The Elder Invasion: CHAPTER 2 - Shapeshift Town

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Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2

Lycan Queen...

Psychosis slowed as she entered the crypt after the cat, coming to a halt several feet away from where it stood scraping at the lid of the Shapeshifter leader's eternal resting place. For a moment, all she could do was stand there- this place... It was as sacred to her as it was to every other Shapeshifter who had been alive back during the last war, more so, in fact, because she and the Lycan Queen had been friends.

What was our little task force called back then? She couldn't even remember, the title she had shared with Porg and Myrn and whoever else had been among Lycan Queen's top fighters. But they'd failed... Miserably.

It took a moment for her to become aware of the cat again; it had paused in it's clawing of the coffin lid and now stood staring at her. Though it had been remarkably expressive before, she couldn't read it now. When her attention finally seemed to be in the here and now once again, it meowed plaintively a few more times, before returning to pawing and digging at the coffin.

This was the burial place of her friend... Sacred. Important.

And a cat was apparently trying to get her to desecrate it.

She shook her head. "Nuh-uh, Puss, cut it out. I don't care if you're a species-confused Lassie, you stay out of there," she said, stepping forward to pick the cat up off the stone and carry it away from the place. But as she lifted it up, it again turned those annoyingly-familiar blue eyes onto her, in an expression that was now almost stern. Again, she halted, with a look of disbelief on her face, and after staring at the cat for a moment, looked back at the tomb again, resolve wavering.

There had to be something inside there... Whatever was the deal with the cat, it wanted in pretty damn bad. And... She hadn't had the chance to pay her respects to her Queen properly, back when... After it had happened, she'd gone almost immediately into hiding, and had only seen the memorial service as it was televised in Iwaku City. She hadn't been able to stand the idea of being there... Of being present during such a public spectacle of mourning. Besides, the cursed and crippled Asmodeus had asked her to complete some tasks for him... By the time she had finished those things, the Lycan Queen had been long since entombed, and her resting place too well-guarded to approach without revealing herself... Something she hadn't felt ready to do yet.

Maybe now... Maybe now would be the time to fix that.

Turning cold eyes back onto the cat, she said firmly, "Alright, fine, I'll open it, but so help me Engel, if you disturb anything in this coffin I will throw you in the goddessdamned river." Putting the feline down on the floor, she took a deep breath, then dug her fingers under the stone lid and shoved with all her strength. She could barely budge it, scrawny as she was, but with a grating noise it slid over just an inch, and not taking a moment to rest she took another breath and pushed again, shoes sliding along the dusty floor as she threw all her weight against the heavy object.

Summary: Psychosis is hesitant about opening the coffin, seeing as it belongs to her deceased friend, but succumbs to Asmodecat's peer pressure and starts to slowly shift it open, thinking that if nothing else this'll be her long-overdue chance to pay her respects.
Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2

"Mrow!" said the cat in satisfaction, before leaping up again and digging his front paws in the crack that Psychosis had made. The cat dangled there, its back legs skidding against the side of the coffin. After a bit of writhing it hauled itself up and balanced on the rim of the coffin, poking its head into the hole.

"Mrow!" The sound echoed around the interior.

Asmodeus pulled out his head again, shaking off a coat of dust and sneezing. He looked up at Psy, his eyes sliding to one side as he tried to think what to do next. Then he jumped onto her shoulder again and vaulted to the floor, skittering out of the mausoleum the way he came.

"Oh for the love of..." Psychosis slumped against the coffin, wiping sweat from her brow, and it wasn't long before the cat started yowling again from outside.

Her patience was wearing thin... very thin...


Muttering under her breath, Psychosis stepped out of the mausoleum, following the noise until she found the cat down by the river. Asmodeus was on his haunches, darting back and forth towards the riverbank like it was a bird or a mouse. His tail was swaying back and forth.

The cat looked at her, then at the river, then at the mausoleum. It dipped its paw in the water, then held it up to Psychosis, then dipped it again, then looked at the mausoleum.


