutting off the enemy and saving Acquariana from the Troll. He then starts to drag the coffin towards the convoy.]
Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2

Acqua found that her singing only angered the troll, making her more panic as she stepped back and shielded herself with her arms, preparing to meet her end as the troll was about to attack her. Suddenly, though, a loud noise could be heard. It was like a dull roar. Noticing that the troll was staring at where the noise was coming from, she looked in the direction the troll was looking to notice an immense wave of destruction headed towards the troll. Suddenly, Asmodeus came into view, heroically slamming away the troll. However, the angel scowled at the simpleton as he walked towards her.

"Stop singing and dig out the Regent, would you?"

"Yes, sir," Acqua nodded quickly as she scrambled off to where Myrn was flung.

She ran over to the pile of rubble where Myrn was buried, albeit a bit slowly since running wasn't her specialty. I gotta find this dude, Acqua thought to herself as her determination showed on her young face. She quickly went to work, moving away rubble and soot, among other shattered materials away until she uncovered the regent. After a few more minutes she managed to completely unearth Myrnodyn. Wanting to make sure about his condition, she got down on her knees next to him and shook him by the shoulders slightly.

"Are you okay?" Acqua asked as she shook Myrnodyn.
Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2

Above Shapeshifter Town...

Sir, we seem to be coming into the main area of conflict now..."

Tain quirked an eyebrow, knowing what he was about to ask was somewhat redundant. "How can you tell?"

Well, it's more or less the only area of the city that isn't giving giant phallus shapes for results when we probe it with our sensors."

Tain shook his head slightly. "If that's all we have to go on..." He glanced over his shoulder at the passageway behind him leading into the bridge for a moment, paying note that neither Jack or Seiji had joined him yet. He told them to ask if they got lost. He turned back to face his crew after a moment. "We'll have to make do. Take us down to 250 meters and let's get the ECM system kicking; I want to look like a sparrow to any electronic sniffing devices that are out there. Let's get spotters on the observation deck as well, and tell the gunnery crews to stand by. I have a feeling this will get messy."


Meanwhile, on Deck 4...

The cyberknights scowled at Seiji upon noticing him enter, regarding him with a clear air of disdain for simply not being one of them. They were rounding on him, when suddenly one stepped forward and outstretched his arm to halt the others. He flipped up his visor to reveal ebony skin and glaring eyes, speaking smoothly with bass to his voice.

"You, crew member. Were you not told that this is a restricted area by your Captain? This is to be our holy sanctum during our stay aboard, a place where we can be free from interferen--"

The familiar face of the Captain flickered onto a monitor hanging near the doorway. "Colonel Erud,"

"Captain Tain, your timing is impeccable. Now I needn't waste my time reprimanding your crewman for his insubordination. He isn't even in unifor-- why are you making that face?"

Tain was pinching the bridge of his nose, appearing as though someone had just gave him a wicked ice cream headache. "He's not a crew member, Colonel, he's a guest... and he's lost. An understatement, I assure you, but I have no time to explain. I need your people ready to do their part. Seiji, get up here and let them get ready."

The monitor flickered off.


Tain rotated his chair slightly. "Tactical, start getting me some data on survivors. I want to know where the pockets are and how we can signal them. Also, how are we looking for an extraction point?"

"It looks like our best bet will be the castle, sir. It seems that the survivors are falling back to that position."

"Helm, get us there. But think like a sparrow." He accompanied this statement with some quiet 'bird whistles' (such as he thought they were), and a wave of his hand meant to mimic a flying bird. The crew slowly turned away from him to carry out their orders after a moment of staring. There was no fucking way the RRD was going to move 'like a sparrow.'


Summary: The RRD is moving into position, with her "cargo" ready to deliver some damage or at least keep people from getting eaten for awhile.
Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2

"Not a crew member, and definitely not lost," Seiji said cheerfully as he rocked back and forth on his heels, hands in his pockets. He had his gear with him; a backpack filled with filthy clothes, his staff in it's collapsed state dangling at his side, his long katana sheathed just underneath the backpack.