[SUMMARY: Asmodecat by the river... what's he doing? What is it, boy? What is it?]
Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2

"Wonderful. Time for Round Three of Kitty Charades," she sighed, before stepping over to the riverbank next to the cat and crouching down by the water, watching it with a frown. The water... and the mausoleum? Was she supposed to take something from the mausoleum and toss is in the river? Or, the more difficult of the two options that occured to her, was she supposed to take some of the water into the mausoleum?

Or was she completely off-base and just living up to her name as she followed a kitten around the city and acted like a fool following its pantomimed commands?

Shaking her head, she leaned closer to the water and dipped both her hand into it, cupping them to hold some of the clear, cold liquid in her palms. "Is this what you wanted?" she asked, unable to keep a bit of exasperation from her voice.
Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2


The cat butted its head against Psychosis's cupped hands, pushing them in the mausoleum's direction. Then it turned and dipped its own head in the rushing stream, taking a mouthful of water. The cat almost lost balance and tumbled into the water a few times, but finally filled its cheek and dashed off again. Psychosis remained kneeling with her hands cupped and listened as the cat ran back into the mausoleum. A spitting sound followed shortly afterwards.

Then a sound she was getting all too used to.

Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2

Haji watched the girl as she tried to figure out what the cat was wanting her to do. Haji found it more bewildering that a cat would be spitting water in a grave. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
Not only do I exceed my limit of staying within a shadow and pass out but I wake up on a roof in what seems to be a war zone. Now to top that a little cat and girl are the first two things to catch my attention. Am I dreaming? That would be strange I have not done that since I was one hundred. Do they plan on taking all day to fill the grave?<o:p></o:p>
Haji positioned his/her-self at the mid way point between the river and the mausoleum. With a deep breath in Haji solidified some of the shadows from around the area , creating a large container. Filling the container from the river Haji let out the breath slowly and , started to move it towards the mausoleum.<o:p></o:p>
"It will be faster this way."<o:p></o:p>
Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2

Pirogeth now knew what it felt like to be Alice in her own little dream world. Everybody seemed to be racing around doing stuff while he just sat there and observed. Yet, it wasn't so bad, no worrying about god modders, no worrying about keeping a strong political position, and most of all no worrying about an Elder sneaking up behind and trying to murder you. From his position he could hear the chefs getting to work under the command of what sounded like a little kid. He could not stand the racket brewing in the hallway now and ventured elsewhere.

The front court yard seemed to be in a hustle as they brought down Teknikan ships as well as apprehending some other weird visitor. Iwaku, or more specifically, the Shapeshifter Castle, was a popular and busy even in the face of what potentially was their doom. The only good choice to make at the moment was meander through the sides of the courtyard eventually leading him down the same path Psychosis used to chase the cat. When he approached the Mausoleum he took notice of the animal guiding the little girl. Shaking his head he could not help but blurt out, "No matter where I go I keep running into this guy." There was another bench just outside the gate, and to his surprise, the place was generally quiet. The ships landing were muffled by the brush and wall behind him enough so he could hear birds returning to the trees. From there he started to hum a tune he heard along his journey, something that had been popular in what was known as the parody rp's.

Humming: Cowboy Bebop, Memory
Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2

The kitchens were busy, the infirmary had been moved temporarily to get the wounded and ill ready to board the Teknikan vessels, and the great hall was being prepared for the coming feast.
Myrnodyn left the rest of the work for the staff of the castle and Sakura, who had found herself in a position of authority in the kitchen, while he himself took the sheathe back up to his private quarters.

Being a mystic creature he could almost hear the sheathe calling to him as he sat in a chair next to the broken window, whispering in voices unheard about secrets unrevealed.

Yes, there was power in this item, and with a little bit of research, Myrnodyn could probably find a way to use it. Use it to do good. Use it to protect the ones he loved. Finally he had a way to get rid of those threats to his shapeshifting utopia. Never mind that it was probably too late to save this incarnation of it.

Myrnodyn smiled. The Sheathe had been removed from the grasp of Asmodeus, and should probably be returned to Porg one of these days. But not just yet. There was so much about Iwaku he could learn from this artifact, perhaps he could even reproduce it's effects. Wouldn't that be exciting?

The regent rose from his chair and grinned from ear to ear. He had forgotten all about the recent trouble for now. Right now, it was time to finally do some more research. He briefly closed his eyes and disappeared from his quarters.

He had WORK to do...

(Summary: Myrn takes the sheathe to his private quarters to figure out what to do with it. Some way, Somehow, his thoughts drift to his ambitions and the possibilities the Sheathe offers to realize them, and he teleports to the shapeshifter laboratory to do some research.)
Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2


I'm more than a little surprised by Sakura's overwhelming cheerfulness; I spend my days in the company of grim Knights with a past that speaks volumes for their demenour as well as men and women with the fates of nations resting entirely on their shoulders, so it's been a long time since I've met someone quite so... positive.

I blink a few times, still taken aback, then I start to chuckle again. Christ, that's twice in one day; if I didn't know better, I'd almost say I'm making a habit of this.
"Good of you to think about the patients here too, Sakura was it? Most of them can still eat normally, so they'll be fine, but we have some suffering from pretty severe burns and injuries that prevent them from eating so well, so perhaps some sort of soup or broth would work."

I look over at the Infirmary office to see Uriel still awaiting my prescence. The smile slips from my face; time to get back to business. "If you need any more help, you'll find me around here, but please excuse me; I need to go have to go and speak to a friend of mine."

Flashing a smile at the girl that doesn't come close to reaching my eyes, I enter the office, closing the door carefully behind me. "Something wrong, Uriel?"

Grant suggests some sort of soup or broth for the more injured patients to Sakura, surprised by her extremely positive prescence. He thens heads to the office to see what Uriel wants.
Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2

"Mrow!" cheered the cat as it watched Haji summon a vessel of purest shadow to carry the water into the mausoleum. Asmodeus jumped down and watched the container hover towards the crack in the coffin lid. At times he batted at the shadows with his paw, as if to encourage them to move faster.

Then Pirogeth appeared in the doorway and the cat ran up to him. "Mrow! Mrow-mrow! Mrow mrow mrow?" he pawed Pirogeth's leg then dashed underneath, picking up a stick from outside. "Raoow raoowr!!" the kitten yowled, trying its best to do a dog impression. Then it dashed back to Piro, holding the stick by one end and swishing it around.

"MROW!" it yowled dramatically. Then it dashed past Haji and leapt onto the coffin again, flinging the stick into the slowly-filling space where Lycan's bones were laid.

"Mrow-mrow! Mrooooooooooow!" He hopped up and down, nodding at the floating stick.

[SUMMARY: Asmodecat tries to explain something...]
Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2

Musical Score: If God could Talk - Meatloaf

The Necromancer Sergeant visibly wilted in front of Dr. Grant's eyes as he sank into the leather office chair, his eyes pink and slightly puffy.
he sighed deeply, wearily, before locking eyes with the doctor and beggining to speak
"Seeing that girl reminded me of old times and older freinds Grant" he said, his eyes slowly drifting to the floor as his hand came up from the arm rest to clasp his face, his eyes hidden, his body language screaming of emotional distress
"when i thought of little reime i thought of the others, especially Sebastian, Ithrix, Gorn, Lamord" he paued, before whispering the last name, though his hand fell limply to the leather arm rest
"Sura" his voice choked, and the knight closed his eyes, water welling up at the edges
"all we have already given, all we do, we do for the good of all, but I'm tired Grant, im tired of fighting, tired of carrying these death dealing weapons, tired of necromantic powers, I'm tired of it all, aren't you?" Uriel looked up to his old freind, adn Grant could see the exhasperation in his eyes, the weariness of his soul.

"i just want to lay down and rest Grant, I knew it would be difficult when i agreed to fight on, i just never knew it would feel so hollow" Uriel's thoughts drifted and he reached into a pocket, withdrawing a battered cigar case, which brought a small, glimmer of a smile to his lips, though his eyes still spoke volumes of msiery.
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Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2

Okay... this was getting weird.