"I was just curious about, y'know... Being a cyberknight and all. Do I capitalize the C on that?"


Seiji took a few minutes longer than he should have to get up to the bridge. He had fished out his black leather duster and was now wearing it atop his white pants and eclectic t-shirt. To all but the strangest type of people, he looked ridiculous. Curiously enough, he also had a pin on the lapel of his duster-- it was a symbol of the Cyberknights. Just what the hell was he up to on Deck 4?

"Are we there yet?" He asked loudly and full of mock childish annoyance. He stepped past Tain and was practically hugging the forward view-port as he went to look at the vastness ahead of them. He went awfully quiet and mellowed out as he settled on his heels, hands in pockets; his enhanced vision allowing him to see what the sensors did.

SUMMARY: Seiji talks with the Cyberknights and is now, apparently, buddies with them. He has also made his way up to the bridge to await further action.

Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2


I'm slightly taken aback by the sudden appearance of Sakura as I back away from the troll. I'm about to yell at her to run when the girl barks an order at the creature, and he obeys.

So magical, then. Why are they always fucking magical?

On a similar theme, Uriel arrives, unleashing his necromantic arsenal upon the troll. I wince as flesh begins to rot and slide off the monster; Uriel's powers are effective, but pleasant they are not. Howling in pain and what could possibly be fear, the troll staggers back, flailing his club around wildly.

"Go with the wounded, Grant, they need you more than we do!" Uriel shouts to me, and I turn to glare at him as I reload my shotgun.
"Like fuck I will! That thing killed one of my doctors; he's mine! Both of you back the fuck off!" I slide the last shell into the chamber of the weapon and rack out the empty one, my eyes turning back to the troll.

Uriel's magic has weakened the monster; his skin, which was once protecting him from most attacks due it's toughness, has rotted away in places. Leaving a lot of rather important body exposed. I don't exactly know troll anatomy like a master...

...But I know that everyone and everything tends to die when they find themselves lacking major internal organs.

Before the other two can stop me, I dart forwards. I want to get as close as possible to him so my shotgun does more damage. The troll sees me coming and bellows a challenge, bringing his club down on me. I dodge to the side, narrowly avoiding the massive chunk of wood. The floor-tiles splinter and fly away in shards from the force of the blow.

But I'm past his club, now, and I doubt he'll get another chance to swing it.

Spotting a nice rotted part of the troll's side, I move forwards, bringing up the shotgun. I'm just about to fire when something hits me with what feels like the force of a freight train. I forgot the big bastard had a hand still free to punch me with. I'm blown off my feet, and the shotgun goes off wildly.

Lady Luck's apparently decided to smile a bit for my recklessness, though, as my shot catches the troll in the side of his head. He roars in pain as I get to my feet, his free hand covering his left eye.

Guess I hit something important, then.

I'm hurting like crazy, but as fire as I can tell, nothing major is broken. Maybe a rib or two. Wincing, I rack the shotgun and stride forward.
"This is for Doctor Chaqwas, you big ugly fuck!" I roar at the monster, firing at his rotted torso. The troll staggers back, roaring in pain again. He's probably never been hurt this badly in his life before, never experienced this level of pain, and he's not recovering from it well.

Keep up the fire, then. I'm not giving this fuck a chance to hit me again.

I unload the shotgun at the troll's torso, and after the third shot, he staggers back one final time with a gurgle, and collapses with an almighty crash. Paintings and tapestries fall from the walls, floor-tiles are obliterated. But the troll's not gonna be getting back up again.

Wincing from the pain, I turn back to Uriel and Sakura. "Right, let's move. I don't fancy sticking around here for more big ugly monster things to appear."

Grant ignores Uriel and attacks the troll, targeting the areas on the troll's body that Uriel's magics had damaged. He gets hit by the monster once, but manages to take it down, after which he suggests to Sakura and Uriel they get out before more enemies arrive.
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