Not that Psychosis didn't appreciate the help, but she was kinda wondering where the... dude? Chick? PERSON with the shadow powers had come from. Also, Pirogeth showing up was a little disconcerting as well- she had no idea if the guy had known her well enough prior to her going into hiding to recognize her now, but if he did, it was a little too late to try and disappear again.

Which just left the matter of figuring out why the cat believed he was a dog.

Staring at the cat's latest performance, she couldn't resist saying, "You realize you just gave all the Lassie jokes a whole new depth, right?" before shaking her head. "Dog... Lycan Queen... werewolf? We already knew she was a werewolf... Dog... Myrnodyn? Does this have something to do with Myrnodyn?" How would a kitten even know Myrnodyn? Didn't cats usually hate dogs (and by consequence, Myrnodyn?)

Summary: Psychosis, a little freaked out by Haji and Pirogeth's arrival, tries to take a stab at guessing Asmodeus' latest meaning, and asks if the cat needs Myrnodyn.
Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2

Out in the streets, in what used to be a market-place, Torsty stood on a podium speaking to the crowds that had gathered to take his advice for their long walk into the mountains. All sorts of civilians seemed to have joined up as refugees, city-people, farmers, kids, fur-shapeshifters and others, even some travelling vikings. They would come in handy for the trip.

"....and as you enter the mountains there will be scouts from Vetmimir there to help you out. They will also recieve messages from other scouts if it where to happen that danger should appear further up the road. Like a rock-slide, ogres and other wild animals....and as you progress, snow-slides."

Torsty paused for a bit as he noticed Psychosis, Haji and Pirogeth were chasing a cat.

The hell is this? Resourcefull people chasing a damn cat during these circumstances?!

He was just about to finish his speach, then he could have a look.

"..uh..yes. And I see we have some vikings among the crowd here. Be assured that they will do anything they can do to help you. Whatever you've heard before; Vetmimir is a friendly place, and vikings do take kindly to strangers, as long as they behave."

He knew he wasn't entirely truthful. Even though he had gone and agreed to Embla's praying for a more open-minded viking community, it would take more time for all of Vetmimir to be on the same page.

"When you arrive in Vetmimir, some of you will be escorted to the castle and shown to your rooms. It's pretty big and empty, so it should be able to take a good percentage of you. As for those who won't be shown to the castle, there will be set up a camp outside the town. The natives will be guarding, as I beg you all to take your time to rest when you get there. We don't know for sure when the enemy might strike up there too. That was all."

Torsty left the podium and rushed off to were he had seen the three stooges oddlings and the cat. He stopped a few metres away from them as he noticed one of them was talking to the cat.


Now that his health was almost back to normal, he used some magic to summon an angry rat into his hand and threw it so it landed behind the cat.

"HEY! KITTY KITTY KITTY! Look here! It's fresh and alive!"

He had no idea who the two girls were, but the one talking to the cat seemed familiar and the other one definitly knew how to use her magic.

The rat, still a bit disoriented, squeeked twice as he looked at the cat's rear-end.

[[[SUMMARY: Torsty speaks to the refugees what will happen as they travel through the Gosai Mountains to enter Vetmimir. When he is done he heads for the mausoleum to see what all the fuzz is about and throws some food to the cat.]]]
Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2

Pirogeth had no objections to following the cat, however, he did find it odd that there was yet another following and even past that a rat tossed into the mix. A total of four people were following the Asmokitty and so far he believed not one of them recognized this creature for who it was. Now Pirogeth had to get one thing off his chest, a question that was bugging him ever since he took a seat in the hallway. "Are the effects permanent?"
Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2

Asmodeus was purring at Psychosis's suggestion, then turned as he heard something plop on the coffin lid next to him. "Mrow?"


"M.... mrow?"

The rat slowly came to its senses and saw the cat standing over it. "Squeeeeeeeeeeak!!!"

"MROW!!!" Asmodeus's eyes widened as he had a sudden idea, and before the rat could turn and flee he was pouncing forwards. He pinned the rodent under his paws, causing it to screech and spit. But before it could wriggle free Asmodeus had bit the rat's tail and picked it up.

CLONK! Asmodeus slammed the rat against the coffin lid once... twice... three times, until the it was finally unconscious.

With a satisfied Mrow! Asmodeus dropped the rat and then circled it, using his paws to scoop it up. With the others looking on, the cat did its best to hold the rat against him and stand by the crack of the coffin lid.

"Mrow, mrow, mrow!" said Asmodeus, as if trying to put on a voice. He shook the rat, pointed at the water, pointed at the stick, shook the rat again. "Mrow, mrow!" He tried using his paws to lift the rat's paws, as if the two of them were engaged in some bizarre puppet show.

Then he scowled at Torsty, as if somehow disappointed in him for not understanding.
Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2

"HARR! HARR!" The viking laughed proudly as if he had made a major contribution by handing the cat a feast. The cat didn't use long to take advantage over the rat, but it was happened after the prey was beaten unconscious that made him confused and edging closer to wards the cat.

Unlike a "normal" cat, he didn't run off with the rat to wherever he resided. Instead he looked back at Torsty and made some strange gestures, almost as if he was asking for help.

Water...stick....rat....what the...???

Now, even if a lot of the stereotypes casted on vikings were false, it was a fact that they were not the smartest of humans.

Still, after some more thinking, he had no idea what the little creature was trying to say, and unlike some, he didn't think talking to it would help, but...

"You!" He pointed at the girl he still couldn't fully recognize, Psychosis. He noticed he might have frightened her with his almost threatening voice and continued calmly; "You think you can speak with cats? Right? Whats he trying to say?"

Why was he doing this? What was the point of helping out a cat out at this time of crisis? Even if he had no major work to carry out until later, this was....idiotic!
Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2

Haji glanced back to the kitten and then to the others.

What is with this place does things always go crazy?<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>

"What are you asking about being permanent and who's or what's a Myrnodyn? And would someone be nice and tell me where I am? Ohhh! Forgive me for being rude I am Haji, Haji Quirina."<o:p></o:p>

Lowering s/he head in greeting then Haji backs up to keep everyone in sight.<o:p></o:p>
Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2

"I couldn't care less about anyone's name." Pirogeth said, his attitude reflecting some haughty arrogance he had hidden earlier. "This, cat, this Asmokitty type thing, was apparently done in the kitchen while I was sitting outside. I heard the voice of Myrnodyn, apparently a high ranking official in these parts. There was a shot fired, then this." Although Pirogeth did not like working with others as he learned not to trust them back home, he did find something unexpected while being near these two and the cat. That feeling of security, that feeling of trust, the feelings he had not had in a long time ever since becoming Peace Keeper. He wished to investigate it further and continue following these two around no matter what their intentions were. And perhaps along the way he could get back his weapons.
Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2

"Wait wait wait, what?"

Stalled in confusion, Psychosis whirled between trying to stare at Torsty and Haji and the cat, before finally spinning to a stop and staring at Pirogeth. "Myrn did... what... Asmokitty?" It took a few more seconds for that word to sink in. "Asmo..." Again, she turned sharply, until she was facing the kitten on top of the coffin. "Asmo... kitty? You're Asmodeus?!"

"Mrow," replied the cat, narrowing his eyes impatiently.

Psychosis blinked, jaw hanging open. After several long moments of that, she was forced to slap her hand over her mouth as she struggled to contain her sudden fit of laughter.

"Y-Y-You... Myrn t-turned you... into a kitten?" she gasped incredulously, shaking with the suppressed mirth. "What about y-your, your c-confluence...?" Oh dear goddess, the ridiculousness of this situation was beyond expression!

The cat hissed.

"Alright, alright, alright..." Still grinning like a fool, the girl shook her head. "So, I can't figure out everything you're trying to say- you completely lost me with the stick. If I get Myrn here, though, will you have what you need?"

The cat purred and blinked intolerantly.

"Great," she said, her grin turning into something of a grimace. "Now I just need... to go... all the way... back to the Castle..." And here, she couldn't help but groan- goddess damn it, but her legs still ached from the run to get here in the first place!

"I could go," the... strange person with the shadow bowl said. (What were they?! Psychosis still couldn't figure on their gender.)

Psychosis shook her head in response- "Sorry, but Myrn doesn't know you, I don't think he'd come back here with you. If he's the one who turned Asmodeus into a cat in the first place, then somehow, I don't think he's going to be very interested in helping him now with whatever he's doing... But I was his comrade once, so I might be able to work something out..."

"Then I'll take you there," s/he said, matter of factly. Psychosis raised her eyebrow. "You know, I'm pretty sure I can find my own way, considering I was just there..."

"No, no," they frowned impatiently. "I can take you there- right into the kitchens- right now. I can walk through shadows. It will take more effort, but I can take you with me, too."

Now Psychosis was interested. "Seriously? Just, one step, you're from here to the castle?" The person shrugged, and nodded. "Wow. Damn, that must be useful."

"I got a question!" The guy who had thrown the rat waved his arm to get her attention. "Why the hell would Myrnodyn still be in the kitchen?"

"He probably won't be," Psychosis replied. "But hey, that just gives us more time to figure out what we're going to do when we find him, and come on, he's a giant puppy- how hard can he be to track down?" Turning back to androgyne, she nodded. "Ready when you are, pal."

"It's Haji," s/he said, before reaching forward. Psychosis stayed as still as possible as shadows swirled around her, completely cocooning her, and then Haji stepped into a shadow and they both simply disappeared.

Summary: Psychosis and Haji are off to see the wiz- *AHEM*

After finally realizing that the kitty is Asmo, Psychosis confirms that they need to get Myrn to the Mausoleum, and Haji volunteers to use her shadow-powers to get them to the Castle Kitchens where the puppy was last seen ASAP.
Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2

Well, at Least I'm Safe . . .


Acqua had blacked out back in Iwaku Castle, remembering the pain in her stomach and the impending doom of the descending airship before blacking out from the presumably dead mage's spell. Nauseous, she slowly opened her eyes, groaning a slight bit as the icy cold feeling from where she had been touched began to fade. However, the pain that made her stomach lurch still remained. She held back the urge to vomit as she weakly got on her wobbly legs, cold sweat running down her forehead. Well, I'm safe now, Acqua thought with relief as she wiped the sweat off of her forehead. The Shifters, though, where could they possibly be?

Then, Acqua decided to look up, only to see a sign that read "Shapeshift Town". Ohhhhhhh, Acqua thought to herself as she made corresponding facial expression before struggling to take a step. As she trudged on, her strength slowly came back to her as she began walking through the town, going door to door asking for a map of some sort. As Acqua went from door to door, she was continuously unsuccessful, but she continued on until she noticed an interesting building. Ooh, I wonder what's in there, Acqua thought to herself as she walked up to what appeared to be the entrance of a mausoleum.

"Knock, knock, who's there?" Acqua asked, unaware that the mausoleum was for dead people.
Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2

Okami sat in the gateway of shapeshifter castle, loading the 7.62 caliber rounds into the clip of his rifle. He had gone through alot of ammo during the attack, he lost count of how many new notches he needed to make on his G3A3 battle rifle. He looked outside into the ruins of what he used to call home. Anger roiled inside of him. For years he had wandered looking for a place that would accept him, and now it was gone.
Okami looked outside into the rain, but he really didn't see anything, he was too deep in thaught. "I will kill you" he wispered lightly"whoever you are I will find you and kill you." his anger deepened and he swore an oath to himself to find out whoever was responsable for this travesty and end them.
Okami looked back to the rifle sitting next to him, it was filthy from the fighting, okami wiped what seemed to be a piece of brain from the barrel. Okami then picked up the rifle and started to clean it while formulating how he was going to keep his oath.
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